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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  “It doesn’t compare to your beauty, though.”

  The nervousness she felt was like being on a first date, which in all honesty was ridiculous given the fact he had fucked her ass just a few short weeks ago. Aside from that one dominating encounter, Aleck was always a gentleman. The way she was starting to feel for these men bordered on dangerous. She reminded herself that this was all part of the game. They had hired her to do a job, and it wouldn’t do any good to let herself feel something more than what was actually there. She knew she needed to snap out of that before it got her in trouble.

  Their meal was already laid out on the table in covered dishes, but she highly doubted any of the men had prepared it themselves. During her time at the estate, their meals had consisted of takeout or food that had already been prepared and then frozen.

  They ate in virtual silence, but Lalita was very aware of how Aleck kept looking at her. The way he watched her didn’t seem gentle or shy in the least. It was more of a look a lion gave its prey before it pounced.

  When their meal came to an end Aleck helped her out of her seat and wrapped his arms around her. Lips pressed against hers, she got lost in the feel of his soft yet strong mouth on hers. He was a hesitant kisser at first, barely brushing his tongue against hers. He planted his hands firmly on her lower back and brought her closer to him until their bodies were flush. The kiss was soft, but it woke up her desire quickly.

  Although there was no music playing, their bodies started to sway slightly as the kiss finally deepened. Aleck was definitely aroused, if the stiff erection pressed against her belly was anything to go by, but he seemed to want to take things slow. She didn’t mind going easy, but his attentions toward her were so different from the other men’s or the way he had behaved toward her just a few short weeks ago. Whereas the other five made no secret about what they wanted or how they wanted it, Aleck was becoming more of a mystery that she was finding she wanted to solve most urgently.

  As if the imaginary song ended, Aleck broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. There was a sensation that passed through her that she couldn’t describe. Warmth bloomed within her and encompassed her entire body, reminding her of that warm, relaxing bath she had taken where she felt safe and protected.

  He took her hand and led them out of the garden and up the stairs. Neither of them spoke, but it was a comfortable silence. When they reached the landing, she expected him to lead her to her room, as did all the other men, but he surprised her by taking her down the opposite corridor and down a long, dimly lit hallway.

  When they stopped at the last door on the left, he pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked it. Lalita’s palms started to sweat at the thought of what was behind a door he needed to lock.

  “It’s just us tonight?” She knew the answer to her question already, and even if she didn’t, she couldn’t have stopped the words from coming forth anyway. Aleck didn’t answer her. Instead, he smiled a grin that couldn’t be called anything but wicked and pushed the door open.

  Dress bunched in her hands, Lalita stared into the pitch-black room. A gentle nudge from Aleck had her taking a few steps inside. She could hear her rapid breathing in the darkened room, and if she hadn’t been able to feel Aleck’s warm body right behind her, she would have felt all alone, as if a hole had swallowed her.

  There wasn’t nearly enough light from the hallway to show her what the room hid, and when Aleck shut the door, she was covered in a blanket of darkness.


  “Shhh,” he whispered by her ear. She felt him run his finger down the exposed skin of her back and shivered. “You aren’t afraid of the dark, are you, little Lalita?”

  No longer did Aleck sound unsure and hesitant. He sounded like a man that was playing a game, one that knew exactly what he was doing and got off on it.

  “Answer me, Lalita.”

  “Yes.” She didn’t know why she had answered that truthfully. She should have lied. It was never good to reveal a weakness.

  “I have a secret.” He wasn’t behind her any longer. She couldn’t pinpoint his voice exactly because it seemed to echo throughout the whole room.

  “You do?” Heart beating so hard she felt it in her throat, Lalita didn’t dare move. Although she couldn’t see a thing, she had a feeling Aleck could see her perfectly.

  “I do. You see, my tastes aren’t like the others.” A light flickered on to showcase a large bed in the center of the room.

  It was the size of the bed and the contraptions that were on the bed that had her heart stopping. Ropes were tied to the four corners of the posts, long enough to restrain someone if need be. A swing-type apparatus hung from glistening steel bolts attached to the ceiling. It didn’t look like any swing she had ever seen, not with all the leather straps, handcuffs, and other clip-like appendages hanging off of it.

  If that wasn’t enough, another light to her left went on to showcase a long table filled with dildos of every shape and size, ball gags, and metal poles with straps attached to them, and an array of other things she wasn’t even going to try and distinguish added to the mystery of it.

  She instinctively looked to the right, which was still shrouded in darkness. As if he had been waiting for her to do just that, the light turned on to show an X-shaped board. Thick-looking straps were secured at each corner of the table, giving it an almost-ominous appearance.

  “You see, sweet Lalita, my taste runs a little darker than my associates.”

  What in the hell is going on here? She supposed the saying about it always being the quiet ones was dead on with Aleck. This whole time she thought him quiet and the gentlest of the six despite the anal sex they had. It was clear he was the most dominating.

  The dress she wore seemed grossly innocent for the occasion, and she glanced down at it. The material was butter soft, nothing compared to the leather and stainless steel that was housed in this room.

  As if he read her mind, Aleck stepped out of the darkness and spoke. “I always did like the analogy about the innocent lamb being offered up to the wolf.” No longer did he wear the tux that made him look so handsome. He now wore black leather pants and no shirt. He wasn’t as muscular as the other five, but more like a lean swimmer, all toned sinew and tendons.

  “Come here, my little lamb.”

  This might be a little too much for her, but she wasn’t about to back down now, not when she had already come this far. That first step seemed like the hardest. When she was in front of him, she realized her hands shook uncontrollably. Clasping them in front of her, she saw Aleck glance down.

  “You have no reason to be frightened, Lalita. Was I not gentle with you before? I tried not to take control, but sometimes when something as beautiful as you is presented, the temptation is too much to resist.” He ran his finger down her cheek. “This is all part of the game you signed up for.” He took her hands into his and brought them to his mouth for a kiss. “I’ll tell you what. If at any time you feel so frightened that you want to stop, all you have to say is the safe word. I promise not to tell the others or hold it against you.”

  He didn’t elaborate on what the safe word was, and she had a sneaking suspicion he wanted her to ask him herself.

  After a hesitated moment she asked, “What’s the safe word?” His smile proved she had been right.

  He dropped her hands and circled her body. Lalita didn’t move, didn’t even lift her head to watch him. “Innocence. Yes, that seems like a fitting word for you.” When he was in front of her again, he eyed her up and down and told her to strip.

  The clasp to the dress was on the side, so she had no trouble slipping out of the gown. Per his instructions, she hadn’t worn any panties or a bra, so when the material fell to the floor, she was left completely nude in front of him. Aleck circled her again, and this time she felt his hands smooth over her ass.

  “Mmm, this ass looks tempting, but tonight I have other plans.” His chest now pressed against her back, he pushed his hard cock again
st the crease of her ass. “Was this pretty little ass a virgin before I took it?”

  He acted like he didn’t know every personal, sexually oriented detail about her life. She hadn’t lied about having previously been married or having a child. She hadn’t denied only being with one person or never having anal sex. Aleck just wanted to hear it.

  “You are the only man that has ever fucked me in the ass.”

  A tsking noise came from him before he frowned. “Now, now, Lalita. Ladies aren’t supposed to speak like that. Why don’t you say it the way you know you should say it?”

  So this is how he wanted to play it. She was supposed to be the innocent submissive and him the dominating Master.

  “Before you, no one has ever taken me back there, Sir.”

  “I like how you call me Sir, but I think I’d like to hear my name fall from your lips from now on. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Aleck.” His voice was rougher. She could tell by the tone of it that she would either obey him and play by his rules, or she would be punished.

  “Come with me, Lalita.” Taking her hand in his, he led them over to the table. She felt her eyes widen at the assortment of sexual paraphernalia littered on the red velvet background. “You see these anal plugs, love? I want you to choose one.”

  By the look in his eyes, she knew he was dead serious. She eyed the ten or so anal plugs laid out before her. They all ranged from biggest to smallest, and she finally decided on one.

  “I knew you’d pick the smallest one.” He plucked it out of her hand and set it back on the table. His fingers skimmed over each one and then back again before stopping on a big, thick clear one with straps hanging from it.

  Hell no. That thing was easily as thick as their cocks, if not larger.

  “That won’t fit.” She looked at him with an expression she knew was a deer-in-the-headlights look.

  He stared back at her, but his expression stayed stoic. The anal plug plunked down on the table with a loud thud. Aleck turned toward her and shook his head. “I thought you knew the rules. I didn’t give you permission to speak. I was only jesting about big boy there”—he pointed to the anal plug he had just set down—“but because you spoke out of line, I think you need punished.”

  Chapter Eight

  Aleck picked up the “big boy” as well as a bottle of lube. “Be a good girl and don’t look so scared. I promise I’ll make it good for you.” He took her hand and led her over to the bed. “Turn around and bend so your belly is flush with the mattress.”

  This was like a nightmare. Lalita could not believe this was about to happen. How in the hell was he supposed to fit that thing up her ass? Forget about the uncomfortable aspect of it, the size alone was far bigger than any of the men and was enough to have her insides quiver. Time seemed to slow to a standstill. It seemed like forever before she felt the gentle glide of his lube-slicked finger run across her anus.

  When he pressed the tip of the bottle into her ass and gave it a good squeeze, she could feel her eyes widen. The chill from the lube startled her, but not as much as the thought that he was lubing her up so thoroughly because he needed to fit that monster inside of her.

  He removed the bottle and ran his finger over the tight bud once more. His body heat penetrated the skin of her back, and she knew he was right above her. A leather-clad erection pressed against her thigh, and then he ran his tongue across the shell of her ear.

  He placed the tip of the plug against her anus. “Bear down and accept your punishment.” Ever so slowly he pushed it into her ass. Pain was inevitable, but the feeling of being completely full overrode even that.

  Sweat blossomed along her brow as she bore down and accepted it. An uncomfortable feeling settled within her when the plug was fully embedded in her ass. Lalita let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding and closed her eyes. She could feel straps being secured around her waist and each thigh. She glanced down and saw that the straps that had hung from the plug were there for more than just decoration. They were to secure it inside of her so she wouldn’t be able to push it out.

  Aleck stepped back and took his body heat with him. “Now stand up and let me see how pretty you look.”

  The very idea of standing with that thing rammed up her ass did not sound like a very good idea at all. It’s either do as he says or face another one of his “punishments.”

  Her random thought had her slowly rising. A groan of discomfort almost spilled out of her mouth when she finally stood as erect as she could. Lips clamped tight, Lalita knew making any kind of noise would not be tolerated. With the anal plug in her ass, she couldn’t even stand up straight, not comfortably at least.

  “Come here, sweetling.”

  Moving toward him was a little easier said than done. When she stood right in front of him, he lifted his hand and skimmed his fingers over a distended nipple. A shiver raced up her body at the light touch. Aleck held her gaze and leaned in to brush his lips across hers.

  “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight, Lalita.” The words were murmured against her mouth seductively, sensually.

  She could smell and taste the red wine he had drank at dinner, and it seemed to inflame her senses. With their lips pressed together again, Lalita let herself fall into the gentle caress of Aleck’s mouth on hers. Just as she was letting herself fall into it, a slice of pain brought her back to the present. Aleck had her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it roughly.

  “I want you in the middle of the bed, arms and legs spread wide.” Just like that, he said what he wanted to and moved back to the table.

  She stared at his back for a second and went over to the bed. Moving onto it and getting into the position he specified was a little more difficult than she thought it would be. For one thing, the anal plug made her movements stiff and uncomfortable. When she was sprawled out in the middle of the bed, she turned to look at him. His back still to her, he was picking up items off the table. When he finally turned back around, he wore a wicked grin that had her stomach dropping.

  “You see the restraints on the posts?”

  Lalita looked at each of the four posts that he pointed out and saw the straps he spoke of. Although she had never done anything related to bondage, she wasn’t naive. There had been plenty of movies she had seen that touched on the aspect of being tied up and spanked, but as she looked at Aleck, she knew it wouldn’t be that cut-and-dry.

  “Have you ever been restrained?” He walked over to her and laid the items he picked off the table onto the bed. There were things she had never seen but she sure as hell could guess what they were for. A handle was attached to numerous thin leather straps. That one was easier enough to discern as a whip, but that wasn’t the only one he had brought with him. Another one that resembled a paddle was covered in thick silver studs. Her ass clenched involuntarily at the thought of that coming into contact with her flesh.

  When she saw the ball gag, her throat went dry. There were several clamps, a blindfold, a wicked looking dildo, and something that looked like a steel pipe with bands on each end.

  “Wouldn’t it be fun to use all of these tonight? Some of these items must look strange to you.” Aleck ran his hand over each one.

  It wasn’t stated as a question, so she didn’t answer.

  “I knew you were the perfect female when you first walked into the room.” She had wondered why they had picked her. Surely there had been prettier and more experienced woman that had applied. “The others were too fake and transparent. Not you, though. When you walked in, I swear I could see your heart start to race through your chest. You looked like you had just walked in to a house full of ravenous wolves.” He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his finger up her leg. “I guess, in a way, you did.” He met her gaze and smiled. “That’s why we picked you, Lalita. You were filled with truth and innocence.”

  He picked up the dildo and held it up for her to see. There seemed to be beads at the tip of the shaft. I
t was long and thick and the base had what appeared to be some kind of control panel on it. She was wet, but was she wet enough to take something like that into her body?

  A click sounded, and Lalita felt her eyes widen in surprise. The beads at the head of the dildo started to move in a circular motion. Another click sounded and a loud buzzing noise came from the dildo. That thing was like a sex machine intent on bringing destruction. How in the world was she supposed to take something like that on?

  The sound of Aleck chuckling had her lifting her gaze and to stare at him. His smile was wide as he turned the dildo off and set it beside her. Nothing was said for several long moments, and then he moved between her thighs. She thought he would eat her out like the other men had, but instead he just stared at her pussy.

  “Such a pretty pink cunt you have. I bet you’d like me to lick it, wouldn’t you?” He lifted his gaze to hers, demanding an answer.


  “Yes what?” Voice gone sterner, Aleck’s expression flickered between amusement and dominance.

  “Yes, Master Aleck.”

  “Mmmm, I like how that sounds, but I’m afraid that would just be giving in to your pleasure, sweetling.” Attention turned back to her vagina, he placed his hand on her inner thighs, perilously close to what she wanted him to touch most.

  The torture of feeling his warm breath slide over her clit drove her mad. She let her head fall back on the bed and made her palms into fists. Lalita could feel his thumbs running slow circles at the junction where her pussy and thighs met, and it was excruciating trying not to beg him to touch more of her. Those deft thumbs started moving in faster circles, and she found it hard to stay still. With every puff of breath against the swollen bud of her clit, she could feel herself falling over the edge into oblivion.

  Pussy now sopping wet, she knew he could see the cream of her arousal coat her labia and slide down the crack of her ass. Would asking him for what she wanted end up getting her punished? It was tempting to test it out and see what happened, but before the words left her mouth, she felt him move away.


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