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Gemini Rain

Page 20

by Lj McEvoy

  After David finally admitted his conversation with his solicitor she was scared and couldn’t think straight, grabbing the cigarette packet she bought after David left. Five out of twenty left, Christ was she smoking that heavy as she lit her sixteenth of the morning. She walked to the window and opened it, the noise and heat of Paris hit her as she took a deep breath. The elegant sights of the city lay before her, apart from Wednesday evening and last night it had been a magical time, she closed her eyes feeling the tears start to well up again. Staying there until the taxi arrived, Lauren jumped when he beeped the car horn.

  Chapter 31

  ‘Mrs. Connolly.’

  Lauren froze; she was heading for the car hire desk in Dublin Airport, with everybody rushing around her she was afraid to turn and face the voice behind her.

  ‘Mrs. Connolly,’ a hand touched her shoulder then a casually dressed young man in his mid thirties stood in front of her, he took his hand away when she showed her disapproval.

  ‘Yes, that’s me,’ she sounded cooler than she felt, ‘do I know you?’

  He smiled, it was a friendly reassuring smile, ‘I’m Marc, Paul asked me to pick you up.’

  He looked different than the photo Paul showed her, his hair was now cropped tighter, understanding her line of thought, ‘It’s gone,’ pretending to shake his now missing ponytail.

  ‘Pick me up? But why I’m going to hire a car, I don’t need to be picked up?’ she snapped.

  ‘So have we,’ he replied as he pointed over to one of the bars, ‘listen come over here and I’ll explain all, if you don’t believe me you can phone Paul, he’s at home or I’ll show some identity. But please come with me.’

  As he bent down to take her suitcase, Lauren looked around searching for any faces she might recognise or any police uniforms, after what David told her was she being paranoid she thought.

  ‘Please Mrs Connolly,’ Marc was getting concerned she was hesitating too much.

  ‘It’s Lauren, I hate my married name at the moment,’ Lauren decided to follow her gut instinct and trust him, she handed him the suitcase.

  Marc expressed a relieved ‘thank you’ as she followed him to the bar.

  As the waiter placed two soda waters and lime in front of them, Marc commenced with updating her on what had happened since Paul last spoke to her. Yes, Paul got a nasty slap on the wrist but survived, the case was not out of his hands but Dec. Insp. O’Reilly would be waiting for her when the plane from Marseille arrived tonight. ‘It was just pure chance and good sources that I found out what flight you were actually arriving on.’

  Lauren was silent, taking in every word Marc said. He advised not to rent the car under her own name so he arranged to rent one for her. ‘Were you trying to sneak in, Paul’s having doubts when I told him you were on an earlier flight’

  Lauren ignored the question deciding to ask one of her own, ‘and where do you fit into this fantastic storyline?’

  Marc cautiously looked around checking no-one was watching, he lifted the front of his jacket and Lauren saw a police badge clipped onto his inside pocket also noticing the gun he was carrying under his arm.

  ‘Christ, I don’t believe this, it’s too much!’ she nervously laughed.

  ‘I work with our amazing Dec. Insp. O’Reilly, except I’m undercover.’

  ‘Under cover, is definitely the right word for it,’ she mused relaxing a little bit.

  Neither had touched their drinks throughout the conversation, when they left Marc then showed her to the hired car, saying his good-bye he reminded her not to contact Paul, to wait for him to contact her.

  Lauren started the car but decided to ask him one more question, ‘are you not nervous you’ll be spotted on the security cameras when it’s discovered I haven’t arrived on the Marseille flight?’

  He leaned into the window with a quirky smile, ‘and who do you think will be checking the videos and flight schedules?’

  They both laughed; Lauren thanked him and drove away.

  Debbie and Pat couldn’t believe their eyes when she arrived on their doorstep, then over the exciting screams of Emma and Keith, she tried to explain why her flights were changed, ‘I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise everybody.’

  Over tea, she told them about Paris and the events of last night, deliberately skipping Paul’s phone call on Wednesday and the ensuing argument with David. They even had a good laugh about Jacqueline Orliac and her announcement that she was to work with David on his next film. With Lauren’s exaggerated description she sounded like an extremely poor version of Katie Price.

  ‘Hey, Katie is gorgeous!’ Pat protested.

  Lauren agreed just to keep him happy but emphasized this was like a bad copy God mistakenly created. They burst out laughing again, but Debbie added that she felt a bit of jealousy coming from Lauren.

  ‘Believe me when I say,’ Lauren stated in her grandest superior tone, ‘there isn’t the remotest possibility of me being envious of that woman.’

  But soon the mood reversed when Lauren told them of Francoise and how David took the news, thankfully the children weren’t in the car when the truck crashed into it; she was on her way to collect them from a birthday party.

  ‘But I thought she and David were divorced, don’t separated couples usually hate each other after such a bitter end to their marriage,’ Debbie asked.

  Lauren explained that David didn’t hate Francoise and visa versa, their relationship was quite amicable sometimes she added. But he gets overly attached to people, ‘and they did share ten years together, good and bad times.’ There was silence for a few minutes so quickly changing the subject and the mood she dished out the presents Lauren brought with her.

  David phoned that evening and Lauren spoke in short sentences as Debbie was in the room with her. ‘Yes everything was great… the flight was lovely no interruptions… I’m safe and sound in Debbie’s home.’

  Then it was her turn to ask how he was, ‘how are Pierre and Chantal taking the news?’

  David sounded strong but wishing she was with him, he was starting to struggle as their conversation grew longer. Lauren reminded him it was better if he arrived with Claude rather than his new girlfriend, ‘the children are confused enough.’ Lauren tried to hold back her tears and Debbie handed her a tissue as she left the room to give Lauren some privacy.

  ‘David you’ve got to be strong for the children if not for yourself,’ she stressed to him.

  ‘I know, honestly this is the first time I’ve broken down. It’s just hearing your voice, knowing you’re safe. Wishing everything was so different. Wishing I was with you now. Ahh, I don’t know…’ he sighed, ‘why can’t life run that little bit smoother for us!’

  Lauren’s doubts grew and her self-confidence took a nosedive. Was she a jinx? She felt a lump in her throat but resolved to sound strong for him, ‘David listen to me,’ she said it with force but hoped he wouldn’t take her up wrong, ‘I’ve said this to you before, stop depending on others. Stop torturing yourself ‘cause if you don’t you’ll end being hurt time and time again. Show your children how you can be there for them they need you now more than ever. Think of them for now definitely not us, we’ve got the rest of our lives to get things right. You’ve got to make them feel they can turn to you, make them feel safe.’ David was silent so she continued, ‘I know what Emma and Keith went through and they still do sometimes. You’re putting yourself through that lost feeling now and you’re a grown man with years of experience behind you, imagine what two little children are feeling. Please be there for them.’

  She stopped, there was silence down the line, she could hear him breathing then he said, ‘Thanks, I needed that.’

  Lauren knew he was smiling, relief swept through her as he replied, ‘I know you’re right I think I just needed to hear you say it. We thrive on each other.’

  Softly she murmured in agreement as David asked her if she was now alone could she explain more about the events of the
day, ‘I have this feeling there’s more to what you’ve told me.’

  Lauren recounted her day and the meeting with Marc and how thankful she was that Jacques’s warning didn’t become a reality, ‘I can imagine my friendly detective inspector’s face when he discovers I’m not on the flight from Marseille,’ Lauren giggled. David laughed his spirits now lifting. They chatted for a while, he told her the funeral arrangements and how the family took the news.

  ‘Joel doesn’t want Veronique to travel so far up north to Francoise’s hometown, she took it badly she and Francoise were close,’ he paused, ‘they’re concerned it’s so soon since the birth. Maman and Papa are okay,’ pausing again, ‘they’re strong. They’ll be there and of course Claude and Helene.’

  Lauren was content knowing who would be there for him and the children. They finished their conversation, each reassuring the other of the love they felt.

  When Lauren hung up she sat there alone for a while then she joined Debbie, Pat and the children in the kitchen, Debbie held out a cup of tea, ‘Okay?’ she asked.

  Lauren gratefully accepted it, ‘Okay, thanks for everything,’ knowing it was as awkward for them as it was for her.

  The week dragged in for Lauren, she kept her appointment with her Doctor and she kept her calm as he lectured her for nearly 15 minutes on her smoking, but he conceded that her blood pressure was keeping under control, ‘France must be doing you good,’ he remarked. Lauren just demurely smiled. The appointment with her solicitor, the industrious Mr. Anderson, Esq., took longer than expected because she wanted a change made to her Will and the probate on Peter’s Will was now finally settled.

  In Paris she asked David if he would take care of Emma and Keith should anything happen to her, he replied she was being silly but agreed immediately. She told him that if he changed his mind or didn’t feel he could offer them a proper home, Debbie and Pat were second on the list and he should hand over all authority to them, they were the executors.

  Then there was her Living Will, if the worse did happen she didn’t want to exist or depend on a machine for what was left of her life, David couldn’t believe what she was saying but she continued. ‘I want the machines switched off, without delay. The children are not going to remember me like that.’

  David was stunned and after much debate reluctantly agreed.

  Mr. Anderson checked everything thoroughly being qualified in Irish, English and French law and was now studying Italian law as a hobby. Everything was checked and double-checked; ensuring no mistakes were made and that both laws in Ireland and France were covered. Finally Mr. Anderson raised the subject of the file, ‘do you want me to keep it,’ he enquired, ‘and are you ever going to tell me what it contains?’

  Lauren hesitated then did what came natural to her; she followed her gut instinct, ‘No to both questions,’ she said, ‘I’m taking it with me back to France.’

  Dublin was as vivacious as ever. Lauren took advantage of Debbie’s constant nagging to get out and meet old friends, ‘Make a few calls, remind yourself of the fantastic night life Dublin has to offer.’

  So she did and fell in Debbie and Pat’s doorway three times that week. Fortunately the weather was good so she was able to take all the children on two seaside trips, as she and Debbie lay on the beautiful beach in Portmarnock, she watched the children play and reminisced about her own childhood. Daddy always ensured they got a few trips to the seaside during their summer holidays - her mother always stayed working at the office.

  Friday arrived and there were more tears at the airport when it came time to leave, as the plane lifted from the ground Lauren realised Paul didn’t phone her like he said he would. In a way she felt relieved, ‘maybe that’s the last I’ll hear from him, for a while at least.’

  She regretted not visiting her father, but Marc had warned her against visiting the office or her parent’s house, both places were being watched, ‘and I can’t hide everything,’ he informed her. At least the children got to see him the previous week; she was happy to settle with that. But Dublin was now behind her and she couldn’t wait to arrive in Marseille to David, to Gabrielle and her family… to home.

  Chapter 32

  David studied the contents of the large envelope just delivered by courier. It was from the film studio in America, at last the final contract arrived but once he read it he decided to telephone his solicitor in Paris. Jacques wasn’t there so David stressed his request to the secretary, ‘can you get him to phone me back as soon as possible, it’s important.’ Rereading the contract he was concerned over one section; the studio’s insurers would not take responsibility for the safety of the crew and cast in the event of kidnap and death through terrorism. What the hell was their problem? He couldn’t understand it. Knowing that two or three actors had already withdrawn from the project, he wondered should he do the same.

  Jacques called back an hour later and David explained his worry.

  ‘Can you email or fax up a copy to me, I didn’t receive anything,’ Jacques was annoyed the contract was sent straight to David and with it being so close to the film’s commencement date.

  Surprised his solicitor didn’t get one David agreed straight away, ‘Lauren’s office contains a scanner I’ll get the spare keys and email it within the next half-hour.’

  The conversation ended with Jacques assuring David that the problem would be sorted, ‘either with his own insurers or the studios’. He was certain the insurance company was being overly cautious because of Colombia’s rickety past, nothing to do with the country’s existing status. But David’s doubts wouldn’t dissipate with his friend’s assurances.

  Jacques telephoned David early the next day, ‘David it’s bad news. Nobody will insure you for the trip or rather they will, but the price is unrealistic.’

  David sighed, he was thinking about withdrawing because of his children now living with him but the decision was fifty-fifty, ‘and if I pull out what will be the studio’s line of action?’

  Jacques was as honest as ever, ‘I think you know what their reaction will be, it’s so close to the starting date and you’re the big name representing Europe with the others having already pulled out. With you receiving the contacts now I’m unsure of what you can do, have you made a decision or do you want to think about it?’

  David knew Jacques wouldn’t directly advise him, it was an opening to all sorts of implications for solicitors to be that honest. It’s was in their nature to hint their opinion but let the client make the final decision. David could read his friend so well and understood, ‘I don’t know yet, I want to discuss it with someone I’ll get back to you tomorrow.’ He hung up, ‘I’ll ask Lauren after all she’s been there twice, and she should know the current situation in Columbia.’

  Chapter 33

  It was close to 11pm as Lauren struggled with her suitcases, carrying a now sleeping Keith. Emma slowly trailed behind her, both children exhausted with the excitement and activities of the last four weeks it was now taking its toll on them. Lauren regretted refusing David’s offer to collect her from the airport, ‘It’ll be too late David and what if the flight’s delayed, you could be sitting there for hours, thanks but no thanks. I’ll easily get a taxi.’ She felt refreshed and confident when she said it to him but now with her strength dwindling, she called herself stupid and stubborn. As she walked through the arrival’s gate, there were very few people around, sighing she continued to struggle with the luggage trolley and Keith, checking Emma was still standing at least. Emma’s eyes lit up and she screamed, ‘David!’ getting a sudden surge of energy she ran to him. Lauren just stood there, relief swept through her. David lifted Emma up in his arms as she smacked a big sloppy kiss on his cheek.

  ‘Can I help you Madame?’ he smiled as he kissed Lauren.

  Lauren hugged him tightly, ‘Thanks,’ she replied softly.

  ‘I know, you’re too independent for your own good and I’m your knight in shining armour,’ he announced to the people looking
in his direction.

  As he drove home, he updated Lauren with the few days and informed her that he was now sleeping three to a bed, ‘Oh they go to their own beds but as soon as I retire to my own they sneak in.’ Pierre was strong but too quiet, David was concerned for him and Chantal would forget sometimes and ask where was Maman. He went silent staring at the road ahead; Lauren put her hand on his arm fully comprehending every emotion he was feeling,

  ‘How are you going to manage when you leave for Colombia?’ she asked.

  David sighed and said hesitantly, ‘I don’t want to go. Maman said she can manage, I’m not concerned about that and I could hire a nanny to help out. But the dates have been set for three weeks it’s too soon to leave Pierre and Chantal alone.’

  ‘But they won’t be alone, you know that.’

  David frowned then Lauren added softly, ‘they’re used to you leaving for work and they know you’ll return. It’s really you who doesn’t want to leave them. You’re torn between them and your work.’

  Quickly David glanced to see if Emma and Keith were still asleep then pulled the car over to the side of the road. Turning to Lauren he was still frowning, he looked at her she was beautiful to him, not what he usually fell for, no, definitely not the actress type. But there was something special about her, something special between them, he couldn’t pinpoint it and hoped he never would. He knew she was waiting for him to say something so he beamed a smile to her, ‘How come you know me?’ leaning over to steal a kiss not giving her a chance to answer.

  By the time they got to the house and safely installed Emma and Keith in bed, Lauren successfully changed his mind about not acting in the film and suggested enrolling Pierre and Chantal into the private school her children attended.


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