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Seriously Sexy 2

Page 10

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Oh, right … But be careful; everything works. We don’t want you getting hurt now, do we?’ he warned her breasts.

  After he’d gone, she inspected the equipment. She wasn’t sure of the function of some of it. The rack was nastily obvious, of course. She spun the wheel and the loud jangle of chains made her jump.

  ‘You OK out there?’ he called out from his office behind the scenes.

  ‘Yes, I’m fine; don’t worry.’ Jesus, what a pain he was. She turned to the guillotine. My God, that angled blade looked sharp! She had an impulse to kneel down and settle her head into the notch, just for a moment … No. Wisely, she kept her distance.

  Ah, this looked more reversible: stocks. A pair of stocks? She wasn’t sure of the terminology, but these looked the part – notches in a pair of sturdy planks that formed three holes when brought together – as now. Quite large holes for neck and wrists. They certainly didn’t look narrow enough to prevent her slim hands from pulling out. She put her coat down.

  She opened the stocks carefully, lifting the hanging hasp aside from its lock-ring, and holding up the top plank, hinged on the right. She settled her neck into the generous central hole, noticing the soft leather padding for the first time. ‘How nice!’ She was bent over quite deeply by the time her throat rested on the hide.

  Putting her right hand in its slot, she found more padding. Getting the left hand located was a little trickier, but she found she could easily take the weight of the top plank on her neck. With her left hand now in position, she lowered her neck. To escape, she had merely to lift her neck again, and …

  There was a metallic click as the descending hasp slipped over the locking ring.

  ‘Oh, fuck.’

  She resisted the impulse to call for assistance; she could work this out herself. She tried to pull her left hand through, but the snug padding made the hole smaller that it had looked. Damn! There had to be a solution that didn’t require her calling out that that cocky stage manager.

  The out-of-the-box thinking that had helped her pass naval officer selection a few years back went into high gear. There was a toolbox nearby, but just out of range. Then she had the solution. By swinging the whole heavy device from side to side on its stand, the hasp could be made to swing just clear of the loop.

  A lift with her neck at the right moment and she was free.

  The experience hadn’t frightened her, quite the reverse. Bent right over with her round arse all stuck out and vulnerable, had made her feel decidedly frisky. ‘Now, Laura, behave yourself! You know where these things can lead.’

  Ignoring herself, she crept round to the stage manager’s office and peeped through the glass in a chink between posters.

  He wasn’t making coffee. He was watching a porn channel! His hand was inside his fly. Fascinated she watched the action. A full-breasted woman was being stripped by two men and carefully tied up. She liked what she saw both on and off screen. A simple scheme took shape in her mind – just the sort of thing that had got her cashiered from the Navy. However, conduct unbecoming an actor was not an offence in Civvy Street, as far as she knew.

  She had to dash back and prepare, before he progressed too far – and she’d told him only five minutes!


  Damn! That stuck-up bitch; what the fuck did she want? – just when the big-titted one was about to get it.

  ‘With you in a mo!’ he called, trying to stuff himself back into his trousers. Shit! It wasn’t going to go down in time. Instead he tucked the tip of his cock under his belt; his leather jacket would cover his temporary embarrassment.

  Arriving at the scene he could hardly believe what he saw. He had to laugh. ‘Blimey, what have you gone and done with yourself!’ There she was, all nicely ready for him in the stocks. He hadn’t really appreciated just how well the low neck-hole could present a woman’s body for possible service.

  High-heeled shoes set well apart, her long legs reached all the way up to her barely covered arse – and what an arse! And she didn’t really seem to mind him seeing so much of it – too bad if she did!

  ‘And how did you get your skirt caught up in the lock like that? You’re giving me quite an eyeful, you know, Laura!’

  ‘I’m sorry to be so stupid, Rod. I just couldn’t resist trying it out. The skirt was to stop the hasp slipping over that round bit. Instead it seems to have jammed up the whole thing! Look, do you mind coming around to the front where I can see you?’

  He dragged his eyes away from her lovely behind and did as she asked. ‘Yeah, no worries,’ he said briskly, taking off his jacket, ‘we should be able to free …’

  Her mouth dropped open.


  ‘Your belt … Above your belt!’

  ‘Oh shit! I’m sorry. I …’

  This was all going nicely to plan, she thought. ‘Rod, that happened a little suddenly, didn’t it?’

  ‘Well, I …’

  ‘What were you up to when I called you?’ She used her teasing voice.

  ‘Nothing … Hey, look, Lady Laura, you’re hardly in a position to question me! Surely, I’m allowed to get a little excited with you waving your bare arse at me like that.’

  ‘So now you have your bare … um, member, waving at me?’

  ‘It seems that way, don’t it?’ He looked down with pride.

  With them both looking, it grew a little taller – like an extending periscope peeping up for a look. It reminded her of her Navy days. She licked her lips, conveniently at his belt-level. ‘And my bottom’s not completely bare, is it?’

  ‘That could be arranged.’

  She was still gazing at the pink periscope. ‘Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves … Look, I can see I’ve been a fool; I will do something for you if you just let me out.’


  ‘Just step a little closer.’

  He did, the round head of his rampant flesh an inch from her pursed lips. The tip of her tongue slowly extended to touch the tip of his cock. He held still while she licked all around the head. A little clear fluid appeared at the top and she licked it off in an instant.

  ‘There. Now let me out.’

  He undid his belt and released himself. He stepped out of his jeans and shorts. He was quite splendidly endowed, she thought. ‘What are you playing at Rod? – I said let me out, not let him out!’

  ‘That wasn’t very much, Laura. I’m sure a girl like you could do a lot better than that.’

  ‘OK. Now this is just a little treat, so don’t get too carried away, Rod. You’ll find a bottle of oil in my handbag down there. If you pour a little in the palm of my left hand … Well, you’ll find out what I can do for you.’

  If he had any doubts that she’d arranged this, they vanished as he rummaged through her bag and found the oil – sweet edible oil, too. My God, she must have spotted him weeks ago when she first came to the theatre – and he thought she didn’t know he existed. His cock felt like it was going to climb right out of his crotch with excitement!

  ‘Here it is, my lovely Laura. Are you going to put it on for me?’

  ‘Less of the “lovely,” Mr Styles. Let’s get this over with and then you can release me.’

  His disappointment at her attitude must have showed.

  ‘Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make this very nice for you. Come over to my left and I’ll see what I can do with one hand.’ She held out her left hand and he poured a little oil into her palm. He saw the look in her eyes as she took in his full erection. She wanted it all right! He had to kneel down a little to allow her to palm the oil over the tip and along the top part of his shaft. Her fingers felt gloriously sexy as they moved up and down the shaft and around the wide helmet.

  ‘Stand a little higher so I can reach down.’

  Her fingers now slid right down to the base, and then scooped up his balls. For a moment she gripped him tightly and he wondered if he had miscalculated. ‘You seem to have me by the balls, Laura.’

p; ‘I do, don’t I?’

  Then she massaged the oil all around, weighing his fruit, feeling the root of his cock behind them. She began working up the shaft again, and he instinctively lowered her work so she could reach the top. As she cupped his helmet he felt a throb. He was oiled from tip to top, and now a little more spunk was oozing out to join the oil.

  ‘This is very naughty, you taking advantage of me, like this, Rod, but just let me have another a lick of the top, will you?’

  Still half kneeling, legs akimbo, he offered it to her mouth. Her lips enveloped the head instantly. He felt her tongue exploring all around him, tasting the oil and him. Her head extended out a little to take in more. He gave her more and more until … God, he must be halfway down her throat! He withdrew a little and began a gentle in and out. She was working frantically with her mouth. It was lovely … Hey – she was trying to make him come!

  He pulled out.

  ‘That was sudden.’

  ‘You were trying to finish me off!’

  ‘Was I? Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying. Anyway, that’s quite enough for now; you can set me free.’


  ‘I said I’d do you a small favour, and I have – several, in fact.’

  ‘I’ve got news for you, my lovely bossy Laura with your big tits and arse. You ain’t going nowhere until I say so, and we haven’t finished yet – not by a long chalk! That surprised you, didn’t it? Women like you are always getting their own fucking way when others are around – but not here, tonight, Laura. Do you honestly think I’m going to let you go now, all bent over for me, while you’ve been getting my dick all ready for fucking?’

  ‘Look Rod, I’m not in a good negotiating position right now, so do what you need to do. You sound a little angry about a type of woman. I’m not really that type, but get it out of your system with me. I don’t mind if … if you spank me a little. In fact I might enjoy that.’

  He could hardly believe it. She had set this up! Fighting down his urgent desire, he tried to keep his voice stern: ‘So you like a little spanking do you Laura? Have you been a naughty girl?’

  ‘Well, yes … Yes, I certainly have, Mr Styles.’

  ‘Good, a bit more respect now, I see. I’m glad we understand each other. If you behave yourself and do as you are told you’ll be OK. Now let’s have a look at that hasp.’ He pulled away the twist of skirt where it had tangled. There was a ripping of cloth. He tore the material right off her waist and threw it aside. ‘Well you won’t be needing that skirt, and just to make sure you are nicely secure …’ He fetched a hefty padlock from the toolbox, slotted it through the locking ring projecting through the hasp and snapped it shut.

  ‘Now let’s see what you have on offer, Miss Lacey.’

  He collected a pair of shears from the toolbox and went round behind her. ‘My, you are a big girl! Where shall we start? Let’s feel those knockers you like ‘like to flash around – see if they’re real.’ He grabbed her left breast and fondled it roughly for a moment. ‘Lovely! Now let’s have a look.’ He lifted her clothes up her back, exposing her bra-strap. ‘I won’t be able to undress you with your head and arms through that board, so we are going to have to snip a little. Is that OK?’

  She hesitated. ‘Please be careful of my body, Mr Styles.’

  He was careful. He didn’t want to mark that smooth, lilywhite skin of hers. He ran the shears up the back of her sweater, snipping all the way to her neck. Then he snipped across each shoulder and down each sleeve to the wrist. Clearing the spoiled clothing away, he uncovered a nice expanse of smooth back, bisected by her black brassiere strap. ‘And now the bra.’ Three snips – and it should have fallen to the floor. He looked underneath. The silky cups, double-D maybe, still clung to the white globes of her boobs while the cut straps dangled. Suction, probably. He pulled each cup off, revealing pointed nipples, brown cones upon the milky breast-flesh – just how he liked them.

  ‘Wow, Laura! What superb tits you have.’ He grabbed and squeezed them as they hung down. ‘Real, natural ones, with lovely stand-up nipples to bite!’

  He played around under her for a while, sucking and biting close up to the puckering flesh. Apart from the odd ouch and groan as he nibbled, sucked and fondled her breasts, she was silent. She seemed to be enjoying it, but probably wouldn’t admit it.

  ‘Is that nice? Do you like me playing with your big tits like this?’ He squeezed and kneaded her deeply as he waited for her answer.

  ‘Ah … If I say I’m enjoying it, Mr Styles, will you, Ahh … let me go?

  ‘Not yet Laura, I haven’t quite finished with you yet.’

  Nor have I with you, she thought. You have a tiger by the tail, my sporty stage manager. Rod the Rod really knew how to handle her body, but he was too sure of himself in his impositions.

  While he still hefted the weight of her left breast in a warm hand, she felt his other hand gently stroking her raised bottom. She let her buttocks roll beneath the lace panties as she shifted her weight a little. Then he slipped his hand under the waistband, against her skin, and moved smoothly over the roundness of her right cheek, fingers slipping into the crevasse just above her anus. He eased the lace down over her cheeks and thighs. Her pussy must now be exposed to him – it was so wet it felt cold!

  ‘Step out of your knickers and open your legs a bit more.’ She did, and went astride for him, her bottom fully bared.


  Not quite hard enough, she thought, but the exploratory spank had made her catch her breath. She felt her heart beating a little faster.

  ‘Mr Styles?’

  ‘Yes Laura?’

  ‘I have been quite a bad girl.’




  His open hand smacked her satisfyingly hard on the right buttock cheek – then gripped it, killing the slight wobble. Her little spontaneous yelp was just about right, she thought, informing him that the spanking was not too hard. She felt her bottom clench a little in anticipation. Her heart was racing.



  He did the same on her left side. He repeated the double spank and grip maybe a dozen times. She particularly enjoyed the powerful buttock squeeze that followed each smack.

  Then he placed both hands on her tingling bottom – surely glowing a little red – and briskly shimmied her cheeks around until she felt her breast wobbling in sympathy. She felt ready to be taken.

  ‘Hey! What are you doing?’

  He’d picked up her left ankle. She had to balance on her right leg as he lifted it higher and higher, hooking it through a loop of rope dangling from the scenery. Her shoe fell off with a clatter. ‘Just opening you up a little more, Laura.’

  With one leg high in the air, her whole body was twisted to the left. His hands touched and swung her breasts at this new angle, which certainly had her much more open to him in every way. Then, starting with both hands around her high ankle, he ran his touch all the way down her raised leg until he was holding the inside and outside of her thigh at the groin.

  She felt him cup her opened box. She was dripping wet.

  She felt a shock and a tingle as his fingers went up inside her. Her spasm around his fingers caused her to hop around a little to keep her balance. His hand slipped in deeper with the movement.

  Rod was good with his fingers. He soon had her moaning as he fingered her folds and probed her.

  Then she felt his naked hip rough against her belly. Her lifted thigh was now pressed against his T-shirt as he embraced it. Her single standing leg felt his legs either side. He was going to play scissors with her! His fingers came out of her to guide his weapon in.

  ‘I can’t wait any longer, Laura!’

  Neither could she.

  Legs vertically astride like a ballerina, she was already wide open, and at last he slid his cock fully up inside her. It slipped in with little forcing, thanks to the angle and the oiling she’d supplied.
She let out a deep sigh as he filled her. Then he moved slowly in and out, feeling the ripple of inner muscles as she shifted her balance.

  ‘Is that, ah, different for you, Laura?’ he gasped. ‘Has anyone, fucked you like this before?’

  ‘Not exactly like this, ah no. It’s lovely, but it’s bloody awkward standing on one leg with your head in the stocks. Hurry up for Christ’s sake!’

  That made him laugh. Still deep inside her he reached up and slipped her foot from the rope. Lowering her leg slowly, her bottom pivoted around his axis in a very satisfying way, as he shifted from her side to directly behind her.

  With her foot fully on the floor, her bottom angled a little without her shoe, she still pushed nicely up against him.

  ‘How’s that, now?’

  ‘Ah, that’s much better,’ she sighed.

  For quite a while he simply fucked her with slow, deep strokes, holding onto her wide, cream-smooth bottom as it moved majestically beneath his hands. But the pressure was gathering rapidly inside him and the tickle of her cervix at her full depth was going to set him off soon.

  He wanted to make it last. But her muscles were beginning to contract around him. Her vagina felt like a gloved hand running up and down his length as he slid in and out.

  And then her motion shifted up a gear. Her bottom tossed and rolled while holding him in its grip. He felt as helpless as a raft in mountainous seas, just holding on as she began to howl. He was going to blow any second …

  He let go and exploded into her. The come lasted as he thrust and slapped hard against her bottom, holding on tightly, crying out to match her howls as he repeatedly spurted into her.

  Finally he was spent. She felt him pull out and the warmth seep down her inner thighs … But then he went round to her head and gloated. ‘Now my lovely well-fucked Laura, what am I going to do with you now? You realise I can do what I like with you until you beg to be released?’

  She was so disappointed in him. There was no need for this. In a generous mood after that quite adequate screwing, she would give him a final chance to redeem himself. ‘Nonsense! I rather enjoyed all that. You made me come beautifully, Rod. Don’t you realise I set up the whole situation? Now, don’t be a silly arse, release me right now, and we’ll do it again tomorrow evening. I really mean that, but it’s my final offer.’


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