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A Home for Christmas

Page 15

by Vaughn, Ann

  He shrugged. "At first. But then after they untied me, they started talking to me and telling me all kinds of cool mafia stories."

  Lainey laughed. "Cool mafia stories?"

  Cam smiled. "Yeah, about Al Capone and John Gotti."

  In the living room, Jenna began pacing while Riley was sitting patiently, watching her. She was trying not to eavesdrop, but he could tell it was killing her not to be able to listen in.

  "Come here, Jen," he said, capturing her hand when she passed close to him. She stepped to him and allowed him to bring her down onto his lap. He cradled her to him and kissed her cheek, playing with her hair as he nuzzled her neck. "Relax, babe," he said against her ear. "He's in good hands in there. The best."

  She nodded and took a deep breath, letting Riley's tender ministrations soothe her. It wasn't long before all she could think about was Riley: his hands, his lips, his hard arousal she could feel against her hip. He buried his hand in her hair and turned her head toward him so he could seal his lips over hers, his other hand on her chin to hold her in place. She fisted her hands in his shirt, melting into him when he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring and teasing, sending chills all through her. When she pulled back to catch her breath, his lips immediately went to her throat, blazing a trail from her lips, down her jaw, down to the base of her throat, sending chills all throughout her body and leaving her aching for more.

  "Riley," she whispered, bringing his mouth back to hers to taste his name on her lips.

  He reached behind them on the sofa and pulled the plush blanket she had draped there off and covered them with it, then let his hand snake down her body into the waistband of her yoga pants and down inside her panties to stroke over her center. Jenna gasped and writhed against his fingers, burying her face in his neck. She couldn't believe he was doing this with his cousin and Cam just down the hall, but couldn't bring herself to make him stop, not when she was yearning for his touch like she was.

  "Shh," he cautioned when a small whimper escaped her throat. She nipped at his throat, moving against his hand as he stroked her. "That's it, baby," he encouraged her, keeping his voice low.

  "Riley," she gasped as his fingers picked up speed.

  "Hush, baby," he said, stroking her harder and deeper. She fought to keep from crying out. He tilted her head up with his free hand and covered her mouth with his as he felt her release hit, absorbing her cries with his mouth. He continued to stroke her slowly and gently as she was coming down, then slowly withdrew his fingers. She whimpered when he raised them to his mouth to lick them clean. "You taste so sweet," he told her, eyes locked on hers. "I can't wait to be back inside you; feel you under me."

  "Riley," she gasped.

  "I want to feel your mouth on me...everywhere."

  "Oh, God," she cried.

  Riley chuckled, gathering her close and kissing her brow. "I love you, Jen," he whispered.

  She clung to him, snuggling close to his chest, feeling suddenly sleepy. He was feathering light kisses along her brow and she felt herself drifting, listening to the steady beat of his heart under her ear.

  Riley was unbearably aroused but wouldn't trade these moments with her sleeping in his arms for anything in the world. He knew it was pushing the boundaries of her decency to basically make out like teenagers on the couch while Lainey was there counseling Cam, but he knew he needed to take her mind off her son so that she could relax.

  He looked up when he heard Cam's door open and saw Lainey walk into the room, smiling when she saw Jenna asleep in his arms.

  "How'd it go?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

  She sat in the chair opposite him, placing her briefcase down on the floor.

  "Good. He is a really sweet kid. I think he's going to be fine. He's washing his face and calming down just a bit before coming out here so you can let her sleep for a bit."

  Riley nodded, eyeing his cousin. "What aren't you telling me?"

  "Well...I think he will get over yesterday a lot easier than he will get over the resentment he has towards his dad. And he really, really likes you. I mean, a lot."

  Riley smiled. "Feeling's mutual."

  "I think he knows that, but...he needs to hear it from you, Riley. I know you haven't been in their lives very long but..."

  "It's been long enough. I don't intend to leave, Lainey. I'm here to stay."

  She smiled at him. "That's so great, Riley. I'm happy for you...and you may be just what that kid needs to get through all of this unscathed."

  Cam came into the room and stopped when he saw his mom asleep in Riley's lap, eyes wide.

  "Is she OK?" he asked, worried.

  "She's fine. Just tired from all the stress of yesterday," Riley assured him. He dipped his head down to place his lips against her ear and kissed her. "Jenna, baby, wake up. Cam and Lainey are in here."

  Her eyes fluttered open and she gave him a soft smile before sitting up with his help. She saw Cam giving her an anxious look and gave him a reassuring smile.

  "Hey, bud, how'd it go?"

  "Good," he answered.

  "C'mon, kid, let's go toss the football around outside so your mom can talk to Lainey," Riley said, helping Jenna off his lap. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Jenna's cheek and then walked to the back door with Cam.

  After they were gone, Jenna stood, raking her fingers through her hair.

  "Can I get you anything, Lainey?"

  "Water would be good," Lainey said, following her into the kitchen. "And before we begin, I want to just say, I'm so happy to see you and Riley have hit it off so well. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy."

  Jenna smiled, handing Lainey a glass of ice water. "He is just everything. Cam loves him. Adores him, actually."

  "He does," Lainey agreed. "He talked about Riley, a lot. He loves him and he wants desperately for things to continue to work out between you and Riley. He said it would be cool to have Riley for a step-dad."

  Jenna felt a lump form in her throat. She'd known Cam really liked Riley but it was nice to hear it confirmed.

  "What did he say about last night? I mean, I know you can't tell me specifics, he going to be OK?"

  Lainey took a deep breath. "I think he will be fine with what happened as far as the kidnapping. It helped that the guys who grabbed him were really good to him. Other than scaring him when they took him and tying him up, they talked to him, told him stories of old mobsters like Al Capone and La Cosa Nostra like John Gotti. That helped, a lot. But, Jenna, he has some serious issues with his father. He already had some resentment toward Wade and then after last night...there may have been some irreparable damage done."

  Jenna nodded. "I was afraid of that. He has a lot of anger toward Wade. More than I'm comfortable with him having."

  "I agree. I can help him work through that, but, at some point, Wade is going to have to do something to repair the damage. He is the only one who can fix this."

  "So, what do you recommend?"

  "I'd like to see Cam at least once a week to help him work through the anger issues...and then when Wade is out of rehab, I'd like to see him as well...and at some point, I'd like to work with them both together."

  Jenna shook her head. "Yeah, good luck getting Wade to rearrange his schedule for that."

  "Well, if it comes from Cam, if Cam tells his father this is what he needs to help repair the damage, then maybe he will do it."

  Jenna sighed. "I hope so. I hate that Cam can't rely on his father right now. I hate that he has had to learn about live-in girlfriends and the never-ending stream of them from his father. I hate that he's been so jaded by his father's lifestyle that he thought nothing of having Riley stay and sleep in my bed with me. I hate that Wade's selfishness has made Cam grow up too soon."

  "I understand, but, Jenna, Cam is a really good kid. He has a heart of gold and it shows in what he said about you and Riley. That's to your credit. Don't ever sell yourself short on the impact you have had on him.
You've taught him a strong work ethic and the value of a dollar. He is the child of a celebrity but I didn't get the impression that he is spoiled. The nightmare he had last night I think was just a result of it being the first night. He may have a few more, but I don't think they will be a problem for him, not with you and Riley around for him...and I know that you are cautious about having Riley here overnight, but I would recommend you do keep him here overnight, at least for the next few nights. It will help Cam feel more safe and secure, knowing that Riley is here. He doesn't have to be in the room with you, he can be on the couch or in a guest room, just so long as he is here."

  "I saw the impact Riley had on him last night. And to be honest, I feel safer with him here as well."

  "Can't beat having a trained SEAL under your roof."

  "Exactly," Jenna agreed.

  Lainey smiled and walked around to embrace her. "I know I said it earlier, but I'm so glad you and Riley are working out. He deserves some happiness of his own after all he's been through. Since he's been home, he hasn't let himself settle down, just was drifting between Jack and Trevor and Aaron's places. He needs a place to call his own."

  "Yes, he does. And I'm hoping to convince him that he's found that place here with me and Cam."

  "Honey, from what I saw earlier? There's no convincing involved."

  They walked out back so that Lainey could say goodbye to the guys, then Riley walked Lainey up front to her car. As they rounded the garage, Mike was just getting out of his car. Jenna watched, intrigued, as Lainey looked up at Mike, and Mike's eyes locked on her as they paused while Riley introduced them. Jenna was sure she'd just witnessed some serious sparks fly between the two.

  Mike continued walking up to where Jenna stood while Riley helped Lainey into her car. Jenna raised a brow to him when he approached, a knowing smile on her face.

  "What?" he asked in reaction to her close scrutiny.

  Her smile broadened but she refrained from saying anything. "Nothing. What brings you by?"

  His brows rose at her bright tone. "Just had some news to pass on to Riley, thought I'd stop by."

  Jenna nodded. "And Lainey being here had nothing to do with that?"

  He gave her a puzzled look. "I didn't know Lainey was here. I've never met her before now."

  At that, Jenna laughed. "OK, if that's how you want to play it. Come on inside," she said, opening the front door.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Riley and Mike went into Jenna's home office and talked for most of the afternoon. She knew that a lot of it was about things that had happened with Wade and a lot of it was about various jobs they had going through their company, Orion Securities.

  At dinner, Jenna began to see the side of Mike that had attracted Riley as his friend. Mike was quiet, but he had a really good sense of humor, much the same as Riley's, he was just more reserved in showing his. Cam was a little iffy about him at first, but when he and Riley began to talk about some of their more light-hearted, humorous missions, Cam relaxed around him and by the end of dinner, he was asking Mike just as many questions as he asked Riley. Riley still did most of the talking, but Mike filled in his share of the conversation as well.

  After dinner, Mike even played a few rounds of PlayStation games with Cam and Riley and while his end of the conversation wasn't as animated, he interacted with Cam enough that she could tell Cam liked Mike. At midnight, Jenna decided she had to play the mean mom and send Cam to bed. She asked him if he was OK to sleep on his own and he said that he was, then said good night to Mike and gave Riley a quick hug.

  "You guys want a drink?" she asked once Cam was in bed.

  "Yeah, sure," Riley answered. "Mike?"

  "Just one," he replied. "Have to hit the road soon."

  "You're welcome to stay here," Riley said, knowing Jenna wouldn't mind. "I know your family is driving you insane."

  "Absolutely," Jenna said, "I have two guest rooms. You are welcome to stay. What would you like to drink?"

  "I'll get it, Jen," Riley told her, knowing what Mike's preferences were. He gave Jenna a quick kiss, then went into the kitchen to fix their drinks.

  Jenna settled into the cushions of her couch, snuggling under the blanket Riley had covered them with earlier. She felt Mike's intense gaze on her and looked over to him.

  "You two work well together," Mike told her. "I've seen a change in him since you met."

  "I can't believe it's only been three weeks. I feel like I've known Riley all my life."

  Mike shrugged. "In our line-of-work, things are naturally more intense. Emotions run high. Maybe because we have lived through so many life and death situations, we tend to form bonds quickly. Nature of the beast."

  She pulled the blanket closer around her shoulders against the chill his words sent through her. She was proud of them for what they had done, but at the same time, she hated to think about all they had been through, all they had seen.

  "Well, I'm glad you are no longer doing that kind of work. I know what you are doing now can still be dangerous, but it's not quite the same as being in the team again, right?"

  "Correct," Mike said when Riley came in and handed him a drink. He gave Jenna a glass then went back into the kitchen to retrieve his own. She scowled into her glass, not sure what it was that he'd fixed for her. She wasn't a drinker normally, so she was unsure what she was smelling.

  "It's a Riley family recipe," Mike told her, making her look up at him.


  Mike offered a small smile. "The drink. It's something that 's been in his mother's side of the family, the Riley side, for ages. Don't ask what all goes into it. You probably wouldn't touch it if you knew...but it is really good."

  "I don't normally drink much...mainly because as a single parent, I don't have anyone else to fall back on if I over-indulge."

  Riley came and sat beside her, drawing her back into his chest.

  "You don't have to worry about that now, though, do you?" he asked, nuzzling her neck.

  She giggled, "I supposed not." She took a tentative sip of her drink and moaned in appreciation. "Holy cow! This is great."

  Riley chuckled. "Don't ask what all goes in it; you don't want to know. Just drink."

  Jenna's eyes met Mike's across the room and laughed when Mike winked at her, his pale blue eyes shining.

  "Told you."

  Jenna laughed and drank more of her drink. It was nice to spend time with Riley and his friend, to see them both relaxed and happy. The more time she spent with Mike, the more she realized he wasn't like the image he presented. He and Riley were close and had an ease of companionship with each other that she imagined only those who had gone through life and death situations could achieve.

  As they were talking, the combination of drink and the soothing sound of their voices began to lull her to sleep and it wasn't long before she placed her glass on the end table, snuggled closer to Riley's side and was out.

  "I think you've lost her, Stanton," Mike said, nodding to Jenna.

  Riley smiled and stroked a hand idly over her hair. "Looks like."

  "Also looks like you've hit the jackpot with her. Instant family and all."

  Riley nodded. "That I did. It's only been three weeks, but...I can't imagine my life without them."

  Mike raised a brow at that. "Are you thinking of getting married?"

  "The thought has crossed my mind. I know I haven't known her long, feels right."

  "We trust our gut in many things in our line-of-work. If your gut is telling you she's the one, go with it."

  "You don't think it's too soon?"

  Mike leaned forward, bracing his forearms on his knees, glass hanging from one hand.

  "I'm the last person to give relationship advice, you know that. But...we've done our bit for King and Country. We've put our lives on hold to do the job we were sworn to do. All of that is over now. We control our lives now. We don't have to worry about leaving someone behind the way Zig did Melissa. So, if you love
her, if you love the boy...take them. Nothing holding you back...and with that, I'm going to head back to my mother's," Mike said, standing.

  "The offer still stands to stay here. Give yourself a break."

  Mike shook his head. "It's all right. I've given my mother enough cause to worry over the last ten years or so. If trying to set me up with all her friends' daughters makes her happy, who am I to take that from her? Besides, I'm still not sleeping much these days. At least at my parents' house, there is room for me to wander without disturbing anyone else."

  "You know, my cousin, Lainey, who you met earlier...she's a counselor. She helped me settle my mind so I could finally sleep. She could help you, too."

  "I'll think about it. Good night, Stanton."

  "Good night, Mike."

  He waited until he heard Mike drive away, then lifted Jenna in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. He intended to place her in bed and leave her there, he really did, but when she sighed dreamily and reached for him, twining her arms around his neck, he was lost. He wanted her too badly to walk away.

  "Jen," he said, his lips against hers.

  "Mmm," she hummed, her fingers delving into his hair.

  "You only had one glass, tell me you aren't drunk," he chuckled.

  She smiled. "I am not drunk...but I don't want you to leave. Stay with me, Riley...make love to me."

  He could no more ignore that plea than he could deny himself air to breathe. He kissed her briefly, then stood to remove his boots and jeans and shirt, then reached for her to help her remove her clothes. When she was nude, he stood at the side of the bed and simply gazed down at her, admiring the feminine beauty of her body. She was lean but curved in all the right places, fit but not overly so, so that she was soft and all woman.

  "Riley," she prompted, reaching for him.

  "Just admiring the view," he said, his voice soft. "You're so beautiful, Jenna."

  She parted her knees and reached up for him. "Come to me, Riley. I need you inside me."

  "Yes, ma'am," he said, stepping out of his underwear. He covered her and entered her in one smooth stroke. She arched her back and wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him even deeper inside, then cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down to kiss her. "I love you, Jenna."


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