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A Brief History of the Tudor Age

Page 33

by Ridley, Jasper

  TYNDALE, W. – Works (Cambridge, 1848–9).

  Chapter 6 – THE HOUSES

  BRITTON, JOHN – The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. In five volumes (London, 1835).

  COOK, G.H. – The English Cathedral through the centuries (London, 1960).

  COOK, OLIVE, and SMITH, EDWIN – The English Country House (London, 1974).

  DENT, J. – The Quest for Nonsuch (London, 1962).

  DU BELLAY, M. and G. – Mémoires de Martin et Guillaume Du Bellay (ed. V.L. Bourrilly and F. Vindry) (Paris, 1908–19 edn).

  FULLER, T. – Church History of Britain (London, 1868 edn).

  GIROUARD, M. – Hardwick Hall (National Trust, 1976).

  GIUSTINIANI, S. – Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII: Selections of Despatches written by the Venetian Ambassador Sebastian Giustinian (ed. Rawdon Brown) (London, 1854).

  HARVEY, J. – An Introduction to Tudor Architecture (London, 1949).

  HENTZNER, P. – A Journey into England in the Year MDXCVIII (ed. Horace Walpole) (Aungervyle Society Reprints) (Edinburgh, 1881–2).

  JORDAN, R.F. – A Picture History of the English House (London, 1959).

  KNOX, op.cit., vol. vi.

  LAW, E. – The History of Hampton Court Palace (London, 1885–91).

  LELAND, J. – The Itinerary of John Leland in or about the years 1535–1543 (ed. Lucy Toulmin Smith) (London, 1964).


  MEE, A. – Derbyshire (London, 1949).

  — Wiltshire (London, 1934).

  MORICE, op.cit.

  PEVSNER, N. – Derbyshire (London, 1963).

  POLE, R. – The Reform of England by the Decrees of Cardinal Pole (ed. H. Raikes) (Chester, 1839).

  READ, CONYERS op.cit.

  Statutes of the Realm: 4 Hen.VII, c.19; 6 Hen.VIII, c.5; 7 Hen.VIII, c.6; 27 Hen.VIII, c.1, 22; 32 Hen.VIII, c.18, 19; 33 Hen.VIII, c.36; 35 Hen.VIII, c.4; 13 Eliz., c.10; 18 Eliz., c.11; 27 Eliz., c.29; 31 Eliz., c.7; 35 Eliz., c.6.

  STRAUSS, SHEILA M. – A Short History of Wollaton and Wollaton Hall (Nottinghamshire County Council, 1978).

  TIBBLES, A.J. – Speke Hall (Merseyside County Council, 1982).

  TIPPING, H.A. – The Story of Montacute and its house (London, 1933).

  Venetian Calendar.

  Victoria County History:

  — Bedfordshire.

  — Derbyshire.

  — Northamptonshire.

  — Nottinghamshire.

  — Somerset.

  — Worcestershire.

  WOOD, A.C. – A History of Nottinghamshire (Nottingham, 1947).


  ASHELFORD, JANE – Dress in the Age of Elizabeth I (London, 1988).

  — A Visual History of Costume: The Sixteenth Century (London, 1983).

  BORDE, A. – The fyrst boke of the Introduction of knowledge (no place, 1547?).

  CUMMING, VALERIE – Exploring Costume History 1500–1900 (London, 1981).

  CUNNINGTON, C. WILLETT and PHILLIS – A Handbook of English Costume in the 16th Century (London, 1962).

  — A Picture History of English Costume (London, 1960).

  CUNNINGTON, PHILLIS and LUCAS, CATHERINE – Occupational Costume in England (London, 1967).

  CRANMER, T. – The Works of Thomas Cranmer (ed. J.E. Cox) (Cambridge, 1844–6).

  GIUSTINIANI, op.cit.

  DIGBY, GEORGE WINGFIELD – Elizabethan Embroidery (London, 1963).

  HEYWOOD, J. – The Spider and the Flie (London, 1556).

  Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII (Buckingham Palace) (London, 1878–9).

  KAULEK, J. – Correspondance politique de MM. de Castillon et de Marillac 1537–1542 (Paris, 1885).

  SPENSER, E. – The Shepheardes Calendar (London, 1579).

  Statutes of the Realm: 3 Edw.IV, c. 5; 22 Edw.IV, c. 1; 3 Hen.VII, c. 13; 4 Hen.VII, c.8, 9; 11 Hen.VII, c.11, 19, 27; 12 Hen.VII, c.1, 4; 19 Hen.VII, c. 17; 1 Hen.VIII, c. 1, 14; 6 Hen.VIII, c.1, 6; 24 Hen.VIII, c.13; 25 Hen.VIII, c.18; 27 Hen.VIII, c.17; 33 Hen.VIII, c.3, 16, 19; 34 & 35 Hen.VIII, c.11; 37 Hen.VIII, c.15; 1 Edw.VI, c.6; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.2; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.6, 7, 8, 22, 24; 7 Edw.VI, c. 8, 9; 1 Mar., st.2, c.11; 1 Mar., st.3, c.7; 1 & 2 Ph. & M., c.2, 7, 14; 2 & 3 Ph. & M., c.11, 12, 13; 4 & 5 Ph. & M., c.5; 1 Eliz., c.12, 14; 5 Eliz., c.6; 8 Eliz., c.11, 12; 13 Eliz., c.19; 14 Eliz., c.10; 18 Eliz., c.16, 21; 23 Eliz., c.9; 27 Eliz., c.17, 18, 23; 35 Eliz., c.9, 10; 39 Eliz., c.10, 13, 14, 20; 43 Eliz., c.10.

  STRONG, R. – The Englith Icon: Elizabethan & Jacobean Portraiture (London, 1969).

  VECELLIO, C. – De gli habiti antichi et moderni di Diuerse Parti del Mondo (Venice, 1590).

  Venetian Calendar.


  DAVIS, E. – Furniture (London, 1962).

  DAVIS, FRANK – A Picture History of Furniture (London, 1958).

  Encyclopaedia Britannica, op.cit.

  FOXE, op.cit.

  GIUSTINIANI, op.cit.

  HENTZNER, op.cit.

  JACKSON, SIR CHARLES – An Illustrated History of English Plate (London, 1911).

  JACKSON, C.J. – ‘The Spoon and its History’ Archaeologia, vol. liii (London, 1892).

  JONSON, BEN – The Works of Ben Jonson (London, 1875).

  LAW, op.cit.

  L.P., vols. iii, iv, xvii. xix.

  MORICE, op.cit.

  MULLER, J.A. – The Letters of Stephen Gardiner (Cambridge, 1933).

  NICHOLAS, H. – Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England (London, 1834–7).

  SHAKESPEARE, op.cit.

  SMITH, P. – Erasmus (New York, 1923).

  Spanish Calendar, vol. i.

  Statutes of the Realm: 7 Hen.VII, c.7; 11 Hen.VII, c.19; 19 Hen.VII, c.6; 25 Hen.VIII, c.1; 27 Hen.VIII, c.9; 28 Hen.VIII, c.14; 33 Hen.VIII, c.4, 11; 34 & 35 Hen.VIII, c.7, 10; 35 Hen.VIII, c.8; 2 & 3 Edw.VI, c.19; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.21; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.3, 14, 27; 7 Edw.VI, c.5; 18 Eliz., c.15; 23 Eliz., c.8; 27 Eliz., c.11; 31 Eliz., c.8.

  STRYPE, J. – The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker (Oxford, 1821 edn)

  Sussex Archaeological Collections (Lewes, 1955–61) (vols. 93, 96, 99, 152).

  Sussex Notes and Queries (Lewes, 1939–50) (vols. 7, 13).

  Venetian Calendar.

  VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM – Elizabethan Art (London, 1948).

  Victoria County History: Hertfordshire (London, 1902–14).

  WINBOLT, S.E. – Wealden Glass (Hove, 1933).

  Chapter 9 – HUSBANDRY

  FITZHERBERT, (SIR A.). – The Boke of Husbandry.

  — 1st edn (London, 1523?).

  — 2nd edn (London, 1530?).

  — 3rd edn (London, 1533?).

  — 4th edn (London, 1534).

  — 5th edn (London, 1548).

  — 6th edn (London, 1552).

  — 7th edn (London, 1556?).

  — 8th edn (London, 1560?).

  — 9th edn (London, 1562?).

  — 10th edn (London, 1568).

  — 11th edn (London, 1598).

  LATIMER, H. – The Works of Hugh Latimer (Cambridge, 1844–5).

  L.P., xiii (i). 304, 1263; (ii). 1263.

  MORE, SIR T., op.cit.

  PONET, J. – A shorte treatise of politike power (Strasbourg, 1556) reprinted in W.S. Hudson, John Ponet: Advocate of Limited Monarchy (Chicago, 1942).

  POWER, M.J. – ‘London and the Control of the “Crisis” of the 1590s’ (in History, N.S., Ixx. 371–85) (Glasgow, 1985).

  RAPPAPORT, S. – ‘Social structure and mobility in sixteenth century London, Part I’ (in London Journal, ix. 107–55) (London, 1983).

  ROGERS, T. – History of Agriculture and Prices (Oxford, 1872).

  Statutes of the Realm: 23 Hen.VI, c.12; 11 Hen.VII, c.22; 12 Hen.VII, c.3; 4 Hen.VIII, c.5; 6 Hen.VIII, c.3; 25 Hen.VIII, c.1, 13; 33 Hen.VIII, c.2; 35 Hen.VIII, c.17; 2 & 3 Edw.VI, c.15; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.19, 21, 22; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.5, 14; 7 Edw.VI, c.7; 2 & 3 Ph. & M., c.; 1 Eliz., c.15; 5 Eliz., c.2, 4; 23 Eliz., c.5; 27 Eliz., c.19; 31 Eliz., c.7; 39
Eliz., c.1, 2, 12.


  CASTIGLIONI, A. – A History of Medicine (New York, 1947).

  CHILD, F.J. (ed.) – The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (New York, 1965 edn).

  COLLINSON, P. – Archbishop Grindal (London, 1980).

  COOPER, C.H. – Annals of Cambridge (Cambridge, 1843).

  ELYOT, T. – The Boke named the Governour (London, 1907 edn).

  — The Castel of Helth (London, 1541).

  ERASMUS, D. – De Pueris Statim ac Liberaliter Instituendis Libellus in W.H. Woodward Desiderius Erasmus concerning the Aim and Method of Education (Cambridge, 1904).

  FULLER, op.cit.

  HALL, E. – Chronicle (London, 1809 edn).

  HAY, D. – ‘Schools and Universities’ in The New Cambridge Modern History, vol. 2 (Cambridge, 1958).

  HENRY VIII – The Love Letters of Henry VIII (ed. H. Savage) (London, 1949).

  HOLDSWORTH, op.cit.


  MACNALTY, A.S. – Henry VIII, a difficult patient (London, 1952).

  MALLET, C.E. – History of the University of Oxford (London, 1924–7).

  MORICE, op.cit.

  MULLER, op.cit.

  MULLINGER, J.B. – The University of Cambridge (Cambridge, 1873–1911).

  RIDLEY, N. – The Works of Bishop Ridley (Cambridge, 1841).

  ROPER, W. – The Mirrour of Vertue in Worldly Greatnes (London, 1903 edn).

  ROWLEY, S. – When you see me you know me, Or, The famous Chronicle Historie of king Henry the eight (Oxford, 1952 edn).

  SHAKESPEARE, op.cit.

  Statutes of the Realm: 11 Hen.VII, c.12; 3 Hen.VIII, c.11; 28 Hen.VIII, c.14; 32 Hen.VIII, c.40, 42; 34 & 35 Hen.VIII, c.1, 7, 8; 37 Hen.VIII, c.10; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.2; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.6; 1 Mar., st.2, c.9; 2 & 3 Ph. & M., c.16; 23 Eliz., c.8; 31 Eliz., c.12.

  TAWNEY, R.H. – Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (London, 1926).

  Chapter 11 – SHIPS AND VOYAGES

  Calendar of Scottish State Papers, i.620(3).

  CHATTERTON, E.K. – Sailing Ships (London, 1909).

  CHRISTY, M. – ‘Queen Elizabeth’s Visit to Tilbury in 1588’ (English Historical Review, xxxiv. 45–61) (London, 1919).

  CORBETT, J.S. – Drake and the Tudor Navy (London, 1898).

  DELONEY, T. – The Queen . . . at Tilbury (London, 1588) in E. ARBER, An English Garner (London, 1877–96).

  DURO, C.F. – La Armada Invincible (Madrid, 1885).

  GRAHAM, WINSTON – The Spanish Armadas (London, 1972).

  HAKLUYT, R. – The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation (Glasgow, 1903 edn)

  HOUSTON, A. – The Romance of the New River: 20th Annual Report to the Metropolitan Water Board (London, 1926).

  HOWARD, op.cit.

  LAUGHTON, J.K. – State Papers relating to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada Anno 1588 (London, 1894).


  MATTINGLY, G. – The Defeat of the Spanish Armada (London, 1959).

  MULLER, op.cit.

  NEALE, J.E. – Essays in Elizabethan History (London, 1958).

  RALEIGH, SIR W. – The Discoverie of the large, rich and bewtful Empire of Gviana . . . performed in the yeare 1595 by Sir W. Ralegh, Knight (London, 1596).

  RODRIGUEZ-SALGADO, M.J., and the Staff of the National Maritime Museum – Armada: An International Exhibition to commemorate the Spanish Armada (London, 1988).

  Statutes of the Realm: 27 Hen.VIII, c.18; 31 Hen.VIII, c.4; 33 Hen.VIII, c.35; 34 & 35 Hen.VIII, c.9, 25; 35 Hen.VIII, c.10; 2 & 3 Ph. & M., c.16; 13 Eliz., c.18; 27 Eliz., c.20

  THOMSON, G.M. – Sir Francis Drake (London, 1972).

  UMBALDINO, P. – Expeditionis Hisparorum (1588).


  HALE, J.R. – ‘Armies, Navies, and the Art of War’ (in The New Cambridge Modern History, vol. ii (Cambridge, 1958).

  — ‘Armies, Navies and the Art of War’ (in The New Cambridge Modern History, vol. iii (Cambridge, 1968).


  MONTGOMERY OF ALAMEIN, Field-Marshal Viscount – A History of Warfare (London, 1968).

  O’RAHILLY, A. – The Massacre at Smerwick (Cork, 1938).

  ROSE-TROUP, FRANCES – The Western Rebellion of 1549 (London, 1913).

  ROSS, CHARLES – The Wars of the Roses (London, 1976).

  Statutes of the Realm: 3 Hen.VII, c.5; 11 Hen.VII, c.8, 9, 13; 19 Hen.VII, c.10; 22 Hen.VIII, c.7; 23 Hen.VIII, c.16; 25 Hen.VlII, c.11, 22; 26 Hen.VIII, c.4, 5, 11, 12, 26; 27 Hen.VIII, c. 5, 6, 26; 32 Hen.VIII, c.8, 13; 33 Hen.VIII, c.5; 34 & 35 Hen.VIII, c.26; 37 Hen.VIII, c.9; 1 Edw.VI, c.5; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.5; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.20; 1 Mar., st.2, c.12; 4 & 5 Ph. & M., c.2, 3; 1 Eliz., c.7; 5 Eliz., c.19, 22; 8 Eliz., c.16; 13 Eliz., c.8, 22; 27 Eliz., c.12, 13; 31 Eliz., c.12; 39 Eliz., c.25; 43 Eliz., c.13.


  ANGLO, SYDNEY – The Great Tournament Roll (London, 1968).

  ARBEAU, THOINOT – Orchesographie (London, 1588).

  BALE, J. – Kynge Johan: a play (London, 1838).

  BUTLER, S. – Hudibras (Cambridge, 1744 edn).

  Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth (ed. H.C. Hamilton, etc.) (London, 1860–1912), vii. 209.

  CAVENDISH, op.cit.

  CORBETT, op.cit.

  ELYOT – The Boke named the Gouernour, op.cit.

  Eveyman and Medieval Plays (ed. A.C. Cawley) (London, 1956).

  HALE, in The New Cambridge Modern History, vol. iii.

  HALL, op.cit.

  HARPSFIELD, N. – Treatise on the Pretended Divorce behveen Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon (London, 1878 edn).

  HENTZNER, op.cit.

  HUIZINGA, J. – The Waning of the Middle Ages (London, 1924).

  JOHNSON, op.cit.

  KNOX, op.cit, vol. vi.

  LANEHAM, R. – Robert Laneham’s letter; Wherein, part of the entertainment untoo the Queenes Maiesty at Killingworth Castl, in Warwik Sheer in this Soomers Progress, 1575, is signified (London, 1890).

  MACINNES, C.M. – The Early English Tobacco Trade (London, 1926).

  MARLOWE, C. – The Plays and Poems of Christopher Marlowe (London, 1905).

  NICHOLS, J. – The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth (London, 1823).

  SCHELLING, F. – Elizabethan Drame 1558–1642 (London, 1908).

  SHAKESPEARE, op.cit.

  — The Works of Mr William Shakespeare, in six volames, adorn’d with cuts (ed. N. Rowe) (London, 1709), Preface.

  SHEARMAN, M. – ‘Football: History’ (in Football, ed. Duke of Bedford) (London, 1904).

  Statutes of the Realm: 12 Ric.II, c.4; 1 Hen.VII, c.7; 3 Hen.VII, c.9, 14; 4 Hen.VII, c.12; 11 Hen.VII, c.3, 17; 19 Hen.VII, c.2, 4, 11; 3 Hen.VIII, c.3, 13; 6 Hen.VIII, c.2, 13; 24 Hen.VIII, c.10; 25 Hen.VIII, c.17; 31 Hen.VIII, c.2, 12; 32 Hen.VIII, c.8, 11; 33 Hen.VIII, c.6, 9; 2 & 3 Edw.VI, c.14; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.17; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.25; 2 & 3 Ph. & M., c.9; 8 Eliz., c.10, 15; 13 Eliz., c.14; 23 Eliz., c.10.

  STRONG, SIR ROY – The Cult of Elizabeth (London, 1977).

  TURBERVILLE, G. – The Booke of Faulconrie (London, 1575).

  — The Noble Arte of Venerie or Hunting (no place or date).

  YATES, F.A. – The Valois Tapestries (London, 1959).


  HOLINSHED, R. – Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (London, 1807–8 edn).


  MARX, K. – Capital (London, 1930 edn).

  SHAKESPEARE, op.cit.

  Statutes of the Realm: 7 Ric.II, c.5; 11 Hen.VII, c.2; 19 Hen.VII, c.14; 22 Hen.VIII, c.12; 27 Hen.VIII, c.25, 28; 31 Hen.VIII, c.7, 13; 37 Hen.VIII, c.6, 7; 1 Edw.VI, c. 3; 3 & 4 Edw.VI, c.16; 5 & 6 Edw.VI, c.2; 2 & 3 Ph. & M., c.5; 5 Eliz., c.3, 20; 14 Eliz., c.5; 18 Eliz., c.3; 35 Eliz., c.4; 39 Eliz., c.3, 4, 5, 17, 21; 43 Eliz., c.2, 3, 7.

  Chapter 15 – TUDOR MEN AND WOMEN

  BALE, J. – Select Works of Jo
hn Bale (Cambridge, 1849).

  BRANTOME, P. DE B. – Les Dames galantes (Paris, 1947 edn).

  BRINKELOW, H. (pseud. RODERYCK MORS) – The Lamētacyon of a Christen agaynst the Cytye of London (no place, 1545).

  BURGESS, ANTHONY – Shakespeare (London, 1970).

  Chronicle of the Greyfriars of London (ed. J.G. Nichols) (London, 1852).

  DEE, M.F. – British Ballads (London, 1926).

  FOXE, op.cit.

  GAYANGOS, P. DE – Viaje de Felipe Segundo a Inglaterra (Madrid, 1877).

  HUGGARDE, M. – The Displaying of the Protestantes (London, 1556).

  London Chronicle in the times of Henry VII and Henry VIII (ed. C. Hopper) (Camden Miscellany No. iv) (London, 1859).

  MACHYN, op.cit.

  MARGARET OF ANGOULÊME, QUEEN OF NAVARRE – L’Heptameron (ed. M. François) (Paris, 1964 edn).

  MORE, SIR T., op.cit.

  MOZLEY, J.F. – John Foxe and his Book (London, 1940).

  Original Letters relative to the English Reformation (ed. H. Robinson) (Cambridge, 1846–7).

  PHILPOT, J. – ‘Apology of John Philpot written for spitting upon an Arian’ (in Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials, iii (ii) No. XLVIII).

  SHAKESPEARE, op.cit.

  Statutes of the Realm: 33 Hen.VIII, c.12.

  Sussex Archaeological Collections, op.cit.

  Venetian Calendar, vi (iii) App. No. 171.

  THE EDITORS OF HORIZON MAGAZINE, in consultation with LOUIS B. WRIGHT, Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library – Shakespeare’s England (London, 1964).

  WRIOTHESLEY, op.cit.


  L.P. see Letters and Papers etc. in the sources for Chapter 3.

  Spanish Calendar see Calendar of Letters etc. in the sources for Chapter 1.

  Venetian Calendar see Calendar of State Papers etc. in the sources for Chapter 1.


  1. Blackness, Newhaven and The Old Man were names given by the English to forts near Boulogne.

  2. Henry VIII’s only known illegitimate child, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, also died childless, at the age of seventeen, in 1536.

  3. Although the geographical areas of the dioceses were approximately those of the various counties, several of them included small pockets in the middle of other dioceses.

  4. The nineteenth-century historians bowdlerized this expression, and changed it to ‘whipped at the cart-tail’.

  5. There were small differences in the various Acts as to the length of time during which the repairs had to be carried out, which probably explains why a few of the towns were included in more than one statute.


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