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Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Dawn Forrest

  Thinking that she was backing down, he sneered, “You’re all bluff, aren’t ya, Miss Sperm Collector?”

  “Gosh, Roy, is that the best you can do?” Rachael sadly shook her head. “I suggest you save your breath. You’ll need it to blow up your date.”

  “What?” he spluttered.

  Several of the listening women snickered.

  “Hard of hearing, too? Even with my expertise and knowledge on the matter, what I can’t understand is how, out of one hundred thousand sperm, you were the fastest?”

  There was some laughter now. His face burned with anger and embarrassment.

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “No, not at all, I prefer a challenge. Making fun of you would be like hunting a dairy cow with a high-powered rifle and scope.”

  “Why, I’m gonna—”

  “Get your ass kicked in about ten seconds,” Rachael interjected. She had just seen Joshua, James, and another heavily muscled man heading quickly toward them.


  “Five, four, three, two, one.” Rachael sang the countdown.

  Before Roy had time to make a getaway, a big hand clamped down on his shoulder.

  “We want a word with you,” James snarled in a menacing voice Rachael couldn’t imagine belonging to him.

  “Outside now,” Joshua ordered, his tone was cold and brooked no resistance. They hustled Roy quickly out of a side door.

  “Damn it, Mitch,” Janet said to the guy who had arrived with her brothers. “You’re the deputy. Shouldn’t you go with them to make sure nothing too bad happens?”

  Rachael’s attention snapped back to the big guy standing close to Janet. He was about the same height as James and had to be one of the broadest men she’d ever met. She found it hard to see past his frame. He’d be a good guy to hide behind in a gunfight. To “serve and protect,” all he would need to do was stand there.

  “I’m off duty, so I’m giving them two minutes. Why didn’t you come and tell me about Roy?” He stood in front of her with his fists and teeth clenched. “I’d finish him myself if he’d hurt you.”

  “You would?” Janet timidly asked.

  “You know I would.” His face softened.

  “At the time, I felt that I was overreacting.”

  “Yeah, Josh said something about a boiling frog.” He looked slightly puzzled. “I’d better go rescue Roy, though it irks me to do it.”

  Watching the deputy leave, Rachael raised an eyebrow at Janet.

  “What?” she said all wide-eyed and innocent.

  “I think the deputy’s smitten and I think you don’t mind.”

  “It’s complicated,” sighed Janet. “Mitch is a really great guy, and I think he likes me, but he always holds back. I’m not sure why, but I think he still sees me as a little girl.” She snorted. “It’s a common problem with the men in my life and it’s very frustrating.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t help. I’m no expert on men. They surprise me all the time.”

  By the time Rachael and Janet sat down at Susan’s table, Mitch and Joshua had returned to the room and were obviously looking for them. Janet frantically waved them over.

  “You weren’t hurt, were you?”

  “No. James took a few swipes, but Roy was no match for him. He was fairly riled up by whatever you said to him, Rachael.” Joshua looked admiringly at her and sounded positively cheery. “I stayed on the sidelines watching just in case.”

  “That’s not like you.” Janet looked suspicious.

  “I didn’t trust myself to not go too far. Anyway, two against one isn’t our style.”

  Isn’t it? Rachael couldn’t help seeing a double entendre.

  “Where’s Roy?” Janet asked.

  “Probably limping home with his tail firmly between his legs. He won’t bother you again, munchkin.”

  “Thanks, but don’t call me that.” Janet grumbled. “I’m not twelve anymore.” She looked at both Joshua and Mitch.

  “Where is James?” Rachael asked.

  “Pursuing a woman with Luke, as usual.”

  Oh my God, they share with others as well. Astonished, Rachael took a long swig of her beer. Lost in dark thoughts, she hadn’t noticed that the music had changed. The band was now playing a lively country number.

  “Let’s dance,” said Janet as she bounced up.

  Rachael could see people forming lines. “I’ve never line danced before, but I’ll have a go,” she said, hardly catching a breath as Janet and Susan dragged her on to the floor with Colin and Mark. Rachael noticed that Joshua stayed put, talking to Mitch but often glancing her way. The deputy seemed similarly distracted, watching Janet.

  It was a lot of fun, and her mood lifted a little. She found herself giggling as she messed up the steps. Lance and Paul were standing behind her in a line and kept pretending that she was stomping on their toes. It was very funny, and Janet was laughing heartily. Toward the end of the song, despite the boys clowning around, she was getting it right. After another lively number, the music changed to a slow country tune. Lance and Paul stepped in closer, but before they could say anything, a strong arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back against a hard body.

  “The lady’s taken,” a deep male voice rumbled.

  There was no mistaking the possessive power in those three words. Lance and Paul hesitated briefly then good-naturedly backed away. Towering over her, Joshua bent his head to whisper in her ear.

  “Dance with me.”

  It wasn’t a request.

  Rachael didn’t know what to say. She thought that she should have been outraged at the assumption he made, but her traitorous body relaxed against his, and she knew the truth of his words: taken. Whatever pheromones this guy was packing would make millions if bottled. His scent was just too darn alluring and clouded her thoughts. Keeping her enclosed within one arm, he turned her around to face him.

  “You look beautiful and sexy tonight. You supported my sister and made a fool of Crossling. You are the most attractive, desirable woman I have ever met. I know you wanted some time, but come home with me tonight.”

  She was aware of his arousal as he held her closely and led her around the dance floor. She certainly wasn’t unaffected. At this rate, she’d need to buy panty liners in bulk. Despite her feelings, she knew that she had to put the brakes on.

  “Listen, Josh, I want to be honest with you. I won’t play with your feelings or come between you and your brother. I can’t live the lifestyle you want.” Saying those words was as easy as chewing glass.

  He looked confused, as if he didn’t understand what she was saying.


  “It’s James.” Rachael didn’t know how else to explain.

  She looked at his face and saw hurt and frustration in his eyes. He released her from his embrace and stepped back.

  “I apologize. I didn’t realize. II made a mistake.”

  He turned abruptly and walked away, leaving her alone on the dance floor. Rachael felt bereft. A sense of emptiness surged through her, and she almost stumbled as she slowly walked back to her seat.

  “Are you okay? What the heck just happened?” Janet whispered, looking worried.

  Rachael took a deep breath and decided to tell her everything, figuring she’d find out sooner or later anyway.

  “I like James, I really do, but not in that way.”

  “What?” Janet spurted incredulously. She blinked hard a few times, quickly putting together the pieces of the train-wreck of a misunderstanding. “Oh, you have it all wrong. Josh doesn’t share a woman with anyone. He’s not the sharing type. If anything, he’s the opposite. James wants the same lifestyle that our parents had, but because Josh doesn’t, he’s looking with his friend Luke for the right woman.”

  “Butbut, I assumed…”

  “Well, you know what they say about assume? It makes an ass out of u and me.”

  “Oh, God, what a disaster. No, scratch that, it’s actually good new
s, isn’t it? I’m a twit of the highest order. I need to set this straight.”

  “So you like Josh then?”

  “I fancy the pants off him. I’m just cautious, you know? I’ve been here such a short time, and I’ve still to get myself established both personally and professionally.”

  Janet smiled. “I think you’d be great together. He needs a strong woman.”

  Just then Mitch approached them. He maintained a concerned expression but failed to fully hide his delight.

  “Er, I’ve just spoken to Josh on the phone. He asked me to take you home, Janet. What’s up?”

  “A misunderstanding, but it’ll get sorted out. Can you take me soon?”

  Mitch stared at her longingly. “Sure.”

  “You coming, Rachael?”

  “Can you give me a lift to Colin’s house? My Jeep’s there, and I think I’ll go home. Josh may not be in the mood to see me when he gets back to the ranch, and I want to think things through.”

  Feigning a headache to Susan and the guys, but suspecting that she was fooling no one, she headed out of the building with Janet and Mitch. When they pulled up next to Rachael’s Jeep, she turned to Janet. “Tell him I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions. Thanks for the lift, Mitch.”

  She waved good-bye as they drove away, wishing that she were going with them. Rachael wanted to set things straight, but there really wasn’t a relationship yet. Rushing headlong to the ranch might not be the best move even though that was exactly what she wanted to do. No, tonight she would go to her cabin, giving Janet time to explain and Joshua space to think.

  * * * *

  Mitch Mathews grappled with his conflicting feelings. He had known Janet Ryden since she was a little girl. When she was twelve years old, she had gone missing and he was the young officer, fresh out of the academy and still in training, who had found her. It had been a cold, dark night, and she had been stuck up a tree, shivering and crying. He had never forgotten the protectiveness he had felt as he rescued her and cradled her cold little body against his.

  For years after, she obviously had a teenage crush on him and he had gently ignored her, never being unkind but always a little distant. As she matured, she developed into a lovely young woman but, to him, she was always the little girl he’d rescued. He didn’t see much of her in her later teens and then she went away to university. When he next saw her, nearly a year later, it was different. He hadn’t recognized her at first because she was wearing dark sunglasses, and her hair, which she usually wore in a ponytail, was loose and flowing down her back. She had looked sophisticated and stunning, and his cock had hardened when she gave him a smoldering, sexy smile. Not being shy with the ladies, he was about to move closer when the smile changed and grew. He immediately saw who it was. She’d always had the sunniest of smiles. He had felt like a pervert, although suddenly the nine-year age gap didn’t seem so bad. Since then, he’d feigned romantic indifference, expecting that she would outgrown him, but somehow each time they met there was a little bit more of an edge.

  “Can I ask what’s going on with Josh?” It was a safe subject.

  “Oh, just a misunderstanding between him and Rachael. I need to talk to my brother to explain a few things.” She briefly squeezed his arm affectionately. “Thanks for your help, I’m sorry to cut short your time at the dance.”

  “Don’t be. I don’t mind.” He smiled at her. The feel of her sweet, gentle touch lingered on his skin.

  They drove in silence for most of the way, but as they entered Sweet Water, she suddenly exhaled as if she had been holding her breath.

  “Don’t you like me, Mitch?”

  Her direct approach completely caught him off guard. He stiffened, putting both hands on the steering wheel, appearing to concentrate on the road. It was a minute before he answered.

  “I do,” he sighed heavily. “But you’re only twenty-one.”

  “You’re hardly an old man at thirty. Anyway, what does that have to do with anything?”

  “I suppose it’s not such an issue now but…” He trailed off, trying to find the words.

  “You know, Rachael said that it’s sometimes hard for people to see when a particular pattern of behavior isn’t relevant anymore; I’ve grown up, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “I’ve noticed, all right.” Noticed and secretly coveted. He explained sadly, “It’s not only that. I guess I think that you’ll quickly outgrow me. I’m a deputy. Maybe I’ll make sheriff one day if I work hard. You’ll soon be a college graduate with a world of opportunities. I don’t want to restrict you.”

  “So you’re saying I’m too good for you?”

  “No,” he paused, trying to articulate exactly what he did mean, “yes. You have part ownership of a cattle and oil empire, for heaven’s sake.”

  “Bullshit.” She sounded angry now. “How dare you think that I’m the type of woman who bothers about that? If anyone is bothered, it’s you!”

  “Janet, it’s not like that. How long would you be satisfied with the type of lifestyle I could give you?”

  Janet sat back, looking shocked and very angry, “Oh, I’m seeing a different side to you now, you arrogant ass. You’re too proud to consider that it wouldn’t be my lifestyle changing but yours. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was because you thought that you couldn’t make me happy, couldn’t love me or keep me satisfied. At least that would be a reason really about us and not about you and your pride!”

  “Now wait a minute. You’re twisting my words.” He swerved to a stop in the yard near her house. “I think that you’ve had a schoolgirl crush on me for a long time, but maybe it’s based on some unrealistic idea of who you think I am.”

  “No, you listen. Be honest with yourself and me. Yes, I’ve had a thing for you for years, Mitch Mathews. I know you’re a deputy, and I love your commitment to your job. I’ve never considered it an obstacle to a relationship with you. I love the fact that you’re strong yet gentle, hard but kind. You’re a good man with a hint of bad boy in you, and I like it. Don’t you see anything about me that you like, or is it only my age, money, education, and options—which apparently don’t include you—that you’re concerned about?” She was getting really worked up now. “All the material stuff is irrelevant unless it’s a façade to hide the fact that you haven’t got any balls!”

  He sat still, stunned as he replayed her words. She’s right. He suddenly realized that Janet wasn’t a girl anymore. She had grown up, knew her own mind, and apparently, she wanted him.

  Janet was still filled with righteous indignation. “You’re also a stupid ass for not seeing what’s right in front of your nose.” She grabbed the door handle.

  “Stay right here,” he shouted, pointing at her seat.

  “Screw you,” she yelled back, and before he could grab her, she fell out of the vehicle. “Goddamn.” She struggled to her feet and started to run.

  Using long, fast strides usually reserved for running down fleeing suspects it gave him a few crucial moments to reach her. He was upon her before she made it to the house, tackling her from behind but turning to take the fall on his back.

  “What the f—”

  He cut off her curse with a crushing kiss, holding her head with one hand, keeping her pressed against him with the other. When he finally released her, she was breathless. He gently rolled her over and stood up, pulling her with him.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m a stupid, selfish ass.”

  “I didn’t say all of that.” She was breathing hard, still recovering from his kiss.

  “Well, it’s true. I invented reasons why you shouldn’t love me when I could have been giving you reasons why you should. I’ve been a fool.” He kissed her again, gently this time, savoring the flavor of her lips and mouth, taking her breath in. When he spoke again, his voice was deep and gravelly “The problem was my pride and lack of confidence in you. You’ve been on my mind and in my heart for years. Will you give me a chance to love you in the way you

  The kiss they’d shared and her words had completely shattered his resolve to stay away from her.

  “God, you’re actually romantic. Who knew?”

  He shrugged. “Or failing that, will you settle for lots of mind-blowing sex?” Her brothers are gonna kill me.

  She flushed pink.

  “I don’t think that Josh is home yet. His car isn’t here,” he observed hopefully.

  “He will be soon, and I need to have a good, long talk with him. I’d love to invite you in but—”

  “But the time’s not right. I’m going to Austin tomorrow for a firearms workshop until Tuesday. I’ll call you when I get back, okay?”

  “You’d better because, Deputy, you’re on probation. Have a good think about what I’ve said, Mitch Mathews, and if you are even half the man I hope you are, you’ll spend the future making it up to me.” She started toward the door of the house but then stopped to add, “And you’d better use some imagination.”

  He watched her enter the house without a backward glance. For a few moments, he couldn’t bring himself to move. He wanted to go after her but knew she had a family matter to deal with, so he reluctantly headed home. Soon, however, he was smiling. Imaginative? I can do that.

  * * * *

  Calming down, Janet leaned heavily against the door. You’d better use some imagination. She groaned inwardly at her words. Where the hell did that come from? Janet wasn’t exactly Ms. Sexually Experienced. In fact, she was the opposite. What the heck had she set herself up for? She’d overheard some of the ranch hands joke that a night with the deputy left a girl bowlegged in the morning. Apparently, all of his big, broad, hard body was in proportion. Well, lucky her, she hoped.

  She knew that Mitch cared, but he hadn’t believed that she really wanted him. She had not-so-secretly loved him for nine years and he’d thought that it was some childish crush. He probably believed that he had been doing the noble thing, standing back so that she could get on with some fantastical high-flying lifestyle he’d envisaged for her. Well, he was in no doubt how she felt now. On the journey home she had thought about Rachael and her misunderstanding with Joshua. She’d resolved not to make the same mistake and, for once, had taken a more direct approach. The next move had to be his, though, and it had better be soon because she was going back to college in two weeks.


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