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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 31

by Raymond L. Weil


  Clondax gazed fixedly at the ship’s main viewscreens. It was difficult to see the ships in either fleet because of the destruction both fleets were taking from each other. Space flared brightly from the detonation of antimatter and dark matter missiles.

  “The space station has the blue energy spheres,” reported Fleet Commander Tarsal, with a trace of concern in his voice. “We’re having difficulty targeting it because of all the defensive fire from the station and the defending ships.”

  “Push forward; our superior numbers will eventually overwhelm them,” ordered Clondax, his cold eyes focusing on the fleet commander. “I want that station and those defending ships destroyed.”

  This situation was angering him more by the minute. In all the years since the Eternals had broken free from their galaxy, they had never encountered an opponent who could stand up to their ships, let alone destroy one. Galaxy after galaxy had fallen to their warfleets as they swept across this section of the universe. Now to learn Originators still existed had been a shock. It was essential, if he wanted to retain his position as First Leader of the Council of Eternals, that he smash the opposition in this system and take possession of it.

  “Fleet is advancing,” reported Fleet Admiral Tarsal. “We should be able to hit the station with our weapons shortly.”


  Jeremy watched in anguish as countless ships around the Avenger died. On the viewscreens, he could see Originator battlecruisers and dreadnoughts being torn apart by heavy weapons fire from the Eternals. He didn’t want to think about the people who were dying on some of those warships.

  “We’re losing ships so fast I can’t keep track of them,” reported Kevin, his face a ghastly white. “They’re beginning to push into our defensive formation.”

  “Pull all ships back closer to the station,” ordered Jeremy grimly. “We must keep it operational at all costs.”

  Jeremy took a deep breath. On one of the viewscreens, an Eternal warship had just lost its energy shield and several gravitonic beams were ripping the ship open. Beam after beam struck the vessel until a dark matter missile slammed into the hull turning the wreckage into a miniature nova.

  The Avenger shuddered violently for a long moment and then the shaking died down.

  “Four antimatter missiles hit our outer energy shield,” reported Ariel. “Outer shield strength is down to 28 percent. Secondary screen is down to 82 percent. Shields are regenerating.”

  “We’ve destroyed 8,217 Eternal vessels,” Aaliss informed Jeremy. “Many of those have been destroyed by the blue energy spheres from the station. If the station can keep firing, we may have a chance.”

  “Our own losses?” Jeremy was afraid to hear. He knew numerous vessels in his fleets had been lost. The battle had been too intense and now the Eternals were moving in for the kill.

  “Six hundred and twelve heavy dreadnoughts and 3,014 battlecruisers,” answered Aaliss. “The number of our ships being destroyed is growing rapidly as the Eternals close with the station.”

  Jeremy drew in a deep breath. “Order Commander Zafron to commit his fleet.” Zafron had the Dominator and two thousand updated Originator battlecruisers. That should buy the station more time.


  “We’re being ordered in,” said Kazak, turning toward Commander Zafron.

  “Then take us in,” Commander Zafron ordered. “Let’s see if we can take some of the pressure off the station. Hit the Eternals with every weapon we have.”


  The Dominator charged forward escorted by its two thousand battlecruisers. As soon as it was in weapons range blue energy spheres began launching from its weapons tubes. From every ship under Commander Zafron’s command heavy weapons fire erupted, tearing into the Eternal fleet formation. For a moment the advance of that section of the fleet stalled as hundreds of vessels were blown apart or struck by the deadly blue energy spheres.


  On board the space station, Jontel used Commander Zafron’s sudden attack to fire as many blue energy spheres as possible at the approaching Eternal vessels. Already they were beginning to hit the station’s energy shield with weapons fire. So far the shield was still holding. He had also noticed that it was taking longer than expected for the spheres to destroy an Eternal vessel. Doubtlessly this was due to the dense materials the Eternal vessels were constructed from. Even so, one sphere could still destroy its target; it just took a few minutes longer.

  “I estimate twelve more minutes before the Eternals are able to bring sufficient weapons to bear to knock down our energy shield,” reported Anton. “Shortly after that the station will be destroyed. I would recommend all Originators begin making preparations for evacuation to the Distant Horizon.”

  Jontel looked around the Command Center. There were enough AIs present who, along with Anton, were perfectly capable of finishing the station’s part of the battle. “Satold,” he said over the comm which connected him to Engineering. “It’s time to evacuate to the Distant Horizon. “I want the energy cannons set to 200 percent capacity.”

  “That will burn them out in three firings,” warned Satold.

  “True,” Jontel answered. “But in each one of those firings, it will either destroy or severely damage an Eternal battlecruiser.”

  “I will make the adjustments. It will take a few minutes as I have to override several safety programs. We will see you on the exploration dreadnought.”

  Jontel looked around the Command Center. “It’s time to go. Anton, you have served the Originators well. We will remember you.”

  “It is what I was built for,” replied Anton evenly. “Now go before you run out of time. Already the Eternals are beginning to push back Commander Zafron’s fleet. Weapons fire is increasing against the station’s energy shield. It will begin to fail soon.”

  Jontel nodded and then gestured for the rest of the Originators to follow him. There was an evacuation pod a short distance away from the Command Center. As they left Jontel looked around one last time. It had taken him years to design and build this station and now their greatest enemy was about to destroy it.


  Jontel has evacuated the station,” Aaliss reported. “They used two evacuation pods and are on their way to the Distant Horizon. Rear Admiral Barns has sent ten battlecruisers to escort them to safety.”

  Jeremy looked at one of the viewscreens, as the station began to fire its energy cannons at what appeared to be a much higher power setting. “What are those beams doing to the Eternal ships?” It appeared Jontel had done something to the weapons before departing the station.

  “There cutting right through the Eternal shields,” Kevin reported as he studied his sensor readings. “I believe the energy cannons have been set on overload and will probably either melt or explode after a few firings.”

  On a viewscreen, one of the beams speared an Eternal battlecruiser moving across its surface cutting deep into the hull before blinking out. A second beam struck the ship and after a few moments finished cutting the ship into two pieces. A pair of dark matter missiles arrived and the ship vanished in two glaring explosions.

  As the firing of the beams continued small explosions became evident on the hull of the station as energy cannons blew apart because they were overloaded.

  “I’m receiving a message from Anton,” Aaliss said. “He says the energy cannons are failing after two or three firings at the higher power setting. There is increased Eternal weapons fire impacting the energy shield and as soon as the last cannon dies he intends to shift all power to the station’s shield except what is being used for the blue energy spheres and to launch dark matter missiles.” The dark matter missiles the station was using had been furnished by Jeremy’s fleet. The station had originally been armed with antimatter missiles. “He believes that will give them an extra five minutes of weapons fire for the spheres. He recommends we begin withdrawing what remains of our fleet to the planet.”

  “Do it,” ordered Jeremy,
accepting the station was lost. “All ships are to fall back to the planet and Rear Admiral Barnes’s fleet.” It was difficult to accept he could not save the station. It had been their best hope for turning back the Eternals. Every blue energy sphere the station launched was one less Eternal vessel he would have to face later.

  “A lot of ships aren’t going to be able to withdraw due to heavy damage,” reported Commander Malen grimly.

  “I know,” replied Jeremy, feeling pain at having to leave them behind. But if they stayed he could lose his entire fleet.

  “Orders have been sent,” said Ariel. “Fleet is starting to disengage.”

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair. He could feel his heart pounding and there was sweat on his brow. He looked over at Kevin.

  “We have to pull back,” Kevin said. “There is no other choice.”

  Jeremy closed his eyes and then opened them. He knew this battle was far from over.


  First Leader Clondax watched as his fleet closed on the space station. It was still firing those blue energy spheres, which were wiping out hundreds of Eternal battlecruisers. Throughout the forward section of the fleet, fields of dark space dust indicated where the spheres had destroyed thousands of Eternal ships.

  “Their energy beams have stopped firing,” Garald reported. “Sensors indicate they overloaded the cannons burning them out as they fired energy beams far more powerful than they were designed to handle.”

  “But those beams destroyed several hundred ships,” said Tarsal, his voice cloaked in anger. “I want every weapon we have focused on that station. We must destroy it!”

  “Originator fleet is pulling back to the planet,” added Garald. “They’re abandoning the defense of the station.”

  Clondax shifted his eyes to the tactical display. Hundreds of red threat icons were breaking off and pulling back. With satisfaction he noted there were a lot fewer than there had been earlier. Once the station was destroyed they would move on the planet, destroying all ships in orbit. Then they would assault the ships around the large ring structure. Clondax was determined to capture it intact. It had technology which would be useful to the Eternals.


  In space, intense weapons fire struck the energy shield of the station. The shield flared up brightly as it came under increasing stress. Even as the shield threatened to collapse into failure, the blue energy spheres continued leaving their tubes with uninterrupted regularity.


  Anton felt the station shudder as the first Eternal energy beam penetrated the station’s energy shield. Over the next few seconds more beams struck the station. On the damage control console red lights flared up indicating growing damage. Anton knew the end was growing near.

  As the damage continued to mount blue energy spheres launchers began to go offline. The shuddering of the station increased steadily as more Eternal energy beams raked the structure.

  “Ninety-two percent of all launchers are down,” reported one of the AIs at the tactical console. “Eighty-seven percent of all dark matter missile tubes have been destroyed.”

  Before Anton could reply, the station shook violently and the lights in the station dimmed and stayed dim.

  “Main power is out; we’re on reserves,” the AI in front of life support and the engineering console reported. “Repairs are not possible.”

  Anton nodded. It was time. “We have served the Originators well, and our sacrifice will allow a new Originator race to rise up and replace the old.” Anton reached forward and pressed two red icons on the console in front of him. The console had its own power source. Instantly a signal was sent out to the one hundred dark matter missiles Anton had ordered armed throughout the station. He had decided that ten were not enough to cause the damage he desired.


  In a sudden series of massive blasts, the station blew apart. Much of it was simply vaporized from the intense heat of the dark matter explosions. However, forty-seven Eternal battlecruisers were too close and were obliterated by the force of the blasts. Thirty-two others were destroyed or heavily damaged by wreckage propelled by the explosions.

  Moments later it was over. The massive space station was gone, the defending fleet had been driven back to the planet, and all damaged Originator ships which could not withdraw had been destroyed. It was a clear but costly victory for the Eternals.


  “The space station has been destroyed and many of the Originator ships protecting it have been annihilated. The surviving Originator vessels have withdrawn to the planet,” reported Fleet Admiral Tarsal.

  “We have demonstrated our superiority,” Clondax said. “Gather the fleet and begin repairs. I want to attack the ships around the planet as soon as possible.” Clondax intended to press his advantage.


  The Originators who had fled the dying space station had made it to the Distant Horizon, and Kathryn had them escorted to their quarters and requested they remain there until the battle was over. However, Jontel had asked to be allowed to come to the Command Center and Kathryn had agreed to allow his presence.

  “I am impressed with your ship,” Jontel said as he came to stand next to Kathryn. He gazed at a viewscreen, which showed the shattered ruins of the space station. “Anton performed his function as a military AI well. I will miss his presence.”

  “Didn’t you download his memory engrams before the battle began?” asked Kathryn.

  “Yes,” Jontel replied. “He will live as a new Originator AI but it won’t be him. That version died on the space station.”

  “The Eternals are holding their current position,” Captain Reynolds reported.

  Commander Grissim examined the tactical display near her. “They are doubtlessly repairing their ships. Once they’re finished they will attack.”

  “I agree,” Clarissa said. “I am afraid if they attack with their full force we will not be able to hold the planet.”

  “Our dark energy stations might deter them,” Jontel said. He looked at Clarissa. “You are the AI created by the Humans and given a body by our AIs. I must say, you are surprisingly advanced.”

  “Clarissa is the equal of any of our own AIs,” Camlin responded. “She could also be classified as a military AI as that was her first responsibility when she was created.”

  Jontel nodded, shifting his eyes to Kathryn. “I can see why Counselor Bartoll thinks so highly of your race.”

  “How many Eternal ships did we destroy?” Kathryn knew they were still heavily outnumbered.

  “Eighteen thousand six hundred and twelve,” Clarissa replied. “Eleven thousand of those were destroyed by the blue energy spheres from the station and the Dominator.”

  “Our own losses?”

  “We lost 3,487 battlecruisers and 1,011 heavy dreadnoughts.”

  Kathryn winced at the numbers, that was over half of the ships Fleet Admiral Strong had taken into the battle. While the Eternals had lost more they still had over ninety thousand ships left. That was more than enough to take out the defenses and the ships around the planet. Kathryn was beginning to believe that if they remained they would all die here. She was afraid they were rapidly running out of options. She didn’t think Jeremy had any more tricks up his sleeves.

  “Commander Belson’s ships are joining up with Commander Zafron as well as those of Admiral Pence,” reported Captain Travers. “We’re to maintain our position directly above the stasis facility. Fleet Admiral Strong is ordering us not to let anything through to the surface. He’s positioning his remaining ships between us and the Eternals.”

  “Your people are either very brave or very foolish,” commented Jontel.

  “They’re trying to save our race,” said Nomar Krill as he stepped into the Command Center. “Something we are no longer capable of doing.”

  Jontel looked surprised and then nodded. “I am sorry. I did not mean to imply disrespect.”

  “Eternals are moving,” reported Captain Reynolds.

  “Dark energy beam stations will be activated as soon as the Eternals are in range,” added Camlin. She had been informed of this by Aaliss who was on the Avenger.

  Kathryn nodded. “Prepare for battle.” She didn’t mention that they needed a miracle if they wanted to survive.


  As the Eternal fleet neared the planet and came into weapons range 114 dark energy beam stations suddenly activated and began firing on the Eternal fleet. Many of the stations had used their small gravity drives to move to the side of the planet where the stasis facility was as well as the Eternal fleet. From each station dark energy beams fired, striking Eternal ships. The beams had three times the range of a regular energy beam. Across the advancing formation, ships simply exploded as the beams pierced their screens and struck the battle armor of the hull.


  “What are those?” demanded First Leader Clondax as hundreds of his ships blew apart. It seemed in every battle, there was a new threat to his fleet.

  “The sensors indicate it is a dark energy beam,” replied Garald.

  “Impossible,” responded Fleet Commander Tarsal, glaring at Garald. “It is impossible to harness dark energy in a beam. Our own scientists have tried it and have failed in every attempt.”

  On the viewscreens, more ships were dying. “Well, it seems the Originators have harnessed it,” replied Clondax sarcastically. “I would suggest you attack those stations before we lose our entire fleet.”

  Fleet Commander Tarsal looked as if he were going to reply but then changed his mind and started issuing commands.


  Instantly the fleet surged forward, breaking into twenty segments with each one targeting a different group of dark energy beam stations. There were twenty Originator battlecruisers defending each of the stations and those were quickly swept away by the ninety thousand Eternal warships. Explosions covered the shields of the stations as more Eternal vessels brought their weapons to bear. Antimatter missiles and energy beams covered the shields trying to bring them down.


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