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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  Opening her eyes was harder than she thought. The drug of desire ran through her veins and made her feel euphoric and lethargic all in the same breath. He held the ball gag in his hand and smiled. “I promise to take things slow.”

  The bed dipped when he moved closer to her. The ball gag was like a beacon of what was to come. Whether that be good or bad, she wasn’t quite sure. When the gag was securely attached around her head, he moved off the bed and grabbed the dildo. A smile tilted half of his sensuous mouth and gave him almost a youthful expression.

  “I bet I can guess what you want.” The tip of the dildo touched her heated pussy, and she moaned around the rubber ball. “I bet you want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

  Nodding, because that was all she could do, she wished she could beg him to give it to her good and hard. Where was this wanton attitude coming from? She was acting like a crazed, sex-starved teenager. The restraints, the anal plug, and the gag all did something to her, made her desire something darker, naughtier. It made her want things she had never thought she wanted.

  Oh, she knew what he wanted to hear, and she was happy to oblige. Her body was on fire and only he could wash out the flames.

  His smile returned tenfold. “I knew once you were under my control you’d bend to my will. What a beautiful prisoner you make, Lalita.” He positioned himself between her thighs once again and ran the tip of the dildo over her clit. The shock wave that went through her at the small act was instantaneous.

  “Close your eyes and let me show you how good it can be.”

  When her eyes were shut, she felt the smooth, round head of the dildo press against her pussy. He slid it into her with ease at first, and when she arched her back and tried to spread her legs wider, he shoved the rest into her hard and fast. The force had her snapping her eyes open and a moan of pure unadulterated lust coursed through her. Never had she felt something so powerful.

  The force and determination had her nipples tightening in response and her pussy clenching around the girth of the dildo. In and out he thrust the dildo, faster and faster until she thought she would pass out from the ecstasy. The slippery sound of her cunt sucking at it was enough to bring her off, but Aleck’s deep words demanding that she refrain had her holding off with every ounce of strength she possessed.

  As he pumped her pussy full of rubber, she felt the hard slap of his hand across her breasts. The tissue jiggled from the force, and she thrust her breast out for more. The pain accompanied with the pleasure was a screaming duo that had her pumping her hips in time with his thrusting. The restraints did well to keep her legs wide open, but there was enough slack that she could bend her knees and beg, without words, for more. She wondered if he had planned that.

  Over and over he slapped her tits, alternating from one to the other until she knew they had to be as red as ripened cherry tomatoes. She wanted to see, wanted to see the outcome of his passion painted across her skin. When she looked down, she could see angry red handprints scattered over her pale flesh. The sight alone was an erotic aphrodisiac that had her wanting it to end but also had her wanting more of his lovely torture.

  When he turned the dildo on, it wasn’t the buzzing noise of the vibrator that had her body going rigid. She could actually feel the head rotate inside of her. The beads pressed against her inner walls and had lust lighting up every one of her cells. The sensation was incredible, alluring, and tantalizing all in the same moment. She pleaded for more, but all that accomplished was the dildo getting pulled out of her. Aleck left her lying there to feel the aftermath of his sensual abuse.

  When she was finally able to open her eyes, she watched him toss the dildo onto the bed. He reached over and grabbed the whip that was nothing more than a handle and several leather straps.

  “This is a cat-o’-nine. It isn’t the biggest one I have, but for what I have in mind right now, it will work.”

  There was no time for her to contemplate what he was going to do with it because in the next second he brought those leather straps down across her abdomen. The sting made her eyes water, but when those straps moved against her pussy and breasts in a darkly pleasure-filled motion, she wished she had the gag out to scream for more.

  Oh, she wanted a lot more, and a lot harder. The sting of that leather coming into contact with her flesh never receded, but instead morphed into ecstasy. Tears streamed down the side of her face, but it wasn’t from fear or pain. It was from wonder and adoration. Was this what she had been missing all her life? Was this the key that would open her eyes and show her that sex was so different than anything she had ever had? Whatever it was, she didn’t want it to end.

  When he stopped whipping her, she peeled her eyes open and looked down her body. Angry red welts crisscrossed over her pale flesh, adding a splash of his dominance to her body so that although they would heal, she would never forget. She lifted her gaze to him, saw him undoing his pants, and felt her pulse quicken.

  The sight of his big fingers slowly undoing the button and sliding the zipper down had her mouth going so dry it was like she swallowed sand. When his pants were down enough he could pull his cock out, she thought her heart stopped. He had fucked her ass, true, but she had yet to actually see the monster flesh that had plowed in and out of her body. His cock was so long and thick it rivaled the other men tenfold. Damn, and I thought the others were big.

  Pants hanging low on his hips, he gripped his shaft and stroked it as he watched her. He grabbed the bottle of lube with his free hand, uncapped it, and let the cool slickness of it drip on her overheated pussy. She thought she was wet enough, but after getting a look at the anaconda he had been hiding, she knew she would need more than just her own wetness to make his way easy.

  Situated between her thighs, Aleck ran his hands up and down her thighs. He would get oh-so-close to her cunt, but just when she thought he would touch it, he would slide those nimble fingers back down her thighs. It was a tease that had her wanting to pull him to her and beg him to fuck her good and hard.

  His thighs pressed against hers, the leather sliding against the slickness of her sweaty legs. He started stroking himself again, prolonging what she hoped was the inevitable.

  Lalita pulled on her restraints, not knowing if she was trying to get away or move closer to him. Hard pants of breath fell from his lips as he systematically touched her cunt and moved his other palm over his cock. Beads of sweat formed on his brow and chest. The light bounced off of them like tiny shards of glass under the sun.

  He started rubbing hard and fast circles around her clit. Oh, the pleasure was transforming into something more powerful. She could feel her orgasm starting to rise to the surface and knew she wouldn’t be able to stop it. And right when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he stopped touching her and thrust his cock inside of her so hard and fast she saw stars.

  The scream that had been building inside of her since the moment he started broke free, but the gag muffled the sound. Straining on her restraints, she tossed her head back as far as it would go and let her orgasm wash through her. His cock tunneled in and out of her, yet she was so gone with her climax that she couldn’t even register the sheer size of him stretching and filling her.

  The sound of him roaring out his own release vaguely penetrated her mind before blackness washed through her and sent her away into oblivion.

  Chapter Nine

  What woke Lalita was the sound of something whirling right beside her head. The sensation of floating penetrated her mind, and she pried her eyes open. Everything that had transpired right before she blacked out rushed forward. She blinked several times to try and clear her vision, but it was no use because she couldn’t see through the darkened room anyway.

  There were no spotlights highlighting the bed or the sex-toy table, and the only light that penetrated the inky darkness was a dimly lit one right above her head which also worked to alter her vision.

  When she got her bearings, she realized she was in some kind of chair-like d
evice. She hadn’t noticed it earlier, but then again she had been too stunned by all the sexual paraphernalia to notice everything.

  Her hands were secured with something behind her back. Both of her legs were bent on each side of her and tied down. Around her breasts was some kind of bra, but it did nothing for support and showed everything she had. Holes were cut out of the leather cups, and her areola and nipples protruded out of the too-small slots. The tissue that showed looked swollen and red, as if the space wasn’t big enough and the blood was being cut off.

  Upon further investigation, she noticed an elastic band around each of her thighs and one around her abdomen. Several clips hung from strings attached to the bands on her thighs, and a scary one with teeth hung from the band around her middle. A small table beside her held a paddle that looked just big enough to fit in her hand and a bowl covered with a cloth. Aleck was nowhere to be found, but she could sense him watching her. She tried the restraints that secured her hands, and although there was leeway, it was a secure fit.

  “I meant to let you rest longer, but I grew too excited to see you in the chair.” Aleck stepped out of the darkness. He was completely nude, his cock so hard it was like he hadn’t already gotten off.

  He stopped right in front of her and ran his finger down the bridge of her nose. Nothing else was said, but there were no words needed when he started to attach the clips to her. She watched with her anxiety growing when he spread one side of her pussy until her labia was pulled completely to the side. He then attached one of the clips to the tender skin. There was a slight pinch of discomfort, but once he attached another one on the same side and then repeated the process on her other labia, warmth bloomed within her.

  Next he took the sharp-looking clip that was attached to the band around her waist and secured it on her clit. The initial shock of the teeth on the clip pinching the tender bud had her gasping, but an angry look from Aleck had her biting her tongue and all other noises from her ceasing.

  Her vantage point gave her a prime look at what her pussy looked like with all the gadgets attached to her. Both her labia were spread wide so that the inner red of her lips was out in stark relief. The clip on her clit had the bundle of nerves pinched tight so that blood flow was restricted. Lalita swore she could feel her heart beating in her clit, pulsing in time with the blood coursing through her body. As if all of that stuff wasn’t enough, Aleck took two other clips she hadn’t noticed that were attached to the one on her clit and tethered it up and attached them to her nipples.

  When he was all done, he took a step back and smiled widely. She could only imagine the sight he was looking at. She shifted her upper body slightly and felt her eyes widen as the movement caused the straps attached to her nipples to tug on the one attached to her clit. A zing of pleasure and pain slammed into her, and she clenched her fists tightly to stem off the groan that would have fallen from her lips.

  A glance back at Aleck confirmed that his sight was trained on her cunt. He stroked himself lazily for a moment before moving between her splayed thighs once again. Although Lalita had come so hard already, she felt herself grow moist for him. Her body had a mind of its own, one where it was crazed for cock, and nothing else would suffice.

  She thought he would fuck her by the position he was in, but instead he reached behind her back and undid her hands. Confusion bloomed within her, but he didn’t leave her wondering long what his intentions were. Once she had her hands in front of her he took a step back.

  “Tying your hands wasn’t a necessity, but it was a visual enticement to see you all strung up like my sex slave.” He stroked his cock several times before continuing. “Spank my pretty pussy.”

  What? The ball gag was no longer in her mouth, but she still couldn’t talk, not after what he just said.

  “Do. As. I. Said.” Voice gone harder and sterner, Lalita lifted her hand and brought it down on her exposed vagina. It wasn’t a hard slap, but that was a sensitive area down there, and the action made her eyes water.

  “Do it harder.” Cock in his hand, Aleck pumped his cock faster as he watched what she did between her thighs.

  She closed her eyes and did as he said. Whenever her hand landed on her pussy, the clamps would dig into her skin, biting, stinging, arousing. Her open hand on her cunt hurt at first, and although the pain didn’t lessen with each sharp whack, she could feel the tissue growing more sensitive and tender. She felt her desire grow.

  He let her do this for several more seconds and then ordered her to stop. He walked to the table, picked up the small studded paddle, and handed to her. He then unclamped the clip from her clit but left the others in place. Nothing was said for several prolonged moments.

  She looked at that paddle he held in front of her face.

  “Ask me.”

  Ask him? Oh, how he did like his games. What she thought must be clearly written across her face. “What do you plan on using that for?” Oh, she had a pretty good idea what he wanted to use that for. Even now, her cunt throbbed with remembrance of the abuse she just delivered.

  He held the paddle out to her, and when she did nothing but stare at it, he raised a brow in question. The handle was made of leather, and when she gripped it, the material was already warmed from his touch.

  “Spank your pussy with it.”

  She snapped her eyes to his and nearly dropped the paddle. “What?”

  “You heard me.” His tone held no room for argument, and when he crossed his arms over his chest and just stared at her, she knew he was serious.

  “Wh–where?” His chuckle did not enlighten or ease her. Oh, she knew where he wanted her to spank, but the very idea of bringing the studded board across her already sore and swollen vagina was a little frightening.

  “Don’t ask me silly questions, sweetling. Do it now, or I promise you if I do it, you will regret it.”

  She knew he would make it pleasurable, but she also knew there would be more pain than she would give herself if he had the paddle. Finding the courage to perform the act was easier to think than to actually do, but she didn’t want to waste any more time and risk bringing his wrath down upon her.

  Paddle gripped tightly in her hand, she lifted it over her pussy.

  “And, Lalita?” His voice had dropped to a deep whisper. “If you don’t do it hard enough, I’ll give you ten extra lashes with my bare hand.” The flash of his straight white teeth in the darkness had her swallowing with a touch of fear and excitement.

  Her hand had been bad enough, but this was going to be torture. Without thinking about it anymore and talking herself out of it, she brought the paddle down on her pussy. A flash of pain had her arching her back. Electricity slammed into her as the nipple clamps pulled slightly and the hard little buds pulsed.

  “Ask me for more.”

  Already her breathing was increased and her vision blurry. “More, Master Aleck. Please let me have more.” Eyes watering, she brought the paddle down on her pussy again when he nodded.

  Over and over she did this, crying out in pain and pleasure, begging to be fucked, begging to come, but not finding any release. Her own pussy cream was starting to make the paddle slip across her abused pussy. It was impossible for her to find the orgasm she so desperately wanted. Cunt tender and tingling from the abuse, her whole body shook. It took all her strength to hold onto the handle and continue to spank herself.

  As if he had read her mind, he took the paddle from her and undid the clips on her labia and nipples. Eyes closed and head resting on the back of the chair, Lalita panted in exertion. When she felt Aleck’s hot, wet mouth on her sensitive cunt, she sighed in bliss. The wetness and heat soothed her aching flesh. He latched onto her clit and sucked feverishly until she inadvertently gripped his hair between her fingers and ground her pussy into his face, well, as much as she could given the position she was in.

  She could hear movement beside her but didn’t have the strength to open her eyes and investigate. It wasn’t until she felt something i
cy cold replace the warm depth of Aleck’s mouth that she gasped. Knowing her eyes were wide, Lalita stared down as Aleck pressed an ice cube to her clit. That small cube melted almost immediately and he grabbed another and ran it over her pussy hole. As if that wasn’t enough, he pushed the melting square inside of her, and she moaned at the dual sensations that rocked her.

  Hot and cold clashed inside of her, and then water and her cream melted out of her pussy. Aleck was there to lap it up and to repeat the process with the cubes on her clit and nipples.

  She couldn’t stop thrashing her head from side-to-side, wanting him to stop, wanting him to keep going. Her mind and body were at war over what the other wanted. When he placed another cube on her clit, he immediately latched his mouth over it and sucked. The combination was her undoing, and she came, permission or not. Animal like sounds came from him as he lapped up her orgasm. She was too weak and exhausted to do anything else but lay there, but when she felt him unhooking her feet, she cracked her eyes open. A strange look covered his face, one she didn’t want to address at this very moment.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her for several long minutes before moving over to the bed and gently setting her on it. The chill in the air seemed almost frigid to her, and she began to shake. Aleck was right there, holding her, whispering sweet words into her ear, touching her gently.

  “My sweet Lalita. How you please me so.” He brought his lips to hers for a gentle kiss and held her tightly.

  She couldn’t help but fall into his embrace. She wanted to be close at this moment, wanted to feel his body heat soaking into her flesh.

  “Please, Aleck.”

  “Shhh. You’ve been so good. Let me take care of you.”

  Eyes closed because she just didn’t have the strength to keep them open, Lalita felt him smooth his hands over her skin and pull her closer. She spread her thighs to accept his larger frame between them and arched into him. The orgasm she had just moments ago didn’t seem to satisfy her, and all she wanted was the closeness of another human body beside her, on her, and in her. She wanted to feel Aleck moving that big cock in her pussy as she clung to him and cried out in ecstasy.


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