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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 20

by Tricia Wagner

  When I wake up I’m in my room, I realize one of the guys must’ve carried me in here. It’s completely dark so it must be late and I roll over to see if Brantley is here. Unfortunately, the bed is empty so I get up to head out and see where everyone is. The house is really dark though. That’s so weird. I get to the great room and see all of the guys sitting watching the TV. No one turns when they hear me coming which is really not safe if they’re trying to stop anyone from coming into the room. I walk over to the guys and flip on the light and am completely mortified at what I see. Each of them are sitting or lying in their spots. Shot dead. No this can’t be happening. If that is the case, then that means that Justin is somewhere in the house. I start whipping around each direction trying to see where he is, but I see no one. That’s when I feel the arm on my back and I swing around to see Justin holding a gun right to my face. “No, please no. Please don’t hurt me. Please stop killing everyone I love. Please, no, no, no, no, no, no.” I feel like if I repeat it maybe he will listen. He throws his hand over my mouth and I try to suck in a breath, but find that I can’t. Great time to have a panic attack here Melanie. I try to claw at his hand, but he won’t budge and that’s when I hear him click off the safety and turn the gun to my temple. I hear the click of the trigger and that’s when my eyes fly open and I see all the guys around me trying to get me to breath. Oh God. I can’t breathe. I grab my neck as I feel Murphy throwing my head between my legs. I see Gunner to the side with a paper bag. He hands it to me and helps me hold it so I can breathe into it. I feel someone rubbing up and down my back and I swear I heard someone say Brantley’s name, but I can’t hear any of it. I pull in a huge breath trying to get my body to relax, but it is wound so tight. I keep telling myself that I am fine, but I swear it’s like my body doesn’t believe me. It seems like it takes forever before I can finally start to even out my breath. Seriously, that was terrible. I start to look up and I see the horrified looks on all of the people in my audience. “Sorry. I couldn’t” I still can hardly catch my breath. “Breathe.” Gunner was rubbing my back, “You ok now?” “I think so.” I take in a few more calming breaths and I feel the burn go over my lungs. This is getting to be far too normal for my liking. “Mel, if this doesn’t stop once Justin is gone you really need to talk to someone.” I sigh, “They’re getting worse, if they don’t stop I promise I’ll call someone.” Gunner gives me a nod and I try to smile at him. “I don’t think sleep is a good idea. Any news from Brant?” They all collectively sigh and shake their heads no. Lovely. It was going to be a long night. “Do you have to tell him about this one?” They all nod yes in unison. Great. I lean back in the seat still unsure of what to do since i can’t sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Two days. Two of the longest days of my life. I’ve gotten a few “I’m ok” texts and a few really short phone calls, but still no sign of Justin. At this point, still no sign of sleep either. I have two guys outside the bathroom door as I let the hot water wash away my dreams. The night before I woke up twice with panic attacks and I refused to go back to sleep after that. You would think at this point my body would just force me to go to sleep, but there isn’t anything I can do to clear my head. I just got back from a run, and I need to do some work before I figure out what to do with my day. Being locked up in the house is really starting to get to me at this point. I think it’s starting to trigger things that happened in my kidnapping, because I am remembering things that I didn’t remember before. I guess my brain had just blocked them out. I get out of the shower and dress in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. I head out to the bedroom with my hair on top of my head. “Thanks guys. All good. I need to do some work before I start my day so I’m just going to go into Brantley’s office.” I get two head nods as they walk away. I head down the hall and I hear Gunner on the phone in the office. “Yeah boss. She’s not sleepin and when she is it ends in a panic attack. I just wish there was something we could do to help her through this. We’re making her eat as much as we can, but I literally think her body is rejecting it.” Great. Now Brantley is going to worry about me. He needs to be focused on Justin not me. “Yes sir. We have everything under control. We’ll do what we can.” I hear him disconnect as I walk around the corner. He gives me a soft, sad look. “Gunner I’m fine.” “Miss Melanie, all due respect, you’re not fine.” I shake my head because I really don’t want to cry. I haven’t cried through any of this. I just want Brantley back at home. Then I can get back to normal. “I need to do some work do you mind?” He stands, “No, I’ll be right outside if you need anything.” I give a short nod as I sit down and pull out the finalized Pittsburgh plans.

  I sit and stare at the plans knowing that I’m not really accomplishing anything. I see my phone go off and I see that it’s a text from Brantley. My heart flutters a little as I look at it. “My strong Melanie. Hold on just a little longer. I’ll be home soon. I can’t wait to make you my wife. I love you with all my heart.” I can’t even help the sob that breaks out. I type out a text back telling him I love him too. I sincerely can’t wait to be his wife. The tears start flowing uncontrollably and I see Gunner at the door looking in. I’m sure he’s unsure of what to do. He fights with himself until he finally decides to come in and comfort me. Probably against orders, but it was a friendly gesture. “Miss Melanie, you need to calm down. I promise this will all be over soon. Brantley isn’t going to let anything happen to you.” I sob a little harder at that because I know that is true. “I’m s-s-sorry. I didn’t m-m-mean to start c-c-crying. I was trying hard to hold it together, but Brant just texted me.” “It’s ok Mel, you’re allowed to be upset. Plus, no sleep that can’t be helping. I just wish we could do something to help you.” I even out my breathing and bite back more tears. I need to pull myself together. “I’m ok now.” He releases me, but stays close. I look up at him and he says “Want some breakfast?” I bite back the puke that I feel like is going to come out. “Not really, but I know Bones will get mad.” He shakes his head and gives me a smile. “Thanks Gunner.” He gives me a chin lift as I stand up and head into the kitchen. I make some plain toast and take a bite as Bones looks on. I stick my tongue out with the food on it, and he starts laughing. “Good girl.” “That’s me.” Classy too since I said that with my mouth full. What has this place turned me in to? The old me never would’ve thought to talk to a man like Bones with attitude and I definitely wouldn’t have been talking with my mouth open. To this I laugh because I love this new me, problems or no problems, so much more. He looks at me like I’m crazy when I realize I just randomly started laughing. “Sorry, I just normally wouldn’t talk with my mouth full. I think y’all are rubbin off on me.” To this he shakes his head. “You need to eat more than one piece of toast.” I groan. Loudly. “Bones, this is all I can do, you’re just going to have to deal with the wrath of Brantley. I can’t do it anymore.” He shakes his head, but stands and goes into the kitchen. I’m sure to make me eat more food. I sit on the couch as I take in the house. I see that I have only three guys in here. “Where are the rest of the guys?” “Outside.” I nod because they were all with me on my run this morning. No joke, I had like ten to twelve guys with me this morning. I hope that means that something is happening. “I can’t sleep and I am so bored I could die right here.” “When my woman is bored she eats. Here, eat these eggs and some bacon.” Yep. Told you he was going to make me eat something more. I just want to scream. I pick a piece of bacon off the plate and bite into it. “Thanks, but you can have the rest. I seriously don’t think I could eat if I tried.” “Try harder.” He shoves the plate into my hand and hands me a fork. Really? I groan loudly and dig into some eggs. I learned if you push the food around it looks like you’ve eaten more than you really have. I start with that and Murphy grabs my hand. “Pushing it around isn’t gonna work this time, Mel. It’s been two days and you’ve barely eaten. Please eat.” Great, now they’re all worried about me. I give him a short nod and take a few more bites before I set it d
own. “I just want to know what is going on. If I knew I might be able to relax a little.” “We can’t tell you that. It’s up to Brantley to let you know.” I give him another short nod and my ears perk up. I swear I just heard the roar of a bike. “Was that a bike?” Murphy stands, “Stay here.” I don’t move from the couch, but I hear what sounds like a whole slew of bikes. I stand up from the couch and Murphy shoots me a look. His face softens a bit. “It’s him.” I breathe out. “Brantley?” He nods and I go running for the door.

  I break through the group of guys at the door and barely let Brantley get off the bike before I’m jumping on him. I hear him let out a little chuckle before my mouth lands on his. He has so much more hair on his face than I’m used to because he normally shaves every morning. I run my fingers through his hair as he strides toward the house. He doesn’t even miss a beat walking through the crowd of people around us, and I’m too caught up in everything to even care that they are getting a show. I hear him bellow “Outside” before shutting the door and striding to our bedroom. Oh sweet Lord I missed this man. We barely make it into the room and he has my clothes gone. His pants are gone and I’m lifting his shirt over his head. Five seconds later he is inside of me and moving fast and hard. “Brantley, I missed you so much.” To this he growls as he continues his assault. “Please don’t leave me again.” He doesn’t say anything he just keeps doing and I have to say I will not complain about that. I roll him so he’s on his back and keep riding him through his grunts and growls. He must be ready to go because he runs his thumb over me and I shatter completely. Mid-orgasm he has me flipped over and he is pounding into me from behind. I feel his body start to shake as I hear his orgasm rip through him. Holy. Shit. “Babe, I gotta say that welcome home was totally worth the leaving part. What was not worth it though, was this.” He pinches the side of my booty and I look at him. “Did you eat at all while I was gone?” Really? “Uh, yeah. More than I would have since Bones practically force fed me.” He shakes his head. “Christ you probably gave him a run for his money.” Well. “I sure tried, but most of the time he won.” “You’re running more than you normally do. Gunner said you had a little breakdown this morning.” I change the subject. I had to know. “Does this all mean that Justin is gone? You’re home.” “No, we need to talk.” I let out a heavy sigh. “We’re drawing him out. Hoping that if he sees we’re back he will think we gave up.” Great. “Oh, God does that mean he’s coming back here?” “Yeah, but as soon as he does he will be gone. The guys are going to pretend to leave, but they won’t really be gone.” “So I’m the bait.” “Only if you say you’re ok to do it.” I didn’t have to think. “It’s the only way to draw him out Brant. Just get this done with.” He gives me a nod and another hard kiss. “Try and sleep baby. I’m right here.” He holds me until I finally pass out from exhaustion. I don’t know if it’s Brantley’s arms or the feeling that the threat is almost gone, but I sleep for almost three hours and I don’t have a nightmare.

  I do however wake to an empty bed. I get up and walk out in search for my man. I find a freshly showered and shaven Brantley standing in the kitchen. Unfortunately, I don’t make it out of the hallway before I see Brantley’s face go tight and I have an arm swing around my midsection and I feel a gun pointed at my head. I hear a voice whispering in my ear and it is without a doubt Justin. How the hell did he get in here? “Thought you could get away from me? Send these goons out to find me? Guess what Princess? I’m here and we’re leaving here together.” “Don’t even fuckin think about it.” This came from Brantley. I look up to see he has a gun pointed right at Justin’s head. “Brantley, just do it. Fuckin shoot him in the face. Please, just get this over with.” Justin growls, “He shoots me and he will hit you too. Not a chance he’s going to shoot with this gun pointed at your head.” I look to Brantley who is only looking at me. “I trust you Brantley, please just do it. Finish it.” He looks at me and gives me a half a nod. If anyone would have been paying attention they wouldn’t have seen it. I know it was a nod though letting me know that he got what I was saying. I can get this gun off this bastard. I just need to wait for the right timing. “Don’t even fuckin think about shooting me Mr. President. I will shoot her, don’t think I won’t.” It was then I felt the gun slip a little way away from my head. I reach up on instinct and point the gun toward the sky as it goes off. Shit. I get a hold of it and turn the gun on him. He comes at me and without hesitation I pull the trigger over and over again until the gun is out of bullets and I am on the ground. Oh my God. I just killed him. I know he’s dead he is definitely not moving. I feel Brantley come and take the gun out of my hands. He pulls me up off the ground and into his arms. It’s over. Finally. I sag with relief as the tears start pouring out of my eyes. I look up and see that everyone is in the house. “Shh, baby I’m so proud of you. I am so sorry he got that close to you again. It’s over baby. You finished it.” I did. It’s done, but I killed a man. “I killed him.” I get another squeeze as Brantley picks me up and carries me over the body. He takes me into the bedroom and sits me down on the bed. “You did what you had to do baby. He had a gun pointed at your head. If you didn’t do what you did there is a chance you wouldn’t be here.” I give him a short nod through the tears. “Boss” I hear this from the doorway. “Yeah.” “Cops.” Then it hit me. “Oh my God I’m going to jail. I was so worried about you going to jail and now it’s me that’s going.” Brantley swipes at my eyes, “You aren’t going to jail baby, but we’re doing this with the ways of the law. They won’t even arrest you. It was self-defense.” I nod my head as he takes me outside passed the dead body lying on the floor. “Miss Melanie, we need to ask you a few questions.” I look up and it’s the same cop from the day in the grocery store. “Sure. Sorry, I’m kind of a hot mess right now.” “I can imagine, but we’ll be quick and get this out of your way soon.” I nod as they guide me outside so I don’t have to see Justin. “Can you just give me a statement of what happened?” “Yeah, I had fallen asleep for a nap for about three hours. I came out to find Brantley and something to eat for lunch and he was in the kitchen. Before I could get there I felt an arm go around my waist and a gun at my head. He said we were leaving together or he was going to put a bullet in my head. I tried distracting him by talking to Brantley. For a split second he moved the gun off my head and I reached up and took the gun. It went off once into the air and I finally got it from him completely. I turned and he came at me so I started shooting at him until I hit the ground and so did he.” The guy has pity in his eyes, “Thanks Melanie, I’m sorry you went through this, I will write up my report, but I think this is pretty cut and dry self-defense, especially with what he had been doing before this.” I give him a nod as I see the body being pulled from the house. I bury myself into Brantley’s body. He rubs my back before he says “It’s ok baby he’s gone.” “You should’ve protected her better. She shouldn’t be going through this.” I swing my head up to see the second cop from the grocery store standing there. No one talks to Brantley like that. “If I had taken a shot she could’ve been taken out at the same time. Then where would we be?” “This isn’t Brant’s fault.” This was barely a whisper. “Yeah, well we can agree to disagree on that. I can tell you right now, if you were mine there wouldn’t be any chance of you even being in that situation.” I feel the tension rolling off of Brantley, “Is that you trying to get in on what’s mine? You better watch the way you word things here officer. Melanie is my fiancé and she will be my wife soon. I want you to stay away from her.” “Why? Afraid she might realize that you’re nothing?” That is when I almost saw Brantley assault a police officer. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Both of you stop this. Sir, all due respect, Brantley couldn’t have controlled that any more than you could have. This is done and over with and I trust Brantley with my life. You need to finish the investigation and then leave us to our lives. Together. I’ve had a rough day and I don’t need to be worried about the two of you fighting about whose dicks bigger.” To this I
stand up and walk back into the house. I feel Brantley close by as I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water. “Baby, let’s get a shower and get you out of here for a bit while they clean up.” I give him a nod as he pulls me into the bedroom and then the bathroom. He starts the water and starts taking my clothes off. I see the spatters of blood on my clothes and it’s like it all of a sudden just hit me that I seriously killed someone. I killed the guy who I once gave my virginity to. What is wrong with my life that it has come to this? I feel the tears coming and I can’t even stop them as Brantley pulls me into the shower. He pulls down my hair and washes it out and then does the same for my body. I notice the water shut off as he pulls me out of the shower and dries me off. “One second let me get you some clothes baby.” I nod and he leaves the bathroom. He comes back and I don’t even know what he put on me. I feel like I am dreaming. Is this another dream? They never ended like this before though. Someone I loved always got hurt in my dreams. He pulls me back out of the house and right to his bike. He throws a bandana on my braided head. I guess he wanted my hair braided because he did it. He hops on and I get on behind him not even thinking.


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