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Seduction: Book 2

Page 6

by Joyce Jordan

  She prepared e-mails to go out to all her clients advising them she would be unavailable for ten days as of Friday, and gave then Damien’s contact details in case of emergency technical assistance. Damien was a friend Ana had befriended years ago who also worked with a few clients like she did. They basically helped each other when the need arose and referred clients to each other when swamped. So engrossed was she in her work that she didn’t hear the front door opening and closing. Startled by the presence she felt before she looked up, she screamed and grabbed the first item she could use as a weapon, turning towards the figure to inflict some bodily harm.

  “Oh, God. You startled me,” Ana exhaled sharply and dropped back in her chair. “How did you get in?”

  “Were you going to defend yourself with a paperweight?” Gabe laughed at her. “Keys,” he said holding them up to her. “You gave them to me the other day, remember?”

  Ana remembered. Looking into Gabe’s eyes, she saw that he remembered what had happened that day too. It was the day she had stopped by his office and given him a blow job to remember. And also what had happened that night. Unfortunately Gabe had been unwilling to repeat the performance of that night. Citing something about not wanting to be a barbarian.

  Gabe walked further into the room and saw paperwork strewn all over her desk. “I see you are busy. I was hoping we could go to my mom’s for lunch.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. Not today. I need to finish certain projects before Friday.”

  “What’s happening on Friday?” he asked as he came and leaned against the desk.

  Ana looked down and bit her lips. After several false starts, Gabe called her name. She decided she may as well pull the baid aid. She spoke fast as she told him about the trip on Friday for the next ten days. How she was going with Kelly but stopping a couple of days in California to visit with Kelly’s parents and also do some shopping. When she was done, Gabe didn’t say a word.

  “Say something,” Ana whispered.

  “And when were you going to tell me this? On Friday, on your way to the airport?” he asked with a still quietness.

  “After we booked out tickets, it somehow went out of my mind, until yesterday afternoon when we were making plans with Kelly.” Ana stood up and started to pace. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s not like I was trying to hide this from you.”


  “Okay? What do you mean okay?” Ana looked at him puzzled. She had been expecting him to blow up or something.

  “Well, as long as you agree to use my jet. And let me know which hotel you will be staying in.”

  And then there it was. “Oh, no, no, no,” Ana said pointing a finger at him. “This is our trip not yours. We are flying commercial and have already booked our flights and hotel room. Besides, we agreed ages ago that I would not be using your jet that is meant for business for my personal use.”

  “Ana. It’s a long flight. I would prefer you to be comfortable, both on the flight and during your stay. I can have Andrea move you to a good hotel depending on where you are currently booked.”

  “Gabe? Exactly what part of ‘no’ don’t you understand? Stop interfering.” Ana was now livid and poking her finger in his chest. Not that it did any good. The man just stood there leaning on her desk with his hands folded.

  “Don’t tell me to stop interfering in my girlfriend’s life. What good is my wealth if I can’t use it on you?” Calm as a cucumber, he stood there and watched her.

  “Use it on your family. Give it to charity, I don’t care. Just don’t force it down my throat.”

  “Done and done. And I am not forcing it on you. I am offering.”

  Ana snickered. “Geesh, seems more like a demand to me.”

  Like a cobra Gabe was on her. Ana never saw Gabe move. He took both hands and held her wrists in one hand behind her back, and pushed her lower body smack against him. He took his other hand and held the back of her head and crushed her mouth to his. Frustrated and angry, Ana twisted and tried to bite his lips, but he evaded her. Gabe held her wrists tightly and pulled his mouth away to kiss her neck. He slanted her head to give him better access and moved up her cheek, kissing her cheekbone then moved to her ears and bit her earlobe. When she moaned, he soothed and came back to her mouth. It was a frenzied meeting of the mouths. They both came up for air and Ana bit his shoulder. Still holding her wrists with one hand, Gabe moved his other hand under her sweater and caressed the underside of one breast. He released her then pulled the sweater and tank top in one fell swoop and walked her backwards until she hit the wall, then he grabbed her wrists again and this time held them above her head. He bent his head and took one nipple between his lips before taking the whole breast in his mouth. The way it was so small and fit into his mouth made Gabe go utterly crazy. He grabbed one leg and twisted it against his hip then slipped two fingers into her sex, and groaned at how wet she was. He tackled the other breast and moved frantically until she came hard and fast, screaming his name. Gabe dropped her hands, and held her to his chest, kissing her jaw as she finally stopped trembling.

  “What time will you be done with work?”


  Smiling, Gabe pointed to her desk and repeated his earlier question.

  “Oh, about five I think.” Her brain was still not functioning at full capacity. Her brain was telling her she was supposed to be angry with him, but her body was saying otherwise. With him so close to her, holding her tenderly, her body seemed to be winning.

  Gabe kissed her lightly on the lip and moved away slighly. “I’ll pick you up at five then. If I am not going to see you for ten days, then I may as well use my remaining time with you wisely. In my bed. Be prepared.” Kissing her again, he left.

  Ana slid down the wall and wondered what she had gotten herself into. Maybe she should stick to boys in her age group or men in her circle. At least that way, she wouldn’t have someone trying to cram a jet down her throat. What is so wrong with someone wanting to be independent? She sat like that for the next thirty minutes until she realized her work wasn’t going to magically be completed by a fairy. Being independent, meant working your ass off. Laughing she picked herself up. She retrieved her tank top and sweater and wore them before she made her way to the kitchen. She ate leftover pizza and got lost in work.


  “Where’s Ana?” his mom called from the kitchen as he let himself in the front door.

  “Gees mom, you could at least start with ‘hello son’ or ‘hello Gabe’.”

  “Aren’t you in a mood? Did you fight?” his mom asked.

  Gabe decided to sidestep that question. “Hi mom,” he said moving towards her and bent as he kissed her on the cheek then helped himself to a beer from the fridge. “What are you making?” He peeked into the pots and tried to help himself before he got slapped on the wrists. “Ouch!”

  Nate entered the kitchen laughing at him. “Is that Gabe trying to sample food from the pots?”

  Rafe was right behind him, laughing too. “Where’s Ana?” he asked looking around the room, then checking the living room and dining room too.

  His mum piped up. “He won’t say, but I think they had a fight.”

  “My money is on Ana. What happened?” Rafe asked rubbing his palms in excitement and pulling a bar stool from the island.

  Gabe finished the rest of his beer, then took another. When he turned back he found all three sitting and looking at him expectantly. “Are you kidding me? You’ve got to be kidding me,” he turned his question into a statement and shook his head. He took a sip and still nobody moved or said a word.

  The arrival of Evelyn saved Gabe. “What’s wrong?” she asked when she saw them huddled around the island table.

  “Nothing. Hey sis,” Gabe responded. He kissed her cheek then walked out of the kitchen, but not before he heard her ask about Ana’s whereabouts too.

  Silence fell on the table when Manuel arrived halfway through lunch and by way of greeting asked about Ana’s w
hereabouts too. “Jesus, not you too.”

  “What? What did I do,” Manuel asked perplexed.

  Someone mentioned the fight again and Gabe knew he had to say something before he went crazy. “Look we didn’t have a fight. Well not exactly.”

  “What do you mean?” his mom asked. “A fight is a fight, big or small,” she added.

  Pinching the area between his eyes, he prayed for strength. “She is going to Hawaii on vacation with Kelly and didn’t bother to tell me until today.”

  “Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. There must be something more,” his sister said and looked at him.

  As if there had been no interruption, he went on, “Then when I offered to fly them both in my jet and upgrade their room, she flipped on me. She accused me of interferring.”

  Laughter rang out from all corners of the table. Manuel finally spoke up, “Bro? Even I could have told you that?”

  “I’m gathering you think she should have accepted your offer with a huge smile and a thank you?” his mom asked.

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Gabe replied annoyed that no one saw his point of view.

  “I spent a few hours with both Ana and Kelly the other day. None of them seemed like bimbos to me.” Holding her hand up, “No, let me finish. If a guy treated me like that I would be pissed too. You need to let her have her independence. Some women don’t want to be too dependent on their boyfriends or husbands you know,” Evelyn finished.

  His mom stood and started clearing the table. She looked at him and told him, “You need to apologize.”

  “Yeah, well. She is working right now.” Raking his fingers through his hair, Gabe stood up and left the house. He drove around and made a call to his florist. He offered her a huge tip if she could get flowers to Ana in the next two hours. Being one of his favorite clients, she did not disappoint. An hour later he showed back up at his family home and joined everybody who was watching ESPN. Although a commercial was playing when he sat down, nobody said a word to him. He felt like a an outsider in his parents home. He almost laughed at how everybody had taken Ana’s side before they even knew what had happened. Was he really that bad? Maybe, but all he wanted to do was protect his woman and make her life easier. He still didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.

  At four fifteen he left and drove slowly pondering about the day’s events. He arrived at Ana’s apartment just before five and went upstairs. He found her in the kitchen rinsing a glass. He noticed the vase filled with white tulips sitting in the center of the coffee table.

  “Thanks for the flowers,” she said by way of greeting.

  Gabe smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry about earlier. Forgive me?” he asked her as he came towards her.

  Ana hugged him and kissed his cheek. “How was lunch?” she asked as she stepped away.

  He followed her and pulled her into his arms. “I missed you. The whole family missed you. And everybody almost killed me because I made you mad.” He burrowed his head in her hair and breathed her strawberry shampoo.

  Ana’s laugh rumbled against his chest, bringing a smile to his face. “Well, I’m glad they were not successful. I would rather have the pleasure of killing you myself. In. Your. Bed.”

  “Jesus, Ana. Don’t remind me of what a jackass I was earlier. Not that I mind you in my bed, that is.” Gabe pulled her head back and peered into her face. He leaned down and kissed her lightly. “Ready?”

  “I am. Let me just get my coat.” They arrived downstairs and found a cop pulling away. Apparently Gabe had just received a ticket for a parking violation.

  “Don’t even say a word,” he told Ana.

  Ana just held her hands out and tried to hold her laughter. Unfortunately some of it spilled out but she wouldn’t dare look in his direction.

  As soon as they entered his penthouse, Gabe hung their coats then lifted Ana and sat her on his lap as he sat down on the couch. “Care to share what’s so funny about me getting a ticket?”

  “Nothing at all. Nothing funny about it,” she said with a straight face. She shifted as she tried to get off his lap, but he held on. “I’m thirsty. Let me get a glass of water.” He let her go and she got a glass of water. Drinking it slowly, she stood several feet away, and making sure there were pieces of furniture in between them. The she waited him out.

  “How long are you going to take to nurse that glass of water?”

  “I’m just enjoying the water. It does have a nice taste to it. You may want to try it sometime.” Ana smiled.

  “Ana, if you know what’s good for you, you will come and sit down here,” he said and patted his lap.

  “Right now the water is good for me. Just trying to avoid dehydration and all that,” she quipped. “I need a refill.” She turned and went back to the kitchen. Ana saw Gabe in her peripheral vision, coming for her. She put the island between them and carefully placed the glass on the countertop then moved around the table as he moved to reach her.

  He smiled at her. “At some time you will tire out and when I catch you…”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me remind you that I am way younger than you, and therefore fit and strong.”

  Gabe chuckled. “Are you trying to say I am old?”

  “If the shoe fits. You are probably ready to enter a nursing home soon.”

  “That’s it. I warned you.” Gabe chased her around the island until Ana realized he was catching up. She dashed away and ran towards the bedrooms. She tried to shut the door but he placed his foot inside before she had the chance. He caught her as she tried to make it to the bathroom. Once she evaded his grasp, but before she could take a step he had her back in his grip.

  Shrieking and laughing she tried to plead with him for mercy. He tickled her and she only laughed harder tears spilling out as she tried to block him.

  “Time for mercy is over.” He picked her up and threw her on the bed. She bounced and tried to scramble away, but he was on to her in a second. He held her hands one to each side of her hips and straddled her hips. “Would you like to give me your answer now?”

  Ana tried not to laugh, but for her that proved to be impossible. Trying to buy time, she finally said. “What was the question again?” And more laughter bubbled out of her mouth.

  “Trying my patience won’t help your cause.”

  “You know it would help if you would let my hands go. It’s not like I can escape with you straddling my body like that.”

  “I guess I can be generous. There is nowhere for you to go. After all, we just proved how far I am from entering a nursing home.”

  He released her hands and Ana reached up, ‘Is it okay if I kiss you?”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “What a suspicious mind we have,” she said. Smiling she added, “No catch.” When Gabe gave her the go ahead, she pulled his head down and licked his lips, then as he leaned further into the kiss, she kicked her legs and tried to jump off the bed. “Arg!” she cried in frustration when she didn’t even manage to unseat him.

  “Baby, your privileges have just been revoked.” Gabe smiled at her and kissed her soundly on the lips. He took her hands and held them above her head by the wrists, then he stretched out on the side and flung one leg to pin her thighs down.

  “Maybe we can work something out,” she pleaded with him. She tried to move but he held her tightly in place.

  “I don’t think so.” He unzipped her skirt and pulled it down, exposing a lacy thong that barely covered her front. His breath caught in his chest and he caressed the exposed skin. He pushed his fingers up and brushed across her belly, then pulled her sweater up. It pulled up together with her tank top, then he lifted her upper body and slid both off her chest. Laying her back down, he caught her wrists again and carressed her body from her neck down to her thighs. He took his time and neither said a word. Ana moaned softly then whimpered when Gabe suckled her nipple and blew on it. Shifting his position he reached for the other breast and gave it the same attention, then he pushed
her thong aside to slide a finger inside her. “God you are snug.” He pulled out then slid two fingers and finger-fucked her until she trembled and came with a loud cry.

  Gabe rose and knelt in between Ana’s legs then gently removed her thong. He lay down and covered her sex with his mouth. His tongue fluttered over her clit and she moaned deeply. Gabe licked her gently until he thrust his tongue and teased her until she came within two minutes of her first orgasm. “Oh Gabe, Gaaaabe,” she cried clutching the bedsheet beside her.

  Before she had fully recoved Gabe had dispensed with his clothing and rammed his cock deep inside her. “Fuck Ana. This is unbelievable.” He kissed her deeply and started moving in tandem with his tongue in her mouth. “I need this to last, but I’m not sure if I can.” Gabe hissed and pumped deeply. He flipped them over and held her hips. “Ride me baby.” They found a rhythm and she moved up and down his cock. “That’s it baby. Faster.” He tickled her nub until she came, then flipped her again until he was on top again. He pulled out and kissed her lips then her breasts. When she started moaning again. He rammed in and they started moving again. Gabe pumped Ana mercilessly as Ana cried and writhed under him. “Jesus, Ana! Please now. Now baby.” As Ana came tumbling down, Gabe followed right behind her and fell against her chest. He quickly rolled over until they were side by side. “Death by a thousand fucks.”

  “That was intense. I’m not sure I can move.”

  Laughing he held her tight. “Fine by me baby. You don’t need to go anywhere. At least not tonight.” He kissed her forehead. “Hungry?”

  “Ummm.” The next second Ana was lights out.

  Gabe slept holding her for an hour then got up and made dinner. When it was ready he woke her up and they ate sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch. Tonight he had lit the fire and the room was warm and toasty.

  Ana insisted on doing the dishes and shooed Gabe out of the kitchen. He laughed and went back to the living room. He sat drinking a beer while watching her filling the dishwasher and cleaning the counter tops. She joined him and picked up her glass of wine she had been having with dinner.


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