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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 7

by C D Swanson

“I find it more interesting that Jacob took to her, and her to him. You know what they say about children knowing things,” she smiled really wide looking upward blinking her eyes to make her point. Trying to lighten the mood sensing her friend’s discomfort about Luke and the encournter.

  “Yes, I do,” she smiled and added, “I am blown away at how much she seems to like Jacob.”

  She touched her friend’s hand, “what’re you going to do about Luke?”

  “I’m going to break off with him. He’s starting to creep me out big-time. I don’t know why I didn’t see this before,” she began rubbing her arms again as she felt another chill.

  “He’s cute and he was somewhat charming in the beginning. But, I have to tell you something since you’ve said that. He came on to me a couple of times,” Ruth looked down before continuing, “I didn’t have the heart to tell you.”

  “What?” Sarah looked at her friend with eyes with her mouth ajar.

  “Yes, you heard right sweetie.”

  “And you didn’t tell me because?” Sarah was floored, but surprised and disappointed that her friend didn’t tell her until now.

  “It was just words, dirty comments. I thought he was being a flirt…But, I started to get bad vibes about him way before you.”

  “Well, that does it. He’s history. You’ve solidified my thoughts with that sobering confession. What a piece of floating debris he’s turned out to be,” her emerald eyes flashed a fiery defiance that Ruth hadn’t witnessed in a long time. Her friend only had this look a couple of times, and once was when someone tried to steal her bicycle. And, the other time was when she found out her college professor lied to her.

  Jacob came into the kitchen sensing something big was going on. He smiled at the two of them and tried to pretend he hadn’t noticed the distinct tension in the air.

  “That was fast. How is she?” Sarah’s face melted at the sight of him, it was instant. Ruth took it all in.

  “Sound asleep.”


  “Yes, she brushed her teeth. She jumped into her PJ’s saying, ‘read me a story.’ And, before I hit the third page, she was clean out.”

  “Thank you Jacob, you were amazing with her. I really mean it. Thank you.”

  “No problem-it’s easy with a child like that. She’s something else,” he answered with sincerity, “I don’t remember ever taking to someone so quickly. It was very special tonight, I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Thanks, I think so too,” she touched his hand quickly before taking it away.

  Ruth observed the interaction, and felt something was really brewing, “Well, I’m going to call it a night you two. I’m exhausted. Going home to take a long bath and fall asleep for the next three days. Taking a piece of cake to go too…I only had one slice after all. I’ll want another within an hour,” she said in her typical kidding fashion.

  “I better get going too. Thank you so much for dinner Sarah. I had a great time. It’s one of the best nights of my life so far,” pausing for emphasis, while clearing his emotions, he added, “I’ll see you tomorrow”

  Jacob’s words left her speechless. She felt a myriad of emotions as she struggled for the right words. She thought the less said the better and opted for something simple, “Thank Ruth, she paid for it.”

  “Oh, Okay—Ruth thanks!” he smiled and waved to Ruth.

  “You get it next time Jacob. Have a good night all,” she cajoled as she walked out the door.

  “Bye Ruth,” Sarah blew a kiss while waving.

  “Bye, Jacob…and, thank you again. You’re a kind man. I cannot believe your astounding gesture of solidarity for Candy. You overwhelm me with your compassion. Thank you…” her voice broke as she wiped a tear from her eye.

  Her tear didn’t go unnoticed, he handed her a tissue from the counter, “not a problem. I only shaved my head voluntarily. She lost it by chemo, hardly a comparison. As to what I did, who could resist that sweet request with those huge gray eyes?”

  She smiled widely, “still, it was a beautiful gesture. She took to you right away, you have a fan,” she didn’t let him off the hook with his modesty.

  “It is mutual. Besides my pretty wench, I’ve always secretly wanted to be a pirate!” They laughed together, “thanks again. See you in the morning. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight Jacob,” she whispered. She closed the door and sighed. She still couldn’t believe his actions. What a special man, she’s so glad she found him and secured a position for him. She now knew, in no uncertain terms, how successful he’ll be in this newly created division. He’s going to be spectacular. Well it makes sense because he’s pretty spectacular himself.

  She walked up the steps, and looked in on Candy-kissed her forehead, and then went into her own bedroom. She hardly could believe this was all happening! Sarah fell asleep within seconds of placing her head on the pillow.

  Across town a homeless man was being beaten with a night stick, and pummeled into oblivion. The person doing it was laughing loudly, dressed in his doctor garb. And, when the man fell silent on the ground, he took off in his fancy car laughing uncontrollably with eyes that sparkled with glee.

  Chapter Eight

  “Miss Novak this is your wake up call. Good morning.”

  “Good morning John, thanks. I’m always amazed at how quickly the morning comes round. Have a great day. Bye.”

  She placed her phone on the nightstand and as she turned she nearly knocked her two Schnauzers off the bed. She smiled looking at them. She had a custom King size bed, yet Sugar and Spice always managed to sleep on her legs and cramp her into this little teeny spot. She loved them so much, they ruled her-so she didn’t move for fear of waking them up. She sighed… only animal lovers would know and understand this dilemma fully. She touched their heads petting them gently, “Sugar, Spice-it is time to get up my darling sleepy heads.”

  Stretching her cramped legs she went into the kitchen. She clicked on the news while preparing her breakfast and as the coffee began to release its heavenly scent, she listened to a special bulletin report.

  This just in—the Homeless Attacker was at it again last night. At approximately 5 am this morning, the current victim was spotted by a local jogger who upon discovery of the victim promptly called 911. He was beaten to an unconscious state and although he’s still alive-he’s in critical condition at Downtown Bay State Hospital. The blonde woman reporter winced, before she continued, more on this gruesome story at six or as it comes to us live. Back to you Stacey.

  Kelly was completely horrified at the latest news. This maniac has to be stopped. She decided she’d go on the morning show on NBC to make an appeal to New Yorkers, encouraging them to come forward with any information at all. And she was going to raise her award to one million dollars. That should bring about an urgent and newfound interest in the case of the homeless attacker. He must be stopped and she was going to spear head the entire posse if necessary. Something had to be done and right now, before this psycho killed someone in the process. Up until now, the poor victims have all recovered… this latest victim was critical, which could go either way. Her phone interrupted her pattern of thoughts, “Hello? Yes, this is Miss Novak.”

  “This is ABC—Good Morning America. We understand you’re offering a reward for the capture of the homeless attacker. Would you be interested in coming into our studio…?”

  “Yes, I would as a matter of fact,” she responded immediately.

  “Would you be able to do this today? We always have room for current news and events-we leave a spot open, and we have something at 9:30 this morning.”

  “I’ll be there. Thank you.”

  She hung up and drank her coffee. She was so upset for the people who were not only homeless, but potential victims with this lunatic running around the city. What kind of monster is this individual? And, what was the story behind this monster that can so callously and viciously attack another human being? She picked up her phone in the middle of her
reverie and called her limo driver, “Roberts?”

  “Yes Miss Novak?”

  “Have the car brought around and ready to go, I’ll be heading to the ABC Studios within the hour.”

  “Yes Miss.”

  She fed her dogs, and let them out on the terrace-she didn’t have time to walk them today. While they were on the terrace she took a shower and began to cry. Who would do this? And, why to such a vulnerable population-it was so senseless and wrong for anyone to be beaten…but these people, they were truly harmless living in near obscurity away from society. Just trying so hard to exist in a world that was the antithesis of what they represented.

  She remembered the person she had captured that was killing animals for fun, and the one who was beating up elderly individuals. That was enough to make her go crazy. Thank God both of those degenerates were caught within one month. The news said it was quick, Kelly thought it wasn’t quick enough. Animals, and the elderly, two things that she was a strong advocate for. How anyone can do bodily harm to another was beyond her scope of understanding, but to the vulnerable—animals, and elderly and now the homeless, it disturbed her on every level. She rubbed her arms as she felt a chill of disgust overcome her body.

  She remembered being dirt poor, and how they made fun of her at school. They would throw rotten tomatoes at her, and teased her relentlessly. She still heard the song in her head, “Kelly Kelly oh so smelly, she has a big fat belly.”

  She was chubby as a youngster. Not by choice, through necessity. Due to the depleted funds, their main staple was macaroni, potatoes and breads. All good foods-however that was their main diet. It made her chubby with a big belly. The smelly part was because the one and only dress she owned was nearly impossible to wash because it was so frayed. It nearly fell apart after each washing. And, at times their electricity was turned off-so she couldn’t shower. It was really hard. She also was the brunt of attacks upon occasion. She remembered those days as if it were yesterday. Her eyes filled with tears.

  When she became a teenager, she slimmed down and became a decent looking woman. And, the men wanted her for the wrong reasons. Her father’s friends looked at her funny too, as if undressing her with their perverted eyes. She blossomed into a beauty that’s all she would hear as she walked by them, while they drank beer and played poker. It still gives makes her extremely uncomfortable, and slightly nauseous to recall those horrible moments in her past.

  She stepped out of the shower and decided on her white linen dress with nude heels. Kelly pulled back her long blonde hair into a pony tail, and grabbed her red purse. She opened the terrace doors and motioned her pups inside, “Okay Sugar & Spice—I will see you little dolls later. You be good, mommy loves you.”

  She closed the door and smiled hearing their squeaky-toy-barking, and stepped into the penthouse elevator. She couldn’t wait to get on the Morning Show and speak about the reward being upped to one million dollars. While sitting in the car, she watched a young mother in the distance with a little boy and smiled sadly. Her mind rapidly took her to another place and time, but she yanked it from her mind. She must stay focused right now. She needed to concentrate on the heinous crimes being perpetrated, and nothing more.

  She put on Mozart closing her eyes while sitting in the morning traffic in the back of her white limo. She prayed for strength and for the quick capture of this individual…

  Luke was drinking his coffee in his kitchen when he saw Kelly Novak. He raised the volume on his television set as he watched in interest.

  “Miss Novak.”

  “Please call me Kelly,” she crossed her shapely legs.

  “Okay, Kelly—is it true you’re so shaken by this crime that you’re putting up your own reward money?”

  “Yes it is true. I’m offering one million dollars to the person, or persons, that can help lead to the arrest of this crazed person,” she looked directly into the camera for emphasis hoping the perpetrator was watching.

  “This is not unusual for you. You’ve done this before, in fact so many times before. You’re something of a guardian angel for New York City. Whenever someone is doing something wrong, you usually swoop in and help seal their arrest,” the host of Good Morning America smiled at her in admiration.

  Luke looked at her. She was an attractive looking woman. She wasn’t his type, but her money was. He didn’t like her though. She was too Pollyannaish and too free with giving away money to capture people. He decided he wouldn’t bag her if she begged him too. She was totally distasteful to him, and didn’t appeal to him at all. He walked over to the set to shut it off, but not before making a vulgar gesture with his finger in Kelly’s face, and spitting at the screen…

  Candy and Sarah were getting ready to go to work. She couldn’t leave her anywhere; she didn’t have time to make arrangements yet. Plus, she was only 4 years old, so not old enough for regular school yet.

  “Mommy I cannot wait to come to work with you?”

  “This is just temporary though okay? Until we can find suitable arrangements, do you understand?” Sarah waited for her to respond.

  “Yes-but I still can’t wait to come to work with you,” insistent on getting her point across.

  She was bright for her age. Very smart, and spoke beautifully. She saw a little bit of fuzz coming to her head and she kissed the top of her head and lovingly caressed it, “Oh boy your hair is starting to come in. I see the blonde fuzz,” she smiled and winked at her.

  “I know, do you think I’ll beat Jacob? I think mine will grow in before his. I really like him, he’s really nice Mommy,” she spun around and clapped.

  “I know. I like him too,” Sarah thought of how kind he was, and how compassionate. She still was in awe of his gesture. He was just amazingly charming and sweet beyond words. She looked at Candy, “do you want to take your crayons and coloring book?”

  “Oh-yeah I do!”

  Sarah grinned from ear to ear, it was as if she was doing this her whole life, she could hardly believe it was only one night! This little bundle of pure joy and love was in her care, and she didn’t want to think about anything further at this point in time. The thought of losing her made her feel sad and anxious. She needed to concentrate on other things-like how to get around the system and figure out why an adoption was always pending and never allowed.

  “Okay mommy I’m ready to go,” she stood with her new box of crayons and coloring book in her pink case.

  “Good girl, let’s get going then.”

  As Sarah drove, they were singing nursery rhymes-especially Candy’s favorite, This Old Man. They arrived in the parking lot just as Jacob showed up. He waved and Candy was so excited she yelled with the windows closed waving frantically. Sarah was still amazed how quickly she took to Jacob and him to her.

  “Jacob! Hi!” she bristled with excitement twinkling eyes beaming with joy.

  “Well hello there Candy,” he smiled happy to see her precious face.

  She waited for Sarah to unbuckle her safety belt jumped out, and immediately ran straight to Jacob.

  He swooped down and picked her up and hugged her. It just seemed so natural to him to do so.

  “Jacob I brought my coloring book and crayons, want to color with me?” She showed him her pink case to affirm she did indeed have the items mentioned.

  “I’d love to Candy, but I can’t right now, I have some work to do. But, maybe later if that is okay with you?” He answered gently—he didn’t want to disappoint or diminish her unbridled enthusiasm.

  “Okay-I guess you grown up people have to work.” She looked down at her case and shrugged her shoulders.

  They both laughed at such serious words from the little tyke, simply adorable beyond words.

  “Hello Jacob.” Sarah smiled widely.

  “Hey Sarah.” He smiled and noticed how her hair was shining in the sunlight; she had an ethereal type of beauty which was rare indeed, she truly looked like an angel. He heard a little voice interrupt his thoughts.

>   “Did any of your hair grow back yet?” Candy looked up at him with a serious face.

  “No, I’m afraid not Candy, nothing yet?”

  “I have a little peach,” Candy stated proudly.

  They laughed as Sarah gently corrected her, “Peach fuzz Sweetheart.”

  “Yeah that too.”

  She was such a fun child, and to look at her one would never suspect she how seriously ill she was. The bald head the only possible indication.

  “Well Candy I think you’re going to beat me. But, time will tell right?”

  “Yep,” she said as she skipped ahead of them.

  “How’d it go at the shelter last night Jacob? Any problems or issues?”

  “None at all. It’s going exceedingly well. I was sorry to hear that another homeless person was a victim of that lunatic last night.” His voice reflected sadness with familiarity having been a victim himself.

  “Where?” Sarah’s voice cracked with emotion.

  “Under the FDR drive, I believe by 79th street. He was beaten with a night stick and left for dead. This animal needs to be caught soon.”

  “I’m sickened by the thought of this nut walking around the city-and it could be someone right in our midst. Or worse, someone we might know!” She felt a wave of nausea at the latter.

  “Kelly Novak was on the morning show primarily to offer a million dollar reward for the information leading to the arrest of this man. She really seems to be a kind lady,” his voice held admiration.

  “Yes, Kelly Novak is an amazingly kind lady. I’ve met her before at a couple of my charities. She was generous with her donations, and always polite and charming. She’s a very genuine and caring person. I really was quite impressed with her.”

  “Mommy hurry, look there’s a kitten over here. Look!” She pointed and pulled Sarah hand toward the kitten.

  Sarah and Jacob walked over to where Candy was standing and looked down to see a little gray kitten with a white spot between its eyes. It was mewing and shaking.

  “Aww poor little thing, you okay precious?” Sarah picked it up cuddling it close to her bosom.


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