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Nocturnal Surrender (The Nocturnal Surrender Series)

Page 6

by Pearl, Lorraine

  Although Nicole was a bit taken aback, she accepted the woman’s hand and met her silver stare. Another rush of insecurity swept over her but she took a few calming breaths—something that was becoming a habit. “Yes, I’m Nicole, but how did you know?”

  Olivia shook her hand firmly. “I…overheard you talking to Selena and…put two and two together.” She released Nicole’s hand and shifted her feet, appearing suddenly uncomfortable, then peered over Nicole’s shoulder. “Ah, speak of the devil.” Olivia looked back to Nicole and winked. “I’ll leave you two love birds alone.”

  Nicole glanced back to see Bastian striding toward her, but by the time she turned to talk to Olivia again, the blonde had disappeared—literally. She was nowhere to be found.

  What the hell is going on with these people? All of them made her uncomfortable, like she wanted to jump out of her skin. They acted strange in ways she couldn’t quite put her finger on. And as much as she hated to admit it, at times, Bastian still made her feel uneasy. Maybe it had more to do with Jessica’s rape than anything. That situation was enough to shake anyone’s faith.

  Bastian slid his arms around Nicole from behind, and she shuddered as her breathing hitched. Her heart thundered from being startled. If he hadn’t held her so tightly, she would have spun around and smacked his chest.

  He ushered her to the small dance floor. “I’m glad you made it. It’s been a rough night, and I need to unwind,” he said, remaining behind her as he swayed to the heavy beat of the music.

  Only a few couples were dancing so Nicole and Bastian had room to move freely.

  She leaned her head back against him and reveled in his powerful embrace. Her body tingled in all the right places. “Shouldn’t you still be working?”

  “It’s a slow night, and Donovan had some other business I sat in on. But I want to forget about all that for now and just enjoy your company.” He eased one hand up and moved her hair aside then pressed his lips to her neck.

  She closed her eyes. In seconds, his sharp teeth grazed her skin as his hand slipped back around her waist. Clasping his arms, she prepared for his fangs to sink in. But instead of biting her, he kissed and sucked her flesh. Her breaths grew ragged as his hands roamed a little north and south, her own hands on top of his.

  The music’s rhythm was corporal, and their bodies moved in time with the seductive beat. His erection pressed against her rear, her heels bringing her closer to his height. He teased at the top of her skirt, dipping his fingers under the material slightly, the same as she’d done to him in the private room the night they met.

  Payback was a bitch.

  She opened her eyes but desire made her dizzy. Her body ached for him to slide his hand downward, to touch her intimately. Unfortunately, there weren’t enough people dancing to hide their activity. Everyone would see.

  His other hand came to rest under her breast, pushing against it with demanding force. Occasionally, his fingers slid over her hard nipple, adding fuel to the fire burning in her veins.

  He definitely had a way of driving her mad.

  When the song ended, he whispered in her ear, “I think we should get out of here.”

  Throat dry, she fought to get her words out. “I think…you’re right.”


  Bastian hopped into his Hummer and followed Nicole’s car as they headed toward her apartment, but no matter how much he tried to focus on the thought of making love to her, he couldn’t. His mind drifted back to the tense meeting with the Enforcers and all he’d learned.

  Granted, the information they’d given obviously hadn’t been the entire story, but it sure as hell was more than he’d expected. The fact Donovan joined up with the Enforcers as leader of one of their Sweeper Teams had thrown Bastian for a loop.

  Such teams hadn’t existed before his exile, so Bastian had to be brought up to speed. Donovan’s team, as well as any others around the world, aided the Enforcers in gathering information, carrying out raids, and doing general grunt work.

  Hell, it almost seemed Donovan had aspirations of becoming an Enforcer. Bastian cringed. As if it wasn’t bad enough that his brother was sleeping with the enemy, apparently the Hunters were gathering their forces, preparing for some sort of massive strike, but the details were sketchy at best, and—

  He snapped out of his thoughts when Nicole’s car came to a stop at a red light at the end of the Strip. She waved at him, and he returned the gesture, smiling, though his heart wasn’t in it.

  Maybe some music will help.

  The light turned green and they each pulled out. He hit the radio’s power button and rock music blared from the speakers, thumping so hard the mirrors vibrated.

  He sighed. That’s better.

  Relaxing, he pushed the irritation for Donovan aside and thought about dancing with Nicole. Her body had responded to him immediately. Sure it was only lust at this point, but maybe it would grow into much more. His heart ached for love and acceptance, and it seemed women in this day and age were a lot more open than they were two hundred years ago.

  His body tensed and he gripped the steering wheel tight. He’d lived a long time, seen many things in nearly a millennia, but his exile had caused him to miss some of the best times in history. The advances made over those years had been monumental, and he’d had to watch from afar, living on humanity’s fringes and feeding on animal blood.

  Fucking Enforcers.

  When his mind drifted back to Elise’s murder, he fought tears. Replaying the events of those last few weeks of her life made him wonder if Donovan was right. If she hadn’t betrayed Bastian, would she still be with him today? She had promised to keep his secret, sworn her love and loyalty to him, and then destroyed his world. How the hell could he trust anyone with his secret again?

  He stared at Nicole, practically dancing in her seat, obviously happy as could be. If he continued on with her, would he be condemning her to Elise’s fate? Or was he correct in thinking women today could handle what he was? After all, vampires were huge right now—at least in books and movies. The women, and men, at Surrender gladly offered themselves to the vampire fantasy.

  But reality would surely be a different animal entirely. Killers were killers, plain and simple. Although, Elise had overlooked that for the most part. Maybe Niccole would, as well.

  What the fuck am I doing? His head spun in too many directions, and the Enforcer meeting had started it all. He had every intention of doing things right this time, with Nicole and Donovan. Think before acting. No more impulsiveness. And sure as hell no letting fear stand in his way.

  Focus on Nicole.

  He licked his lips. She’d be wet, tight, and ready for him when they arrived at her apartment. He’d better be ready, too.

  As they made their way into the streetlight and picket-fence-lined roads just off the Strip, he lost a little ground on Nicole, her sporty little coupe taking the corners faster than his beast. A few blocks later, they arrived at her apartment complex. Unfortunately, earlier in the day when he’d told Donovan where Nicole lived, his brother let it slip that Christof Rosenbaum owned the damn building. Donovan then said he should have kept that bit of information to himself since Bastian had grown agitated from the news. It infuriated him to know the ex-Enforcer had a connection, however small, to his girlfriend.


  Had it come to that already? He climbed out of his vehicle and rushed to help Nicole out of hers.

  Guess so.

  Damn, he was smitten.

  He closed her car door and immediately backed her into the vehicle’s side. He placed his hands on the roof, trapping her, then leaned down to devour her mouth while pressing his body against hers. His cock sprang to life instantly.

  She slid her arms around him, her purse dangling behind him. He tried to ignore the annoyance and threaded his fingers through her hair as she fisted his shirt, pulling him closer—if that were possible. She moaned into his mouth, and he rubbed his cock against her.
/>   Luckily, it was the middle of the night so hopefully no one would see their display. Not that it mattered. She was his now, and he would claim her when and where he chose. But he didn’t want Nicole worrying about her neighbors.

  A groan rumbled out of him. He released her mouth, seized her hand, and led her inside.

  “Wow…” She panted. “Slow down, boy…”

  She drove him crazy—out of breath and flushed, the scent of arousal clinging to her. Still, he slowed his pace, having nearly forgotten her mortal limitations in the heat of passion.

  After hitting the button for the elevator, he raised her delicate hand to his lips and pressed a kiss against her soft skin. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even ask how your evening was. I hope work went well—but not too well.”

  Why did I say that?

  The words had left his mouth without thought, and sure as hell without his permission. This situation was getting out of control. All of the sudden he’d become territorial with her, just like he had with Elise. But this was far too soon.

  Nicole grinned. “Did I hear a hint of jealousy?”

  Bastian averted her gaze. What was taking that fucking elevator so long? When she cleared her throat, he snapped his attention back to her. “I uh… Jealousy? No. Why would I be jealous? I am perfectly secure in our relationship no matter what you do for a living.”

  Shifting, he punched the button a few more times, just to be sure the thing was working properly.

  She caressed his cheek, silently urging him to look at her. When he did, her smile was wide and her eyes sparkled.

  She lowered her hands. “So we’re in a relationship?”

  Bastian scrubbed his face, searching for something to say.

  How the hell did I get myself into this?

  It wasn’t that he didn’t want a relationship with her, but his life, his entire existence made the situation volatile. His time with Elise had proven—

  “It’s okay. I’m not ready for anything that serious yet either.” She giggled. “I just wanted to see your reaction.”

  He breathed deep in relief, but opened himself to feel her emotions to ensure she wasn’t saying what she thought he wanted to hear. Sure enough, she radiated lighthearted joy, which stirred his desires for his angel.

  The elevator finally opened, and once inside, he gave her a little payback for her joke.

  Bastian backed her into the wall, grabbed her hands, and put them over her head, clasping both in one of his. Her purse fell to the floor, and he enveloped her mouth with his.

  He explored her receptive body with his free hand, pulling up her leg and sliding his fingers under her skirt. He teased her by tugging at her panties. Slowly, he slipped a finger inside them, but only lightly brushed over her clit.

  She moaned and tried to press against his finger, but he withdrew and broke away from their kiss.

  “Nope. You can’t have it.” He cocked an eyebrow and smirked, hoping his intense gaze burned into her. “You’re going to pay for messing with me. I may not give you anything tonight. Just work you into a frenzy and leave you wet and needy. Begging.”

  Nicole laughed so hard she gasped for breaths. He released her hands, and she fanned herself as her eyes watered.

  What the fuck is so funny? “You know, that wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for.”

  Heat washed over him, creeping up his neck and into his face. The startling sensation took him a minute to identify. Embarrassment. An emotion he hadn’t known in centuries.

  He had tried to be sexy and drive her crazy, and she had laughed in his face.

  The elevator stopped and the doors opened, thankfully to an empty hallway. She grabbed her purse then led him to her apartment. The hall seemed narrower than he remembered. And hotter. Hell, the walls almost closed in on him. When she slammed the door shut, he blinked a few times and snapped out of his shock, only then realizing they had made it to her apartment.

  She immediately dropped her purse and slipped her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just…I’ve been reading this book Ginger gave me and… Well, you reminded me of the guy in it. He wanted to punish the woman for behaving badly and…” Laughter erupted from her lips again.

  Should I be flattered or humiliated? “If you can calm yourself long enough, can you at least tell me if that’s a good thing or bad?” He reached to remove himself from her embrace, but when she stopped laughing abruptly, he rested his arms at his sides.

  Had his tone been too harsh? He hadn’t meant to be so upset, but her laughter was a kick in the balls to his ego. Did she think his attempts at seduction so comical, or worse, lackluster?

  She frowned and her brows furrowed. If he wasn’t mistaken, her lip might have quivered. Now, embarrassment far worse than his own rolled off her in waves.

  Her palms slid down to rest on his chest. “It’s just…I’ve never read anything like that before and…I liked it. A lot. The whole way, if you know what I mean.” She lowered her head.

  He had no idea what she meant, and although it went against his better judgment, he delved into her mind…and then bit back laughter. “So you uh…pleasured yourself without me? Hmph. You have been a very naughty girl. What are we going to do about this?”

  Nicole peered up at him and whispered, “Maybe you should punish me.”


  Nicole’s cheeks heated, though Bastian’s devilish grin and the glint in his silver-covered eyes let her know he liked what she had said. She was certain after he flashed a little fang and growled.

  What did I get myself into?

  She probably wouldn’t be comfortable with that type of sex and had no idea why she’d said such a thing.

  Before she could think about it, he picked her up, threw her over his shoulder, and swatted her ass. He chuckled as he carried her to the bedroom. “I think you’re right.”

  Once inside, he tossed her on the bed and stood at the side, dragging his intense gaze up and down her body. She was surprised she didn’t spontaneously combust from the fire in his eyes. The corners of his lips curved upward, and he sat beside her then rested a palm on her thigh.

  No matter how gentle or innocent his touch, it always sent electricity shooting through her. This time was no different.

  For a moment, his smile faded, and she grew concerned.

  He eased closer and lay beside her, still caressing her. “I hope it doesn’t disappoint you, but I don’t think I can bring myself to hurt you, even if it is for sexual play. It’s just not me.” Swiftly, he positioned his muscular body atop hers and pinned her hands above her head. “That’s not to say I don’t want to hold you down and drive you crazy.” He pushed his erection against her, emphasizing his point.

  She moaned and arched into him. Her thin skirt and panties didn’t create much of a barrier between her aching flesh and the hardness beneath his jeans.

  “I kind of wished I could have taken that back right after I said it. I don’t like pain in the least. I just got carried away.” She wanted to touch his face and run her hands down his back, but he had them locked down.

  “Good. We’re in agreement then. Nothing too rough.”

  Glad he added the last part, she nodded. “Right, just a little rough. You know, holding me down, grabbing my hair, biting my neck or…wherever.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Wherever? Hmmm. Exactly where do you want me to bite you?”

  “I don’t know. You can surprise me.”

  He released her hands and skimmed his fingers along her arms, making her shiver. “But I thought you didn’t like pain.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “I don’t understand that part either, but it’s different when you bite me. Sure it hurts a little for a few seconds, but it feels so good after that.”

  As much as she wanted to lose herself in him, to have him slide deep inside her, certain questions had been nagging her since they met. She had to ask. “What’s it like? I mean, why do you do it? I can�
�t imagine it tastes good.”

  He sighed and rolled off her, pulling her with him so they lay on their sides, face-to-face. She draped her leg over his and scooted closer, getting comfortable.

  Brushing her hair aside, he stared at her neck for a moment. “I wish I knew how to explain it to you. The best I can say is, my body craves blood, and it tastes delicious and sweet to me. Yours especially.”

  Nicole grimaced. “You haven’t been drinking from anyone else since me, have you?”

  The thought of him sinking his fangs into another woman had her seething. Not to mention the disgusting factor of having someone else’s blood in his mouth—the mouth she kissed. She shuddered.

  He smiled. “No. Yours is the only neck I want to bite. The only one I have bitten since meeting you. I am nothing if not faithful.”

  She snuggled against him, breathing in his masculine scent. He was a big teddy bear. But was she naïve to believe him? He seemed too good to be true. Noble and kind but with a bad-boy edge. That kind of guy didn’t actually exist. The kind that would sweep a woman off her feet, hold her down and never let her go, but still give her the freedom to be who she was.

  Not that Bastian didn’t have his faults—pretending to be a vampire and drinking human blood was a huge one.

  “So what’s with the whole vampire thing? Can’t you just drink from someone without all that?” Since they had met, she’d only once seen him without the contacts and fangs. His deep blue eyes were so mesmerizing she wished he wouldn’t cover them.

  He shifted and breathed deep, appearing uncomfortable. Still, if she could let him drink her blood, he’d damn well better give her an explanation.

  “I suppose it’s because of the setup Donovan has going on at Surrender. And people seem to be into the vamp thing now, so everyone has a good time. Plus, the fangs are necessary.”

  The awkwardness of the conversation finally hit her. Only in this town. In truth, she realized how weird the entire situation was. How had she excused those behaviors? Before she’d met Bastian, when Kade had explained about the customers from Nocturnal Surrender possibly coming in and requesting special services, she thought anyone who wanted to bite another human being, not to mention drink blood, had to be psychotic.


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