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Seriously Sexy 2

Page 11

by Miranda Forbes

  He laughed. ‘As you said, Laura, you’re not in a good negotiating position! No. Not until I decide.’

  The office phone rang.

  ‘I have to get that. Be back in a jiffy. Don’t run away now!’ he laughed.

  When he was out of sight, she lifted her neck and right wrist together, raising the top plank. It pivoted on the padlocked end – lifting free where she had previously removed the lower screws from the hinge.

  She collected her shoe and panties from the stage, and grabbed her coat – it wouldn’t be the first time she’d go home wearing nothing under it.

  She walked stark naked around to the office and cracked open the door. He was still on the phone. She opened the door fully.

  He looked up sharply. His face was a picture, shifting through ludicrous expressions of surprise, dismay – and disappointment as she slowly and luxuriously put her coat on and closed off the view.

  He covered the mouthpiece. ‘I suppose … tomorrow …?

  ‘In your dreams. Goodbye, Mr Styles.’

  She blew him a kiss and left.

  Happy Birthday Ben

  by Roxanne Sinclair

  The seam on the front of Helen’s unlined coat caught her nipple as she walked. With nothing but fresh air between them the ridge of stitching was free to tantalise her with every step that she took. Helen smiled and enjoyed the sensation.

  The August day was warm and the coat was enough to protect her modesty as she sashayed her way through the park.

  Someone called her name and she turned around. She raised her hand and waved to the four guys who were working on flower beds near the tennis courts. They were Ben’s workmates. As she waved the belt around her waist loosened and the front of her coat fell apart slightly exposing her cleavage.

  There was no one around and Helen left the coat as it was. The breeze felt good as it brushed her breasts.

  She moved the basket that she was carrying from one hand to the other. As she moved it across the front of her she allowed the rigid handle to catch the fabric and pull it apart. With her pubic area exposed, if only briefly, Helen tingled with excitement and anticipation.

  With the moistness increasing between her legs Helen was tempted to run but she forced herself to walk slowly. Her knowledge of what was coming heightened her growing pleasure with every step she took.

  When she’d told Ben that she would bring him lunch on his birthday he’d told her to meet him in the shed at the top of the hill where the tools were stored. It was now five past one so she knew that he would be waiting. He had no idea what he was waiting for.

  The shed came into view but still Helen did not quicken her step. Instead she moved the basket across her body again, this time allowing the handle to press into her exposed mound.

  She walked purposefully up to the door and stopped in front of it. She allowed her hand to rest on the metal latch for a second and found that it was cold in spite of the warm temperature.

  Helen had to exert a little force to move the latch downwards and she opened the door slowly. She put her head around the door and gave her eyes a few seconds to grow accustomed to the dimness.

  Ben had his back to her as he worked on a piece of machinery that sat on a bench. The muscles across his back were sculptured under the T-shirt that sweat had stuck to his back.

  It was a few moments before Ben put down the tool in his hand and turned around slowly.

  ‘Hi,’ he said. The twinkle in his eye was like a star on a dark night.

  ‘Hi,’ Helen said with a giggle.

  They eyed each other the way they had a thousand times before.

  ‘This is a treat,’ Ben said as he wiped his hands on a cloth, throwing it on a bench.

  Helen put the basket on a handy shelf and backed slowly to the door without taking her eyes from Ben’s. He looked puzzled and that only added to her growing pleasure.

  Sensing the door behind her she reached out and picked up the brush that rested against the wall. She turned around and slid the long handle of the brush through the handles of the door.

  ‘What’s going on?’ She heard Ben’s voice but she did not acknowledge it. Instead, she worked each button in turn until her coat was open. With her back to him she shrugged it off in a couple of movements of her shoulders until it fell at her feet.

  She gave Ben a few seconds to admire the view before using her heel to pivot. When she saw Ben’s face again it was wearing a huge smile and his eyes were moving up and down the full length of her naked body.

  It was a full minute before their eyes met again.

  ‘Happy Birthday Ben.’

  His smile widened with every step that she took towards him. Maybe it was the coolness of the shed or maybe it was the fact that she was naked in front of a man she was going to shag that made her breasts pucker up and her nipples stand end. Whatever it was, it felt fantastic.

  Helen stopped with her toes inches from Ben’s. She looked deep into his eyes and defied him not to ravish her. Her lips were parted slightly and the tip of her tongue was visible between her teeth. Ben closed his eyes slowly, held them there for a few seconds and then opened them again. He thought he was dreaming.

  But he wasn’t, so Ben moved forward and attached his lips to hers. The first kiss was brief, the second slightly longer and the third deep and passionate. Their open lips massaged each others and after few seconds Ben’s tongue slipped out in search of Helen’s.

  Ben’s hands rested on Helen’s hips as she pulled his T-shirt from his jeans. Once it was free she put her hands under it and brushed the muscles on his side and back.

  She pushed him away from her so that she could peel the shirt from his body. He obliged by lifting his arms above his head and allowing her to free him of the garment which she swung around her head before tossing aside.

  Ben circled his arms around Helen and pulled her close to him. His groan of delight as Helen’s breast were squashed against his chest was muffled as he buried his face into her neck. He traced the length of her neck with tiny kisses, and then moved along her jaw line before searching out her mouth again.

  Now it was Helen’s turn to moan as Ben’s hand moved to her breast and cupped it gently. He moved his hand in a circular motion, gently at first then harder and faster. She moaned again, longer and louder this time.

  ‘Like that do you?’ Ben asked.

  ‘You know I do.’

  ‘You’ll like this more,’ he assured her as he lowered his head and took the whole of the nipple and surrounding area into his mouth. He held the nipple between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue. Then he stopped flicking and started sucking, gently at first and then ferociously.

  Helen threw her head back and took in a deep breath. She laced her fingers in Ben’s hair and buried her nails into his scalp.

  He loosened his mouth’s grip on the breast but kept hold of the nipple with his teeth. He dropped to his knees, letting go of the nipple only after he had stretched it a little.

  On his knees his face was inches from her pussy. He looked at it and Helen watched him as he looked at it. Him looking at it was enough to send the tingle that had been lurking around the edges deep inside her.

  Helen reached back for the bench that she knew was there. Once located, she took two small steps backwards until she was leaning against it. The chipped edges of the wood felt rough against her bare skin but that only increased the pleasure that was forming between her legs.

  With her weight steadied against the bench Helen shuffled her feet so that her legs parted slightly.

  This was all the invitation that Ben needed and he fell forward, burying his face into the extended ‘V’ at the top of her legs. He breathed in deeply, taking in her fragrance.

  Then with a practised movement Ben parted the lips between her legs and exposed her excited clitoris. He flicked his tongue over its length. He repeated the motion over and over until soon, Helen was groaning with delight.

  As Ben held her lips apart, his
thumbs found her hole and worked it.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Helen groaned. She lifted herself onto the edge of the bench which allowed her to spread her legs further.

  Ben pulled her lips further apart and ran his teeth along her clit.

  Her orgasm exploded in his mouth and he sucked her juices dry.

  Ben wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before pushing himself to his feet. He stood back and admired her. She had placed her hands behind her back and she was resting on them. Her legs were still wide apart.

  She watched Ben’s hands work his belt free from the loops around the top of his jeans. He moved slowly and deliberately. She didn’t take her eyes from his hands as they worked the buttons of his jeans. Ben lowered his jeans and his boxer shorts together. He stepped out of his boots and kicked his clothes aside with a couple of easy movements.

  Helen took in his naked body, allowing her eyes to rest on his cock which seemed, from her perspective, even bigger than its usual eight inches.

  He watched her slide from her perch and move slowly to the basket she had brought with her. She stared at his cock the whole time, dragging her eyes from it only at the last second to allow herself to find what she wanted from the basket.

  She pulled out a chocolate éclair. She looked from it back to Ben’s cock then back to the éclair. She smiled as she licked cream from the end of the cake.

  Their eyes were locked together as she walked slowly towards him. Helen opened her mouth and wrapped it around the éclair which she moved in and out of her mouth without taking a bite.

  Ben’s eyes stared off into the distance as Helen lowered herself to his knees. He didn’t need to see what she was going to do to know that he was going to enjoy it.

  Helen watched his knob twitch with anticipation.

  She separated the éclair. One side had no cream on it and she discarded it immediately. She rubbed the other side against the length of his cock leaving cream in its wake.

  She used most of the cream along the shaft before leaving the last blob on his balls.

  She twisted herself into a lower position to eat that cream first. She took the whole testicle in her mouth and sucked, gently at first then harder as if she were trying to free the ball from its sac.

  His second bollock had had no cream on it but she gave it the same attention.

  Then she moved onto the cream that was on his rock-hard stalk. As she licked the cream away the throbbing veins along its length were exposed. She licked and nibbled her way along its entire length, cupping his balls and squeezing as she did so.

  When all that remained of the cream was the dollop on his knob-end Helen wrapped her lips around it.

  She lowered her head and took as much of it in her mouth as she could. She wrapped her tongue around it and used the muscled in her mouth to tighten her grip. She sucked and nibbled for a couple of minutes until she tasted the first salty drops of spunk.

  Ben pulled gently on Helen’s hair to stop her work. With his cock resting between her teeth she looked at him.

  ‘Get back on the bench,’ he said.

  As she released it, Ben’s cock slapped back against his stomach.

  Helen stood up and did as Ben had told her, moving slowly to give him chance to admire her arse as she walked.

  She thought briefly about bending over the bench but changed her mind and climbed onto it. She pushed herself to its edge and spread her legs in open invitation.

  Ben moved towards her slowly and stood between her legs. He took his cock in his hand and forced it down. He ran it along the length of her crack a couple of times before allowing it to rest at the edge of her hole. He put his hands on the bench either side of Helen’s hips. Their faces were close and their eyes intense.

  Ben moved his weight onto his hands and drilled into her. Helen’s eyes closed as her pussy stretched around Ben’s knob. He moved his hips back until all that remained inside her was his tip. Then he moved forward again slowly until his whole shaft was buried.

  He repeated the slow movement a few more times before gradually increasing his speed. He thrust his full length into her each time and Helen threw her head back in delight. She made a guttural noise each time he filled her.

  Unable to support the weight Helen dropped back until she was lying flat on the bench.

  Ben focused on Helen’s breasts which bounced up and down with each of his thrusts.

  Those thrusts became quicker and deeper with each movement and their groins ground against each other.

  With one final thrust and an animal noise Ben filled Helen.

  Minutes later as she let herself out of the shed Helen enjoyed the feeling of Ben’s juices still inside her. As she turned from him and walked away she could feel them trickling down her leg.

  She smiled as she waved to the four guys who were still tending the flower beds.

  My Cousin’s 21st

  by Eva Hore

  It was my cousin’s 21st and a whole lot of us were crashing at her place overnight in her family room. No drink driving … all we had to do was supply our own bedding.

  I’d met a guy who asked if he could share my duvet he hadn’t brought his own. He was cute so I thought why not.

  ‘Hey,’ someone complained as we accidentally stumbled over them.

  ‘Oops, sorry,’ I giggled, a little bit tiddly.

  ‘Be quiet,’ someone else hissed.

  Still clothed he snuggled up behind me.

  Turning my head, I put my mouth to his ear, ‘Do you want to fool around?’ I whispered.

  ‘Hmm,’ he murmured as his hand stole up my skimpy top and over my midriff.

  I pushed my arse back into his groin pleased when I felt the distinct hardness of his cock as I wiggled around.

  His fingers slipped under my bra where he massaged my breasts before flipping it upwards, exposing my nipples and giving them a good squeeze. They hardened instantly and he murmured his approval.

  I rolled towards him, my hands fumbling with his belt. Quietly, I undid his zip and my hand stole into his jocks. I found a hard, throbbing cock that was responding well to my touch. Inching my fingers inside I eagerly pulled him out. It sprung forward with a mind of its own and I grabbed at his shaft marvelling at its girth while it pulsated in my palm.

  I was wishing we were alone somewhere so I could see it as it certainly felt impressive.

  Meanwhile Peter had inched up my skirt and his fingers were fumbling with my G-string desperate to get inside. When his fingers brushed against my pubes and down to my slit it was as though an electrical current scorched me and I pulled back involuntarily.

  Startled by my reaction he went to remove his hand and accidentally tore my G-string off me, the flimsy material making a loud enough noise in the now quiet room.

  We both froze, but everyone must have been sleeping as no comments were forthcoming. Not wanting him to think I was chickening out I grabbed hold of his shaft and began to pump my hand up and down it in slow firm movements. His fingers slid back towards my now naked pussy where he roamed about between my folds before slipping his fingers straight into my cunt.

  ‘Oh man,’ he breathed. ‘You’re so wet.’

  ‘That’s so beautiful,’ I whispered as he began to finger me.

  I wanted to rip my clothing off, straddle him and fuck his brains out but with all these people sleeping up here it was impossible. His fingers were everywhere, roaming around my folds, inside my pussy, slipping up the crack of my arse, twiddling with my puckered hole.

  Finally he located my clit, I lifted one leg up, giving him better access, and like a pro he brought me to one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had while I pumped his shaft furiously.

  As my juices exploded out of me I decided if I couldn’t fuck him then I’d suck him off. His saturated hand pulled away from me and I could feel my juices everywhere, dribbling down over the inside of my thighs. He brought his hand up to my mouth and I sucked greedily enjoying the taste of myself.

  I cr
ushed my mouth to his, my hand still pumping his shaft, my tongue thrusting inside his mouth until I could take no more. I wanted to scream, needed to scream when his hand found my clit again and within seconds I came in the most earth-shattering climax as my body spasmed and shook.

  I was desperate for a good fucking but as that was not to be I wiggled back away from him, carefully burying myself down into his groin. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as he’d just given me.

  With my bare arse poking out from beneath the duvet I set about swallowing him, my mouth gliding over his massive knob, licking crazily at the pre come which was oozing out of his slit. Then opening my mouth wide, I swallowed carefully right down to the base of his shaft.

  Unfortunately his cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged on reflex, pulling back to lick his shaft while catching my breath. He let out a soft moan and I continued, smiling to myself, knowing how good I was at giving head and delighting in the fact that this would be a night he’d never forget.

  Now as I sucked him back in, deep into my throat, I felt hands on my arse, fondling me. At first I assumed they were Peter’s but then I knew they couldn’t be as his hands were groping my breast and holding my head. Pleasantly surprised I wondered if he knew, if he could tell that someone else was joining in.

  So instead of being outraged I was excited at the prospect of being involved in a minor threesome. Hands fondling me wasn’t as good as a cock but it sure beat nothing. With renewed vigour I sucked harder and then I almost choked when I felt a knob probing my pussy.

  I wiggled back harder, encouraging this cock to go further, to open my pussy lips and slide straight in. I wasn’t disappointed. Within seconds this unknown cock was slipping and sliding, gliding in and out at a maddeningly slow pace.

  I pushed my arse back harder, indicating I wanted more, and I did. It had always been a fantasy of mine to be fucked while sucking some guy’s cock and to have it happen here, without planning, well, it was an added bonus.


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