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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 5

by C D Swanson

  She laughed, and as she did so her face lit up with even more beauty, “Please do.”

  “Well, if I understand correctly, this job primarily entails recruiting the homeless; giving them the opportunity to become fully employed, and living in a temporary unit. Correct?” He smiled, and when he did so, Sarah’s heart pounded. He was such a nice looking young man. That smile was the showcase for his deep dimples. His hands were manly, and large. His calloused fingers and jagged nails were the only sign of his homeless status.

  Sarah cleared her throat before answering. “Yes. We’ve a shelter for the homeless and there’re tools and computers available for their assistance. They have to really have a desire to change their lives around. They need motivation, and what better man than you Jacob. You’ve been homeless up to yesterday! You’ll be a veritable role model, and will provide the optimism needed for them to catapult their way out of their individual scenarios. They’ll be speaking to one of their own and will be able to respond as they never have before. And, thereby affording them the visionary they need in order to believe and go forward. The apartments, where you’ll be living, have been approved by the state for this transitional setting. There’re twenty units, and hopefully we’ll have them completely full before long, with you at the helm” she took a sip of water, “I’m so sure this is going to work.”

  “I’ll do my best to help these individuals, and treat them with respect. You know, most times we’re not even recognized as human beings; we’re just freak shows to most. Or, not even looked upon. And, most times we’re entertainment and vicious folly for cruel people, who feel superior by beating us up. I’ve no experience in this realm, other than my life-experience, but I promise you…no one will ever have worked harder than I will. I want to make you proud of your choice, but most important; I want to help these individuals thrive. I want to be a part of such a charitable and loving organization. I’m so humbled, and can hardly wait to begin. I’ll know how they feel, and certainly be able to empathize with their plight. And, I particularly know how it feels to scrounge for food, and for shelter. Especially, during the dark cold winter nights.”

  Her eyes watered up as she touched his hand, “Jacob, I’m so sorry you had to endure that. But, thank God you’re well enough to go forward, and help others so they can get the chance to live rewarding lives. God will use you as a vessel, and you’ll be a living testimony to the Almighty God, and how He changes and moves so mightily in our lives.”

  He smiled, “God is good, and He will get all the victory. So, I’ll go forward in thanks and praise. And, yes, I can hardly wait.”

  She sat up straight and pushed a stray curl from her face, “Okay, so let’s get going, there’s a lot to discuss, then we’ll go down to the shelter together and I’ll introduce you. You’ll have three other workers there, and you’ll be their boss. Your starting salary isn’t the best to begin with. However, keep in mind, free room and board, plus food is yours as well. So, that’ll make up the difference.”

  “Just knowing I have a purpose in life, a goal and a job is enough for me Sarah.”

  They sat side by side with great anticipation bringing their mutual goals to life. Jacob’s long legs kept accidently hitting Sarah’s under the table. She brushed back that same random stay hair from her eye, as Jacob watched. They seemed to be staring at each other for an eternity. Pistachio-green eyes peering into light gray until they were interrupted…

  “Ahem!” Ruth’s eyebrows were arched and her lips were pursed.

  “Oh! Ruth, come on in.” Sarah stood up immediately smiling at her friend.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to congratulate you on the great news about Candy” she eyed Luke appreciatively from head to toe as she waited for the introduction.

  Ruth ran over to hug her best friend tightly, “thanks Ruth… however, I could not have done it without you. So bless you my amazing friend.”

  “You owe me big time sister—like a huge dinner and dessert, again!” She laughed as she rubbed her tummy.

  “Ruth, this is Jacob, Jacob this is Ruth, my best and absolutely insane friend” Sarah winked at Jacob and smiled broadly.

  “Hello Jacob. Wow, we all sound so biblical, Ruth, Sarah and Jacob” she looked upward with a serious face, before they all laughed at that astute analogy.

  “Jacob is going to be the head up liaison for the homeless shelter, while running both shelter and apartments” she explained to her friend with confidence and while she did, Ruth opened her eyes wide and nodded her approval.

  “Well, Jacob, good luck you’ll need it. That’s a pretty big job. But, if Sarah chose you, then you’re more than capable I suspect. I’ll let you both get back to work. I’m going to stop by tonight Sarah. I have a gift for Candy okay?”

  “Of course, please do! She’ll love it.” she answered her friend with enthusiasm.

  “Okay.” Ruth clapped her hands as an affirmation.

  “In fact, why don’t you come for dinner we’re going to be having cheese burgers, French fries, and chocolate ice cream for dessert.” she looked up with a sheepish grin and waited for her best friend’s answer.

  “I’m there. You had me at cheese burgers!” Ruth pointed her finger at Sarah and winked.

  “Jacob, would you like to join us? I would love to introduce you to Candy.” she asked in a soft tone while holding her breath, secretly hoping he’d say yes.

  “Me? Well…” Jacob was floored, he didn’t expect an invite. He felt like a twelve year old boy, he was nervous and yet excited at the prospect of eating with Sarah. He was humbled that this incredible lady would want him at her table. He was incredulous.

  “Oh just say yes Jacob, she won’t take no for an answer.” Ruth threw in her two cents trying to make it easier for both of them sensing their attraction to each other immediately.

  “Okay, I’d be honored to meet Candy, Thank you.” he nodded as he gave his answer, prompting a huge smile from Sarah in the process.

  “Bye guys, Jacob nice meeting you. Welcome to our humble center.” she smiled at Jacob.

  “Thank you Ruth.” Jacob smiled back.

  She waved and walked towards the door but not before pointing at Jacob and making a swooning motion to Sarah, as Jacob was pouring himself a cup of coffee. Sarah waved her hand to dismiss her friend… She knew what her friend was doing. Ruth pointed in approval and was throwing hints.

  “See you tonight Ruth” she waved her hand in dismissal, with a smile, before Jacob could see Ruth’s childish gestures.

  They resumed where they left off. Jacob was eternally grateful as was determined to work extra hard. He was going to do everything in his power to make a huge success of this project. To think that he was homeless yesterday—it was truly beyond his comprehension. His mind wandered to thoughts of dinner and meeting Candy, he was sure tonight would be very special; and one that he would cherish and remember.

  Chapter Seven

  Sarah’s level of excitement was that of a school-girl, she couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough to bring Candy “home.” Everything needed to be just right. After all this child had been through, and still going through…she was worth any additional effort to maintain perfection for this auspicious event.

  Running up the stairs, two at a time, she said a silent prayer to God, thanking Him for help with guidance in this situation. It was due to God that her plans to bring Candy home have come to fruition.

  Sarah reached the third floor, after what seemed an eternity; and opened the heavy metal door walking quickly toward Candy’s room. She heard a loud screech of sheer excitement. “Sarah!”

  Turning quickly at her name, she saw her all dressed up in pink running toward her in record time. Her arms fully extended with her adorable smile and eyes beaming with excitement.

  “Hello Candy, are you ready Sweetheart?” Sarah squatted and embraced Candy kissing her quickly on her cheek.

  “Yes I sure am!” Candy’s eyes were huge. She was animated and s
o obviously filled with delight and anticipation of her “new life.”

  Melissa, was smiling while watching the entire scene unwind before her eyes…She waited patiently and then hugged Sarah too.

  “She has been dressed since six this morning; she didn’t want to be late.” Melissa’s eyes were brimming with tears. She really loved all of her patients, but had grown especially fond of Candy mainly due to her situation, with no family. She was going to miss her.

  “Oh Candy, my sweet little doll…don’t you know I would’ve waited even if you weren’t ready?”

  “Yeah. I know, but I wanted to make sure anyway. So I didn’t want to take any chances.”

  “Any chances” Sarah looked at Candy bemused.

  “Yeah, I wasn’t taking any chances.” She repeated with emphasis.

  Sarah smiled and winked at Melissa.

  “Candy, I just need to speak to Melissa a moment and get some instructions for how to take good care of you. Can you sit here for a moment? Oh, and did you say goodbye to everyone?”

  “Yes, I’ve been saying goodbye all morning and afternoon, I’m finished with all of my goodbyes.” She pouted and sat down on the bed, promptly swinging her legs.

  Both Melissa and Sarah smiled widely. “Well, okay then. I’ll be right back Sweetheart.”

  “She’s very stable right now; we have good reason to believe she may go into permanent remission. If, it does return, we’ll have to look for a donor match at that time.” Melissa hated to think Candy’s cancer would return, she loved this child and hoped she never saw her in this hospital again, other than for check-ups-nothing more.

  “Okay, but is she on the list now?” Sarah asked in earnest.

  “No, there wasn’t a need at this time. But, she’ll be on it if, God-forbid it should return.”

  “Is there anything I should watch out for?”

  “Well, see that she doesn’t get over tired…And, watch for bruising. She’ll have to come here once a week for now, and we’ll closely monitor her blood. But, we’re all thrilled that she’ll be with you. We all got very attached to her, and if we had to pick someone, we all decided it would be you.” Melissa’s eyes started to brim over with tears for the third time this morning.

  Sarah smiled shyly, and mouthing thanks, Sarah’s own eyes filling with tears as well.

  “Are we ready to go yet Mom?” Candy waited and tapped her foot impatiently.

  Melissa looked at Sarah in surprise after hearing Candy call her Mom. She was happy for how things turned out for both of them. This was truly a fairy-tale ending. She said a silent prayer that it would continue, perhaps on a permanent basis.

  “Yes, we’re ready Sweetheart.”

  “Bye Missy. I love you…see you later.” Candy hugged Melissa.

  “Good-bye Candy, be a good girl and don’t give Sarah too much trouble…you hear?” She gently schooled her and winked.

  “Okay. Bye.” She started pulling Sarah’s hand while walking toward the elevator.

  “Bye Melissa, thank you for everything.” Sarah smiled through her tears.

  “Bye Missy.” Candy waved again continuing to pull on Sarah’s hand in a possessive fashion.

  They walked into the elevator and suddenly it was all real! This was really happening. She was totally attached to her, she loved this little girl. Now what? Suppose they take her away from me? She didn’t want to think about that. She’ll see how things go, and if things go well-she may actually consider adopting her.


  “Huh-oh, yes Candy?” She was amazed at how easy it was to answer to Mom.

  “I know we’ll be together forever because you’re my mom. And, you know what? I love you mommy.” She looked up with saucer eyes and broke into the most beautiful smile that tugged and pulled at her heart and very soul.

  “Oh baby. Candy, I love you too, so very much. Now, let’s think about those hamburgers and fries and chocolate cake.” Sarah felt as if she was a mother forever, it all felt so natural.

  “It was a cheeseburger with fries.” Candy corrected Sarah.

  “Oh, right-I stand corrected.” She grinned.

  They walked to the car, Candy got in the back seat and Sarah strapped her in when she felt someone touch her arm. It startled her. She turned quickly to see Luke standing there with a smirk. “Luke!”

  “Hi, I saw you coming out and wanted to say hello. Who is this you have back here?” He peeked into the back seat with confidence and defiance at once.

  “This is Candy.”

  “Hello Candy.” Luke smiled in Candy’s face.

  Candy didn’t move a muscle staring at him without answering.

  “What’s the matter cat got your tongue?” His tone a trifle bit sharp and forced.

  “Luke, what are you doing here?” Her startled behavior now replaced by annoyance, she didn’t care for his tone or popping up to interfere with this precious moment.

  “I had an appointment with the Administrator; he’s interested in buying one of my properties. I saw you and came over.”

  “Okay, well we have to get going.” She winked at Candy and quickly closed the door.

  “What’s your rush?” His hand gripping Sarah’s arm willing her to look at him.

  Pulling free from his unwelcomed grip looking squarely at his face, she replied in a low, yet firm voice, “we have to get going is all Luke. I’ll talk to you later.” Turning away she got into the driver’s seat wanting to get away from him as quickly as possible, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

  Luke became clearly annoyed at her brushing him off. And, he almost told her but held back opting to keep quiet, at least for now.

  “Okay, well then go. See you around.” His voice tinged with annoyance as a vein twitched in his forehead.

  “Bye Luke.” She closed and quickly locked the doors of the car breathing a sigh of relief.

  Sarah you’ll be sorry if you keep this up. I cannot believe the way she’s been treating me. What the frig was going on here? How dare she pull away and treat me with obvious disdain?

  He really cared for her, but no one treats him like this. They were okay until he called her stupid. Okay, so he has lost his temper a couple of times around her, but he has never hit her. He was crazy about her, but if she didn’t want to be bothered with him, good-riddance. He didn’t like her Pollyanna ways anyhow. At first it was adorable, and then it began to irritate him. All of these pathetic people, homeless, cancer patients, orphans, animals. Geez-she was too much trouble. Certainly could be considered high maintenance in his book. He’d call her at the end of the week. He decided he would let her miss him first. He sauntered off and put her out of his mind while opening and closing his fists picking up pace.


  Her sweet little voice pulled Sarah from her unsettling thoughts concerning Luke. She felt hairs rise on the back of her neck during their encounter. “I love the way that sounds Candy, but are you sure you want to call me that right away?” Sarah was deeply concerned about the possibility of her being taken away.

  “Oh yes! I always wanted to call you that since I met you.” She answered in truth and without hesitation.

  “That’s so sweet, thank you baby. What was your question?” She looked at her in the rear view mirror.

  “I don’t like that man.” She said matter of fact.

  “Who? Luke?”

  “Yeah, he’s a mean man. I don’t like him.”

  “What makes you say that? You don’t even know him sweetie.” Sarah was incredulous at Candy’s comment, yet she mirrored her feelings about Luke lately. She wondered why it took her so long to figure it out, and yet here was a mere child who knew his number immediately. Well, out of the mouth of babes, so it’s been said.

  “I can just tell he’s just really mean. I just don’t like him and I don’t know why. All I know is that he’s mean.”

  “Well, that’s alright, we can’t like everyone we meet. And, perhaps there’s a reason for you not l
iking him. Sometimes, that’s called an instinct, or being able to tell right away about a situation or person. The actual word is discernment. But, it is just something we have inside that tells us something is wrong. It alerts us. You understand?” Sarah was aware that Candy was advanced in years in terms of mental development. So her cognitive ability to grasp things and understand was far superior to children her own age. Candy was on a twelve year old level. She’s very bright, so Sarah always explained vocabulary to her, and Candy loved learning new words.

  “Well, whatever it’s called, I just don’t like him. That’s all.” She was adamant and to the point looking out the window, she added, “I hope I don’t see him again.”

  “Okay. Well, don’t even think about him anymore. We have too many things to do and some fun coming up tonight. My friend Ruth is coming. Remember her?” She adroitly changed the subject to ease Candy’s discomfort, and wanting to forget about Luke herself.

  “Yes, I really like her,” she smiled, before adding, “she’s fun.”

  “And, someone else is going to be there too. A man named Jacob. Is that okay with you?” She watched her reaction in the mirror while at a red light.

  “Oh yeah-Anybody but Luke.”

  Sarah wondered why she got that feeling about Luke, although the way he’s been acting lately-she could almost understand why. He seemed different the last couple of times they spoke, and appeared callous on many occasions about orphans, and the homeless. She let it go thinking he was uncomfortable speaking about the subject. But, now with Candy feeling this way, it brought home a blatant truth. Children and animals have a great innate ability to discern, and she was taking this very seriously. It was a quick and instant response, she could learn from this young girl who spoke up so boldly and matter-of-factly about a man who was changing rapidly in content and style.

  “Is this your house?” Candy sat up leaning forward looking at the pretty yellow house with a red door, her eyes wide and sparkling.

  “Yes, it is. Do you like it sweetie?”

  “It’s so pretty! Wow! I love it so much.”


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