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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 19

by Tricia Wagner

  I turn to see one of our Prospects coming toward me. “Hey Gunner.” “Hey Miss Melanie. We’re ready for you whenever you are.” “I just need to change and I’ll be right out. Don’t worry I’ll take it easy on you.” He laughs a little and says “Do whatever you need to ma’am we won’t hold you back. We saved our workouts for after the run because Trance told us we would need our energy to keep up with you. Jason of course says it’s not so bad but I’m pretty sure he’s a robot.” To this I laugh as I head inside and get into my workout clothes. I put on capris and a tank top since I was trying to be a good girl today. I head back out and see a group of guys ready to go for a run. “Hey guys, thanks for doing this for me.” I get a lot of no problems and chin lifts as I head back behind the clubhouse. Since I had a massive panic attack early this morning and got maybe a thirty-minute nap I probably won’t be able to get a solid workout in. I start off at a slow pace, but with everything running through my mind it doesn’t take long for me to get the wheels turning. I literally look like how I imagine the President of the United States looks when he takes a run. I actually ended up with eight guys on me, not that this should surprise anyone so I have three on each side and one in front and one behind. The one out front keeps switching out I’m sure because of my pace. None of them want to look like pussies though so they are struggling through. It seems like we just left when we reach the bottom of the hill I always climb. “Well gentleman, do you have it in you to get to the top?” They all give me nods and chin lifts so I start my climb. I hear someone say “Yeah, but is someone picking us up there.” I let out a little chuckle and look to Murphy. “Murphy, if you can’t handle it you can stay behind. I’m sure there is some perimeter checking you can do or something.” “No ma’am this is perfect. Perfectly perfect.” We get to the top and I unclip my water from my belt and sit down on my rock. I come here almost every day and it is still the most peaceful place that you will ever find. I breathe in and let the burn pull over my lungs as I take big deep breaths. I don’t know how long I sit there thinking about everything and I turn around to my entourage. “Do any of y’all get nightmares?” They all look a little caught off guard by my question. “Murphy? I know you served.” “Yes ma’am, at first I did. Felt like I was still there every time I would wake up. Now, I very rarely have a memory of it. Doesn’t mean they can’t come back, but they did seem to go away.” “Did you see someone or did they go away on their own?” Gunner cuts in, “Miss Melanie, are you having nightmares?” “Yeah, Gunner. I am.” They all look at me with a pity look on their faces. “Please don’t pity me. I am truly blessed, I just don’t know how to make them stop. The last few have turned into panic attacks and Brantley is all that I can use to get me to calm down. Last time it took Jason and Brantley to get my breathing back to normal.” “Are the nightmares something that actually happened? Or are they something your mind is coming up with.” “At first, they were of the events from my kidnapping. I seemed to get through all of that, but now it’s like my mind is making stuff up on its own. Stuff that I fear will happen.” They all give me a nod. “Do you think I’m crazy?” “This is completely normal, I mean it sounds like you have been through a lot emotionally and from what I can tell you are holding it together really well, but it’s coming out in your dreams.” That’s probably true. “I just know that if I don’t, Brantley will feel even more that it’s his fault. I know he already blames himself and I can’t let him think that I think it is. I don’t blame anyone except for the person who is behind all of this. Sorry, I shouldn’t even be talking to y’all about this. We can head back if you’re ready.” I get a few more chin lifts and a few nods as Gunner walks up to me. “Miss Melanie, if you need anyone to talk to we are all here. Whatever you need.” “Thanks Gunner. The club is lucky to have all of you. I appreciate it.” He gives me a nod as we start our way back down the hill. Ten miles and I make it back to the house completely covered in sweat. Brantley will probably be mad that I went that far after the night and morning that I had, but I needed it. I see a few of the guys lift their hands to their radios as the tell me to go ahead and get inside for a bit. I probably look a little freaked so I look to Murphy. “Murphy, this is going to sound completely stupid, but can you go in and check the house. More specifically the bathroom and bedroom to make sure no one is in there please?” He nods, “Of course. We had people here so no one could get in, but I will do anything you need.” I see three other guys step forward “We will check the whole house. Stay here with Gunner.” I nod and they head inside. “Miss Melanie, do you need us to do anything else to make sure that you’re feeling safe?” I was such a wuss. “I don’t really know what that shower is going to bring me since the last time I was in it so was Justin.” I see Gunner’s fists clench and his mouth get tight. “If Brant were here he would go into the bathroom and sit while I shower, for obvious reasons that would be inappropriate.” He smirks, “Yeah, and I would never get patched in if we were to do that.” He says on a laugh. Gunner is strong and sturdy. He’s about 6’3 with a little bit long, unruly dark hair. He has dark eyes, but you can tell he is an extremely light hearted person. He and Murphy actually remind me of each other. They are very similar in personality. “Do you think that you could stand outside the bathroom door while I’m in the shower?” He half nods, “Let me radio Brantley and just check to make sure what he wants me to do.” “Of course.” We stand there for a bit longer while the guys check every inch of the house. I feel better when they come out and Murphy gives me the all clear. “Brantley said Murphy and I are to stand guard at the bathroom door.” He looks, well, terrified, “What’s the look on your face? Did he threaten you?” “Yeah, both of us will lose our balls if we even so much as think about stepping foot in the bathroom when you’re in the shower without a threat.” I shake my head and bite back a smile. I’m sure they know he isn’t lying either. I give him a nod and we walk inside as he shows Murphy their orders. I grab my phone and shoot Brantley a “thank you” text for understanding that I needed that. I set my phone down on the sink, after grabbing the clothes I will change into once I’m done. I do a once over on the bathroom, even though they assured me that I am alone. I get in and take probably the fastest shower known to mankind. I hurry and dry off then get dressed. I just decided to put on jeans and a comfortable top and I will be doing some work today in the office here at home. I turn the knob on the bathroom door and come out to find five guys standing in our bedroom. “Hey everyone. Uneventful, apparently my brain has decided to give it a rest for a while.” They all smile and nod at me. “I’m just going to do some work in the office.” Happy jumps in with, “You can’t leave. We have strict orders.” I snap my head back because he jumped so quickly at that, “No, the office here.” His face lightens, “Oh ok. Have at it. We will have someone at the door and four guys inside while the rest of the crew is outside.” Curiously I ask, “How many guys will be outside?” Gunner’s eyebrow goes up, “Total?” I nod, “Yeah?” He smiles, “There are fifteen of us right now that will be out there.” My eyes get big, “Geeze, I bet the President of the United States wishes he had that kind of security team.” “You have no idea.” I give them a nod as I grab my phone and head down to Brantley’s office. I see that Brantley messaged me back a “you’re welcome” and a “thank you for wearing capris.” Seriously? He asked them what I was wearing. I message him back that he is a caveman. It’s true. I’m sure he’s busy though so I don’t expect a response.

  I throw myself into work and don’t even realize the time. I hear a knock at the door and I slightly jump when one of the guys from the other chapter “Bones” is at the doorway. “Miss Melanie, what you would like to eat for lunch?” Shoot, “I’m not really that hungry. I can get something together later.” He gives me a look that says he wasn’t expecting that answer. “Are you under orders to make sure I’m eating?” He nods, “Yes ma’am.” Shit. “Fine, are y’all gonna eat with me?” He looks thrown off again. “We can if that’s what you wan
t.” What did these guys expect from me? “Ok, well if someone is going to get something then send them to Albertini’s. Get a bunch of subs and tell him to use my account that I have there.” He shocks me with, “Ma’am I will send them, but Brantley left money and insisted we not let you spend any money.” This has to be a joke, “Are you fucking kidding me?” “No ma’am.” What’s with the ma’am’s? “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take that out on you. It’s not on you. Do whatever you need to do to not get in trouble with Brant. I will take care of that later.” He gives me a nod as he lets out a breath that says he is thankful that I am cooperating. I let out a little laugh as he walks away. Are these guys seriously afraid of what I will do? I’m not that much of a pain in the ass am I? Oh well, I can’t think about that right now. I keep working until Bones comes back to get me to tell me everything is here. I head out to the kitchen with him and see the guys all standing around unsure of what to do. Seriously? “Guys, dig in! Please.” They all jump into action and get their plates. I grab a plate and a little piece of a sandwich and sit down with Gunner and Murphy around me. Everyone is at the table though so we are all eating together and having nice conversation. I see a hand come in front of my face and I jump a little before someone drops a whole handful of chips on my plate, sets a salad down in front of me, and another half of a sandwich. I look up to see Bones smirking at me. “I can’t eat all of that.” “Well you need to eat more than you’re eating right now.” Crap, “Bones, do I look like I’m the kinda girl who skips a meal? I like to eat I just don’t feel like eating right now.” He points his finger and says, “Too bad.” I look at him shocked at how he is treating me right now. He can’t be serious “Are you following orders?” “Yeah, do you want me to get in trouble for you not eating enough.” “No, I don’t want that. So I will tell Brantley flat out that I can’t eat more than what I am right now.” “Just leave Brantley to do what he’s doing and don’t make him worry about what you’re doing here.” I stick my tongue out at him as I take another bite from my sandwich. I finish my sandwich, but honestly don’t think I can eat more than what I already have. I head into the kitchen to throw out my plate and think about what I should do to get rid of the food that Bones put in front of me. I come back and sit down and see that some of the chips are missing and it looks like someone ate some of my salad. I pick up the fork and start eating the salad a few pieces at a time and take a couple chips and eat those. That’s it I will get sick if I eat anymore. I see Murphy looking at me as he takes another chip off my plate. I mouth a thank you and he smiles at me. Thank God someone understands. I stand up and get an approving look from Bones even though I didn’t eat all of that food. I take the rest into the kitchen and get rid of the garbage and wrap up the stuff that can be saved. “I’m heading back into the office for a bit, but I’m almost done.” They give me some nods and chin lifts as I go by. I finish up my work in no time and sit there wondering what the heck I am going to do for the rest of the day. I head to the bedroom and grab some nail polish. I might as well do something fun for a change of pace. “Am I ok to go out on the deck? Or would you rather I stay inside?” Murphy jumps in, “You can go out, we’ll come with you.” I nod and grab the rest of my stuff and head to the deck. I sit down in the lounger and start painting my toes first. I see all the guys either sitting in front of me in a circle or making laps around the house. I hope to God this is all over soon. I really don’t want to sleep without Brantley tonight. The nightmares are almost bearable when I know he is close by. What if I have a panic attack and there isn’t anyone to help me. “Do any of y’all have any experience with panic attacks?” Murphy gets close, “Yeah, we know what to do. Is everything ok?” These guys were so worried about me, “I was just thinkin about tonight if Brantley isn’t home. I don’t want to have one and have everyone freak out.” “We have instructions.” Geeze, did Brantley leave them a list like parents do for a babysitter? “Geeze, are the emergency numbers on the fridge? I feel like I’m a little kid and he’s my parent.” “He just loves you.” I let out a soft sigh. “I know, it’s all just a little too much sometimes. I’m gonna finish up here and try and lay down for a nap before you force feed me dinner. I didn’t sleep at all last night.” I get a bunch of nods and I finish up my toes and head to the bedroom. I know the guys are right outside but I still do a once over to make sure that there isn’t anyone in the bedroom with me. I lay down and try to even out my breathing. I calm my mind and my body as I wait for sleep to take me. Even if I only sleep for a half hour it’s more than what I would’ve gotten before. I’m sure I won’t sleep tonight without Brantley here. I toss and turn and finally decide that isn’t going to work. I head back out where some of the guys are playing poker. “Ohhhhh can I play? Please?” They all look to each other and decide that it would be ok if I played. That probably wasn’t in the handbook that Brant left them. I sit down and they deal me in the next round. I lose the first two hands big so they won’t expect what is coming to them next. We joke and laugh about how they’re taking advantage of the poor little girl who doesn’t know how to play. That’s when I sneak attack and take them for everything they have on the table. Which, by the way, isn’t much but I still win it all. “You’ve played before haven’t you? You just swindled us.” “No I swear it must be beginner’s luck.” Beginner’s luck my ass I’ve been playing poker since I could hold the cards. My dad said to live in a man’s world you need to be able to beat them at their own game. That is when he taught me everything I know. “I don’t buy it she’s a pro I just know it.” I shake my head and laugh at their accusations. “Hey you can try and win everything back if you want.” Bones stands, “Nah, I’m done for the day what do you want for dinner?” Ughhhh. “Guys, I’m not hungry you made me eat all of that food for lunch.” I swear they aren’t going to stop until I’m three hundred pounds, “Yeah, and now it’s dinner time. You need to eat.” “I really don’t know if I can. Did anyone hear from Brantley?” They all look at me at once. What was that? “Is he coming home?” Gunner decides he can say, “They were going off radar for a couple of hours so we don’t know.” “Does that mean they know where he is?” “Babe, please don’t ask us. Even if we know we can’t tell you.” “Seriously?” “Seriously, they will have our balls if we tell you anything we aren’t supposed to.” Great. “Fine. Do y’all want me to cook something?” They shake their heads, “No, babe. What do you want?” “I told you I’m not hungry, but I can cook if you want me too. I don’t know what I have that would feed all of you hungry boys though.” Murphy pipes in, “Do you eat pizza?” Um. Duh? “Of course! What kind of question is that?” He smirks, “It isn’t exactly chick food.” I scoff, “Well, I’m not the kinda girl to eat chick food all the time. I like pizza I just don’t know if I can eat it.” Bones joins the party with, “We’re getting pizza and you’re going to eat it.” “Bones, who made you my boss?” “Brantley.” “Too bad he’s not the boss of me either.” “Melanie. Please.” Oh, fine. “Just order the pizza I’ll see what I can do about eating it.” “At least two pieces.” I stick my tongue out at him because I don’t really have a mature answer to that. I sit down in front of the TV to find them watching the newest Furious Seven. My heart still aches that Paul Walker is really gone. I sat myself between Murphy and Gunner on the sectional and grab my kindle from the storage under the ottoman. “You’re going to read while this movie is on?” “I’ve seen this movie three times already. I will watch it while I read and still know exactly what’s going on.” His mouth drops in shock. “I love all the Fast and Furious movies.” Gunner gives me a nod that tells me I can carry on, so I pull up a book and sit back and read. An hour, and two pieces of pizza later (a piece and a half if you count what Outlaw ate for me) I am back on the couch and reading again. The guys are of course in position all around me and I notice now for the first time that while in the house they still put me in the middle. They have made sure this entire time that I have been protected. What great guys. I don’t want any of
them to get hurt though because of me. I’ve grown to love them as my own family. I’m curled up on the couch and feeling extremely safe with these guys all around me so I start to doze off. For once I think I may get through this without a nightmare.


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