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Blackmailed by the Billionaire Brothers: The Complete Series

Page 3

by Sylvia Banks

  The beast in Ellis started exerting itself. His eyes were wide and savage. His pumping became more erratic. He was near his end, despite his trying to hold back. I loved bringing out the beast in a man. He was in the clutches of a woman’s raw power. His every stroke was mine alone. I relished smashing a guy’s control over himself and his needs. All the more to send me over the edge.

  My wandering hand lightly skimmed my belly with my fingertips. Each downward motion went further towards my curly hairs. Enthralled Ellis watched. His thrusts becoming harder the closer I got to the apex of my legs. I flattened my palm and slowly slithered my hand down past my trimmed bush. He gripped my legs harder and pumped faster. We were shaking the cubicle wall loose. They’d need to be screwed down tighter after we were done.

  Rolling my middle finger over my clit sent shooting pleasure down my core. Ellis whimpered and dove harder each pump, never taking his eyes off my finger. I started rubbing my hard little knob faster, loving the penetration and clit action together. I rolled my head to the side and started to cry out at every spike of pleasure. I wouldn’t last much longer. I didn’t want to last much longer.

  My pussy clutched and suckled Ellis’ pumping cock. My climax rolling higher at each spasm. Ellis threw his head back and wailed each time his balls slapped my ass. I felt his cock expand and then he shallow pumped as his seed rolled out in a rush. The influx sent me to the crest of my orgasm and I shuddered the last of the swells of my peak.

  We stayed in the after bliss enjoying the satisfaction of ecstasy. Ellis hung his head, eyes closed, and heaving breaths. His glistening chest heaved up and down. His abs against the apex of my wide-open legs made me want a second round. But Ellis pulled out carefully so I wouldn’t fall, then lifted me up in a sitting position on my desk. He kissed me and stumbled back. I tried to grab him but wasn’t quick enough.

  He fell into the guest chair at the other end of my cubicle and laughed. Ellis washed his face with his hand. “Wow, fabulous,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I replied with a pert smile.

  He heaved a sigh and moaned, languidly pushing himself up. Swaying where he stood he redressed. I watched not wanting to move. Ellis flopped back down in the chair and flashed a victorious grin. “What’s this about you leaving?”

  “Yeah, that was my severance package.”

  Ellis burst out laughing. His amusement was contagious.

  “I wish you would stay,” he said. “Is there nothing I can offer you that would change your mind?” He licked his lips and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Unless you guys suddenly become a bakery, no.”

  His face scrunched into confusion. “A bakery?”


  Ellis shrugged. “Don’t think that’s in the business plan.”

  Adrenaline crash. I was coming off the high and realized what I had to do. I stood up, leaving a pooling mess on my desk and looked around at the disaster we’d made of my cubicle. “Wow, what a state to leave in.” I started looking around for my panties. Ellis picked them up on the sly and shoved them in his pants pocket—trying and failing to be discreet.

  I stared at him, open mouthed.

  “What,” he smirked, but his ears turned a deep shade of red. “A memento.”

  Shaking my head I smoothed down my skirt, latched my bra and buttoned my shirt. I was still rumpled but I didn’t care. I looked at Warren’s office door.

  Ellis grabbed my wrist, his eyes beseeching. “Fab, let me talk to him. We don’t want to lose you. You’re a wonderful employee. I think he’ll change his mind knowing you’d leave rather than be put in accounting.”

  I sighed. “Okay, but if you think I’m going to change my mind over night, trust me I won’t.”

  He nodded. “I’ll tell him you’re serious.”

  “Well then,” I said, leaning over and giving him a kiss. “Thanks for everything.”

  He stood and walked back in Warren’s office while I cleaned my desk. If I stayed this cubicle would bring fond memories. Tomorrow would tell if I remained working here or not.

  Chapter 4

  Mission accomplished.

  I typed on my screen to Bouncy_loudmouth. The curser blinked. I could feel the astonishment from the other side of the chat room. Confession time would be the best part of my day, and I couldn’t wait to tell my message-mate.

  You’re serious? Bouncy replied

  They don’t call me Fabulous for no reason.

  Setting my purse in the lower cabinet of the desk drawer and setting my coat around the back of my chair, I sat back down, preparing for the optimistic outcome of working here for a few more years. If I was lucky, I’d get Ellis alone again.

  You slept with your boss?


  I “Alt-tabbed” over to email. Mentally, I gave myself a high-five. Bouncy would need a moment to process. A triple dog dare wasn’t something to flash around like a flag. It was a badge of honor and a privilege to be this bold. Sure there were dares I didn’t take but if it didn’t involve getting me killed, yeah, I’d do it. Life was more interesting that way.

  Today would certainly prove exciting. I walked into work prepared for anything. Not Warren or Ellis would change my mind. I either stayed as an assistant or I went back to the filing room. Though if my boss would trust me to help him I’d be in a better place financially. The pay raise was helping with my student loans.

  Fellow co-workers clacked away at their keyboards, phones rang, the stiff smell of computers and electricity mingled with carpet walls. I set my nose against the desk where I’d been toughly satisfied last night. Yeah, I was weird, but the smell of sex was irresistible. Ellis smelled like manly musk and spice. I hoped he’d be cool after our rendezvous, but I’d make sure he understood my one track mind—towards a bakery. There was no time for boyfriends. Casual, sure. Full-time, not so much.

  I checked my email. No messages saying I was fired. Always a plus. I never really knew with Warren. Rumors of his brusque manner and gruff conversation skills had most the office jumping with nerves when he ordained to come out of his office.

  I hit “Alt-tab” and received my answer for taking the dare. The one asking if he was a girl or guy.

  I’m a man.

  Oh, surprise, surprise. Bouncy was a guy? Interesting.

  I went back to email. Ellis left me a message. The Subject title was, I talked to War. I held my breath and clicked open. Blah, blah, blah…I talked to War and looks like you’ll be staying on. Yes! Sleeping with the boss had its perks! I clicked over to the chat room, ready to sign off.

  Fabulous, are you a real red head?

  My handle was fabulous_redhead and of course my hair color was real. One-hundred percent.

  The office went quiet all of a sudden and I instinctively “alt-tabbed”. I turned to investigate the reticence. Warren loomed in my cubicle opening, scaring a yelp out of me. “Oh my god.” I placed a hand on my chest.

  “My office. Now,” he barked, then turned around and left.

  Shit. He sounded pissed. Was it because I was chatting online? I grabbed a pen and notepad and scurried after him. Did Ellis talk to him? Was he mad that I wasn’t going to the accounting department like he wanted? Was I fired?

  I rushed into his office and Warren shut the door after me. His stern command persisted as he sat down in his high-back chair. The spacious office dwarfed his black and steel modern desk. It was as wide and long as any executive desk only bigger and longer. Maybe he was compensating. If he was built like his brother he wouldn’t have to. Or perhaps Ellis received all the girth and length in the family. I snickered at my innuendo and sat across his desk in the sleek metal seat.

  Warren looked at me through his eyebrows with his hands folded, hiding his mouth. The usual intimidating stare-down as my mother used, only Warren did it better. Accustomed to the treatment I remained silent. In my family, the first person to speak, lost. Or maybe it was the first person to speak after my mother, lost. I never won but I tried

  “Ellis tells me you’re determined not to join the financial team,” Warren said after it was clear I wasn’t going to say anything.

  I set down my pen and pad, lifted my chin and said, “That’s right.”

  Long moments passed. “Very well. You’ll remain where you are,” he said with the conceit of a king. Warren’s eyes penetrated my soul. He probably counted the spotted flecks of gold in my irises. The silence dragged on.

  “Is that all?” I said.

  “No.” His answer came out as an order.

  Out of principle I wanted to get up and walk out of his office, but this wasn’t kindergarten. I would show him I could take his abrupt manner and be a worthy assistant.

  Finally he spoke. “Why don’t you want to be in finance?”

  This again. Did he not speak English? I exaggerated my words slowly so that maybe it would get through his thick skull. “I don’t like numbers. I don’t like being an accountant.”

  “Why the fuck are you here then?”

  I pulled back. I’d never had a boss say anything remotely disrespectful. Warren just cursed at me. In anger I spurted, “Because it’s the only qualifications I have.”

  He smirked and one surge of a half laugh escaped his lips. It was a mischievous, wicked laugh that sent a tendril of desire coursing through my middle. His brief smile and amusement lightened his expression to magnificence. His ire could make a roman solider pee his pants, but his grin could ignite a thousand woman’s panties. Holy cannoli. Warren could be classified as a sexy beast—if he turned the corners of his lips towards the sky once in a while. And here I was thinking Ellis was the more handsome of the two. Not anymore.

  But the lightness of his smirk vanished without a trace. He was back to intense, ominous Warren. I remembered what David and Barbara told me yesterday. How this man was castrated daily by the woman he married. Was that the mystery of my bosses missing smile? Maybe I’d find out, but at another time. Right now his gaze pinned me to my chair.

  Squirming like a teenager in the principal’s office, I couldn’t take it anymore. I never won at these crappy games. I stood up and said, “Hey, look if you need me for something I’ll be in my cubby-hole…”

  “Ms. Renzi, sit down.” Warren growled, pointing to the chair. His voice alone was a force that couldn’t be broached.

  I sat.

  He reached under his desk, pulled out a sleek TV remote from a drawer, pointed it at the wall behind me and pushed a button. I turned my head to a hidden screen rising up from a backboard, stopping when it reached eye level. The screen showed noise and then a black and white slanted bird’s eye view of the office. Specifically my cubicle.

  Security cameras. My heart froze. Of course he’d have cameras even if I didn’t see them. Oh, crap. I clung to my seat, stiff to the point of breaking if someone touched me.

  I watched as the video of Ellis and I having sex from last night played. The camera was set so only my face was seen. He turned up the sound and set the controller down. Warren replayed the whole eternity of the blow-by-blow. I was in my seat for a lifetime. I thought for sure my hair was grey and my face was wrinkled by the time he paused the recording of our afterglow. I was so fired. My trembling hands covered my face. I waited for him to hand me a pink slip, yell at me, or have guards escort me the hell out. But there was only silence.

  Sick to my stomach I chided myself over and over. Why did I take that dare? My mother would kill me. What would my father do? Oh god, they couldn’t know. Nobody could know.

  Finally, Warren’s cruel voice penetrated the pity party going on in my head. “How long have you been fucking my brother?”

  I gasped. The famed blunt-speak Warren was famous for came out in force. “I…” but I couldn’t finish my sentence. I went to stand, to run out, but Warren’s low growl said, “Sit down.”

  The deep, animalistic pitch of his voice sent the first clue that I was in more trouble than I thought. This was going to be far worse than being fired, or quitting. I pulled my face to look at him with every ounce of will I owned. All my dignity, any I had left, was thrown out the window. I wrapped my arms around my waist and bent over. This wasn’t happening.

  Warren narrowed his eyes. “Where’s the shrewd negotiator. I want to talk to her.”

  I had to pee or throw up—right now. “Ahhh…”

  His intense expression kept me focused. He wasn’t yelling. In fact he seemed disappointed in me. That made everything worse. I was supposed to be his right hand and I proved I couldn’t even keep my personal life out of the office.

  “When I ask a question, I expect an answer,” he said. “How long?”

  I blinked myself back into the here and now. “Last night…last night was the first time.”

  He leaned back in his chair and yet the intense hold he possessed over me grew stronger. He didn’t say a word. He set his hand on his desk and started tapping his fingers in expectation.

  Pull yourself together Fab. He’s waiting for you to connect the dots. But as to what they were I could not tell. “Why are you showing me this?”

  “I don’t care what you do in your own personal life, Fabiola.”

  My heart clenched when Warren said my name. He continued, “I could ask you once more to join the finance department, but I won’t.” He held up a hand. Not like I’d protest now. “I’ll concede to your wish and you’ll stay with me.” He pulled up his keyboard and started typing. I blinked. Was that a dismissal?

  I was missing something. I saw a video of me getting my brains fucked out and now the man who showed me the porn video, staring yours truly, was telling me I was staying as his assistant? “I don’t understand.”

  He gave me a side-glance that made me sorry for saying anything. “I thought you went to Notre dame.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He kept typing. “It means you’re not as smart as your degree.”

  Hey. I’m a crazy redhead not a dumb bimbo. “Some things are better spelled out.”

  Warren stopped typing and turned to me. “I have a video that I can release at any time.”

  Oh god. This was worse than I thought. I sucked in air. Of course he had a sex tape he could release on the internet, why wouldn’t he upload it? Because it would look bad for the company? Maybe. You couldn’t really see Ellis. There was no brand of the company on the video. Or maybe because he wanted something from me. “You’re blackmailing me?”

  He said nothing but the gorgeous smile that spread from ear to ear was enough confirmation. “In an hour and forty-five minutes exactly, come back in my office. Lock the door.” Be prepared for anything twinkled in the back of his eyes. This really wasn’t going to go well for me.

  I held up a hand. “Wait, you want me to…”

  “I have a conference call in two minutes.” He flicked his wrist and looked at his watch. “One minute and forty two seconds. Come back at exactly ten forty-five.” He turned back to his computer and put a blue tooth piece in his ear.

  “You’re blackmailing me for sex?” I had to have that out in the open.

  Returning to his typing he said, “Fabiola, you’re a valuable employee. When I ask, I expect you to do.” His eyes flicked over at me and tapped his watch. I am as smart as my degree thank you much. Numb, I lifted myself up and wobbled out of his office. An hour and forty-five minutes. What just happened?

  I left his office consumed in my own world. Grateful no one saw me I slumped in my chair, holding myself. Okay Fab, this isn’t the worst thing that could happen. No, it was. Getting fired? I’d be looking for another job. Quitting? I’d be looking for another job. Blackmail? He was blackmailing me, right? It was uncommon for Warren to be vague.

  Because he was savvy. He never mentioned the actual word—blackmail. It was an unspoken agreement. He’d never be caught using such words. In his position that would mean business suicide. He’d be branded and raked over the coals if he were caught blackmailing employees.

  What do I do
? Should I talk to Ellis? Shit. The HR head fought for the little guy but ultimately he was a company man. He would side with his brother.

  Staring off at my computer screen I realized, this is what it’s like to be blackmailed. This was a new experience. The surrealism of it all made me hyper aware. Ambient office sounds seemed a bit too loud. Co-workers clacked on their keyboards. Phones beeped in annoying rhythm. Even the florescent light above buzzed in my ear with the sole intent of driving me insane.

  Breathe, Fabiola. Deep gulps of air. I was Fabulous Fabiola. I could deal. This was just a setback. There was no one I could tell. I could see it now…working in my bakery with men leering at me. Boss fucker. Sleeps her way to assistant. It wouldn’t matter that I went to college and got a degree in a tough field. No one would take me seriously. Warren would never take me seriously.

  That brought my focus around. Okay, first, look at the bright side. I still have a job. Second…okay let’s not get ahead of myself with the second point. I still have a job. Would fucking Warren be an enormous hardship? Oh, my cannoli. I was already justifying this. Did I secretly want this? Warren was kina hot.

  I slapped my forehead. No, no. He’s blackmailing me. But damn if I wasn’t just a little turned on. I was single, he was divorced, he’d probably get sick of me after a year or two—oh my god! I am justifying this?

  There was one person I could tell. Bouncy might be able to give me some advice. He didn’t know me. I was anonymous. I flicked the alt-tab and started typing.

  Bouncy I have a question.

  I waited for a while, minimizing the screen while answering emails. I hoped I sounded normal.


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