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Gemini Rain

Page 21

by Lj McEvoy

  ‘That way I can bring and collect them with Emma and Keith. It’ll help Gabrielle a bit when school does restart and then before you know it you’ll be back in October.’ She added, ‘It might even help the four children become friends.’

  David chuckled, he knew it would be no problem with Chantal being friends with Lauren’s children but then there was the moody, straight to the point Pierre. He mischievously decided to keep quiet and see what Lauren’s reaction would be when she met them tomorrow.

  ‘I told my two I had work in Marseille and would stay with Claude tonight,’ he kissed the back of her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Lauren was making some tea she turned around and gave a pitiful look, ‘David I’m exhausted not tonight please.’

  He was stunned, his jaw dropped.

  ‘Gottcha!’ she exclaimed.

  Later that night David confessed to her of his other reservations about going to Columbia. Lauren promised to help him check further on the Internet about the political situation there. The following morning she showed him how to search for information and left him to delve into the world of search engines. After an hour she rejoined him and he was still unsure, ‘the CIA recommend that Americans never travel there although they can’t stop them,’ he informed her.

  She quickly scanned through the contract, twenty-four hour armed security, full protection when leaving and returning to the hotel, organised safe tours. ‘It’ll be like a prison, David,’ Lauren was surprised so much detail was in the contract.

  David explained that the Colombian government was trying to entice more and more companies to invest in their country and one good way is through Hollywood and a successful movie. Lauren hesitated and asked him was it worth the hassle after all he was now retiring. David admitted he needed to think more and would phone Jacques with a decision later this evening.

  Lauren was unusually nervous when she entered the Corvasieur household for her ritual Saturday evening dinner with them. Only knowing David’s children through the few brief descriptions he reluctantly donated to her and the photo in his wallet of them when Chantal was born, she knew nothing of what was in store. His reluctance surprised her until he expressed how much it hurt when he spoke or thought of them.

  The usual warm welcomes were made and the children were introduced to each other. Chantal was beautiful and every bit her mother even her hair, although Francoise had kept her own a lighter chestnut in colour Chantal’s looked as if it had never been touched by a scissors in the five years she existed on this earth. David then introduced Pierre to Lauren, as they shook hands David stood behind him and placed his hands on Pierre’s shoulders, prepared.

  ‘So everybody’s saying you’re the new item Papa’s saved from the top shelf,’ he stated.

  Everybody gasped then silence; David turned to Joel and Claude trying to hold in his laughter.

  Lauren eyeballed Pierre, ‘No, actually I caught him as he was falling off it. I’ve never had the time to climb up that high.’

  Pierre just stared at her blankly.

  ‘Right I think its time for aperitifs everybody,’ David announced and immediately moved his son away towards Jean-Pierre, looking to his father for help. Veronique winked at Lauren and gave her the thumbs up sign. Lauren smiled back but inside she was annoyed wanting to thump David, why the hell didn’t he warn her. She knew now exactly what type of child he was. Looking at her own son knowing how he could be so antagonistic sometimes she hoped Keith didn’t end up like that, Francoise’s heart must have been broken with him and knowing David, he obviously enjoyed annoying her by tolerating him.

  The evening passed too quickly and Lauren ignored the ghastly stares from Pierre; she and David deliberately sat opposite, agreeing to be discreet in front of the children. When they were walking towards her house David asked her what she thought of his children. Lauren was waiting for the subject to come up and immediately thumped him.

  ‘Ouch!’ he rubbed his arm, ‘What was that for?’ he laughed.

  ‘You know exactly what it’s for, David Corvasieur and don’t you dare place me in a situation like that ever again!’ Anger and annoyance lined every word she shouted at him.

  Emma and Keith turned back to see what was happening, they looked to each other and threw their eyes up to heaven and shrugged.

  ‘He’s really a nice guy you know, bit like his father,’ David grinned.

  ‘He’s more handsome than his father, God help any woman foolish enough to fall in love with him,’ Lauren looked up to the heavens then added, ‘and just like his father, he should have got a clip around the ear a long time ago.’

  Lauren decided to get her point across and sent him home after coffee, when he arrived back Jean-Pierre and Gabrielle were waiting for him.

  ‘Serves you right,’ Gabrielle was delighted that Lauren had sent him packing making her disapproval known as she left for bed.

  Jean-Pierre smiled at the frustration on David’s face, ‘you should have warned Lauren. I knew by the look on her face she wasn’t expecting that sort of greeting from a ten-year-old child,’ he tried to sound stern.

  David cheekily grinned, ‘but she handled him brilliantly, don’t you think!’

  ‘Yes,’ Jean-Pierre couldn’t hold in his laughter any longer. But he quickly changed his tone, ‘You’ve got to talk to Pierre, I don’t want him resenting Lauren and her children. Remember you’re leaving in three weeks; sort the problem out before then.’

  ‘I know Papa and I will. I promise,’ David said dreading the thoughts of acting as an authoritative father.

  It wasn’t long before Lauren forgave David spending their time together as much as possible, as discreetly as possible in front of the children as indiscreetly as possible when alone. David tried to have a man to man chat with his son without success, losing his patience when Pierre commented about how he always came back from Claude’s home driving his bike downhill from their old home instead of the usual uphill route from Marseille.

  Jean-Pierre volunteered knowing because of David’s work Francoise was often left acting as both mother and father to the children. In his frustration David admitted to Lauren one night that he hardly knew Pierre or Chantal, ‘I was the Papa who disappeared for months on end, then arrived home with loads of presents only to disappear again a few weeks later.’

  Lauren then understood it was guilt as well as hurt when he refused to talk about them previously. She was also now worried about his decision to go on the Colombian trip, okay so he wanted to finish with a big movie but would it be worth it? David was adamant all would be okay the security was more for a Royal or Political tour than for just a film.

  ‘Besides,’ he reassured her, ‘who would pay attention to a bunch of mad actors and crew in the middle of the rainforest!’

  Chapter 34

  All too soon, the time arrived for David to leave for Colombia. He was disappointed he wouldn’t be here to stand for his new God-daughter, he and Claude were proud to accept the honour when Joel asked them but Joel promised to wait until he returned for the christening. David insisted it had been delayed too much and agreed that Jean-Pierre would take his place. Then there was the little problem of Pierre’s intolerable behaviour toward Lauren and her children. She assured him it meant nothing and maybe things would change, but David hated it. Pierre acted as if they didn’t exist, it was inexcusable and David regretted laughing the first night. Saying his good-byes to all at the farm, Lauren drove him to the airport. When she parked the car, she said she wasn’t going inside with him.

  ‘Why not?’ he was surprised by her announcement.

  Tears were starting to well up in Lauren’s eyes, she couldn’t look at him, ‘I hate good-byes,’ she murmured, ‘I’ve said too many and especially in a crowed airport, it’s too public.’

  He understood what she was saying, knowing some idiot fan would probably ask for an autograph while they kissed goodbye. He twisted the Claddagh ring on his finger, hesitated
but then took a small box out from his inside pocket, ‘Lauren,’ he opened the box, ‘will you marry me?’

  Lauren cried with happiness and sadness all the way home, needing to stop the car several times. She looked at the ring now placed on her wedding finger, it was beautiful. It was a Claddagh ring too, except where David’s heart and crown was gold hers were shaped diamonds. Agreeing to announce their engagement when David returned, regretfully she placed it back in its box as she arrived at the farm to collect Emma and Keith. Never feeling this ecstatic before, she vowed he would never have a reason to fall into another woman’s arms, they would never be separated ever again.

  During August Lauren and Gabrielle brought the children and an increasingly housebound Veronique to the seaside and picnics on several occasions. Joel told his mother that he was concerned he couldn’t work out if it was because of the birth or Francoise’s death.

  Les Calanques are one of the many attractions Marseille is extremely proud of, famous for hiking and underwater diving, to name but a few of the many attractions, the region alternates between steep cliffs and beautiful creeks hiding many small beaches. Then there were the Prado beaches in the 8 Arrondissement, a word Lauren could never pronounce and what the French called their different districts within their largest cities. Gabrielle’s favourite was the Pointe Rouge beach because it was so popular with the locals; she often met up with old friends catching up with the gossip. Veronique loved the relaxed atmosphere, often repeating, ‘Mon Dieu not a roller blade or windsurfer in sight.’

  Lauren held a small birthday party for Keith inviting some of his friends from school and of course Pierre and Chantal. Pierre refused to go but Lauren wasn’t surprised by his protest. Keith was delighted with his new puppy but there was intense arguments about what it was to be called, ‘Keith honey, believe me when I say Godzilla is not a good name for a puppy dog,’ Lauren tried desperately to persuade her stubborn son.

  It was one of the hottest days of summer and they were all baking themselves on a small sheltered beach they found in the Sormiou Calanque close to Marseille.

  ‘Lauren,’ Gabrielle decided now was her chance to talk. Pierre was asleep on one of the towels and Lauren was adjusting one of the Parasol so it shaded him.

  ‘Hmm,’ Lauren checked on the baby and that the other three were not annoying Veronique too much as she paddled in the water.

  ‘Can we talk?’ Gabrielle asked.

  Lauren turned to her puzzled, ‘we’ve never hesitated before,’ she laughed.

  ‘I know, but this is different it’s about Pierre,’ Gabrielle sighed, ‘do you hate him for the way he behaves?’

  Lauren checked he was still asleep and the sat down on the pebbly sand beside Gabrielle’s chair, ‘I don’t like his attitude to Emma and Keith but I don’t know him enough to say I hate him.’

  ‘Maybe he fears you are trying to replace Francoise,’ Gabrielle said softly.

  ‘I haven’t tried and I never will,’ Gabrielle nodded agreement as Lauren continued, ‘It’s like David trying to take the place of Peter, you can’t compete with the dead it’s a lost battle before it’s even started.’

  Both women were silent for a moment, deep in their own thoughts then Lauren added, ‘If Pierre doesn’t want me or the children as friends then so be it, but there are others involved and I wish he could realise that. It’s breaking David’s heart to see him this way.’

  ‘David must make him feel more secure than it’s been so far in his short life, Pierre can read the headlines in gossip magazines too,’ Gabrielle felt her throat dry up stretching out for some water.

  ‘But will Pierre allow him to?’ Lauren added sadly.

  ‘Mammy!’ Emma cried out, ‘Mammy there’s something wrong with Veronique!’ Veronique was bent over holding onto Emma’s shoulder; she weakly waved to them her face in pain. Pierre quickly sat up and Lauren realised then that he was only pretending to be asleep, ‘the little git heard everything,’ she smirked as she ran towards Veronique.

  ‘Appendicitis,’ Lauren informed David later that evening, ‘she didn’t say anything even though the pain was niggling at her these past few weeks.’

  ‘I’ll telephone Joel now, I presume he’s having dinner with Maman and Papa,’ David sounded concerned, ‘how did the children react? Are they ok?’

  ‘Yeah they’re all fine,’ she half-lied, ‘just a little shocked, I guess.’

  Deciding to cut the conversation short he could feel she was holding back more detail on the children more-in-likely about Pierre, ‘listen I’ll try to catch Joel at the farm, I’ll phone this time next week okay.’

  Lauren just agreed not knowing what else to say, ‘Okay, take care.’

  David sounded more distant than Colombia, ‘Lauren je t’aime, you know that.’

  She cheered up a bit, ‘I love you too.’

  Chapter 35

  Emma didn’t want to go to school, they were two weeks back and it was Monday again. Lauren came into her room for the third time, ‘Come on, Missy we’ll be late!’

  ‘Mammy, I’ve got a terrible pain,’ she tried her in agony face.

  ‘Emma this is the third time you’ve tried this and you’re only two weeks back in school, get out of bed and get dressed!’ Lauren was stern thinking that Emma wasn’t going to start this little act anytime she didn’t want to go to school. Helping her to get out of bed Lauren asked was there a problem, did she not like her new teacher?

  ‘No, mammy no problem,’ Emma said sullenly, ‘I’m just tired, that’s all.’ Emma knew if she told Lauren of her problem with that new boy in her class, Sr. Albert would be informed and then the whole school will think she was a coward and a telltale. ‘I’ll dress myself,’ afraid Lauren would see the bruises on her thighs and arm.

  Lauren winked, ‘That’s my girl,’ and left to check Keith was eating his breakfast.

  ‘Michel Fevier is a big pig,’ Emma stated as she looked at the bruises on her legs. On Saturday morning, he threatened her with a Chinese burner if she didn’t do his homework; she took the books from him knowing he would then leave her alone. But she didn’t do it and hoped Lauren would fall for her pain in the stomach trick. Her plan was that if she didn’t turn up, he’d get into trouble and maybe he’d think twice about forcing her to do it again.

  When Lauren picked up Pierre and Chantal Emma glared at Pierre, he in turn returned the stare. ‘He saw what happened in the school playground on Friday and just walked away,’ Emma foolishly thought Pierre was actually trying to be friendly with her as he was starting to have conversations with her in the schoolyard during the week but now she knew he wouldn’t change. ‘He’s another pig and a tall one at that,’ Emma thought.

  At lunchtime, Emma helped out in the school canteen, delaying the time when she would have to face the pig as she now called Michel. She was delighted at the fact he got double the amount of homework as punishment and to write out the entire French reading book but now she was using delay tactics afraid he was waiting for her. Sr. Albert asked why she wasn’t going out into the sunshine, when Emma just shrugged the nun scooted her out.

  Emma looked around, ‘Thank God, he’s not here,’ bursting to go to the toilet she ran to the exterior WC.

  As she entered she felt a thump on her shoulder, ‘Got you, you stupid Irish bitch!’ Michel hissed, Emma screamed struggling to get away from him. Suddenly she was pushed to the ground and heard a cracking sound which reminded her of the time she broke her arm. She looked up to see Michel lying on the ground screaming and holding his nose, blood was streaming from it beginning to overflow through his fingers.

  ‘If you ever touch her or anybody else, I’ll do more than break you nose!’ Pierre threatened as he stood over him. A shadow then blocked the light coming from the door. It was Sr. Albert.

  Lauren was finished work on her computer and decided to get a late top-up on her suntan after she got something to eat. The phone rang as she was just about to take the first bite of her sandwi
ch, it was Sr. Albert, ‘There’s a problem in school, can you come straight away?’

  ‘What was the problem?’ Lauren enquired.

  ‘It’s Emma,’ Sr. Albert stated assuring her that she wasn’t ill but didn’t want to discuss it over the phone.

  Lauren was walking out the door when the phone rang again; it was Gabrielle looking for a lift into the school. ‘Oh shit,’ Lauren grimaced.

  Both women entered Sr. Albert’s office to find a crying Emma and a scowling Pierre.

  Lauren was fit to kill him, ‘what the hell have you done now!’ she accused him.

  ‘Nothing,’ he soberly replied.

  Lauren was gob-smacked he actually acknowledged her existence, Gabrielle put her hand on Lauren’s arm to calm her down pointing to the chairs in front of Sr. Albert’s desk. The principal commenced telling the events of lunchtime ending by saying that luckily Michel’s nose was not broken but badly bruised and bloodied. Thankfully Emma broke down and told the truth so Sr. Albert was prepared when Michel’s mother came to collect him.

  ‘He’s expelled and we’re not the first school to do him that honour,’ she looked at Pierre and then to Gabrielle, ‘Pierre is suspended for two weeks.’

  Both Lauren and Gabrielle let out a gasp, but Sr. Albert continued, ‘I’m sorry but we must set an example, we cannot condone violent behaviour - No matter what the circumstances.’

  ‘And Emma?’ Lauren asked.

  ‘Emma was the victim in all this, I’d hardly suspend her for being bullied,’ Sr. Albert was surprised at the question.

  Lauren looked at both children guiltily biting her lip, how wrong could she have been. When they were leaving Sr. Albert recommended keeping Emma at home for a day or two, especially now they were going to have a chat with all classes on the problem of bullying and what to do about it. ‘We don’t want her to feel uncomfortable when we talk to her class, especially as her classmates don’t know,’ she said softly.


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