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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 6

by C D Swanson

  “Well, thank you. It’s just a little ranch but I call it home, and now so can you.”

  As she pulled into the driveway the security lights came on. Turning the engine off she paused while smiling at Candy in the rearview mirror, her heart began to melt with additional love. Her huge eyes were lit like Christmas tree lights. Candy was fidgeting with the safety belt trying hard to get it unbuckled, kicking her feet against the front seat.

  “I’ll be right there Candy. Hang on,” she laughed. Stepping out, she began walking quickly to the rear door to help Candy. When she released the belt she jumped into Sarah’s arms nearly knocking her over in so doing.

  “Oh my! Okay, so here we go sweetie.” Sarah placed her down watching her run towards the door.

  “Want to open the door yourself?”


  “Okay I’ll put the key in first… turn it and open it up. Go.” She watched her little hands turn the key while standing on tippy toes; she managed to unlock it. Then, she turned the knob opening the door exposing the house for her view.

  “Wow!” She raced in and stopped in her tracks. Her little body was shaking with excitement, and her eyes wild with wonder as she scanned the house.

  “You like?” Sarah asked tentatively.

  “Yes, this is great!” She stood with hands clasped, taking it all in.

  “Want to see your room?”

  “Oh Yes!”

  They walked up the stairs holding hands to Candy’s bedroom; she tried to make it girly for her as quickly as possible. She purchased pink stuffed toys, a pink and purple bedspread…And, a little pink lamp that had animals on it. Sarah intended to add more eventually, but for now, this seemed a perfect start.

  “Oh I love it!” She began to cry hugging Sarah so tightly she almost couldn’t breathe.

  “Sweetheart, it’s okay” she stroked her back.

  “I’m so happy.”

  “I’m happy too Sweetheart. Welcome home.” Sarah hugged her awhile longer waiting for the special moment to subside before speaking, “well, wash your hands and let’s go and get dinner started shall we?”

  “Okay,” she clapped her hands, and added, “I can’t wait to eat the first time in our house!”

  The phone rang and she winked at Candy before she picked up her cell, “Hello Ruth, where are you?”

  “I’m at Burger Haven. My question is very important, so listen up my friend. Okay…do you want me to bring this order of cheese burgers, fries, onion rings, and chocolate mousse cake home? Or, do you want to cook yourself?”

  “You know what—please do bring it home, I will pay you…”

  “Excuse me-did you hear anything about wanting money?” Ruth pretended to be insulted.

  “But…” Sarah began but was interrupted by Ruth.

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes or so. Bye.”




  “No problems. Later.”

  “Who was that Mommy?

  “It was Ruth she’s bringing our supper home. That’s good, because we’ll have time to set the table and just talk. Sound like a plan?”

  “Yes. I hope she hurries though, because I’m really starving,” she rubbed her tummy for emphasis and smiled, “my belly is making sounds, I think it’s saying hurry and feed me,” she giggled throwing her head back.

  “You silly. Well, little tummy, hold on you’ll be fed soon,” Sarah giggled along with her, and then walked down the stairs together to the kitchen. She watched Candy who was investigating everything in sight. It was adorable. She was so stunning inside and out. The pink woolen cap on her head suited her in an odd way; she hardly ever had it off. She made a mental note to buy her additional hats, in a variety of styles and colors tomorrow.

  “Mommy, can I have a glass of milk please?” She sat on the swivel high stool spinning back and forth kicking her feet, “I’m thirsty and hungry too.”

  “Of course you may.”

  “Can I get it and pour it for myself?”


  While pouring the milk, the doorbell rang startling Candy causing the milk to drop instantly from her little hands. A creamy white river ran through the kitchen from one end to the other.

  “I’m sorry…” She started to cry observing the pool of white.

  “Oh Sweetheart—no need to apologize, it was an accident. The doorbell startled you…It is kind of loud” She laughed before adding, “I drop things all the time. At least you had a good reason.” She smiled and winked at Candy.

  Candy smiled back feeling much better after listening to the reassuring tones of Sarah, and before she ran to the door.

  “Don’t open the door to anyone until you know who it is Candy—Wait a moment.” She strongly warned her…Motherly tones already clearly apparent. She threw paper towels on the spill, and then hurried to the door, “we always ask and look through the peep hole, but since you cannot see from down there, I’ll do it.”

  “Okay Mommy,” she stood behind Sarah, nodding her head.

  “Who is it?” Sarah asked in a loud voice to illustrate while driving the point home for Candy’s sake.


  She smiled widely when she heard his voice, “Okay, now I’ll check to see if it’s really Jacob.” She peeked and nodded to Candy, “Okay, it is him-now I’ll open the door,” she opened the door and Jacob was beaming while holding a pink balloon in his hand, “Hello Jacob, come on in,” she purred.

  Candy smiled up at him immediately. “Is that for me?” her voice high-pitched, her huge gray eyes staring in amazement.

  “Well I was looking for a beautiful little girl named Candy…Something tells me that girl is you, so yes it is for you,” Jacob squatted down meeting her eye level handed it to her and smiled.

  “Oh thank you!”

  “Candy this is Jacob my friend, and Jacob, this is Candy,” she kissed the top of her head, “and I’m blessed to have her staying with me for now.”

  Jacob now down on one knee, shook her hand and watched her with tenderness. Sarah was impressed immediately with his behavior toward Candy. Her heart melted.

  “Hello Candy, I’m so pleased to meet you.” He extended his hand with an award winning smile.

  “Hello Jacob,” giggling she took his hand and then looked over at Sarah and winked her eye.

  “What was that for?”

  “Now this one…well I like him” her eyes twinkled with delight. And she ran into the kitchen.

  “What was that all about? I feel I passed inspection-but I have a feeling someone else wasn’t so lucky,” his head tilted while scrunching his brows.

  “She met Luke and took an immediate disliking toward him.”

  “Oh wow,” eyebrows raised he added, “I feel flattered beyond belief.”

  “Yes I know, you scored big-time.”

  The doorbell rang yet again. Candy started running back to the door balloon still in her hand, remembering what Sarah had warned her about earlier, she screamed, “Who is it?”

  “It’s Ruth and the delivery man.”

  Sarah looked through the peep hole just to reinforce the importance of knowing who it was before opening the door for Candy’s sake, “come on in Ruth.”

  She had four shopping bags of goodies, and Jacob immediately ran to take the bags from her. “Thanks Jacob.” Ruth said in appreciation.

  “You are very welcome. Besides I’m starving, my tummy is talking to me.” He laughed and they all joined in.

  “Mine too Jacob. It’s talking to me too!”

  “Well, the Kitchen is straight ahead, let’s get in there so we can quiet these talking bellies,” Sarah informed Jacob while laughing.

  “Hello Candy, how’re you doing sweetie?”

  “Hello Ruth. I’m happy,” she spun around looking up at the balloon with a lip splitting smile.

  “I can see that, and you look so beautiful. And, your tummy is speaking to you too huh?”

  “Uh huh—I’m absolutely starving… I feel like I’ll faint if I don’t eat soon,” she clutched her tummy.

  “Oh boy well let’s get going I’m starving too,” Ruth affirmed Candy’s sentiments and rubbed her tummy to support her feelings and Candy’s.

  Sarah brought out additional utensils and glasses and brought the milk, juice and water to the table. The four of them sat down, and said a prayer of thanks, then dug in like they haven’t had a meal in years. They all had such an exhausting day.

  “Jacob, how’d it go today? Was everyone cooperative?” Sarah asked taking a sip of milk.

  “Yes-it went exceedingly well. I feel like I might get things going sooner than I had originally anticipated. I’m overwhelmingly thankful to you for this opportunity, and for my apartment. You’re a saint Sarah,” he paused looking at her before biting his burger.

  “Hardly. But you’re very welcome,” her face turning light red, changing the subject adroitly, “how do you like that cheese burger my little sweetie-pie?” she smiled at Candy watching her eat.

  “This is the best cheese burger that I’ve ever tasted! And, the French fries are so big and crisp. Yummy! I love this meal, I love this house, and I love all of you.” Candy was swinging her legs as she drank her milk through the purple striped straw.

  They all laughed and Jacob said, “So, tell me how you really feel little munchkin?”

  And, she laughed her little girl laugh. It was adorable and so pure and so innocent. Sarah was filled with love for this little girl, her heart was overflowing. It was actually a little scary how strongly she felt for this child. Their lives forever changed quickly and dramatically.

  “Jacob you know what? My hair is the color of your hair when it’s on my head,” she pointed to his head and then touched it so lightly, making small little circles with her finger.

  “Oh really? Well, I am sure it looks so much better on you than me. That tickles,” he laughed and to his delight, she smiled.

  “I think you’d look good bald like me too.”

  “Really? You think so huh?”

  “Yeah I really do,” taking a bite of a French fry she continued swinging her legs.

  “Well, after we finish dinner how about I shave my head and this way our hair will grow back together-what do you think?” Jacob offered in earnest waiting for her response.

  “Yes!” Candy jumped off her seat and did a triple spin in place.

  “See who gets it back first? Like a race?” Jacob continued, “let’s see whose hair grows faster, okay?”

  “Yes, can we?” Candy was smiling so widely while giggling.

  “Whoa! Jacob, you sure you really want to do that?” Sarah’s eyes fixed intently on his face, she placed her fork down.

  “Absolutely, I always wanted to know what I would look like as Mister Clean, or a Pirate of fortune.”

  “Can he Mommy? Please? It’ll be fun?”

  Jacob looked at Sarah when he heard her call her mommy. His heart went out to both. What an amazing woman. And, Candy was such an adorable little girl. He was saddened that this little doll faced such a battle…what a brave little child.

  Sarah looked at Jacob; she couldn’t believe what a compassionate man he was. He was a complete stranger to Candy, and yet, here he was making an outstanding gesture. Her heart was pounding, and she felt emotions she hadn’t felt in years… she was so touched by his altruistic behavior.

  “Mommy, I’m finished may I have my dessert now?” she sat down on the swivel stool and began to spin, her enthusiasm palpable.

  “Yes you may. How about anyone else? Please let’s see a show of hands for chocolate mousse?” Sarah asked jokingly.

  Everyone raised their hands. Ruth raised both hands—which made Candy giggle out of control, her head thrown back as she spun on the stool.

  “Okay here you go people, dig in.” Sarah placed the cake down, and could hardly wait to taste the rich concoction of sugary delight. They all ate in silence loving the sweet scrumptious sinful dessert. Sarah especially, she was so crazy for chocolate that she’d prefer to eat cake foregoing the entire main meal.

  “Okay Jacob let’s go. You said you would shave your head. Let’s go,” Candy stood up and grabbing his hand hugged him quickly before adding, “I bet you look good as a pirate.”

  His heart lurched and ached at once, the unbridled love and enthusiasm was jarring in a good way, “Arrrggh…sure thing.” The room erupted into spontaneous laughter, and when it quieted down he asked, “Is it alright Sarah if I use your razor? I don’t have one on me at this particular moment,” he grinned as he rubbed his head.

  “Well, I‘ve an electric clipper I use for dogs that I groom upon occasion…You can use that perhaps it might be easier. And don’t worry it was sterilized completely before I put it away,” she reassured


  “I’ll just have to be extra careful where my head got hurt the other night,” Jacob answered.

  “Oh right…Jacob, are you sure this is a good idea?” Sarah was really concerned now, she bit her lower lip gently while grimacing.

  “Well how about I let you do it?” Jacob smiled offering her an option she didn’t see coming.

  “Please mommy, you do it,” Candy was jumping up and down and could barely contain her excitement.

  She looked into the pleading huge gray eyes of Candy. She was hesitant to do it, but it was so important to Candy-and obviously Jacob too. She waited and closed her eyes and finally gave in.

  “Okay, okay guys-you both win. I’ll do the honors,” resignation in her voice, “let’s go.”

  They clapped and Candy jumped up into Jacob’s arms. Sarah was amazed how quickly she took to him. It was as if she had known him her whole life. The ease of which she interacted with Jacob was astounding.

  They walked to the bathroom,directly off the kitchen. Sarah pulled out the clippers. Jacob sat on the tub while she placed a blue towel around his shoulders. She looked at him as she held the buzzer over his head, “You ready?” she asked one final time.

  “Yes I’m completely ready,” he winked at Candy who was smiling the entire time.

  “Jacob, don’t be afraid okay? I wasn’t when my hair came off my head. It’ll grow back,” she said in a very low voice.

  Jacob grabbed her and hugged her tightly. He felt such compassion for this little one, and her gentle words ripped open his heart. To hear such a testimony from one so young was more than he could stand. He didn’t want to let her go.

  Sarah too was affected by the words. She felt her eyes watering up. She realized the depth of her words, and how brave and sincere Candy was. After hearing her personal testimony, she knew that Jacob was doing the right thing. She regained her composure, and felt so close to Jacob right now. She was honored he had asked her to shave his head. She’d never forget what he did for Candy, not ever. “Okay, here goes Jacob. Bye-bye Hair.”

  She started buzzing off his hair, careful not to touch where he was stitched up. She protected that spot even further by placing sterile gauze pads over it. She slowly went around his head, until he was totally bald.

  Candy shrieked in glee, and clapped her hands, “You look gorgeous!”

  They laughed long and hard at that unexpected comment from her little mouth.

  “As long as you think so Candy, that’s all that matters,” he took her hand and kissed it and smiled into her exuberant face.

  “No, look at yourself, hurry up…You’ll see I’m right. Hurry up! Hurry up!” Candy wouldn’t take no for an answer while tugging on his hand.

  “Okay, Okay!” he stood up and looked into the mirror, standing still with mouth wide he turned to Candy, “Wow –I am gorgeous!”

  Everyone laughed until their sides hurt. Ruth walked in and took a look.

  “Wow the two of you look like twins. You both look stunning.” Ruth was amazed at the sight she took in, and couldn’t believe what a great thing this guy just did. Outstanding!

  “See Jacob, I
told you,” Candy was holding his hand and didn’t seem to want to let it go. Jumping into his arms she hugged him. His heart was lost to this little girl immediately, if not sooner. What an amazing child. He definitely understood why Sarah was so taken with her. He barely knew her, yet he loved her. Crazy, but he really loved this little girl.

  “Okay, well young lady—I think it’s time for bed now. You’ve had a long day, and you need your sleep,” Sarah really had the mother tones going on as she smiled at her.

  “Oh!” she scrunched her face and pouted.

  “Say goodnight, let’s go upstairs and off to sleep you go,” Sarah was waiting for Candy to say goodnight when she was floored by what happened next.

  “Can Jacob take me?”

  They looked at each other stunned. They didn’t see that request coming. Sarah didn’t know what to say and Jacob looked so touched that he barely could respond.

  “Jacob, will you take me upstairs?” Candy asked him directly while taking ahold of his hand every so gently.

  “Yes I would be honored to do so young lady,” his voice cracked with emotion, “absolutely.”

  “Last one up is a rotten egg,” Candy yelled.

  They raced up the stairs, while Sarah was looking at Ruth incredulously.

  “Wow-what happened there?” Ruth asked quietly. That scene touched her heart as well.

  “I don’t know Ruth. They’re just equally smitten with each other. That was quite a contrast to her intense dislike of Luke earlier,” she clenched her jaw thinking about him.

  “You saw Luke? Where?” Ruth’s face changed immediately as she looked at her friend with concern.

  “We met him at the hospital parking lot.”

  “What happened?” Ruth sensed something transpired with the encounter, she could tell by the look on her friend’s face.

  “Nothing, but he was kind of weird and rude,” she rubbed her arms up and down as she felt a chill course through her body.

  “Doesn’t surprise me, and looking at your body language, it must have been a doozy.”

  She nodded to her friend, “well, Candy disclosed she didn’t like him, instantly. I found that really strange, and yet very astute coming from a child that age.”


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