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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 30

by Raymond L. Weil

  Kevin nodded; he knew she was right. They had landed a Sunday punch but it had been a weak one considering all they had lost.

  “We lost six of the cargo ships before they could withdraw to safety,” added Aaliss. “The remaining ones are currently going into low orbit above the stasis facility.”

  “Admiral, the Eternals are wanting to talk,” reported Lieutenant Lantz with a stunned look on her face.

  Jeremy leaned back, looking thoughtful. He needed to find a way to delay the Eternals from attacking. He could think of only one possibility. “Inform the Eternals we will be sending out a ship to commence negotiations.”

  Kevin looked confused. “I don’t know if we should do this, Jeremy. If they recognize we’re the flagship for the fleet they might use this as an opportunity to destroy the Avenger.”

  Jeremy grinned. “I’m not sending the Avenger; I’m sending the Dominator. It’s time the Eternals realize the Originators survived and that it’s them who are fighting this war. Perhaps that fact will unnerve the Eternals enough to delay this battle.”

  “It might work,” said Aaliss as she ran a simulation in the ship’s main computer. “It will cast a major unknown component into this battle which may cause the Eternals to rethink this entire war. The Originators defeated them once before and imprisoned them behind a hyperspace interference field. They might not want to take that risk again.”

  Jeremy nodded. He knew this was a long shot but the Dominator was the only ship he had which could survive long enough against the Eternal fleet to escape if it came under fire.


  First Leader Clondax watched the Conqueror’s main viewscreen as a massive ship left the vicinity of the planet. “How large is that vessel?”

  “Five thousand meters,” reported Garald. “Its power readings are nearly off the scale!”

  Fleet Commander Tarsal studied the ship for a long moment. “I’m ordering all the fleet’s weapons focused on that vessel. From our scans it’s the largest ship the Originator AIs have. If we destroy it we could significantly weaken their fleet.”

  “Establish communications with the vessel,” ordered Clondax. “It is time for the Originator AIs to meet their future rulers.” There was no doubt in his mind when the AIs realized who they were talking to they would cower before the Eternals.

  “I have an incoming video feed,” reported Marloo from the communications console.

  “Put it up on the main screen,” ordered Clondax.

  He stood up and approached the screen expecting to see an Originator AI or even a member of their proxy race appear. The screen cleared and a tall man in a red commander’s uniform appeared. Clondax froze, his eyes gazing at the apparition in disbelief. Then the apparition spoke.

  “I am Commander Zafron of the Originator warship Dominator. You are trespassing in Originator space. I demand your immediate withdrawal or you and your fleet will be destroyed.”

  “You can’t exist,” stammered Clondax, feeling at a loss for words. There was no doubt the being in front of him was a real live Originator.

  “I am here, and I am in charge of the fleets in this system. I ask you again to withdraw or be destroyed. Your people should have stayed inside the galaxy we put you in.”

  “Destroy that ship!” ordered Clondax with a cold chill spreading over him. Was it possible they had been fighting Originators all along and not this proxy race? Their entire war plan against the Shrieels was based on there being no living Originators but here he was speaking to one.

  “I warned you,” Commander Zafron said evenly. “Now you will know the wrath of the Originators.”


  Kazak had been monitoring the power readings on the Eternal vessels. He had the ship’s energy screens set to maximum and was prepared to strike the Eternal warships at the first sign of treachery. He detected the sudden increase in energy readings from the closest Eternal vessels. As soon as the first Eternal energy beam struck the Dominator’s hull all of the hatches to the blue energy spheres slid open. Kazak launched one hundred and twenty of them and then turned the Dominator around to escape the massive weapons fire now striking its energy screen. The outer screen failed and the second was in danger of failing as the ship passed out of weapons range.

  However, the Dominator had left a surprise behind as the one hundred and twenty blue energy spheres hurtled toward Eternal vessels. The spheres struck energy shields rapidly draining them of power and then reached the ship hulls, latching onto them and spreading out. Instantly the bonds that held the atoms of the ships’ hulls together began to fail.


  What are those?” demanded Clondax, his eyes showing shock at this new weapon. On one of the viewscreens, he watched as a blue globe turned one of his powerful battlecruisers into drifting space dust. He had never seen or heard of a weapon that could do this.

  “Unknown,” replied Garald. “The sensor readings make no sense.”

  “Whatever they are our energy screens are ineffective against them,” said Fleet Commander Tarsal. “Our ships are reporting massive power losses and they are literally dissolving.”

  First Leader Clondax watched with growing apprehension as one hundred and twenty of his battlecruisers were turned into dark patches of space dust. “Pull the fleet back. It is now apparent some Originators have survived. That changes everything. We must take time to reevaluate the situation.”

  Clondax was confused as to how there could be any Originators alive but he strongly suspected if there were one there had to be others. It was also obvious the Originator he had spoken to was a military commander and a very good one. He must send word back to the council and perhaps call in more ships. If that single ship could destroy so many Eternal vessels by itself what could a fleet of such vessels do? In the last hour First Leader Clondax had experienced emotions he had long thought dead within him. The presence of Originators had just changed this entire war.


  Jeremy watched as the Eternals pulled back.

  “Enemy have moved out to four million kilometers and are holding there,” reported Kevin with relief in his voice. “Commander Zafron must have scared the hell out of them.”

  “He destroyed one hundred and twenty of their ships almost effortlessly,” said Aaliss, sounding impressed. “It must have been a shock for the Eternals to discover the Originators are still alive and how easily they can destroy Eternal warships. This may cause a very long delay in this battle.”

  “That’s what we want,” Jeremy replied.

  It had been a risk to send Commander Zafron out in this manner but it had worked. Now they would have to see how big a respite this gave them. In a few more weeks Admiral Jackson would be arriving with the special transport ships. At that time this battle would begin in earnest as it might dawn on the Eternals what the Originator fleets were doing here and who they were evacuating from the planet.

  “Take us to Condition Two,” ordered Jeremy. “I don’t think the Eternals will be attacking anytime soon.” He had succeeded in delaying the battle; now it was a question as to how much time he had bought.

  Chapter Seventeen

  First Leader Clondax found himself in a quandary. He had sent a message to the Council of Eternals informing them of the current situation. For over a week his fleet had held its position four million kilometers from the planet. His message of encountering an Originator had thrown the council into a state of confusion. Several councilors wanted to pull the fleet out of Originator space rather than risk a conflict with the ancient race. Others wanted Clondax to order Fleet Commander Tarsal to attack immediately before any reinforcements could arrive. Gaining control of the Shrieels was essential to their future war plans. With the Shrieels under their control, the invasion of other galaxies could be greatly speeded up.

  “They have done nothing since our first battle,” commented Tarsal as he gazed at a tactical display showing the disposition of the Originator vessels. “We have the ships to destroy them. Our scans have
indicated nothing to fear other than Commander Zafron’s ship and some unusually high energy readings from the space station. No additional reinforcements have arrived which seems to indicate they have none to send or the distance to this star cluster is too great.”

  Clondax agreed with Tarsal’s assessment. He had requested fifty thousand more ships to assist in conquering the system. Unfortunately, due to the distance involved, it would be two more weeks yet before they could arrive. During that time there was a very good possibility of more ships arriving to help the Originators. He was certain reinforcements could be sent from some of the Shrieels in the nearby galaxies. The fact none had arrived mystified him.

  “We must attack,” he said finally. “Are you prepared to initiate your battle plan?”

  “Yes, our primary target must be the space station orbiting the planet. Once it has been destroyed the defenses should collapse. We will save the large ring structure for last.”

  Clondax stood up and walked to the front of the Command Center and gazed at one of the viewscreens showing the planet. “What is so important about this system they are willing to risk so much? There must be something on the planet we are overlooking.”

  “The planet is of secondary importance at the moment,” replied Fleet Commander Tarsal. “Once we have destroyed the Originator fleets we will have plenty of time to search the planet and the rest of the system.”

  “You are correct,” replied Clondax. “How soon can you launch the attack?”

  “One hour,” answered Tarsal. “We’ve repaired most of the damage from our previous encounter and all ships are ready for battle.”

  “One hour then,” Clondax replied. “We are the Eternals and our bodies are superior to the Originators. Let us take this system to demonstrate that superiority.”


  Jeremy was growing tired of the constant vigilance. He had kept part of the fleet at Condition One for the past week and the rest of the fleet at Condition Three. Both required the majority of the command crew to be in the Command Center at all times. After speaking to some of the commanders of the heavy dreadnoughts, he realized the command crews were simply too small. It was another reason they must contact the Federation and ask for assistance.

  “Admiral, the Eternal vessels are beginning to move,” reported Aaliss. Aaliss and Ariel had not left their positions in the Command Center since the end of the last battle. Neither needed to sleep nor had to worry about growing tired.

  “Sound the Condition One alarms,” ordered Jeremy. His eyes shifted to the tactical display. Already some of the Eternal vessels were vanishing into hyperspace. “All ships are to prepare for imminent combat.”

  “Spatial vortexes opening at one hundred thousand kilometers,” reported Kevin. “They’re beginning to come through.”

  “The entire fleet is going to Condition One,” confirmed Ariel.

  Commander Malen came through the hatch fastening the buttons on her uniform. Her hair was still wet.

  “Sorry Admiral, but I was taking a quick shower.”

  Jeremy grinned. “They’re not here yet but it looks like they got tired of waiting.”

  Kyla went to her console and began reviewing the data on her screens. “The Eternals are beginning to move toward the planet. Their current course is directly for the space station.”

  Jeremy let out a deep sigh. The space station was their biggest asset. It made sense for the Eternals to destroy it. “Inform Commander Belson they’re coming and to prepare to initiate plan Armageddon.” Armageddon assumed the Eternals would continue to press their attack regardless of the losses they suffered.

  “Contact Rear Admiral Mann and tell her to stand by, we’re going to need some of her ships.” Jeremy and Rear Admiral Mann had modified the plans for defending the Accelerator Ring. All of the one hundred thousand defense globes would remain as well as two hundred dreadnoughts and two thousand originator battlecruisers. The rest of her fleet would be moving to defend the space station. Jeremy strongly suspected the Eternals would be more interested in capturing the Accelerator Ring rather than destroying it. He was tempted to take Mann’s defense globes, but he was afraid if he did it would leave the Accelerator Ring open to attack.

  Jeremy’s best option was to try to keep the space station operational for as long as possible. Its blue energy sphere launchers were their most powerful weapon and were deadly to Eternal vessels. They had to remain functional for as long as possible. If he could defend the station and keep it operational, the Eternal fleet would have no choice but to withdraw or face annihilation.

  “Form the fleet up into defensive pattern G-009.” This would put the ships into a loose globular formation around the station. The station would still be able to fire and so would all the warships. It would also allow the fleets to give some protection to the station. Jeremy knew if the Eternals persisted in this attack, he was going to lose a lot of ships. However, he had no choice but to protect the station for as long as possible.

  “The Eternal fleet will be in weapons range of the station in six minutes,” reported Kevin, his eyes focused on the sensor screens on his console. “All fleet units are assuming their position in the defensive formation.”

  Jeremy glanced over at Kevin and nodded. They both knew there was no way to predict the outcome of this battle.

  “Weapons are ready to fire,” reported Major Preston. “All missile tubes are loaded with dark matter missiles.”

  Looking at the tactical screen, Jeremy felt a cold chill run across his back. A solid wall of red was approaching his fleets and the station. The Eternal ships were packed so close together it was impossible to discern the individual red threat icons.

  “There are so many of them,” said Kevin, his eyes meeting Jeremy’s.

  “Commander Jontel on the space station will open fire with his blue energy spheres as soon as the Eternals are in range,” reported Aaliss. “The station’s other weapons will be used to take out damaged Eternal vessels.” Aaliss was in contact with the Originator AIs in the Command Center on the station.

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair as a feeling of calmness swept over him. This might very well be his final battle; he just hoped Kelsey someday found out what happened here.


  First Leader Clondax watched the tactical displays seeing the Originators were pulling their ships in close around the space station.

  “We will crush these ships and the station,” said Fleet Commander Tarsal confidently. “Once that has been done the rest of their ships will fall easily to our fleet.”

  Clondax nodded. “We are the Eternals. Long ago we chose this path to become superior. We gave up much to become greater. We have significantly expanded lifespans, superior strength, and superior intelligence. It is time we demonstrated that to our wayward brothers, the Originators. We will crush their fleets, take over this star system, and discover what is so important about this planet. We will then travel to the nearest Shrieel and demand their total capitulation.”

  “We are the Eternals,” replied Fleet Commander Tarsal.

  “Weapons range,” said Garald, the ship’s sensor officer.

  “Fire weapons!” ordered Tarsal.

  “Weapons firing.” Lomart pressed several icons on his console firing the Conqueror’s weapons. Energy beams reached out to strike an Originator battlecruiser’s energy screen. At the same time antimatter missiles began impacting the battlecruiser’s screen as well. The screen flared up brightly and then the first energy beam penetrated. Moments later the battlecruiser exploded as several antimatter missiles struck the hull. The Conqueror had its first kill for the day.


  On the space station, Jontel observed the Eternals opening fire on the fleet. Several million years in the past Jontel had helped to design this station and its weapons. He was about to find out how good of a job he had done.

  “Open hatches on the blue energy sphere tubes,” he ordered. There were ten other Originators still on the st
ation. Six in the Command Center and the rest in Engineering.

  “Hatches open,” reported Anton. Anton had been assigned to the station by Commander Belson.

  “Fire!” ordered Jontel, leaning forward in his command chair anxious to see the effect of the spheres on the Eternal vessels.


  From the station, 310 blue energy spheres flew out of their launching tubes, vanishing briefly into hyperspace to reappear just meters from the energy shields of their targets. The spheres struck and began absorbing the energy from the shields. As soon as the first wave of spheres struck the next wave of spheres launched.


  Particle beam and gravitonic cannon fire from several heavy dreadnoughts penetrated a weakened Eternal battlecruiser’s energy shield wreaking havoc on the armored hull. The beams played across the hull opening up numerous compartments to space. A dark matter missile appeared and exploded in the damaged area. The energy swept through the ship turning its components into glowing plasma. When the explosion faded away there were only a few dimly glowing clouds of gas to show a ship had ever been there.

  All across the front of the Eternal formation dark matter explosions and energy weapons were striking ship screens. The blue energy spheres from the station were reducing massive Eternal battlecruisers to space dust as their component atoms lost their ability to bond together.

  Across the Eternal battle formation hundreds of Eternal ships were dying. However, it was a fleet of over 110,000 ships and it was going to take a lot of dying ships to seriously affect it.

  Eternal energy beams were striking defending ships. The beams were the Eternals’ most powerful weapon. The triplex screens gave the Originator ships some protection but after multiple hits even the new screens began to fail. Originator battlecruisers and occasionally a dreadnought were being blown apart by the powerful attack of the Eternals.

  The Originator fleet was losing numerous battlecruisers though the heavy dreadnoughts were preventing the Eternals from firing upon the space station. The space station was launching blue energy spheres as rapidly as possible. The spheres would vanish briefly into hyperspace before striking their target. Every Eternal vessel they hit died within minutes as it was converted into space dust. The battle was growing in intensity as the Eternal fleet pushed ever closer to the space station.


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