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Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 5

by Dawn Forrest

  By late afternoon, she was finishing the first coat of paint and realized that she would need another ten liters. She resolved to finish the job the next morning. Just before she was about to leave, the department store called and asked if she would be at the cabin around noon tomorrow to receive the king-size mattress she had ordered the day before. Great. With any luck, she would spend Saturday night in her new home, in her grandma’s four-poster fairytale bed.

  When she arrived at her cousin’s house, Susan and Colin were there. Mark was making an air delivery to a more remote ranch and would be home later.

  “Hey, guys, you’ll be glad to know that you’ll have the house to yourselves after tomorrow night. I’m moving into Flora’s Place on Saturday.”

  “Now, you know we love having you here, I’ll miss the female company,” Susan said kindly. “You are still coming to the county dance with us on Saturday night at the high school, aren’t you? It’s a real community event. Everyone goes.”

  “Yeah, sure, I wouldn’t miss it. Sounds fun.”

  “Great. Because both my men love to dance, and it can get pretty tiring. I’ll need some support.” She giggled.

  “I think our Rachael will be kept busy enough. She had plenty attention today at the ranch.”

  You have no idea. She couldn’t prevent her blushing.

  “They’ll be more than one cowboy hoping for a turn around the dance floor,” Colin continued.

  “What? I’ve never Texan two-stepped in my life. I’m more of a hip-hop sort of girl.”

  “Have you ever line danced?” Susan asked.

  “No, but I’m willing to try, just please don’t make me dance to ‘Achy Breaky Heart.’” She laughed.

  “The annual dance is for all of the community, so the music is varied. Country is a firm favorite, but when the live band isn’t playing, the DJ makes sure there’s something for everyone.” Susan grinned. “And, anyway, I happen to like a bit of Billy Ray.”

  “Yes, but which bit?” Rachael teased.

  * * * *

  The next morning, bright and early, Rachael headed to the hardware store to get more Summer Memory. As she walked to her nearly new Jeep, she noticed a ruckus between a man and young woman in the parking lot. The man was half in the truck holding onto the woman’s wrist, and she appeared to be trying to pull away. Rachael hesitated for a moment, then shouted. “Oi! You, there, are you okay?”

  The man quickly let go, sat back in the truck, and raced off, leaving the woman rubbing her wrist.

  Rachael trotted over and repeated, “Are you okay? Do you need any help?”

  “Nno thanks. I’m fine, just a bit shook up.”

  The woman didn’t look fine. Rachael figured that she had an hour to spare. The mattress was arriving at noon and it was now only nine thirty. “Well, I’m sort of new in town and I was thinking of getting a coffee. Want you join me? I’m Rachael.”

  “Thanks, Rachael. My name’s Janet.” They shook hands. “I think I will join you. I could do with a bit of female company right about now.”

  Janet suggested a small coffee shop across the street, and they headed to it. As they both ordered a cappuccino, Rachael could see that Janet looked agitated, so she waited for her to speak first.

  “That guy you saw with me is such a jerk. His name is Roy Crossling, and he won’t take no for an answer. He keeps pestering me.”

  “It looked a lot more than pestering, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  Janet was quiet for a moment, and then, like a burst dam, the words flooded out. “Oh, God, it’s partly my fault. I should have nipped it in the bud early on, but somehow, before I realized, it got much worse. I only arrived home from college yesterday, and already he’s bothering me. I’m worried because, if my brothers find out, they’ll be angry with me for not telling them sooner. It’ll end in trouble, and I don’t know what to do.” She looked as if she was about to cry. “It started a year ago when he wanted to date me, and I told him nicely that I wasn’t interested. It just didn’t seem to register with him. He first started making crude comments, you know, about my butt or my boobs. Then, as I ignored him, he started ‘accidentally’ brushing up against me, but when I complained, he just laughed. Today, he wanted me to go for a ride in this car and actually tried to pull me in. What am I going to do? It’s getting to the stage that I don’t want to come home from college or be out alone!”

  Rachael put her hand on Janet’s arm and squeezed. “Listen to me, it’s not your fault. Sometimes things creep up on you.” She paused for a moment, thinking how to explain it. “It’s the boiling-frog scenario.”

  Janet looked up, puzzled.

  “You see, research has shown that if you put a frog into a pan of hot water it will immediately jump out. But, if you put the frog into cool water and then slowly heat the water up, the frog won’t jump out, but will stay in the water as it boils.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “Yes, but do you get the point? If this guy had tried to drag you into his car at the beginning, you would have done something about it straight away. Because he started off with small things and then gradually worsened, you haven’t acted. You’re not to blame. It’s a natural reaction, but you have to ask yourself if you really want to get to boiling point.”

  “No. Wow, Rachael, when you say it like that I feel a whole lot better. I felt ashamed for not handling it, but really I should just be angry at Roy.”

  “Yes, so what will you do?”

  “I’ll tell my brothers.” She looked relieved and happier. “Say, it’s the county dance tomorrow night. Are you going? You could come with us if you haven’t other plans.”

  “Thanks, that’s a sweet offer, but I am going with my cousin, Colin Farley, the vet. I’ll see you there, though.”

  “I know Colin fairly well.” A look of recognition crossed her face, “Oh, you’re that Rachael. I’m so glad to meet you, thanks again.” She gave Rachael a hug and added with a mischievous grin, “I’ll tell my brothers about the boiling frog. It may save me a lecture. I even feel slightly sorry for Roy because Josh and James will kick his ass.”

  Slightly stunned, Rachael sipped her coffee while she considered the new information. Janet was Joshua and James’s sister, and they were going to the dance tomorrow night.

  “So you’re at college?” she finally spoke.

  “Yep, I’m in my last year at Texas A&M studying business, same as Josh did. It’s becoming a family institution. James graduated with an engineering degree, and both our fathers studied there.”

  “Oh, you had two fathers? I didn’t realize.”

  “They were the best.” She looked and sounded sad. “Our mother and fathers died in a car crash eleven years ago. I was only ten, James was seventeen, and Josh was twenty-one. He dropped out of college to look after James and me. He completed the last few months of lectures and final exams two years later, but by then he’d already been successfully running the ranch and our other business concerns. They are both great brothers, but Josh has been so much more. He literally took on the role of our parents.”

  “That was such a lot of responsibility for one so young.”

  “I know, but he still treats me like a child. I’m a grown woman now, and he’s so protective. It’s a habit, I guess, but he needs to just relax a bit, enjoy himself and let others worry about stuff for a change.”

  “It’s easy to fall into a particular pattern of behavior and hard to see when it’s no longer relevant.”

  “You see, you understand. You have a good way with words, Rachael.”

  “Well, saying and doing are two different things. Maybe when you’ve finished college you could be more actively involved in the family business, and demonstrate that you are ready to take on some responsibility. The alternative is to do your own thing somewhere else.”

  “That’s something to think about,” she nodded.

  Rachael took a last sip of her coffee. “I’m afraid I have to finish a few chores today
and be at my home for a delivery. It was really nice meeting you, Janet. I’ll see you tomorrow evening. Good luck with your brothers.”

  By the time she got to her car, Rachael had made a number of conclusions about the Rydens. They were from a ménage family, so she guessed that Joshua and James probably wanted the same thing. How disappointing, because she couldn’t imagine being intimate with James. He was too much like both of her brothers. Joshua was controlling and dominant, but now she understood why. She had to admit she liked the way he was. It was sexy, but she wondered if he would he ever be prepared to occasionally relinquish control. “Now that I’d like to see,” she said to herself and then sighed, resigned to the fact that it wasn’t going to happen.

  Rachael drove to the cabin and quickly applied the second coat of paint. She made certain that all the doors were wide open to air the rooms. The mattress arrived, and she asked the two delivery guys, Lance and Paul, to help her put the old one in the rafters. It would do temporarily for guests. She offered them a coffee, and they both looked disappointed that they didn’t have the time. They had other deliveries to make, and as it was their own business, they couldn’t afford to be slack on the job.

  “Are you going to the dance tomorrow night?” Lance asked.

  “Sure am. I’m told it’s a must-do thing.”

  “Well, save a dance for us then, Rachael.” They grinned as they headed out to their truck.

  She smiled and waved good-bye, feeling flattered by the attention but nothing more.

  Rachael had already purchased linens and a few other items to allow more permanent habitation. The bed looked sumptuous with crisp, white Egyptian cotton sheets, and she couldn’t help having a bounce on it. The cabin smelled like new and looked bright and cheery yet cozy. It would make a good little home.

  * * * *

  For most of the next day, Rachael moved her few belongings from Colin’s house, but left a suitcase of clothes there because she was going to get ready for the dance with Susan and she hadn’t decided what she was going to wear. She arrived early that evening because Susan wanted help with her hair.

  “What are you gonna wear tonight, honey?” Susan asked as Rachael used the curling irons on her long blonde hair.

  “I’m not sure. What’s the dress code?” Rachael had brought a few fancy dresses with her from England, but they seemed a bit formal for a county dance.

  “Well, obviously, jeans if you’ve no imagination. You can’t go wrong with jeans, but I bet you’d look great in those brown leather snakeskin pants I spied in your case.”

  “Yeah, they’ll do if I can fit into them. I can dress them up a bit with a gold strappy top I have. What about you?”

  “Jeans. I’ve no imagination.” Susan laughed. “But I’ll wear black ones and a sexy sequined top. I have to keep my men on their toes, you know.”

  Rachael showered, shaved, and plucked. She normally kept her pussy partially bare, with a tuft of fuzz for the sake of decency in the women’s locker room, but tonight she shaved it completely. Often, she dressed in practical clothes and kept a professional exterior, so it was her erotic little secret. It made her feel sensual and naughty. Her hair took no time at all because it only did one style: a short, curly bob. She finished applying a little makeup and added some gold hoop earrings and a gold choker. To her surprise, the pants slid on fairly easily and didn’t feel tight at all. There were days when she had to springboard into them. She reckoned it was all the running around getting the cabin ready, not to mention all the small worries associated with relocating.

  She checked herself in the mirror and was pleased with what she saw. Rachael wasn’t petite. She had a body built for work, but instead of trying to starve herself thin, she had embraced her inherent strengthtoned up, got fit and built some muscle. She turned around and inspected the rear view. Her butt actually looked quite good. It would never be described as small, but a little junk in the trunk was fashionable these days, and the thin, soft leather hugged her curves and hinted at the firm body beneath.

  Her shimmering gold top revealed toned, slightly muscular arms that she worked hard to get. It wasn’t simply a matter of vanity. She had to be able to cope with the physical demands of working with livestock. The top clung in all the right places, emphasizing her firm chest and flat stomach. It’s only a county dance. He might not even be there. She cautioned herself about thinking of Joshua. If he wanted to share her with his brother, then it would have to be over before it really began.

  She headed to the living room where Colin and Mark were waiting.

  “My, my, doesn’t she look fine?” Mark sang.

  “She does indeed. We’ll be beating them off with a stick,” Colin replied.

  “Well, I must say that you gentlemen look very dashing, too.”

  “That’s why I married them, only for their looks,” Susan chirped as she sauntered into the room.

  Colin, Mark, and Rachael turned to Susan, who looked radiant. Her long hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders and down her back. Both men appeared totally smitten and stood stock still regarding their wife, with love and desire stamped all over their faces.

  Mark swallowed hard. “You look so beautiful, darlin’. Colin and I must be the luckiest guys alive.”

  Judging by the intense stares, Rachael guessed that some heated nonverbal communication was going on between the three of them.

  “Don’t even think about it. We’ve got a guest.” Susan chuckled sexily and winked at her men. They groaned and rolled their eyes.

  “Oh, cheers, I’d feel bad if I thought that you weren’t going to be getting any later, but right now I’m Norma No-Mate, and I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for both of you, so saddle up and let’s go,” Rachael ordered with a cheeky grin.

  * * * *

  The organizers had done a great job of converting the school gym into a dance hall. The theme was Moonlight and Roses, and a huge full moon, redolent of the real full moon outside, was projected onto one wall. Garlands of paper roses were everywhere and every woman entering received a real red rose.

  Susan hadn’t exaggerated when she had said the dance was aimed at the whole community. Rachael saw all sorts of people of varying ages. There were grandmas with blue rinsed hair, grungy teenagers, pretty schoolgirls, sexy ladies, goths, cool hip-hop dudes and cowboys. She even spied a gang of leather-clad bikers at one table. Some popular dance music was playing, and people were already on the dance floor, including Tom and Harry, who had a girl suggestively sandwiched between them.

  “I need to speak to those two about appropriate behavior. This is a family event. Excuse me.” Colin rolled his eyes and headed onto the dance floor to collar his brothers.

  Rachael and Susan found an empty table while Mark went to the bar.

  “I’ll fill you in on everyone I know and all the juicy gossip.” Susan chuckled.

  As she looked around, Rachael spotted the man who had hassled Janet. “Hey, tell me about that guy.” She pointed him out to Susan.

  “Roy Crossling? Local yahoo, more looks than brains and that’s not saying much. His family owns property that borders yours and the Rydens. Why?”

  “He was bothering a woman the other day.”

  “It wouldn’t surprise me. His momma left him and his daddy years ago. Couldn’t put up with the abuse anymore, so the rumor goes. That boy needs a talking to and then some.”

  “Well, he might get it tonight.”

  “Really? Tell all.”

  “I’ll explain later. Right now, I need the bathroom.”

  Susan pointed her in the general direction of the ladies’ room, and Rachael wove in and out of the tables to get to the far side of the gym. She recognized a few of the guys from the Sweet Water Ranch and smiled a greeting in passing. It took twenty minutes to get across the room as friendly folks she’d met over the past few days inquired after her—How she was settling in? Did she need any help? Would she like a drink? She briefly exchanged pleasantries and her sm
ile was open and genuine, until she saw a line of women along a wall. Typical. There’s always a queue for the ladies, but I bet not for the gents. It’s enough to give a girl penis envy.

  “Hey, I’m glad that you’re here.” Janet was standing near the end of the line and gave her a big hug.

  Rachael couldn’t resist making a quick sweep of the room. She didn’t see Joshua or James and relaxed a bit.

  “I am so grateful to you. I told my brothers everything. At first, they were a bit annoyed with me for not saying anything to them sooner, but I gave them your boiling frog explanation and they backed off a bit. Even Josh understood. I think you have gone up even further in his estimation, and, let me tell you, that guy is hard to please.”

  “I bet.” Rachael muttered, pleased with the compliment but telling herself to lock her feelings down because it just couldn’t go any further. Suddenly, she noticed that Janet had visibly stiffened.

  “Well, hello, Jan, fancy seeing you here,” someone with a menacing voice drawled. “You shouldn’t stand in line. Why don’t you come with me? Next door is free.”

  Rachael turned to see Roy Crossling leering at Janet.

  “No, thank you. I can think of better offers than a trip to the toilets with you,” Janet said with her head held high and only a slight tremble in her voice.

  “Ah, come on, Jan, or do you think you’re too good for me?” he sneered slowly.

  “Well, I certainly do. You are not getting the message. She is not interested in you.” Rachael punctuated the last four words.

  “You’re a nosy bitch, y’know that?” he said between gritted teeth.

  “Not normally,” she said pleasantly then sharply dropped her smile. “But I can make an exception for you. Now bugger off.” She maintained eye contact as he straightened. The other women in the queue were starting to take notice of the exchange.

  “What makes you think you can tell me what to do?” he snapped.

  “It’s a thing called freedom of speech, Roy. What you decide to do is another matter, but we really don’t want a scene here tonight.”


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