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Nocturnal Surrender (The Nocturnal Surrender Series)

Page 5

by Pearl, Lorraine

  She sighed and turned to Ginger, hoping to satisfy her curiosity with some minor details. “Honestly, he’s…sweet. Like a big teddy bear. And I wouldn’t say we’re dating yet. We talked for a while at Surrender, then on the phone a few times, and we’re planning on seeing each other again. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

  “What about the bite? Your first bite was from an Evanko, so spill it. I’ve got to know.” Ginger stared with wide-eyed anticipation.

  Nicole clenched her jaw for a moment. The bite—well, bites—were intimate, not something she wanted to share. Unfortunately, knowing Ginger’s tenacity, she had no choice but to give her something. At times, the redhead acted like an annoying little dog, biting Nicole’s pant leg and not letting go until she played fetch.

  Just get this over with. “If you must know—”

  “Oh, trust me. I must.” Ginger’s smile grew wide.

  Maybe I should start drinking to relax around these people. “The bite wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I freaked out over nothing. You were right. And it didn’t hurt much at all. He was gentle.”

  Ginger furrowed her brows, pressed her lips together, and shook her foot. “You know that’s not what I’m talking about. Did you like it? Did it feel good?” Those bright red brows rose on the last word.

  Should have known this wouldn’t be easy.

  But if she didn’t give up any more information, Ginger might get suspicious.

  “Yes, after I got over the anxiety of it, and the weird sucking sensation, it actually felt kind of…” Amazing. Arousing. “…nice.”

  “Nice? Do you really expect me to believe that? Remember, I’ve been on the receiving end of many sets of fangs, and I know what it can do to a woman when a sexy vampire is sucking on her neck.”

  Annoying little dog. Change the subject. “Why do some people call them vampires? Isn’t that feeding into their odd behaviors?”

  Ginger laughed so hard she held her stomach.

  Nicole obviously missed the joke. “What’s so funny?”

  The other dancer took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. “Feeding. Don’t you get it? Vampires. Biting. Feeding.” She smacked Nicole’s arm. “Anyway, I don’t like referring to them as sanguinarians. I’d rather make believe it’s real. Vampires are hot right now, and they kind of turn me on.”

  Obviously Ginger didn’t have any answers. She was just happy to have someone sucking on her neck.

  How had Nicole overlooked Bastian’s eccentricities of pretending to be a vampire and drinking human blood? She wanted to call her friend, Sarah, back home, but she really didn’t want anyone to know what she’d done. At least Ginger understood the strange fascination with sanguinarians.

  Maybe one more try at getting information might have better results. “So you don’t think it’s strange for us to be attracted to them? I mean, you wouldn’t mind dating someone who drinks blood?”

  “I am dating one of them, sort of.” Ginger leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve been seeing Kade for a while.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I won’t say anything.” Nicole wasn’t shocked. She’d seen the two cozying up a few times. “You don’t feel uncomfortable being with your boss?”

  “Nope. If anything, I’ve got him by the balls. If he steps out of line, I’ll threaten him with a sexual harassment suit and poof—” She snapped her fingers. “—he’ll be groveling on the floor.”

  Nicole shook her head, hoping Ginger was joking. After another sip of iced tea, she slipped her feet off the table and turned sideways, facing Ginger head-on. She needed someone to talk to about the issues eating at her and this was the best she could get for now.

  “Can I ask you something a little more personal?” Nicole’s heart sped. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.

  Ginger eyed her curiously. “Sure, honey. Go for it.”

  With a deep breath, Nicole pushed her anxiety aside. “Would you… No. Do you think it’s ever acceptable to sleep with a guy you just met?”

  “Oh my god.” Ginger’s hand flew up to cover her gaping mouth momentarily. “You slept with Bastian. Hell, girl, I didn’t think you had it in you. More power to you.” She grabbed her cocktail and gulped it down. “Trust me, if any of us had a chance to latch onto that hunk of a man, we’d have ridden him like there’s no tomorrow. Well, I only would have if I was single.”

  Nicole’s cheeks burned. She hadn’t meant to admit anything. No way to back out now, though. “But it’s not like me. I’ve never done anything like that before and I can’t figure out why I did it now.”

  Ginger scooted closer and rested her hand on Nicole’s. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Maybe that’s exactly why you did it…because it is something you’d never do. Sometimes we need to let loose and do crazy things. Break out of our comfort zones, even if it means doing things we might regret. It’s called living.”

  In some strange way what Ginger said made sense. Nicole had always played it safe, did what her parents wanted, what everyone expected a good girl to do. Then she suddenly went against them all and drove across the state to the biggest city in Pennsylvania. Follow that up with taking a job as a stripper and anything was possible.

  Who was she outside of what others expected? Had she ever really lived life for herself? And was she now?

  Law school wasn’t even about her. It was about what had happened to her younger sister, Jessica. She wanted other offenders to pay since Jessica’s had beat the charges against him by lying through his slime-ball teeth. He said, she said…with no proof. Nicole’s heart ached at the thought of all her sister had gone through.

  Jessica had been dating her boyfriend for nearly three years when he turned on her and—

  Thankfully, Ginger yanked her from her thoughts. “Really, Nikki. Don’t be so uptight about it. It’s not like you’re going around sleeping with every stud that comes along. You’re a good person.”

  Even though her choices and actions over the past few months made a little more sense now, she couldn’t forgive herself so easily for jumping on Bastian like she had. She needed to get her life under control before Lansford ate her alive and tore out her soul.

  “Thanks, Ginger. I really appreciate you saying that.” She glanced at the clock. “Guess we better get back to work.”


  After a few weeks, Bastian settled in to his new life as a free man, allowed to be part of society and feed on humans again. Although Nicole’s hadn’t been the first he drank when his sentence concluded, her blood burned through him and was all he yearned for.

  Scratch that. There was something else he lusted after. Retribution. Sweet revenge. And the gig as bartender at Nocturnal Surrender gave him far more opportunity to find out what made that bastard Rosenbaum tick than he ever dreamed possible.

  When Donovan had first told him the ex-Enforcer frequented the club—and was still a good friend—Bastian cringed at the betrayal, but now he appreciated his good luck. He would simply watch and learn. Take his time and attack when least expected. Patience. He’d waited two hundred years already. A while longer would be nothing.

  In the meantime, he moved into one of the houses Donovan owned in the suburbs of Lansford. His brother expected rent since he normally used his various homes as a source of extra income. No matter. Bastian had to live somewhere and pay someone, so why not Donovan? Besides, bartending in one of the most successful nightclubs in town appeared lucrative.

  He also regained control of his share of the Evanko fortune, although his portion hadn’t grown in the last two hundred years as Donovan’s had. What amounted to a fortune back then didn’t seem like much now. Still, he had enough to purchase a beast of a Hummer to cruise the Lansford Strip.

  Truth was, he could have bought his own home but preferred to wait before settling down. He’d lived his life roaming far too long and had no idea what normal life was like anymore.

  As he wiped down the bar for the hundredth t
ime tonight, he noticed Donovan and two other men in a heated discussion at one of the booths. There was no way to make out what they were saying over the music from across the room, even with his preternatural hearing. Probably why Donovan played it so loud. It offered his immortal customers some semblance of privacy.

  His brother and the other men didn’t look angry with each other, but whatever had them flustered seemed serious. Donovan’s furrowed brows and tight lips distorted his otherwise perfect features. Made him appear sinister.

  A chill swept over Bastian. The last time he’d seen his brother in such a state, he had murdered Elise’s parents to teach Bastian a lesson and protect the secret of vampires’ existence.

  Something major had to be going—

  “Excuse me. Could I get a Bloody Mary, Surrender style?” A tall, blonde vampire had sidled up to the bar and winked after ordering, her old-world accent hard to place.

  Bastian grinned. “Of course.”

  He glanced back to Donovan and the others, who were still deep in discussion, then put together the myriad of ingredients that went into the cocktail, including the most important one. Surrender style meant blood was added to the drink.

  “One truly Bloody Mary for the beautiful sanguinarian.” He cocked his eyebrow on the last word and sat the drink on a napkin.

  She took a sip and smiled. “Perfect.” She nearly purred the word, but it was most likely the accent that made it seem so. “You’re Donovan’s brother, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah.” Great. Probably another of his friends ready to put me down.

  “Looks like the boys started without me.” She peered at Donovan’s booth then turned back to Bastian. “I’m Olivia Fournier, Alex’s partner.”

  Was he supposed to know what the hell she was talking about?

  And what kind of partner? He’d never heard of a heterosexual couple referring to each other as partners. Unless Alex was a woman.

  “Sorry, Alex who?”

  Olivia batted her long eyelashes and touched his hand lightly. “No, I’m sorry. I thought Donovan already introduced you. The vampire next to your brother is Alexander Mitchell, and the other is his offspring, Johnathan McCombs. Alex and I are Enforcers. Johnathan and a few others sometimes help us out.”

  Bastian tensed. Fucking Enforcers.

  For a moment, Olivia’s silver stare focused on Bastian’s chest. His heart thundered and his breaths were heavy. Probably best to go into full vamp mode so he didn’t give away his unease. He quickly stopped breathing and made his heartbeat cease.

  Unfortunately, that probably looked odder since she’d most likely heard his body’s reaction.

  Bastian cleared his throat. “Well, it was nice meeting you. I better get back to work.”

  She opened her mouth, but he moved to the opposite end of the bar to wait on another customer before she had a chance to speak. He was glad it was nearly break time.

  When he calmed, he remembered Donovan saying something about Alexander, although the female Enforcer and Alexander’s offspring hadn’t been mentioned.

  Offspring. Bastian hated the term. He was technically his brother’s offspring since Donovan had turned him, but the word made it sound like Donovan was his parent. In truth, he acted as if he was Bastian’s father most of the time.

  Bastian stole a glance at the leggy, blonde Enforcer as she sauntered to Donovan’s booth. Tight black jeans and an even tighter red shirt hugged every luscious curve. If she weren’t an Enforcer, she’d have been hot as hell.

  His focus then came to rest on the other Enforcer. Alexander didn’t compare to Bastian in the muscle department—but then neither had Christof. Looks were deceiving in the vampire world. Age mattered more. Christof’s superior strength came from being far older than Bastian.

  Although, he had no idea how old these new Enforcers were. He didn’t plan on having any trouble with them, but just in case…

  When his break came, he headed over to Donovan’s booth to introduce himself. Their conversation came to an abrupt halt at his approach.

  Before he got out a word, Donovan glowered at him. “Did you need something?”

  Well, love you too, bro. “No. I thought I’d introduce myself to the others since I already had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Fournier.” Bastian gritted his teeth at having to be civil with Enforcers.

  “Please, call me Olivia.” That blasted seductive accent of hers soothed his anger.

  He hated the fact he enjoyed the sight of her, and the sound of her melodic voice, since she was one of them. Not that he would be interested even if she weren’t an Enforcer. He had a shot at something great with Nicole. But no matter what, he was still a man—a vamp—and appreciated a beautiful view when he saw one. Especially when it was wrapped up tight and—

  Donovan interrupted his thoughts. “Well, introduce yourself and then leave us be. We have important business to discuss.”

  Bastian turned away from Olivia and locked gazes with his condescending brother. “Anything I can help with? I know I haven’t been here long, but I want to get back into vampire business.” He tightened his fists, hoping his irritation at Donovan hadn’t come through in his voice.

  He had no idea what kind of business they were talking about, but it seemed advantageous to get closer to the enemy. Maybe he could learn more about Rosenbaum, as well.

  An arrogant laugh rumbled out of Donovan. “Really, little brother. You have a long way to go before I trust you that much.”

  Clenching his jaw, Bastian’s glare lingered on Donovan. Quickly, he took a deep breath, hoping the scent of blood in the air would help him regain his composure but not spark the bloodlust. It worked. He then turned to Alexander and Johnathan. “Please excuse my brother’s rude behavior. I’m Bastian. It’s good to meet you.”

  Olivia giggled quietly. He extended his hand to each of the men as they introduced themselves, looking puzzled. Johnathan’s accent was easier to place than Olivia’s. He was definitely Australian. And Alexander preferred to be called Alex.

  Just as Bastian turned to walk away, Olivia spoke up. “Please, Bastian. Do join us. Your brother is not the one in charge here.” When she glanced to Donovan, her face tensed and her voice became stern. “We are.” She then looked to Alex. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Alex ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair and sighed. “Of course not.”


  A sensual moan emanated from Kade’s office. Though she tried to slip past unnoticed, Nicole couldn’t help but look inside as she walked by the open door. Kade’s glowing eyes locked onto her as he drank from Ginger’s neck. But something was different. Instead of the normal amber, a bright silver hue glinted in his eyes—just like the contacts Bastian normally wore when he pretended to be a vampire.

  She shivered and that strange sense of dread washed over her again, causing her to freeze. She was momentarily caught in his stare. Its intense predatory nature freaked her out. This time, when the urge to flee took over, she gladly obliged, grateful her shift had ended. She speed-walked out, not waiting for any other dancers to leave with her.

  Once safely in her car, she left immediately, still slightly shaken. Her heart raced. What was it about the sanguinarians that caused her so much anxiety?

  It was probably just catching Kade and Ginger like that. I need to calm down.

  After a few deep breaths, she relaxed and turned on the radio. She had every intention of stopping by Nocturnal Surrender to see Bastian and didn’t want anything to change her mind, especially not some irrational fear.

  Again, the nearly-empty neon-lined streets made the early morning drive a short one. As she pulled into the parking lot at Donovan’s nightclub, she peered around the side of the building to make sure Bastian was still there. His huge black Hummer sat beside Donovan’s Escalade. Apparently the Evanko boys liked their big toys. Of course, she knew Bastian didn’t need the vehicle for the same reason some men seemed to—for a penis extension.

  She lau
ghed, parked her car, and made her way into the club. The music’s thumping base nearly kept time with her heart. She glanced over to the bar and was surprised not to see Bastian there. A quick sweep of the room didn’t help. He was nowhere in sight.

  She looked around once more—slower—to be sure she hadn’t missed him. Still no Bastian. But this time, she focused a little longer on the silver-eyed sanguinarians scattered about. Sure there were people with contacts of other colors, but none of them glowed like the silver ones.

  A cold chill crawled up her spine and goose bumps rose on her skin. It was happening again. That same creepy feeling. She shook her head and breathed deep, trying to calm herself, then returned to the task at hand.

  Luckily she’d already gotten to know a few of Surrender’s employees so she headed straight for the bar to talk to Selena—the waitress who had made her uneasy the first night Bastian brought her to the club. Selena clicked her long black nails on the counter while waiting for the bartender to fill her order.

  Nicole eased in between her and a well-dressed man on a barstool. “Hey Selena, have you seen Bastian?”

  The slender brunette turned to Nicole and smiled. “Sure I’ve seen him. Hulking blond guy that only has eyes for you, right?”

  “Very funny.” Nicole forced a laugh. “But seriously, is he around? His Hummer was out there when I pulled in.”

  Selena picked up her tray full of drinks. “I think he’s back in Donovan’s office. Not sure what’s going on, but if you give me a minute, I’ll tell him you’re here after I serve these.”

  Nicole nodded. “That would be great. Thanks.”

  As Selena sauntered away, Nicole couldn’t help but be awed by the confidence she exuded as she worked the customers. The waitress took charge, flirted, and joked—however badly—all with a casual grace that made everyone around eat up her act.

  Now that’s how I need to do it.

  She walked away from the bar but didn’t get far before a blonde woman stepped in front of her, extending her hand. “Hello, I’m Olivia, a friend of Donovan’s. I take it you’re Bastian’s girlfriend.”


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