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Mobster's Mistress (A Caparelli Family Romance Book 1)

Page 11

by Lara St. James

  I held his wrists and slid my body closer to him, letting my breasts dangle just in front of his mouth. “Suck.”

  He didn’t hesitate to follow instructions and as he took a nipple in his mouth and sucked on it gently I finally released a moan that I’d been holding back. “Tony!” He expertly swirled his tongue around my hard nub and gently bit at the tip, making me cry out in a mixture of shock and pleasure. The action sent chills over my body and a bolt of electricity straight through to my throbbing clit. I released my grip on his wrists and he immediately grabbed for my pants, making easy work of just ripping the seams, sending them flying over the edge of the bed as well with the other discarded clothing. “That’s better, mistress. Fuck you’re so beautiful, do you know that?” It was at that point I lost control. He grabbed my hips and surprised me by lowering me down to my back instead of immediately pulling me into him. He was now on top and I had a strong inclination he wasn’t going to lose control again. He ascended on my body and planted hot kisses along my lips and neck before quickly pinching my nipples slowly before parting my legs at the knee with his arms. “Stay still or you’ll lose this round, mistress.”

  “Is that a threat tough guy?”


  He immediately buried his head in my folds, making quick work of lapping up the juices that had already pooled there. He then found my already hardened clit and began to make sweeping motions with his tongue towards it, careful to lavish attention everywhere but the one bundle of nerves which demanded to be touched. “Tony! Fuck, what are you doing? Oooh shit you can’t you have to fuck me…please.” I swirled my hips around and upwards to attempt to gain contact with is mouth but he immediately held my hips in place once more with his hand saying, “Didn’t I tell you to stay still?”


  “Yes. That’s it. Relax…for once, you’re going to come first and you’re going to love it, I promise you that.”

  I relaxed my body against the mattress and spread my legs even wider, giving him room to work. As he kissed and sucked at my pussy I allowed myself to just simply lay back and enjoy the motions while he lavished attention on my clit. Richard had never taken this much time to be attentive to my needs. He licked me harder and faster then slowly and delicately until I panted and moaned only waiting for his next movement. Once he knew that I was wet beyond belief he quickly inserted his cock into me filling me to the brim and settled into a heavy, heated rhythm of fucking me while circling my clit with his thumb. I knew I wouldn’t last long, but even as I clenched my muscles around his pulsating cock he only smiled at me saying, “I hope you’re ready for this mistress, because it’s going to be like this for as long as we both shall live.”


  We certainly hadn’t planned it, but the tiresome day and our ravenous lovemaking had worn both of us out. Tony and I fell asleep in each other’s arms in my bed. The alarm clack blared and the sunlight streamed through my curtains as I woke up before Tony as usual it seemed. This time I didn’t watch him sleep, I jumped out of bed not really caring if I woke him or not. I turned off the alarm clock and checked my phone. Selena had already called several times it seemed and I was due at the hospital for a surgery in a few short hours. It was usual for her to call, so I groggily returned her call immediately. She answered the phone breathlessly. I could tell by the sound of her voice that something was either very wrong or she was distracted. “Selena! What’s going on? Are you okay?”

  “No. Not really. I’m here at the hospital now. There’s been an incident and I think you should get here as soon as you can.”


  “Yeah. Nothing too serious, I hope and I don’t blame you in any way for it…but please…just come.”

  I shook Tony repeatedly until he woke up and rubbed his eyes. “Ugh. It’s way too early to go again babe…we just went to bed.”

  “Get up and get dressed you jackass, we’ve got to go!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Selena’s at the hospital and I don’t know why she said there’s something wrong.”

  “Okay…let’s go.”

  Tony got dressed quickly and I threw back on the sweats I had on the previous night, but had to take the time to find a new pair of pants since Tony ruined mine. I did take the time to put on the proper undergarments. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put on some deodorant and threw on my sneakers, while Tony applied some of my deodorant and put on his horribly wrinkled blue polo and tight jeans again. I threw Tony my keys and he slid easily behind the wheel of my Sedan. I trusted him to get us to the hospital quicker. As we drove, I looked down at my phone repeatedly, hoping to see some type of message or an update from Selena, but it didn’t ding. Seeing I was tense, Tony reached over and turned on the radio. It was set on some type of news talk radio, which he grimaced at and immediately hit the ‘scan’ button. “Ugh. Those shows are nothing but hot air, I still can’t believe people pay to listen to other people talk.”

  “Those were some of Richard’s favorites he had the stations preset.”

  “Hmm.. I bet he was a boring bastard.”


  “Well…it’s true anyone who listens to talking heads first thing in the morning well they can’t be very good in the sack now can they?”

  I smiled at him as he turned up a classic rock song. He did actually have a valid point. “Hey… whatever it is, Selena’s going to be alright. You know that don’t you?”

  “Yeah…I’m just bothered by something she said. She said she didn’t blame me because it wasn’t really my fault. I have no fucking clue what that means.”

  “When did she say that?”

  “When I called her back.” Tony’s smile dropped from his face and he looked at the cars in front of him and frowned even more. “Would you look at that… why the fuck are we stopped at a green light? Come on grandma get with the program!” I’d never seen his road rage, only his extreme concentration the night we took Amato to the hospital. He looked grim as he checked the rearview mirror and changed lanes to get behind traffic that was actually flowing. When he positioned himself in the fast lane he looked at his watch and then accelerated quickly. He didn’t even take the time to change the station once more when a commercial came on. The mood suddenly shifted and Tony looked uneasy for the first time ever. “Tony? What’s wrong? Why are you worried too?”

  “I’m not... I’m just trying to get us there in one piece but at a brisk pace.”

  “Brisk huh?”

  “Yeah you know… we’ve got shit to do today, we can’t be spending it all day in traffic.”

  “What do we have to do that’s so pressing tough guy?”

  “Well… after we leave the hospital I have a beautiful woman to properly woo, then I may have a call girl coming over later, I’m not really sure right now.”

  I laughed at his sarcasm and placed my hand on his leg. He quickly covered my hand with his own and gave me a reassuring smile as we pulled into the parking lot. He held my car door open for me and we walked into the crowded hospital together. It felt strange to be there only as a visitor and not a surgeon, though at any time I could easily have went in the back and put on my scrubs I opted against the option unless I was absolutely needed. It was a funny feeling to me, I almost felt as if by being there I was somehow in the way. Seeing Selena sitting in the corner of the ER I ran to her. She looked okay, but also seemed extremely worried. “Selena! Selena! What’s going on?” I ran to her and put my arms around her in a full embrace.

  Selena looked at me warily after seeing me with Tony. “Are you okay? Why is he here? Did he hurt you? I’ll kill the son of a bitch if he laid one hand on you.”

  “No…no! It’s okay Selena. We’ve kind of come to an…agreement of sorts. We’re actually good. We’re together.”

  “I’m actually not sure if I’m happy about that or not to tell you the truth. Selena something’s happened to Sandy. She was driving back from getting us some personal items
at the pharmacy and this black car came up behind her and just ran her off the road. She said the driver got out and looked at the car, said something about being careful about stepping on toes and that he was looking for you.”

  “Fuck. Oh my God… I’m so sorry Selena. I really don’t know what all this means. I don’t know why anyone would be looking for me. Is Sandy okay, I mean… is she stable right now?”

  “Yeah she’s going to be okay but she did have a concussion as far as they can tell and she may have a broken wrist from trying to hold the wheel. She’s bruised up.” As Selena spoke, her voice cracked and she began to cry, “I didn’t know what else to do for her… I told her that when we were married I’d always protect her and seeing her in that hospital bed…” Her voice trailed off as I embraced her in a hug. Selena did make that vow to Sandy and was eternally devoted to the wife she stumbled upon by chance while getting groceries one day. They quickly became friends and soon explored the angle of becoming lovers. That was all Selena went on about for months was Sandy’s wellbeing. She worked hard to actually romance her wife, and I thought that was really stellar considering how that’s now considered old-fashioned. “You wanna go see her with me, Selena?”

  Selena nodded her head weakly and I held her hand as we walked back toward the double doors separating the waiting room from the rest of the hospital. “Tony, stick around and try not to get into any trouble. You think you can do that?” He smiled good naturedly at us both and said, “Well ladies, I can’t make any promises, but I’ll be around here looking out in case anything happens.”

  We walked into the room and I was aghast at the sight of Sandy laying in the hospital bed. She smiled warmly at Selena then said, “Rach… how have you been? I hate to hear about Richard… and Tony… and whatever the fuck else you’ve gotten yourself mixed up with.”

  “Sandy I’m so sorry I don’t know what’s going on. Selena told me what happened. I don’t know why someone would be looking for me. The only thing I did after our fight yesterday was drive home and pack some of Richard’s things. Then Tony found me and well… long story short we’re an item now and he’s filing for divorce so it’s proper.”

  “Ah…that’s good to hear. You deserve a good one, Rach. You’ve always been a great friend to both Selena and me.”

  “Is there anything I can do for you, Sandy?”

  “Find the son of a bitch that did this and make him fix my car. I loved that car. I practically built that car from scratch. Sigh. She’s gonna need a lot of work isn’t she Selena?”

  “Yeah… she was in pretty bad shape when they towed her… but it’s nothing you can’t handle. I’ve seen you restore worse. Besides now you can put that new paint job on like you wanted to. Maybe even do some racing stripes.”

  “You buying the paint, babe? “I immediately interjected into the conversation, “No…she’s not going to. I am. This is somehow my fault, so I’m going to make it right. Sandy did you call the police after the accident?”

  “Yeah I did they said they already had an officer dispatched to your house to ensure your safety.”

  “Wow that’s fucking weird. I mean I did have some officers over yesterday, but that was see if I knew anything about Richard’s death.” All the blood suddenly drained from my face and I felt sick to my stomach. Selena saw the expression come over me and asked, “Rach…what is it?”

  “They were driving a black Sedan. Fuck. I didn’t even ask to see their badges.”

  “But if that was them then why were they still looking for you and what’s all the nonsense about stepping on someone’s toes?”

  Before I had the opportunity to tell Selena about what was happening my phone rang. I pulled it out and looked at Tony’s name on the screen. “Didn’t I tell you to stay out of trouble? I can’t leave you alone for five minutes can I? Fuck, Tony.”

  “I need you back in ICU. There’s something wrong with Gramps.”

  I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and touched Selena on the shoulder. “Hey I hate to do this but I have to go pay my favorite patient a visit. Do you want to do an assist with me?” Selena looked at Sandy apologetically and gave her a small smile. “Babe…?”

  “Sigh. Yes, go on. I always lose in this game anyway… but you’re going to buy me double ice cream once we get out of here.”

  “Thank you, babe.” She leaned over and kissed her lover lightly on the cheek before smoothing her hair and kissing her once more on the forehead. “If the doctor comes in pay attention to what they say and let me know. I’ll be back soon.” Sandy just waved her hand in dismissal before closing her eyes for what looked like was going to be a peaceful nap.


  We both rushed back to the employee locker rooms and quickly pulled on scrubs and I put hung my spare stethoscope over my neck. Selena took time to put her booties on over her sneakers in the case of blood and gathered her mask and clipboard. “You ready?”

  “Yeah let’s make this quick, I want to get back to Sandy as soon as possible.” Walking into the ICU we saw Tony standing by Amato once more. He looked pale and I saw that the nurses had been there to visit him repeatedly by the look at his chart. A half-drank pitcher of ice water sat on his bedside table and he sounded like he’d been fighting to gasp at the oxygen that was now over his face delivered through a mask. “Amato, what’s going on? You know you really don’t have to resort to these theatrics to see me you can always call.” He barely raised his head up to acknowledge my response. I gave Selena a look and got behind the old man, sitting him up in the hospital bed to a more upright position. I then put my stethoscope to his chest and listened to his breathing. He was breathing well, it just didn’t appear like his heart was getting enough oxygen. Fuck. I’d hoped for less time before anything serious happened with the pacemaker. I then listened to the old man’s heart. It seemed as if his rhythm was fine. “Selena, can we get a mobile CT unit in here, that way we don’t have to transport him to have a look?”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Amato… we just need to have a quick glance at your heart and arteries, okay? I promise that we’ll have you hitting on the nurses again soon, okay?” He nodded his head and attempted a smile. He was still in good spirits and that was the best possible attitude for him to have in that moment. “Tony, you did good calling us up here. Did you talk to any of the nurses before you came in?”

  “No. They were up at the station so I didn’t disturb them. He looks bad, right? I mean… I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gramps look this bad.”

  “He looks worse than what he actually is. He’ll be all right, I can promise you that. Selena’s going to bring up the mobile and I’ll be able to assess the situation much better.”

  “Thanks, doc.”

  “Oh…I’m doc again now, huh?”

  “Haha well you do have that fine ass in those scrubs so yeah… doc.” Selena brought up the monitor before I had a chance to tease Tony anymore and I quickly walked away from him back to Amato. I took the device and placed it over his chest after popping open the hospital gown. I squinted at the monitor and said, “Look, you see that Selena?”

  “Yep I sure do.”

  “Isn’t that beautiful?”

  “Haha you’re the only one who would say that but…yeah considering the alternatives, it actually is.”

  “What? What is it? Are you ladies just going to keep this a secret or are you going to share with the rest of the room?”

  “Damn. He’s an impatient thing isn’t he, Rach?”

  “You have no idea… you should see him in—.”

  “Ladies! I implore you.”

  We exchanged a brief chuckle before I motioned for Tony to come look at the monitor. “Do you see that jagged piece of well… fat that’s there?”

  “You mean that yellow looking thing?”


  “That’s nothing but a granule of fat that’s trying to close off the artery again. The good thing is it will reabsorb into the body and the blo
odstream in time. The bad news is that I’m afraid our patient will be very cranky the next few days. I’m going to put him on a mostly liquid and low-or-no fat diet to give his body time to adjust to the changes. Other than being exceptionally aggravated, he should be fine.”

  “Fuck that is wonderful news. Hey ya hear that Gramps… you’re going to be fine, but don’t you go conning the nurses for extra cheeseburgers and shit. He does that ya now. He’s a heartbreaker that’s where I get it from.” I busied myself with writing a few notes for the night shift nurses and then I wrote an order for a slight change in blood pressure medication for Amato. I also ordered bed rest for the old man until the issue with the blockage was cured. At that point we could then reevaluate the state of the pacemaker, which seemed for all intents and purposes to be working correctly. Before I had the opportunity to go to the nurse’s station with the new orders, I turned to see several police officers standing in the doorway. “What the fuck? What’s going on here?” They blocked my attempt to exit the room and only asked, is this patient known as old man Amato?”

  “Yes… again officer, what’s your business in my ICU?”

  “Amato, you’re under arrest for the murder of Saul Pezzini. Anything you say can or will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney—.”

  As the officers began placing handcuffs on the weakened man who couldn’t really even lift up his own wrists, Tony leapt up and said, “Wait! Stop! You’ve got it wrong!”


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