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Blackmailed by the Billionaire Brothers: The Complete Series

Page 4

by Sylvia Banks

  Shoot! What’s your question?

  My dare was recorded and now my boss wants me to have sex with him…what should I do?

  I flicked my screen back and worked for a while. Bouncy’s answer finally came.

  Let me get this straight. You had sex with your boss and he wants more sex?

  Oh geez. I was going to have to explain the situation.

  I have two bosses. I slept with one. The other found out by video and now he wants to have sex with me.

  Is the other boss a toad?

  I had to laugh. Warren was no toad.

  No, he’s actually better looking.

  And the problem is????

  Of course. What was I expecting? Bouncy was a guy. He’d have no problem with it.

  He has a VIDEO! I typed. Serves me right for asking a guy.

  You should go to your HR manager and tell him.

  But he’s my boss’s brother.

  I was ready to give up and say never mind but there was only a flashing cursor. Frustrated, I disconnected from the chat room. I should be working anyway.


  I squeaked and turned in my chair. Ellis’s slanted body leaned against my cubicle entrance. He looked relaxed but concerned. “Hi!” I said.

  Ellis smiled, but the usual warmth and congeniality was replaced by apprehension. I wanted to alleviate any concerns he had and with deep sincerity said, “How are you?”

  This time his smile widened and his troubles lessened. “I’m good. I was just checking to see how you were.”

  I returned his smile with as much carefree delight as I could muster. Given I’d just been blackmailed, I didn’t think I gave all that good of an act. “I’m well.”

  There was a pregnant pause, but again, family traits didn’t let me speak first. I didn’t wait long till Ellis kicked off my cubicle and straightened. “Fab, if there’s anything you want to talk about, you know I’m here, right?”

  “Ellis, everything is fine.” I quirked a smile. “Don’t get weird on me.”

  The HR head we all knew and loved broke out of whatever funk he was in and smiled. “All right. I was just checking up on you.”

  “That’s sweet.” And completely unnecessary. “Thank you.”

  Ellis dipped his head and with that, left me alone with one more hour before I had to return to Warren’s office.

  Blackmailed By The Billionaire Brothers

  Vol. 2

  Chapter 5

  There wasn’t a minute that ticked by that did not escape my notice. Every sweeping motion of the time clock clicked by, both agonizingly slow and too fast. On one hand my dare had gone too far. On the other, I wondered if deep inside me I liked this. Daring me to do something was one thing, blackmail was different. Yet, I got the same thrill as if this was another adventure. I chalked it up to being a crazy redhead.

  At ten forty-four I was determined to make the best of the situation and grabbed a pen and pad to make it look like just another scheduled meeting. Doing my best to walk and not slink to Warren’s office, I stepped inside, closed the door quietly and locked the bolt.

  Warren watched me with the same intensity he always did, but he was still talking on his blue tooth. “Gentlemen, is there a way to continue this later…”

  His eyes glanced away and his expression soured like he’d just sucked on a lemon. The person on the other line must have told him something he didn’t want to hear. I almost laughed. Warren narrowed his eyes and said, “Very well.”

  He beckoned me with a finger and pointed next to him. I walked around his desk and stood where he wanted me to, my heart in my throat. He grabbed my pen and pad and began writing on it.

  Get on your knees.

  My lungs rose up and joined my heart. I couldn’t breathe. I hadn’t misinterpreted his meaning from earlier this morning. My legs buckled and I slowly got to my knees, not to comply but because his frank command over-powered my rationale. Holy cannoli, this was way naughtier than a dare. This was hot.

  “No,” Warren said to his phone caller. “That wasn’t in the contract.”

  I could hear the guy on the other line. Something about a past deal and he wanted compensation. Warren wrote on the pad…

  Suck me off before this call ends and I’ll take you anywhere for dinner.

  A flood hit my panties before I could fully register the demand. He had me at “suck me off”. It was both arousing and embarrassing. But so freeing to be told what to do and even beyond that—having no choice. True I could walk out, but then if he did upload that video…I didn’t want to think about the consequences.

  My lips parted and I stared up at him. He sat in his executive chair with his hands on the armrests, his legs parted in front of me. The cherry on top was his satisfied smirk. Warren’s face transformed in such a profound way I didn’t think this was the same man. Our commander in chief looked pleased with himself. I’d never seen him happy much less smile, even if it was in self-satisfaction. The difference lifted ten years off his face.

  I licked my lips and smoothed my palms over his knees to his groin. If he thought I was intimidated by his request, I’d show him I wasn’t afraid. I’d made a bad situation into an opportunity many times. This was no different. Having sex with Warren—not the worst thing that ever happened to me. Not by a long shot.

  Warren’s strong voice rumbled as he spoke with his caller while his eyes watched me. If he thought I’d just whip out his dick and suck, he’d be sorely mistaken. I was going to enjoy this. Good thing Warren had deep pockets, because whoever he’s negotiating price with on the other line is going to hear my boss’s “O” face. A perfect opportunity to take advantage of him.

  I started by lifting his shirt from his pants. The ends were so long the hem must have tickled his balls, but Warren just stared. The buttons on his shirt were small and perfect for my technique of unbuttoning his shirt with my teeth. One by one I slipped off his buttons. Having a time limit was a bummer, but I’d make it better the second time around. Whoa. Already thinking about next time and I hadn’t even started.

  Leaning over his lap, I kissed his abs. He immediately hissed and sucked in. I looked up and smiled. With his head pointed up, all I saw was the bottom of his chin and his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.

  “Yes, no, nothing. I’m here,” Warren said to his caller.

  Oh, baby, are you sure you want to play this game? I traced a lazy squiggle down his chest. He gripped the arms of his chair. He was trying to separate the pleasure of his body from his mind. I wouldn’t allow it. Warren wouldn’t last long. His audible and facial reactions were fierce. He needed this bad. When was the last time he’d been touched?

  While his back was arched I pushed the top of his shirt down and exposed his shoulders and biceps. Smooth olive skin and powerful muscles made for a combination to send my panties into the washing machine right after this. I planted tender kisses on his neck, shoulder, and I laid my lips against his throat while he spoke.

  “Nothing’s wrong with my voice, I’m fine,” He said.

  I silently giggled and smiled against his bare chest. Then I went for his hard nipples. My tongue flicked his little nub. The reaction was epic. Warren bucked. My cold, introverted boss gave me a passionate response, holding his tongue between his teeth. He heaved breaths through his nose.

  He undid his belt buckle, and the clasps of his trousers while I brought down his zipper. The bulge in his pants made the zipper a little harder to pull down. The noise also was difficult to suppress, but I wanted to continue the façade that he was listening to his caller. It was too enticing to watch Warren try to hold back. His unguarded expression and sensitive body made for one hell of a fantasy come true.

  I helped him wiggle out of his pants and underwear, delighted by what I found underneath. His engorged cock twitched free and slapped at his abdomen. He tried closing his eyes and concentrating on his phone call. He was adorable. From now on, any time he tried intimidating me with his cool st
are I’d remember this expression. Heat rose to my cheeks thinking about having this man. One of the most powerful CEO’s and I was crumbling his defenses.

  “No. Two hundred thousand,” Warren said in a husky voice. “That is the offer.” He was trying to wrap up his phone call. I narrowed my eyes at him. He’d learn not to play this kind of game with me. I stuck out my tongue and stroked his cock in a long swipe from base to head.

  Warren twisted his neck against the back of his chair, grit his teeth and let out the tiniest of moans. I did it again and the metal arm chairs creaked under the pressure of his grip. This was too much fun. I swirled my tongue around and around over his length, this time licking under the crown of his cock and over his belly-button.

  He twitched and his penis bobbed up a down, slapping against his abs. He was ready to blow. This time I applied real pressure and wiggled my tongue as I licked him up one side and used the underside of my tongue and stroked down. I made sure to press kisses along the way back up. The tip of my tongue wiggled on the bridge connecting the flare of his cock and the engorged vein supplying the most blood.

  He timed his breaths to my rhythmic licks up and down and furrowed his brows to concentrate on his conversation. He was down to two syllable answers. Soon he’d be down to one word sentences.

  “Not enough,” he said, and looked down at me. Though he was talking to whoever on the other line, his eyes twinkled and Warren gave me his mocking smile even after his vulnerable display. Not enough huh? We’ll see. I swirled my tongue and pressed my lips to the sides of his cock, rubbing my mouth over the top and sides of his rod. I rolled my tongue around swathing back and forth over his dick.

  His balls felt heavy in my hands as I gently fondled him. Then I slipped my hand around and made a temporary cock ring with my thumb and forefinger around the base of his cock, just below his sac. My pinky finger lay against the crack of his ass and I pressed in. He felt it. His whole body shivered. That’s right, Warren, if I’m going to be blackmailed, I’ll make it my own.

  “Justin! That is my offer.” Warren hid his cries over an outburst of anger.

  After I slicked my tongue all over his cock, I used both hands to stroke him to release. His hips gyrated and he near looked in pain from his expression. He tilted his head back and tensed. Clamping onto the arms of the chair Warren’s body started to shudder. I held a hand over his tip to shield the spray and pumped with the other.

  His thick cum launched out in mass amounts with each release. He twitched in his chair stifling moans during each shot his cock spurt out. It was one of the most proud moments of my life. Annihilating the CEO was true revenge for the shame he put me through. It was also the sexiest moment I’d ever had. I never imagined Warren ever letting go so thoroughly and without regret.

  My boss slumped in his chair, grunting confirmations to Justin. Warren’s half-lidded satisfied gaze roamed my face. He opened a drawer and handed me some tissues to wipe my hand. Very considerate. What a gentleman blackmailer.

  After I cleaned off, I tucked in his shirt, carefully zipped up his pants, clasped his trousers in and buttoned the top. Then I righted and buckled his belt. He was still on his call. Easiest dinner ever. I wrote on the pad the name of the restaurant I wanted to go to.

  Dinner at Roy’s.

  I walked out of the office without a second glance.

  Chapter 6

  Reflecting on the situation, I wondered if Warren thought I’d run from the building after he showed me the video. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he reacted to my touch. It felt as though I had control, even if it was him telling me what to do. But the triumphant expression when he told me, or rather wrote, to suck his cock, wasn’t one I’d call smug. It was the look of someone who’d made a dare.

  I’d been staring at the screen remembering the unguarded expression on Warren’s face when a pad slapped down by my side. I jumped and turned. My CEO boss set the pen and pad I’d conveniently forgotten in his office, on my desk.

  His cold glare was back as if nothing had happened. “I made reservations for six-thirty.” A chill ran down my spine as he scanned me with a detached expression. “We’ll discuss your failure to follow instructions at that time,” he said.

  He strut back to his icy domain and shut the door. Prick. Do I meet him at the restaurant? Do I change and come back? And my “failure” to follow instructions? What kind of a-hole can relax one moment and then be so composed and blaring ice sickles the next? But he did concede my win. Total score on sex first, then dinner. I could get used to winning bets like this.

  My cell phone blared in an old circular-dialing ring tone and I scrambled in my purse. Hitting the receive button, I said into the speaker, “Hello?”

  “Fabiola, it’s your mother.” Leave it to Mrs. Renzi to give a greeting that sounded like an accusation.

  “Hi Mom, no I haven’t called my sister. I promise I will.”

  Dead silence on the line. It was never good to assume why mom called. She took it as a personal insult if you robbed her of her nagging privileges. I’d done just that and I cringed waiting for a scolding.

  “And why haven’t you?”

  That was it? Shocked I answered, “I’ve been working.”

  “What? You didn’t have time yesterday? Why don’t…” She continued with the expected tirade. She must be getting soft in her old age. As usual, I tuned her out holding the phone away from my ear, until…

  “…your cousin wants to retire…”

  “Wait, what?” I pulled the phone back to attention.

  “Yeah, Phil. He wants to retire.”

  “What about his shop?”

  “Well,” Mother’s accent grew thicker. She’d gotten my attention and knew it. “If you called your sista, she would have told ya.”

  “Mom, why can’t you tell me?”

  “Nobody listens to me…”

  Yeah, I wonder why. Instead of telling me herself, she rambled on about how her family treated her like a second class citizen.

  “Mom…I’m at work, I have to go. Love you!” Click. Hopefully, it would take her another two minutes to realize I’d hung up on her. I loved my mother, but listening to her much ado about less than nothing was enough to make me want to go deaf. My sister would give it to me straight. I flipped to my favorite contacts and dialed my sister, Rachel.

  She answered her phone. “Hello?”

  “Sisssta!” I smiled every time I heard her voice. “How are you?”

  I heard a squeal on the other end. She blared her happiness so loud I pulled my phone away from my ear. “Woah, woah, Rachel.” We were always excited to hear from each other but this was a bit over the top. “Calm down.”

  “Fabulous, you’ll never guess! Phil wants to retire.”

  “Yeah, mom told me.”

  Another squeal. Then she said, “He wants to give it over to you!”

  Give what? And then it hit me. His bakery. He wanted to give his bakery to me? My phone slipped from my hand and it clattered to the floor. I pounced to the ground on my hands and knees scooping my phone up. “Wait…what are you talking about?”

  “Mom heard he was going to retire and she nagged him to death. He’ll stay on part time till the end of the lease!”

  There was one stipulation. “But he’s all the way in Brooklyn.”

  Chicago was far enough away from mom that she couldn’t just drop by any o’ time. Mother was the whole point of moving from Brooklyn. None of her children had lives as long as they stayed in New York.

  The option of having a bakery but having mom being able to drop by was enough to make me rethink the offer. “I’d like to call him and talk to him,” I said.

  “Fab, this is what you’ve always wanted, right?”

  “Yeah, but…mom.”

  “You know that’s just an excuse.” Her squealing stopped. Rachel understood. She’d moved further away, going all the way to Oregon. Of course mother complained that all her children were scattered across the con
tinent but she’d complain if they were under her roof too.

  “Besides, it’s your dream?” Rachel said.

  I didn’t know what to do. Yes, I wanted my own bakery. Phil’s was established and profitable. Having a business already going strong had advantages over starting anew. But starting anew meant any mistakes were mine. Of course being with family was a plus—even if mother had driven me and my sister away, it’d really been for the good of our independence. And then there was Warren’s blackmail.

  What would papa think? Mom would surely disown me from the family—for about a day. Then I’d never hear the end of it. Her Brooklyn accent resonated in my head. Have you met my dauwghta? The one who has sex with her bauws at the office? Yeah, I’d hear that until she went to the grave. Probably beyond the grave.

  Shaking from my thoughts, I returned to the conversation with Rachel. “It is my dream, but shouldn’t I start my own business?”

  There was a pause from Rachel, then she said, “You don’t want to take over a family business?”

  True it was sacrilege in my family to let a business close without passing it down, especially when someone had the talent for such business, but… “I wanted to go to culinary school first. Wouldn’t it make more sense if I did that?”

  “But you’re already a fabulous baker,” Rachel said. I could hear her smile working in my pet name. “And you can make it your own by changing the name to Fabiola’s Fabulousities.”

  I snorted at the attempt to name my bakery. She was just trying to get me used to the idea. But it was working. The place could be called Fabulous for short. “I’d feel more comfortable talking to Phil.”

  “Then call him,” she said. It was permission. Why I had to go through my mother and sister was more for family politics than anything. If I wasn’t interested, they’d tell Phil in a tactful way. My family was strange like that. With so many members and connections it was sometimes hard not to offend someone. Mediation by those closest to the family members involved was best. But when it came to brass tax, or formal dealings such as passing over a business, each family member dealt directly with each other. This was just the preliminary interview. Next step…call Phil.


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