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Seduction: Book 2

Page 7

by Joyce Jordan

  Gabe made slow love to her in front of the fire, then carried her to bed where he proceeded to wake her up no more than twice that night. He was hungry and he demanded. Ana matched him in her hunger and gave Gabe what he demanded from her.


  The next several nights followed the same pattern. Gabe and Ana went their separate ways in the mornings and he picked her up each evening until Thursday when they slept at her apartment. She had managed to squeeze in time to pack and made sure she did her laundry before she left. There was nothing worse than coming back from a vacation only to be met by dirty clothes. She made dinner and both Kelly and Gabe arrived in time to have dinner while it was still hot. They laughed and promised to call despite the time difference. They realized that by the time they woke up, people in New York would probably be at the end of the day. As people on vacation they planned on late nights and late mornings too. People on vacation didn’t necessarily need to get up early. Not in Hawaii anyway. Maybe if one went hiking, that would be whole different story.

  Gabe pushed aside their concerns and said he would take them to the airport. Since he wasn’t allowed to offer his jet or upgrade their room, he could at least be allowed to take them to the airport. Ana flinched but tried to keep the peace and graciously accepted.

  That night, Ana didn’t get more than two hours of sleep combined. Gabe kept her occupied and she decided not to say anything. She would sleep on the plane anyway, and who would complain about getting that many orgasms anyway. Her vagina would heal during the ten days of vacation. By the time they go up the next morning, she was sore and could hardly walk. Gabe, however, was satisfied with himself, stating how she wouldn’t be so easy to forget he had been there when she saw all the beach bodies. She laughed and couldn’t help but smile at his jealousy.

  He walked them into the airport and waited as they surrendered their luggage. They had checked in online and therefore had avoided standing in a long line. He left them at the TSA line after giving Ana a lingering kiss and kissing Kelly on the cheek.

  “Geez. You would think you were never coming back,” Kelly teased.

  “I know, he wouldn’t allow me any sleep last night.” They looked at each other and laughed. Fortunately there wasn’t anyone close enough to hear their conversation.

  They caught a noon flight from JFK which landed at LAX just before three that afternoon. First class had been great except for the screaming baby that allowed Ana no sleep. Instead, she plugged her eyes with her headphones and listened to music while she read from her tablet. Before long they were disembarking and collecting their luggage from baggage claim. They walked outside and found the limo that Kelly’s parents had sent to pick them up from the airport. Ana sent Gabe a text as proof of their safe arrival. They napped a couple of hours before they had to get ready to go out for dinner.

  The same limo came to pick them up at seven and they met Kelly’s parents at the restaurant. During their college days, they had seen them practically every weekend if they were not away shooting on location, and now they only got to see them once in a while when they visited New York. With Kelly just in her first year of residency she didn’t get that much time off to dash across the country for a quick visit. The flight alone was tiring.

  The next morning they woke up late, had brunch and took off to do some shopping. They had decided to shop on their layover seeing as they would most likely find suitable attire here versus in New York. They roamed the stores and found a few swim suits to add to what they already had, some shorts and t-shirts. They decided to get the rest in Hawaii, hoping it wouldn’t be too pricey. They spent the afternoon and evening hanging out by the pool with Kelly’s parents and a few of their friends. The time difference had them going to bed early.

  Sunday, Kelly’s dad drove them to the airport. They caught their ten thirty flight that touched down in Honolulu just after one in the afternoon. They found Stefano waiting for them at the baggage claim area.

  “Oh, my God. What are you doing here?” Ana squealed and hugged him. Kelly did too and he smiled at them both.

  “Well, I said I would try and join you, and I didn’t want to disappoint my girls.” So Stefano, Ana thought. Amusing as always. Gosh Ana had missed him. He took their suitcases and rolled the trolley outside to a waiting hotel shuttle.

  They checked in and Stefano brought his luggage from the concierge desk, then they went up to their suite together. Fortunately they had had the foresight to request a three bedroomed suite in the event Stefano managed to join them. Massimo had said they should book what they wanted and he would take care of the bill. It surely paid to have friends in high places.

  They quickly changed into swim wear and wore shorts and t-shirts on top and then went to get the lay of the land. After sending a couple of texts, they left their suite and opted to leave their phones too. First they stopped for lunch and chose an outside table. They agreed to charge meals to their hotel room and then split the bill at check out. Drinks would be paid as the day progressed.

  That night they decided to stay in and were regaled by stories from Stefano. The time zone change left them sleeping early again.

  The next morning, everybody woke up refreshed and ready to take the day by storm. They took a taxi to some shops and did a little browsing, but mostly found somewhere to sit and just enjoyed the culture and the day. That evening they sat by the bar and met a couple from New York. They laughed and talked until the early hours of the morning.

  Tuesday and Wednesday, they agreed to laze around the pool and the beach and basically had all three meals by the pool area. The day was filled with lots of fun with other guests, and the nights were filled with dances along the beach.

  By Thursday, they had decided to take a different approach, so they took a helicopter tour. They paid almot two hundred bucks per person for a forty five minute ride. It was over before they were quite ready for it to be over. Seeing the volcanoes from the sky had been a sight worth repeating. “What a sight!” Ana gasped when she saw it. Maybe on another trip, Ana thought.

  Ana and Kelly were trying to help Stefano pack. He was leaving that Friday mid morning to catch his flight to LAX then catch a connecting flight back home. Unfortunately he couldn’t stay as long as the girls, but it had been fun. He promised to see them soon if the offer to relocate to New York panned out. Ana went to take a quick shower so they could go and have breakfast. Her phone was ringing as she was stepping out of the shower. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself then rushed into her bedroom to catch the call before it went to voicemail. Stefano had already answered and she could clearly hear the person on the other end. At first it was almost impossible to hear him.

  “Hello,” she heard Stefano say as he cliked accept.

  There was a long silence on the other side until Stefano said his greeting again.

  “Could I please talk to Ana?”

  “Sorry, Ana is in the shower.”

  “Who the fuck is this?” Gabe was not a happy camper.

  Unfazed Stefano answered nice and calmly. “This is Stefano. Ana’s boyfriend. Kelly’s too. And who is this?”

  Oh my God, Oh my God. What was Stefano doing? Ana rushed over, “Give me the phone. Stefano, give me the phone,” she whispered frantically.

  Stefano blocked her and smiled devilishly at her. He moved away from her and exited her bedroom. She followed him and Kelly glanced up wondering what was going on.

  “This is Gabriel Boyd.”

  “Oh, the New York boyfriend?”

  “Stefano? What the f…?”

  “Tell her I called.” And then the line went dead.

  “What’s going on?” Kelly asked.

  “Oh God, Kelly. I’m not sure what spirit possessed Stefano. Oh God. I need to dress.” Ana turned back to her bedroom and quickly dressed. In no time at all she joined her two friends, although she was about to murder one of them just now.

  “Ana, my love.”

  “Don’t ‘Ana my love’
me. Do you realize what you just did? The trouble you put me in?”

  “What did he do?”

  “Oh, he only gauded Gabe telling him how I was in the shower so couldn’t talk on the phone. How he was my boyfriend.”

  “He what?” Kelly asked shocked.

  “Yes. And how he was your boyfriend too. Then called him my New York boyfriend.” Ana sat in the nearest chair and held her hands together.

  “It’s going to work out fine. He just needs to experience a little jealousy, that’s all,” Stefano explained himself away.

  A minute later she heard Kelly laughing.

  “This isn’t funny Kelly,” she grumbled.

  “I know. But wouldn’t you love to have been a fly on the wall in Gabe’s office as he was making that call?”

  Smiling she answered. “I guess,” then disolved into a full fledged laughter. Falling to the floor, they laughed until their sides hurt. “I can see Gabe believing we are having some kind of threesome. I may have to switch states. You too Kelly.” And they laughed again. Ana picked up her phone and called Gabe back. It rolled straight to voice mail. “Well, he is not picking up, so I guess I have until Monday for him to work it out of his system. Hopefully by then he will have calmed down.”

  A few minutes later they left and went to have breakfast outside by the pool. Stefano checked out and they took him to the airport using the airport shuttle bus. They were early, so sat with him and had long goodbyes, before he went to check in and wait in the TSA line. Ana and Kelly waited for the hotel shuttle bus to take them back to the hotel. They had a light lunch by the pool but decided to spend the evening by the bar.

  They had one too many and tripped as they made their way back to their suite. They hugged each other and each time one fell, she brought the other down with her. Laughing hilariously they made spectables of themselves. Fortunately there weren’t many guests to witness their drunken walk back to their suite. It took a few tries before they managed to insert the key into the slot and open the door. Neither of them could even find the light switch by the wall, so they decided to use the light from the moon to walk further inside. Before they had taken more than five steps, the lamp beside one of the sofa’s came on and both girls screeched and sobered up real fast.

  “Good evening ladies.” They couldn’t see who it was, but the voice they knew.

  “Gabe?” Ana asked trying to figure out why he wasn’t in New York.

  “Yes, the New York boyfriend.”

  Kelly snickered before she rolled into laugher.

  “Not helping,” Ana murmured beside her.

  “Good evening Gabe. Hope you had a safe flight. See you in the morning,” traitor Kelly said before she ran off to her bedroom.

  Seriously? Where are your friends when you need them? Ana chose the cowards way out, and walked towards her bedroom. “I’m going to sleep. You are welcome to join me.”

  “You bet your sweet ass I am joining you.” He lithely got up and followed her. His phone rang and he stopped to answer it.

  Ana rushed into the shower and took the shortest shower in the guiness book of records. By the time Gabe walked into the bedroom, she had donned on pajamas and was already undercover.

  “Who the fuck is Stefano and where is he?”

  So much for waiting until morning. “He is a friend and he is gone back to London.”

  Gabe looked at her for a minute then turned and went to the bathroom. Ana exhaled the breath she hadn’t been aware she had been holding. By the time he was done with his shower, Ana was fast alseep. The booze had caught up with her.

  Ana woke up to find herself entangled in a man’s embrace. She lay still and muddle through her thoughts. Thinking over the night’s event, she wondered if she had dragged a man to her bed. Finally she remembered finding Gabe waiting for them in the living room. She decided to continue pretending like she was still asleep and buy some time. Gabe’s morning greeting shattered that bubble. Time to face the music.

  “Good Morning,” she replied and moved to sit up. The movement made her head throb and she cried out. She checked the time on her phone and it was only eight. It would have been nice to wake up at ten or later in the day.

  “Here drink this.”

  He gave her a glass of some concoction she was afraid to ask the ingredients. She gulped the whole glass down and immediately felt a little better. Hangovers are a bitch. “Thank you.”

  He watched her get up and go to the bathroom and come back to sit at the edge of the bed. She didn’t say anything and waited for him to speak. She was nervous and his lips almost twitched. He had dropped everything to come and find her after that stupid call. His jealousy had been raging and one of his flat screens in his office had suffered an accident when he threw the coffee mug that had been on his desk towards it.

  “I told you I don’t share.”

  Sighing she replied, “I know. Neither do I.”

  “So who the fuck is Stefano?”

  “An old college friend.”

  “How much of a friend? Why was he here? You told me this was just going to be the two of you with Kelly.”

  Ana stood and started pacing. “I know.” She replied in reverse. “We didn’t think he would make it. And he never confirmed with us. We found him here when we arrived. He is just a friend. A good friend.”

  “Ana. I need to know if you are fucking him or have ever fucked him.” Gabe rose up in frustration and paced on the opposite side of the bed. Except that he was stark naked but didn’t seem to care.

  “No and no.” She thought about refusing to answer his ridiculous questions but decided this would never have happened if Stefano had not tried to goad him. “Stefano is gay,” she added and saw some tension leave his body.

  “Then what the fuck was that all about on the phone?”

  “You have to understand Stefano. He was just trying to goad you, make you jealous over nothing.”

  “Fuck. I flew down here wanting to kill somebody. Come here.” Ana walked over to stand a few feet away from him. “Closer.” When she stepped closer he held her cheeks in his palms and brought her mouth to meet his. “Do you realize what you do to me? What the thought of someone with you does to me? I’m going to need to have a serious talk with your friend.”

  Ana held onto Gabe and sighed, then Gabe held her agaist his chest. This had gone better than she had expected. She would need to chew Stefano out. Not that it would do any good. Stefano was Stefano. It would probably just incite him further. He had always acted like the big brother with her and Kelly, chasing away the unwanted attention, interrogating any hopeful boyfriends such that many had lost interest after he gave them a few not so subtle threats. His way of weeding out the riff raff, he always said. And now it seemed he hadn’t outgrown it. Ana was content to spend the whole day plastered to Gabe’s chest, but she couldn’t ditch her friend. They had vacation plans which included no men, Stefano excluded ofcourse. “So, how long are you staying?” she mumbled her question against his chest.

  Gabe sat on the bed and guided Ana to sit straddling him. He held her ass with one hand and unbuttoned her pajama top with the other. “After breakfast,” he replied huskily. He had managed to get all the buttons undone and was staring at Ana’s chest. Her nipple perked and hardened under his stare. The top fell off her shoulders and Gabe brought her up to a kneeling position then sampled one nipple. “And I intend sampling every part of your body Ana.”

  As he said those words he brought his mouth back up to her breast and took it all in his mouth, Ana realized she was the breakfast. Fire shot down her entire body and pooled down in her sex. She was instantly drenched and needed quick relief. The week apart from Gabe had probably added to her being sex starved. Just a week and she wondered what a month apart would to to them. Not that she had any intention of going away for a month, but she had never had problems with lack of sex for long periods of time, in between boyfriends, which at times lasted several months. “Oh God,” she cried when Gabe pulled
away and blew on her nipple before he moved to her other breast. “Gabe?”

  “Yes, baby.” He looked into her glazed eyes, then back to her breast. “Do you know that you have the sweetest breasts. They are absolutely perfect.” He palmed them both and held her sides while he played with both nipples with his thumbs.

  “Uhmmm. Ummm. Oh yes.” Ana couldn’t for the life of her remember what she needed to say. She moved closer and felt his cock thickening between them. She dropped her hands and held his cock with both hands, one at the base and the other in the center with her thumb spreading his pre-cum over his mushroom head.

  “Ah Ana.” He tried to remove her fingers. “If you do that I won’t last long.” But Ana held fast. She raised her head and kissed him tenderly then relased his cock and brought her hands to his chest and shoved him down. Before he could react and stop her, she had squirmed her way down the bed and was kneeling on the floor with his cock back in her small greedy hands.

  Gabe chuckled to her ‘don’t move’ command, but the chuckle turned to a hiss when Ana licked his head like she was licking an ice cream cone. She swirled her tongue around the head, licking off all the juice she had spread earlier around his head, then as if some had trickled down the side, she licked a line from the base to the top. Gabe’s hisses had now turned to grunts. She licked again a couple more times and the grunts increased in severity. Pretty much pleased with herself, she settled in and brought his tip into her mouth and Gabe cried like a wounded animal. Fascinated she brought more of his cock into her mouth then pulled out and went back for more.

  Gabe tried to sit up, but Ana pushed him back down and he relented. “Fuck Ana. Can you take me all in?”

  She smiled and swirled her tongue on his tip before she swallowed him whole and sucked as she withdrew, like a kid eating a sucker. It was beautiful seeing a grown man cry, cry her name in utter joy and pain. When she went back to swallow him whole again, she released his cock and caressed his balls. All hell broke lose as Gabe tensed and then bounced up, thrusting and fiercely ejaculated into her mouth. His hands clutched the sheets on the bed and he howled like an animal in pain. Ana swallowed and licked him dry then held onto his thighs to guide her as she stood. She felt Gabe tremble as the aftershocks of his release held him captive. Pleased with herself, she leaned down and kissed his cock then went to the bathroom to shower. She didn’t take long, she was going to be late if she didn’t hurry. Gabe joined her as she was rinsing the soap off her body.


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