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A Home for Christmas

Page 16

by Vaughn, Ann

  "I love you, too, much," she breathed, moving against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. She arched her head to give him better access to her neck when he began trailing kisses from her lips down her throat to her breasts. He gathered her in his arms and changed their positions so she was straddling his waist to give him better access to her full breasts. She clutched his hair and used her thighs to ride him while he paid homage to first one breast then the other, his hands on her back, supporting her while he feasted.

  Jenna knew her explosion was near. She didn't care. She rode him through it and felt herself building toward another one, crying out when he abruptly withdrew, pulled her to her feet to bend over the bed and then slammed into her from behind. This time was violent. He pounded into her harder than he ever had before. It was all she could do to hold on to the bed and ride out his passion. It was intense and insane. To know that she had pushed a man of such staunch control over the edge was heady and intoxicating. She was sobbing from the intensity of her emotions when he finally found his release and collapsed against her back, pinning her between his body and the bed. He was heavy and sweaty and she loved every last second of it.

  "Sorry if I'm squishing you," he said against her ear, "I just need a minute to catch my breath."

  Jenna smiled. "I don't mind. I love to feel your weight on me. Makes me feel all small and girly."

  He chuckled and rolled and scooted them so that she was pressed chest to chest with him, her face in the hollow of his throat.

  "You are small and girly."

  She laughed. "I never felt that way with...well, before," she said, catching herself before she fully brought Wade into their bed.

  Riley tangled his fingers in her hair and kissed the top of her head.

  "Yeah, well, I'm a lot bigger than him."

  At that, Jenna burst out laughing, making Riley realize his mistake. He reached down and gave her bottom a playful spank, laughing.

  "You know what I meant."

  "Yes, I do," she said through her laughter, "and yes, you are every way."

  "Jenna!" he laughed.

  "Well, I mean, really, you're nearly a foot taller than's only natural that...well, other parts of your body are bigger, too."

  "Oh, my God, can we change the subject?" he chuckled.

  "Hey, you brought it up."

  "I wasn't referring to the size of my anatomy and you know it, little girl."

  She wiped tears from her eyes and clutched her side, she was laughing so hard.

  "Oh, wow, I needed that laugh."

  "Imp," he said, kissing her nose.

  She kissed the underside of his jaw, then playfully pushed at him. "You're all sweaty. You need a shower."

  "I go, you go," he said, sitting up.

  She gave a mock, long-suffering sigh. "If I must."

  Riley laughed and scooped her up off of the bed, carrying her into the bathroom. When they got under the warm spray of her multi-jet shower, they stood for several long moments, letting the water cascade down over them, mouths fused in a long, slow, passionate kiss. There was no rush, no real intent to take it any further than that kiss. It was absolutely beautiful. Jenna knew she would never love anyone more than she loved him in that moment.

  After breaking the kiss, Riley picked up her shampoo and washed her hair. He took her sponge and added shower gel and washed every last inch of her. He slid soapy fingers between her legs and thoroughly cleaned her, then dropped to his knees under the warm spray and proceeded to taste her most intimate places, but doing it slow and sweet, drawing out her pleasure as well as his own.

  "Riley," she gasped when her climax was building again, "I can't...I need..."

  He looked up at her and smiled, taking one last, long, lick and then lifted her so he could slam inside her, pinning her between his body and the wall. She cried out and he covered her mouth with his own. She could taste herself on his lips and it was the most erotic thing she'd ever experienced. Coming just off the heels of their previous lovemaking, it didn't take long for him to explode within her and soon they were in a gasping heap on the shower floor, spent and sated and neither wanting to move any time soon.

  "That was...I have no words," she told him, stroking his wet hair.

  "Amazing. Breathtaking. Best sex you've ever had?" he chuckled.

  "All that and more," she told him.

  "Good," he said smugly.

  Jenna giggled. She felt too good to take him to task for his smugness. The water was warm and soothing, his arms were strong and comforting. She knew she could have easily spent the rest of her life right there where she was and have been perfectly happy.

  "I never want to let you go," she whispered to him.

  Riley looked up from her body to meet her gaze. She saw the heat and intensity in the green depths of his eyes and knew she never wanted to lose this moment.

  "I'm not going anywhere, Jenna. Ever," he vowed, and she knew from his tone and the sincerity on his face, that he meant every last word of it.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cam woke in the morning and went into the kitchen, surprised and pleased to see his mom and Riley sitting at the breakfast bar together. Riley was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of sweats, feet bare, letting Cam know that he had in deed, stayed all night last night. His mom was sitting close to Riley and her eyes were shining bright as she smiled. His mom smiled a lot anyway, but Cam couldn't remember her eyes ever shining like they were now.

  "Hey, bud, good morning!" his mom said, turning her attention toward him. "Did you sleep well?"

  He crossed over to them and sat on the stool beside Riley.

  "Yeah. No dreams that I remember."

  "Good deal. What do you want for breakfast? Waffles, pancakes, burritos?"

  He shrugged. "Whatever."

  Jenna's eyes cut over to him, concerned by his response. He seemed fine to her, but he normally had an opinion as to what he ate. She met Riley's gaze and started to say something but Riley subtly shook his head, stopping her.

  "What do you want to do today?" Riley asked Cam.

  Cam was quiet a minute, then looked up at Riley. "Can we go shopping? I need to get a couple of Christmas presents."

  "Sure, we can do that."

  He turned to look at Jenna. "And, Mom, can it just be me and Riley for one part, and then just you and me for the other? I mean, we can all go together, but separate a couple of times?"

  Jenna smiled, knowing what he was wanting to do. "Sure thing, bud." She placed a plate of waffles before him. "Eat up then get ready to go.


  When they were all showered and dressed to go, they loaded into what she learned was actually Riley's truck, again a Ford Raptor like Aaron's, minus the monster truck kit, and headed to the mall. Riley drove up to the entrance and parked there to let them unload.

  "I've got to run to the office for just a bit, so why don't y'all do your shopping together first and then when I get back, we can split up again. Sound good?"

  Cam nodded and scrambled out of the truck. Jenna looked across the cab at Riley, assessing him.

  "I'm sorry we're making you miss work," she said tentatively.

  He smiled and shook his head. "Not missing anything. Just something I need to take care of there. Won't take long. I'll call you when I get back."

  "Mom! Let's go!" Cam called.

  She leaned across the seat and gave Riley a quick kiss and then got out.

  "See you soon," he told her.

  "So, what do you want to get?" she asked Cam. "Something for Riley, I'm assuming?"

  "Yeah, but I'm not sure what. Something special."

  She smiled down at him. "I want to get him something special, too. Let's see what we can come up with."

  They walked the mall several times, went in and out of every store there almost. They bought a few little things for Riley, but couldn't find the one thing that they thought would be extra special just for him. By the time Riley called to say he
was on his way, they were both discouraged.

  "Nothing is good enough, Mom," Cam sighed when they sat at the food court to wait for Riley.

  "We have a couple of days still. We will think of something."

  "Mom! Christmas is on Friday!"

  "I know. We'll figure something out. Until then, we've got some good things here to go under the tree for him."

  Cam sighed. "Yeah, I know...but I want to find something really special. Do you think he'll stay?"

  She felt her heart melt at his question. "You mean, with us?" Cam nodded. "He's told me several times he wasn't planning on going anywhere. Ever." She watched Cam's face light up. "You like Riley a lot, don't you?"

  "He's really'd be cool to have know, be like, my step-dad," he said, slightly ducking his head, embarrassed.

  "Well, I've been thinking about that, too, and I think, maybe, I've come up with something to do about that."

  Cam's face beamed. "Really?"

  "I think so. I'll look while you and Riley do your shopping, OK?"

  "It's something you can get here at the mall?" Cam asked, confused.

  "Well, part of it anyway."

  "Part of what?" Riley asked, coming up beside them. He leaned down and kissed Jenna, then winked at Cam.

  "Nothing," Jenna dismissed, "do we want to eat here now, or wait until after we leave?"

  "I want to wait," Cam said, hopping up out of his chair. "Come on, Riley."

  Riley chuckled. "Yeah, OK. Jen, you OK for now?"

  She smiled. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I still have a couple of Cam presents to snag so this will be a good opportunity. You boys have fun."

  "Keep your phone handy," Riley told her. He kissed her quickly then he and Cam were off.

  "I need to get Mom a couple of things," Cam told Riley as they walked off. "I always get her a new ornament for the Christmas tree every year. I saw one at the Hallmark store that would be perfect for this year."

  "All right, let's go there," Riley said, "lead the way."

  He followed Cam into the Hallmark store and over to where the Christmas ornaments were. Riley was stunned when the two ornaments Cam pulled from the display boxes were one of the SEAL trident, and one of a Navy Sailor figurine.

  Cam looked up at Riley with a shy smile. "I always get her something that represents an event that took place sometime during the year. I thought she'd like to have you represented on our tree."

  "Wow, bud, that's..." Words flew from his mind. He was overwhelmed and humbled and touched that Cam, a ten-year old kid, would think of something like that. It meant just as much, if not more, to Riley that Cam was including him in their life like that.

  "Is that OK with you?" Cam asked, a bit concerned.

  Riley smiled then. "It's perfect. It will actually go along with what I have planned for your mom on Christmas...but it's something I need your help with."


  "Yeah, I'll tell you when we leave here."

  After checking out, where Riley was impressed that Cam paid for both ornaments with his own money, he led Cam over to a bench and then faced him.

  "I was wondering, Cam, how you would feel about me giving this to your mom," he said, pulling a diamond ring from his pocket to place in Cam's hand. Cam's eyes widened and he looked from his hand up into Riley's face.

  "You want to marry my mom?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  Riley nodded. "Yeah...but I wanted to clear it with you first. Sort of, ask your permission, seeing as how you are the Man of the House and all...because, if I ask your mom to marry me, if she says yes, then that means I'm a part of your life, too, and I want you to feel comfortable with that. I know I'm not your dad, but I'd really like a shot at being your step-dad, because it's not just your mom that I love, Cam. You get what I'm saying?"

  Cam sat for a minute and Riley wasn't sure what was going through the kid's mind. Suddenly uncaring that they were in a crowded mall, Cam launched himself into Riley's arms, hugging him tight. Riley laughed and returned Cam's hug just as tightly.

  "I take it that's a yes?"

  Cam nodded, pulling back so he could look Riley in the eye.

  "Yes, sir."

  Riley smiled. "You think your mom will like that ring? It was my grandmother's. That's where I went today. Not to work. I'm thinking about giving that to her for Christmas. Either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning."

  "Do it on Christmas Eve," Cam said, "Mom gets all sappy about traditions and things on Christmas Eve...she'll like getting this then."

  "All right, then. Christmas Eve it is," he said, taking the ring back from Cam and shoving it into his pocket. "But I need to get her a couple more gifts for under the tree. Got any ideas?"

  "A couple," Cam said.

  They started off, shopping together and enjoying each other's company. Cam was happier than he ever remembered being. Knowing that Riley was going to be a part of their lives from now on, that he wanted him as well as his mother was the most awesome feeling in the world. He didn't think anything could bring him down off the high he was feeling just then.

  But that was where he was wrong.


  Wade paced in his room like a caged animal. Detox was a bitch and it was not going well for him at all. He hated the shaky feeling he was left with. Hated the time on his hands where all he did was think. That was part of the reason why he'd started taking drugs in the first place; so he wouldn't have to think about all the shit things he'd done since becoming a big name on the circuit. He'd let the fame go to his head and it cost him the only woman he'd ever loved. He'd acted like a damn idiot and was on the verge of losing his son.

  The stupid doctors and facility director wouldn't let him call Cam. He needed to talk to his boy. He needed to be able to set things straight with him. He hadn't meant to neglect him all these years. Things just...happened. The circuit kept him busy and truth be told, he avoided seeing Cam because he didn't want to see Jenna; didn't want to be reminded of what he'd been stupid enough to walk away from. Christmas was coming up, though, and he wanted to see Cam; he needed to see his son.

  Collapsing down on his bed, he buried his face in his hands. He had really screwed up his life. Jenna was lost to him now, he knew that; but he had to figure out how to save his relationship with his son.

  A knock sounded on his door and he saw a very attractive, petite blonde woman step inside. She had a visitor's badge on her lapel which labeled her as a counselor.

  "Mr. Blackwell, I'm Lainey Riley. I'm wondering if you would talk with me for a bit."

  He scrubbed a weary hand over his face. "About what?"

  "Your ex-wife, Jenna Blackwell, has retained me to counsel your son, Cameron."

  He sat up slightly straighter. "You're counseling Cam?"

  She sat in the chair across from his bed, gracefully crossing her ankles and tucking her legs beneath her chair.

  "I am...and Cam wanted me to talk to you."

  He scrubbed his palms on his thighs. "OK."

  "May I call you Wade?"

  "Yeah, sure."

  "Wade...Cam is extremely upset with you. He had some issues prior to Sunday, but once he was kidnapped because of your activities...well, let's just say he is not in a good place right now where you're concerned."

  Wade nodded. "I never meant things to get as out-of-control as they got."

  "The kidnapping was just the tip of the iceberg with Cam, unfortunately. He misses you, but his anger toward you is strong."

  Wade lowered his head. "I screwed up."

  "Yes," she agreed, "but I believe it's not too late for you to save your relationship. Are you willing to work at fixing it?"

  "I'd give anything."

  Lainey smiled at him. "Then I think there may be hope for you yet."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "So, Cam tells me Christmas Eve is kind of a big deal around here," Riley said to Jenna when they got home from shopping.

  She smiled. "Well, I try to
make it special. We have a little routine. We make Christmas cookies during the day and watch Christmas movies. When it gets dark, we head to City Park and go through the lights display with thermoses of hot chocolate. When we leave there, we go by my parents and sing Christmas carols and listen to my dad read the Christmas Story. Then we come home and I usually let him open one gift, then we curl up together and watch The Polar Express before he goes to bed."

  "Has he never spent Christmas Eve with Wade since the divorce?"

  "Nope. Not that I would ever consent to give up Christmas, but Wade has never asked, either. He usually spends Christmas on an island somewhere."

  "Except for this year, huh?"

  "Yes, except for this year."

  "Did Lainey tell you she was going to see him today?" Riley asked.

  "To see Wade?"

  Riley nodded. "She said Cam asked her to talk to his dad."

  Jenna took a deep breath. "That's good. He needs all the help he can get."

  Riley studied her a moment. "How did you find out he was cheating on you?"

  "Little things at first. He'd stay at the track longer than normal. When he'd go on tour, he used to call me every night before he went to bed. Those calls became less and less until they ultimately stopped. The night it all came out, he'd just made the finals for the big event in Vegas. It was the first time and I wanted to be there with him. So, my parents kept Cam and I hopped a flight and thought to surprise him at his hotel. Gary let me into his room. Imagine my surprise when my husband comes stumbling into the suite with two little bimbos hanging on each side of him."

  He reached out and gently trailed the backs of his fingers along her cheek. "I'm so sorry, Jen. You shouldn't have had to deal with that."

  She waved her hand in dismissal. "Well, it wasn't like there weren't all the other little signs that let me know he was slipping away. That was why I'd felt it necessary to be there in the first place. Because I knew...I knew there was something going on."

  "What did you do when they came into the room?"


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