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Cold Piece of Work: The Erotic Adventures of A Single Woman

Page 15

by Niki Jilvontae

  “Don’t let him fill your head with anymore lies Mr. Lynworth because the truth is in your face. Wayne is an arrogant thief who prides himself in being an asshole and who also has domestic violence and stalker tendencies. Everyone please be quiet for one more second and listen to this recording, I will be done shortly.” I said as the crowd quieted back down and I played the slew of crazy voicemails Wayne sent me.

  I watched from the corner of my eye as Wayne squirmed to the edge of his seat and prepared to bolt as Lynworth motioned for security. I played message after threatening message as everyone in the room gasped in disgust. When the recording stopped, I turned around quickly as Wayne jumped to his feet and began to yell at me.

  “You funky bitch. You nasty, worthless bitch. How did you record me saying that? That conversation at the beginning didn’t happen at the same time as the end. Bitch you tricked me into confessing. You seduced me. She seduced me.” Wayne yelled as he turned to Lynworth and he turned his head.

  Wayne looked just like a little boy who had lost his championship game in front of his dad and the girl he loved as he looked around for the help of the VP’s on stage and then his peanut gallery in the front row. No one would even meet his gaze as the chatter in the room intensified and security along with MDP came into the room and walked on to the stage.

  “I’mma kill you, funky ass bitch. You slut. Dick sucking hoe!” Wayne yelled as he lunged at me, but the police grabbed him before he could.

  I couldn’t help but to laugh on mic as I watched the ghetto come out of Mr. Corporate. Wayne continued to fight the officers and security as chaos broke out in the room and Lynworth came over to get on the mic.

  “Calm down, calm down everyone. Please exit calmly and quietly through the marked exits. I thank you all for attending and will see most of you at work tomorrow. Security please go and detain those three ladies trying to walk up the far right aisle. Yes, Emily, Tameka, and Dana. Please hold them as well until everything is investigated.” Lynworth said as I watched security go right over and snatch them up.

  I turned around just as Wayne punched an officer in the face and he was tasered by two of them at the same time. I watched his body hit the ground hard and he shook violently as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. When the currents stopped, his body quit shaking and he stared directly at me. The look in his eyes said pure hate, but I didn’t give a fuck. I smiled at him and licked my tongue out like a kid who had just gotten the big piece of chicken. He started to buck again after that and an officer came over to escort me and Mr. Lynworth into a conference room so that they could beat his ass in private.

  I was happy to oblige them too as I quickly sauntered my ass off the stage with my shoulders up high. I didn’t stop until we got to the door, then looked back to see Wayne balled up as two cops beat his ass. That was the last time I saw Wayne that night or again for months for that matter as I was kept in a room by myself to undergo hours of questioning. When it was over it was well after midnight and I was tired, but happy as fuck. I walked out of the conference room I was in, stiff and hungry but happy my plan had fallen through. I made it to the lobby before I was stopped by Lynworth as he finished his conversation with an officer and I sat down on the couch in the lobby to wait on him.

  Lynworth sat beside me with a stressed expression on his face as he reached over and grabbed my hand in his.

  “Yasmine, I just wanted to say thank you. Now, I know what you were saying when we talked in my office. I had a feeling something was going on with Wayne too, just like you did, especially when I checked the company account last quarter, but I thought Emily had just made a mistake. Now I know that she was working with Wayne just like Tameka and Dana. Together over the past five years they all stole over 2.3 million dollars from Emerson. This is huge Yasmine and we would have never known if you wouldn’t have done what you did. We can’t thank you enough, so I’d like to offer you this $150,00 bonus from us here at Emerson. That’s your bonus, Wayne’s bonus, and a little extra. We’d also like to offer you a position here working in the same division under a new leader.” Mr. Lynworth said as he smiled at me and then handed me the check.

  I gave him a fake ass smile back as I grabbed it. As soon as it was in my hand I let that fake smile disappear and stuck the check neatly in my purse. When I was done, I stood up slowly as Mr. Lynworth did the same.

  “I really appreciate the offer Mr. Lynwoth and this check is definitely welcome. However, I have to decline your offer to continue working here at Emerson as I am going to explore other options, being that I supposedly made partner. Again, I appreciate it and I’m so glad I could help Emerson rid itself of that plague. Now, if you’ll excuse me I must get home to rest.” I said all boushie like as I walked towards the door and left him in his feeling.

  “Thank you again Yasmine. I hope someday you’ll change your mind.” Lynworth said as I waved goodbye over my head and walked out of the door.

  As soon as I left out of the door the hot, humid Memphis in mid-August weather wrapped around me like thick plastic. Even in the early morning, just after midnight, the heat was unbearable and I could barely breathe as I walked to my car still high off the excitement of the night. When I got to the door and stuck my key in someone suddenly stepped from behind the SUV parked beside me and I almost shitted on myself. I put my hands up ready to fight in a $15,000 ensemble, but Ebers quickly said who he was before I swung on him.

  “Ms. Anderson it’s me, Ebers. Sorry to startle you like that out here in the dark, especially after all that happened tonight but I tried to catch you before you left. I just wanted to tell you that we are proud of you for the work you did at Emerson and for what you did here tonight.” Ebers said as I looked at him like he was crazy.

  I was surprised he said he was proud of me after I put on a damn Tyler Perry performance at an important corporate function, but I was glad nonetheless. I stood there and smiled as he continued to talk and I wondered where it all would lead him.

  “You showed us tonight that you would stand up and do what’s right even if it meant compromising personal and professional relationships. That’s what we need Yasmine. Being a lawyer, a good lawyer, is hard work filled with long hours and heartbreaking decisions. We weren’t sure if you were capable of making those kind of necessary sacrifices under pressure, but now we know you definitely are. We always knew you are talented, compassionate, and a hard worker. This was the last piece of the puzzle. Soooo Ms. Whistleblower, we would like to present you with this $50, 000 check from McCullough, Ebers, & Strayer along with a partnership in our firm.” Ebers said and I think I passed out for a second in my mind because there was a short pause before I could hear myself scream.

  I was tired, hungry, sleepy, and slightly irritated when I left out of the building; however, after I heard the news Ebers had to offer and he confirmed what Lynworth had said, I felt like I had just woken up. I jumped up and down and shouted before I hugged Ebers and he congratulated me. When my happiness finally subsided I couldn’t stop the chatter that came out of my mouth.

  “OH my God are you serious. I’m so happy I can’t believe it. I’m one of the youngest black women in the state to make partner with suck a prestigious firm. Hell, I’m one of the ONLY ones in the country. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I said as I squealed again and kissed Ebers on the jaw in my excitement.

  He accepted it graciously, probably a little too graciously, as he stared at me seductively with his blue eyes and freckles. I apologized then shook his hand.

  “I promise not to let you all down Mr. Ebers. I will be in bright and early tomorrow morning.” I said as I grabbed his hand and shook it again before I turned to get into my car.

  “Wait a minute Yasmine, there’s one catch to this job. In order to get this promotion, you have to move to Nashville and open your own practice. We have everything set up already including your housing as the company has several homes ready to move in you can choose from. Your office will be ready in three to
four weeks. That’s a mid- to late September move, which gives you time to get your affairs in order and make it happen. How does that sound to you Yasmine?” Mr. Ebers asked as I started my happy dance, which answered his question.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll take it. You won’t regret this Mr. Ebers.” I said as I shook his hand again and he smiled big and brightly.

  “I know we won’t Ms. Anderson. Now, get home safely and get some rest. You have big days ahead of you.” Mr. Ebers said as I got into my car and he closed the door.

  Ebers stood there for a while and watched me until I got off the lot before he decided to go. I turned on my music as soon as I turned on Maine Street and cruised towards my condo. I let the window down so that the breeze could flow through my freshly curled hair as I thought about the $200,000 in my purse, the practice, and new home I had just been given. I was so grateful for all I had and I hoped that nothing would ever ruin what I worked so hard to get, and that included myself and my pussy.

  When I got, home I floated inside on a cloud of happiness. I sung as I walked into the house and didn’t stop until I had gotten out of the shower. As soon as I was out and dressed I went into my room to put the checks into the safe that looked like a book that was on my bookshelf in my room. Once I knew that was secure, I fell into the bed and called the only person who I knew would wake up to hear my good news at that hour.

  Tina answered the phone for me on the second ring as I heard concern all in her voice.

  “What’s wrong Yasmine? What is it that has you calling me this late?” Tina asked me as I heard her simultaneously tell Ryan to wake up.

  I quickly stopped her and let her know that I was alright before she had Ryan on his way to Memphis.

  “No, Tina I’m fine. That’s actually why I called. Mama Bear I’m better than ever, in fact I finally have everything I ever wanted. Except love.” I said before I gave Tina the rundown on everything good that had happened to me.

  When I was done Tina couldn’t stop her excitement as she screamed into the phone.

  “She’s coming home Ryan. Yayyy! My made baby partner and she’s coming home!” Tina screamed and Ryan joined in with her.

  When their excitement was over we talked a few more minutes before we expressed our love and hung up. I laid there for a while after that and just thought about how my life had suddenly changed. I didn’t even feel bad about what I did to Wayne and his crew after how he acted a fool. In my mind, everything had run its course and I was ready to start the next chapter in my life. There was just one thing missing. I quickly reached over and grabbed the card off my nightstand and contemplated whether or not I should dial the number. After a few seconds I decided to wait until he called me in an effort not to rush love.

  “Now I just need my King beside me and all will be complete. Waiting on you baby. I can wait forever!” I said as I closed my eyes and dreamed of what was to come, while I wondered how long my strength would last.

  Chapter 8 When Love is Stronger than Lust

  For an entire week after the banquet I floated on my good news and began my preparations to move. I talked to Snow about my promotion and move, and she told me about Neco. According to Snow he said he wasn’t mad at me at all and that nothing was my fault, it was all his. I laughed when she said that shit because I knew it wasn’t my fault, he wanted his cake and to eat it too. I never took responsibility for him having to go to jail because that was between him and his baby mama, but it did feel good to hear her say that he still loved me. I brushed that shit off though and talked to her about what I would do when I got to Nashville. In that conversation she also told me that she was about to move there for good and I felt my circle was complete.

  Snow’s news propelled me into a whole new level of happiness but by day nine everything began to change. It was a Tuesday, the first week of September when everything started to crash down around me. It was that morning around ten and I laid on my couch with my laptop across my legs as the news played on the T.V. in the background. I scrolled through the emails Ebers had sent me which showed the beautiful two-story, four-bedroom house I was given by the company and thought about my décor as I went over the floor plan. Just then as I opened another window to search for patio furniture that familiar feeling hit me. That throb between my legs hit me hard and fast and caused me to jump up from the couch. Flashes of all the guys I had fucked and hurt suddenly filled my mind and I began to pace the floor. I could hear Marianna’s voice and see David’s bloody face as Immigration carried them away that day and then my mind wondered back to the memory I had over what my cousin did to me. All of those thoughts swirled in my mind as I paced in front of my window and tears rolled down my eyes.

  “No, I won’t do this. I won’t beat myself up. Pull yourself together Yasmine.” I said to myself as I went over to my phone.

  I dialed the numbers of everyone I knew as I stood there and fought the feelings inside of me, but no one answered the phone. I called Tina, Snow, Kyle, and a host of other people, but no one was available when I needed them the most. I felt the walls start to close in around me as I sat down by my window and looked at all the happy people as they went about their day. I decided to be like those people and get out to enjoy a day in the sun, even if I had to do it alone. I dressed in a powder blue, cotton cat suit with straw hat, and grabbed my sandals.

  As I walked back into the living room to sit down on my couch and put the sandals on, the story on the news caught my attention. I quickly grabbed the remote to turn the volume up when I saw I huge picture of Wayne. The news reporter said in her report that Wayne was the leader of the biggest embezzlement scheme the city had ever seen. I couldn’t believe it as she went on to say that he confessed after compelling evidence was found, and he would be sentenced the next month.

  For a second I sat there caught up in my guilt as the news reporter went over the status of the other suspects in the Emerson case. After I heard her say that Tameka would have to go into state custody after her trial, I had enough. I quickly cut off the T.V. and slipped on my sandals before I grabbed my purse and keys to leave the house. I sucked up my tears and prepared a fake smile to that I could bravely face the world. When I opened the door I felt a little better as I stepped out and walked out to my car. I drove around the city for hours as I thought things over and tried to come to terms with everything that had happened. The throb between my legs kept me on edge for a while as I yearned for the man of my dreams, Courtney. I hadn’t dreamed of him in a while and I was scared that it was all in my head.

  I decided to do something to get my mind of my worries so I picked up my IPhone as I drove towards Cordova, and scheduled a full spa day. I arrived at the day spa at around noon after I stopped to eat breakfast. I enjoyed a full day of being pampered and stress relief as I poured my heart out to my favorite masseuse and she gave me some good advice. She told me I had to learn to let things go and live with my actions. Yes, I had brought harm on David and in some ways Neco and Wayne too, but she said that they all had their own parts in their troubles. She said they all consciously chose to do whatever they did to have pain and me being in the picture really had nothing to do with it. I realized she was right about that as I evaluated each situation, and cleared my mind the best that I could.

  By the time I left the spa it was after 6 pm and I headed straight to the Wolf Chase Galleria Mall for a little retail therapy. I shopped without a budget in some of my favorite stores for hours until the mall was about to close. When I left the mall I was so weighed down with bags I could barely make it to the car, but I was happy I had gotten everything I wanted and managed to clear my mind. The only thing that lingered was the throb between my legs, which I tried so hard to fight. Once I had all of my bags in the car I quickly hopped in and pulled off anxious to get home to one of my toys. I figured since the urge wasn’t going anywhere and I didn’t want to fuck with anyone but Courtney in the future, I’d burn the batteries up in my vibrator. That would have to be enough until I had Cour
tney in my arms.

  I put on some Lauryn Hill before I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. I was anxious to get there too and ease that throb so I could focus on the things I had to do. I hopped on the expressway and was half way home when a loud pop followed by a thud under my hood caused me to drift over to the shoulder. As soon as I pulled over smoke began to pour out the cracks of my hood and I knew I was in trouble. I quickly picked up my phone and called Triple A for help and then waited for them to get there. I waited for about twenty minutes as Lauryn Hill bumped in my ears before the red tow truck pulled up. I waited in the car as a short, fat, dark skinned boy with gold teeth got out and walked up to my window.

  “Ms. Anderson?” He asked as I let the window down and he stared into my face.

  I watched him as his eyes went from my face, down to my chest as he licked his lips. I ignored his nasty ass and that throb between my legs as I told him I was in fact Ms. Anderson, the one who had called for assistance and he went about his job. I watched him as he began to hook my car up to his truck then he came around to my window again.

  “Ms. Anderson, could you get out of your car now and come on and sit up front in my truck.” He asked as I opened the door.

  He stood back, beside my right passenger door as traffic whizzed by and I stepped out to grab his hand. He helped me get securely out of the car and around to his truck as he still held my hand. I could hear him grunt behind me as I walked and I knew that he had to have his eyes on my ass. I wanted to turn around and punch his plump ass in the face when I started to get up in the truck, but stumbled and he stopped my fall as he gripped my ass, but I resisted because he apologized with sincere eyes before he closed the door gently. After a few minutes he hooked my car up, got in, and we proceeded to the only shop open at that hour. He told me that his brother had an auto body shop that could work on expensive cars like mine and he was the only one open at that hour.


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