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Cold Piece of Work: The Erotic Adventures of A Single Woman

Page 16

by Niki Jilvontae

  I was happy to hear that he knew someone could fix it being that I had so much to do and I needed my car, but my happiness kind of faded when he told me his brother’s shop was in North Memphis. I wasn’t thrilled about going to the hood by myself that late at night, but I wasn’t about to leave my car anywhere either, so I went. The entire ride I remained silent as the driver rapped to the radio and stared at me out of the corner of his eye while I touched the box cutter I had put in my purse before I got out of my car. When we pulled up to the little blue and white brick repair shop the tow truck driver said his brother owned, I almost told him to just tow my shit to the house. It was crackheads and other nothing ass niggas everywhere outside right in front of the entrance. I couldn’t even hide how I felt as we pulled in and I sighed out loud. The driver saw my apprehension all over my face as he parked the truck and prepared to get out.

  “Oh lil mama, don’t worry. You good over here cause you with me. I know you not used to this kind of shit, but this just the hood.” He said as he smiled and I gave him a Shut-the-Fuck-Up smile back and got out of the truck.

  I could see that he had let my attire and car fool him because I was just as hood as he was, the only difference was that I wasn’t a fool and I knew that even a hood girl wasn’t safe alone with a lot of dog ass niggas. That’s why I made sure to text Snow the address to the shop as the driver came around to direct me to the door. I put my hand on the box cutter in my purse as we approached the door. As soon as I was in sight, the catcalls and whistles began as the dudes out front tried to holler at me.

  “Damn lil mama you fine as hell. What you doing in this neck of the woods.” One tall, brown, cute drug dealer asked as he walked closer to me.

  He was cute and flashy as fuck with his gold teeth and gold chains that glistened in the moonlight. Maybe if I was 18 again I would have jumped on, hollered at him and eased that throb between my legs. However, in that moment with all I had been through with niggas, especially his type, I was so not impressed so I rolled my eyes and looked away.

  “She is fine, but she boushie as hell. Who the fuck is that Junior?” One crackhead who sat on a crate drinking a beer asked the tow truck driver as the cute drug dealer approached.

  The tow driver Junior quickly stepped in between me and the boy as he reached out to grab my hand and I was happy that he did. I don’t know what I would have done had he touched me, because I was already scared of being gang raped. Hell, I couldn’t even feel the throb between my legs as I stood there and faced a pack of hungry wolves. If that fool would have put his hands on me at that moment I probably would have cut his damn finger off, so it was best the driver stepped in.

  “Come on now y’all this one of Rico new customers, you can’t be scaring her off like this. Y’all know he don’t play that shit, so just chill out. Respect the ladies.” Junior said as he opened the door to the shop and I hurried in as he followed; and the drug dealer followed him.

  “Maine, I feel you Junior. We gotta respect the ladies, but believe me I ain’t trying to disrespect her. All a nigga wonna do is love her. ALL NIGHT!” The boy said he stood by the door and laughed as I walked over to the row of seats in front of the counter and sat down.

  The office was relatively clean to be an auto shop, so I had no problem as I sat down in the chair closest to the wall and put my purse in the chair right beside me. I did that to try to divert the boy away from me, but it didn’t work. He came over anyway and sat right in the seat next to my purse, which I put my hand over.

  “Hey Ms. Lady, no disrespect I just think you are absolutely gorgeous. We don’t see many well put together females like yourself in this hood, so I just couldn’t let the opportunity to speak get past me. My name Boo lil mama. What’s yours?” The boy asked before he smiled and extended his hand to me.

  I didn’t know whether to shake his hand and answer his question or say what I wanted I really wanted to, which was get the fuck out of my face, as I sat there and looked into his bloodshot eyes. Good for me though that Rico walked out of the back at that moment and interrupted the love connection the boy thought he was about to make.

  “Yo what the fuck going on out here?” He said as he came to the door and time seemed to stop.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes as I stared at the chocolate, 6’3”, 185-pound God with tattoos and dimples who stood behind the counter. He had thick eyebrow that accentuated his big brown eyes and the prettiest white teeth I had ever seen. With grease and sweat all over his hand, arms, and chest, Rico looked like he had stepped right off the cover of Sexiest Mechanics in the US Magazine. That boy was so fine and serious as he stood there and frowned before he glanced around the room to see me. When our eyes met I felt a charge in my body and a puddle in my black, silk panties. I felt so flustered as he stared at me that I had to shift in my seat and look around to see who else saw my reaction. Junior smiled as he walked over and gave his brother five and I looked at the jealous drug dealer who sat next to me. He was salty as fuck and it was written all over his face as he smirked at me and got up.

  “Maine, wasup Rico fool. I just came in here to make sure you was straight and possibly get this beautiful young lady’s number; but I see she not interested, so I’m just gonna get my ass back on the track. Money ain’t gonna make itself.” He said as he laughed nervously then went over to give Rico five.

  I watched as Rico gave an annoyed look before he slapped his palm so hard the sound ran out in the quiet room. I don’t know why, but that shit aroused me as I watched the dude try to play like it didn’t hurt.

  “That’s wasup my nigga I’m good, and I think that lady good too.” Rico said as he looked over at me and winked his eye; I returned a smile.

  “But on the real though G. Remember this my place of business. I can’t have you soliciting my customers, otherwise we got problems. You dig.” Rico asked as he still held the boy’s palm in his hand.

  He seemed to have an internal fight as he stood there with his palm in Rico’s strong hand, flexing the muscles in his forearm as he increased the pressure. He looked from me to Rico as he tried to decide whether he wanted to buck and get his ass whooped just to look good in front of me. After a few seconds of thought I guess he decided I wasn’t worth it because he shook his head up and down before he responded.

  “Dug big homie. Respect my nigga. Now y’all have a good night.” The boy said as Rico let go of his hand and he walked towards the door.

  When he got to the door, he stopped for a second before he glanced at me and left out. Rico and Junior laughed. I laughed too for a second, then I remembered where I was and what time it was. That’s when corporate Yass kicked in and I jumped to my feet to get the process going.

  “Hello Rico, my name is Yasmine and I really need your help tonight. I don’t know what is wrong with my car, I just hope that you can fix it tonight so that I can get home. Do you think that will be possible?” I asked, walking up to the counter as Rico and Junior stared at me with their undivided attention.

  After I said that they both stood there silent for a few minutes like they didn’t hear what I had said. Junior couldn’t help but look from me to Rico as we both stood there locked in a trance overtaken by our sexual tension. His eyes were so beautiful and filled with passion, I got lost in them as he stared me down. Junior had to break our moment as he suddenly coughed and Rico started to talk all of a sudden like he had been put on pause.

  “I can definitely try to get you fixed up tonight Yasmin. Damn that’s a pretty name for such a gorgeous woman. You know I’m gonna do my best.” Rico said as he laughed nervously then looked over to Junior.

  “So what do you think I’m looking at big brother? Something major or just a quick fix?” Rico asked as he looked at Junior, but stared at me from the corner of his eye as he leaned over the counter.

  I didn’t hear shit Junior said to him as I watched Rico’s body and admired the way all of the muscles popped out of his tattooed forearm as he leaned over the counter. I fol
lowed the chiseled contour of his arm up to his strong neck right to his handsome face as he suddenly stared at me and I was caught off guard.

  “Yes?” I said after I realized he had said something to me while I was wrapped up in admiration of the perfection he called a body.

  I felt embarrassed as fuck as he and Junior laughed and I tried to look serious and pretend he didn’t make my pussy wet.

  “Ok Ms. Yasmine. I was saying that your issues sound pretty minor to me and I should have it fixed in a couple of hours. My brother has more runs he has to do, so I was wondering would you like for him to drop you home and I’ll come get you and bring you to your car tomorrow; or would you just like to stay here with me until its done?” He asked as he looked at me from head to toe before he bit his bottom lip.

  I already knew the answer to that question, although I didn’t say it right off, but there was no way in hell I was about to leave my car in the hood. Besides that, I didn’t want either one of them to know where I lived. I didn’t know those niggas like that and I wasn’t about to have another Wayne on my hands, so I quickly told Rico I would stay and I saw his eyes light up.

  “Ok, good. I’ll try to have you out of here by midnight. Also, I see these men around here don’t know how to act, so if you would feel better, once Junior leaves I can lock the door and you can come back into my private office which has a window that allows you to see into the shop. That way you will be safe where I can see you and you can watch me fix our car. That’s cool?” Rico asked as I shook my head.

  “That’s fine. Thank you so much.” I said as I walked over to get my purse.

  I could hear them whisper about how fine I was as I walked back over to the chairs and I couldn’t help but to smile when I heard Rico say I was wifey. It was flattering to hear him say that and obviously my pussy felt the same way, because that throb suddenly came to life. I felt it intensify ten times what it was the second I was back at the counter and about to go through the gate as Rico grabbed my hand to help me down the step. I could tell he felt it too, because he suddenly stopped as he went through the gate to lock the door behind Junior. For that split second he stood there with my hand in his, we were connected emotionally, physically, and sexually. I felt sensations run from my toes all the way up to my scalp; sensations I tried hard to ignore. Junior helped to relieve some of the tension when he interrupted us once again and Rico finally let go of my hand and walked around the counter.

  “Maine bruh, you want me to get you something to eat? I see y’all gonna be here a while so I can stop at In & Out for wings or burgers. What y’all want?” Junior asked as Rico walked him to the door while he quickly rambled off a list of shit.

  Once Junior had put Rico’s order into the memo app in his phone, he turned to me and I had to think for a second. I finally ordered some wings before Junior put my order in and then disappeared out the door. He was gone in seconds and I was left with temptation, who quickly locked the door and came back through the gate in the counter.

  “Okay beautiful, follow me and I’ll help you get comfortable before I start.” Rico said as he walked me into a big, bright office in the back which had a huge desk and filling cabinets on one wall and a chaise lounge and couch on the other wall.

  I walked in as he followed me inside and then turned on a light switch on the wall. The light came on in the shop next door and I could see my car through the glass. I felt at ease knowing that I was far away from the fuckers outside, but close enough to Rico if I needed him. It seemed that being with him was the safest place, because the dudes outside feared him. Besides, I felt warm and safe in his presence even though I had only known him a short time. He just sent out those cool vibes like he would protect you with his life and that was enough for me to get comfortable as I went over to the lounger and sat down before I took my shoes off and kicked back. The events of my day had me tired and I didn’t care if I seemed ghetto when my feet were on fire. Rico laughed as he got forms out of the file cabinet and turned back to me.

  “Well I see you waste no time making yourself at home. I like that. Well, here is the remote to the flat screen. You got cable and everything, so you should be good. I’m about to get in here to your car now so you won’t be out too late and have your husband or boyfriend worried. Is there anything you need before I go?” Rico asked as he walked over to me.

  I looked his sexy ass from head-to-toe as he stood over me, but I got stuck as I stared at his groin and massive organ as it poked out of his pants right in my face. Part of me, that wet, hot part of me between my legs that throbbed, wanted to just pull him down and make love to him in that office. However, I was able to fight the urge as I said Courtney’s name over and over again in my mind. Even though I didn’t even have him yet, I believed he was the man of my dreams and I didn’t want to taint that anymore when I fucked dudes just to cure my urge.

  “No, I’m fine luv. Thank you.” I said to Rico as he stared at me and then walked out the door.

  I watched him as he walked out of the room and into the shop, then directly to my car. I stared at him from my seat as he opened the hood and assessed the problem. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wonder down to his ass as he bent in to check the oil. Everything about that man screamed sex appeal and I couldn’t help but to think about his touch. I fell asleep right there in his office on his chaise lounge as thoughts of him on top of me filled my dreams.

  I woke up some time later to his voice as he called my name and nudged me gently. My eyes fluttered open and I stared right into his handsome face as he smiled at me and told me the food was there.

  “Damn girl you must have been tired. I been trying to wake you up for about thirty minutes. I almost called them folks until you started to moan and shit in your sleep. I let you sleep a while though after you started talking and shit. Told me some shit I didn’t know.” Rico said as he laughed and uncovered the food Junior had brought us.

  I sat up embarrassed and scared of what I may have said in my sleep as I stared at the side of his handsome face and he smirked. I knew whatever it was I’d said must have been good because Rico couldn’t stop the huge smile that started in his eyes and worked its way down.

  “What did I say?” I asked as he began to devour his wings and I watched intently as he sucked the bones clean.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off those juicy ass lips and his long, thick tongue as he started on another wing and laughed. I opened my box and began to eat slowly on my boushie girl shit before I finally spoke again.

  “What did I say though?” I asked Rico as the aroma of the food hit me hard and I let my pretty girl eating style fall to the wayside.

  Before I knew it, I had picked up a wing and began to devour all of its deliciousness just like he had done. Rico smiled at me with a proud grin as I finished my first wing in seconds and licked my fingers clean. Embarrassed, I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes as he stared at my mouth before he spoke.

  “Oh, don’t be embarrassed. You just talked about how sexy I am, which is crazy as hell when all I could think about while I was in there fixing your car was how sexy you are.” Rico said before he blushed and turned his attention back to his food.

  I didn’t know what to say after he said that, all I knew is what my cooder told me. My cooder said grab that fine, chocolate man and fuck him like it’s your last day on earth. That’s what my coochie said, but that’s not what my heart or mind wanted. I think that was something that held Rico back too because he didn’t act on that desire that I saw burned behind his eyes. Instead, we both sat there in silence until we finished our food then I sat back and watched Rico as he took out a cigar and bag of Kush to roll it.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Lady. No offense, but this my medicine. I’ll go outside and smoke it though if it bothers you.” Rico said as I smiled at him.

  “I’m not the square you think I am love. Hurry up and roll it, because I need it after the day I had.” I said and surprised the hell out of Rico.

After that, we clicked like we had known each other our entire lives. As we smoked, I told Rico the condensed version of what I had been through and he offered me the same advice everyone else had.

  “Be happy for the blessings that came out of everything. As Rico, the realest nigga alive, I can’t speak for none of them niggas. But as a man I will say that we are aware of everything we do. If them niggas couldn’t see how they was fucking themselves off with all that foul shit they were doing, fuck ‘em. That’s they fault. You gotta look out for yourself out here ma and that’s what you did. In this game we call life, everybody looking to get something from the other person. Whether that be love, money, a job, help, kindness, approval, whatever it is we want people to give it to us. Now how we go about getting that it completely different and what we do when we get it is what matters. Yeah you bucked on a few niggas who bucked on you first. SO what? Now, it’s time for you to move past that shit and get what you worked so hard for. With that Wayne nigga, that’s all it was about was power. That nigga wanted to have you at his disposal and when you wouldn’t fold, he couldn’t take it. But I already see it Yass, ain’t no fold in you unless you want to. You one of those strong chicks like my mama. Most niggas just can’t handle a female who’s strong and got her shit together, especially one who tells them it’s just about a nut from the jump. That fucks niggas up. I ain’t the normal nigga though.” Rico said as he handed me the blunt and got up to leave.

  “I ain’t on that though. I respect women and I kinda like you Ms. Yasmine, so let me get the fuck out of here before I say something I regret.” Rico said as we both laughed and he left the room.

  I watched him fix my car for the thirty minutes that followed as the throb between my legs came back with a vengeance. It was so strong I suddenly saw myself naked on the hood of my car as Rico ate the bottom out of my pussy with his big, juicy lips. Before I knew it, I had begun to rock back and forth in my seat with my hands on my pussy as I stroked it through the thin, cotton material I wore. I felt my pussy get wetter every time that he glanced back to smile at me or give me that seductive wink.


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