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Everlasting Hunger (The Hunger Mate Series)

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by Brandy Dorsch


  Copyright © 2013, Brandy Dorsch

  Edited by Rebecca Wolfe

  Cover by Shoutlines Design

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Everlasting Hunger

  Book 1: The Hunger Mate Series

  By: Brandy Dorsch

  © 2013 by Brandy Dorsch

  Back Cover Blurb

  Temptation, thy name is Ian Lochlan.

  That was the thought running through Ellie Dawson's head when her boss offered to escort her to a local vampire bar named Everlasting. Little did she know what she was walking into that evening, and all the pleasures a vampire's kiss would hold.

  Passion is a different beast when vampires are involved, and Ellie faces love from two very sensual creatures. But when tragedy strikes, the real test begins. Ian is forced to relinquish Ellie into the arms of his best friend Jasper.

  Ellie struggles with the feelings aroused in her by both men, but when the Hunger is involved, there is nothing she can do.

  Can she survive loving two men and the past that continues to haunt her?


  Thank you to my husband, William, who is always my champion and my personal ass-kicker. Without you, this book would never have been written. I love you, Jackass.

  To my children, Liam, Xander and my angel Harrison. You guys always know when to leave mom alone so she can write. I love you to infinity and beyond.

  To all the friends both new and old who have been supportive and understanding when I vented about my characters and the story going nowhere. You are all appreciated.

  To my beta readers who were honest and forthright in their opinions thank you for taking the time to share Ellie’s story with me. Your generosity of time is appreciated more than I can ever express.

  Special Acknowledgments

  There are some folks that have stood by my side and encouraged me more than I ever thought. They were there when I started the first draft and have been there through the revisions.

  I count them as friends, confidants and partners in writing.

  Michelle Hughes

  Lisa Filipe

  Amy Valenti

  Rachel Mizer

  Thanks to Shoutlines Design for my amazing cover.

  To my editor, Lacey Wolfe for seeing the potential in my story and helping me make it better.

  I need to thank all the folks who follow and support me on Facebook and my blog. Thank you to the authors, bloggers, and readers who have encouraged me to get my words out to the masses.

  My gratitude is eternal.



  As Eleanor Dawson walks into the hallway, she can sense the difference in the air. Heading toward the elevators, she glances around and notices no one in the lobby. As strange as it may seem, she knows her lover waits for her.

  Heading to the top floor and the executive offices, she tugs on the hem of the flirty red sundress that skims the middle of her thighs. She fingers the material while taking a deep breath, then steps off as the doors open silently.

  Ellie is hesitant at first, but then her steps increase as she heads to the door at the end of the hall, and the man that as summoned her. Opening the door, she knows that her life has been heading to this pinnacle for a long time and she smiles in anticipation.

  “Ellie, you’ve come.”

  “Of course I have. I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  Rough, masculine hands grasp her slender shoulders and yank her into a powerful embrace. His hands tangle in her dark chestnut hair, and tilt her head to accept his passionate kiss. Ellie runs her palms up a well-defined chest, then stands on her toes to get closer to the man she’s craved for so long. Tongues duel and mate in a rhythm as old as time. Moans and sighs are the only sounds heard in the building as the lovers attempt to consume each other.

  Slightly out of breath, Ellie pulls back and looks into the eyes of her lover. “I can’t believe that I’m here with you. I know better, but I just can’t walk away from this.”

  “My love, I’ve told you that I don’t follow the same rules as everyone else, and that you need to open your mind to other possibilities. Forever is in your grasp, reach out and take it.”

  Leaning forward toward the desk, Ellie flips on the desk lamp and gasps at the face of her lover.


  Minneapolis, MN

  Beep, Beep, Beep. Eleanor Dawson reaches over and slaps the snooze button on the torture device of life known as the alarm clock.

  She flops back on the bed and debates how long she can lie there before she is forced to get up. Sighing in regret, she swings her legs over and stands up. Tossing her long locks over her shoulder, she walks into the bathroom and heads toward the shower. As she waits for the water to get to the right temperature, she glances in the mirror and smiles at the reflection. Even she notices the difference in her appearance.

  Since Adam Thornton was finally out of her life, the circles under her eyes and the bruises on her body have healed. Her therapist and friends keep telling her she needs to go out and start dating again. Today is the day she’s taking her life back into her own hands.

  Jumping into the shower, she hurries through her washing routine, worried she’s going to be late for work. As head of human resources at Lochlan Medical, it sets a bad tone for the day when she runs late. If nothing else, Ellie knows that she is a punctual person. Looking at the clock, she realizes she has plenty of time to get ready and takes a deep breath.

  Thinking about the day ahead, Elle begins the process of taming the tangle of curls flowing down her back. At five foot six and a hundred and twenty-five pounds, she knows that many consider her a beautiful woman, but Ellie likes those that see past the face and see the woman beneath. Brushing out her hair, she turns to begin applying her makeup. She decides to go a little darker than normal, since she is going out to a club with her friends after work.

  Frowning slightly at the thought of the club they were going to, Ellie wonders what convinced her to agree to go to a Vampire Club.

  Yes, vampires are real. They came out to the world a few years ago, not that anyone was too surprised at their Unveiling. That’s what it’s called in the papers and history books, ‘The Unveiling’. A small group of vampires were caught saving several girls on a college campus from a rape ritual they had walked up on in the woods behind a frat house. The vampires were found to be drinking on the boys when the police arrived, and the girls they sought to protect accidently revealed what they were. They may have considered just compelling the officers to forget the incident, but those in a position of power in the vampire realm took it as a sign that times were changing and they proceeded to come out.

  Society took it a lot better than if this had happened a few decades ago. With the Twilight books and the Anne Rice novels, everyone seemed to accept that vampires were real and pr
oductive members of society. That’s not to say that there aren’t people who wish they would all disappear, but that’s with anything that’s a little different.

  Shaking the thoughts from her head, she finishes arranging her shoulder length brown hair into a style that works for the office and a club. Her makeup makes her dark blue eyes sparkle As she is standing in her closet picking an outfit to wear, she notices a dress bag at the back of the closet. She’d completely forgotten about the dress. There are no other words for the confection that lies in that bag. It’s a slinky, silky, royal blue dress that comes mid-thigh. The best part is the back, which consists of two thin straps crossing and holding it together. It’s sinful and decadent. Ellie hasn’t had a reason to wear the dress since she broke up with Adam, and decides to throw caution to the wind and wear it to the new club. After all, the point of going to a vampire bar is to be seen and enjoyed.

  “Maybe I’ll run into Mr. Right Now and have a nice little fling.” She laughs.

  The notion that she might have a spur of the moment fling is funny to her, since her last lover had accused her of being an uptight, frigid ice queen. It’s hard to get excited about sex with someone when they are done before you get started.

  “Good gracious, if I don’t get going, I’ll never make it to work today.”

  Pulling into the parking garage half an hour later, she bounces out of the car excited about the night ahead. She’d been hesitant about going out to the bar with the girls since she was technically their boss, but with a little persuading, they had managed to convince her that she would have a good time.


  Startled, Ellie turns suddenly, her purse and keys drop to the ground. Realizing that it’s her co-worker Sheila, she grabs her dropped items and waits for her to catch up.

  “Hey, girl! Are you ready for tonight? We’re going to have some fun!” Sheila chuckles.

  Ellie grins. “I’m dying to wear this dress,” she says shaking the garment bag. “And I figure the grand re-opening of a vampire club is the perfect time to do it. It shows everything to attract the type of man that would hang out there.”

  “Girl, the only type of man you’re going to find at a club is a drunk or a player, and you can do so much better than that.”

  “I know, but honestly, it has been so long since I’ve had sex with something that didn’t require batteries, that I’m willing to risk it.” Ellie grins.

  They continue their conversation about men and clothes as they travel to the human resources floor.

  “Why were you running late today, Sheila?” asks Ellie.

  “I had to take the car into the shop again. I went to the Chinese restaurant over on fifth last night, and it wouldn’t start when I was trying to go home. That’s the third time this week that I’ve had trouble starting it, and I’m concerned that there’s a problem. Sorry, boss. But the repair shop was able to get me in today.”

  “It’s not a problem at all. I was hoping you would get it checked before you go on vacation next week. I’d hate for you to drive to Chicago and get stranded. You’d be late getting back from your trip, which would mean more work for me,” Ellie says with a smile. They step off the elevator and head down the corridor to their offices.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours, Sheila. I have several conference calls and meetings this afternoon. If you’re ready to leave at five, we can change in the staff restroom and ride together.”

  “That sounds great. Then I don’t have to have someone pick me up and take me to the club tonight.”

  The day from hell flew by—thank goodness. Days like this, Ellie wonders why she still works in human resources. She’s ready to get out of the office for the weekend. She checks her phone and realizes she’s several missed calls and new voicemails. She turns her messages on speaker and listens as the girls in the office come up with reason after reason as to why they’d can’t go to the club tonight.

  “Well, hell. This day can’t get any better. I can’t believe that they’ve all cancelled on me when they were the ones who convinced me to go in the first place. I bet Sheila’s still going, she never misses a chance to hit a club.”

  She heads down the hall toward Sheila’s office. Upon entering, she notices an envelope propped up on the desk with her name written across the front. Opening it and taking out the pink daisy stationary—Sheila’s trademark—she reads, Gone home sick. Think it’s some kind of stomach bug from the Chinese place last night. Sorry to miss the club with everyone tonight. I will be up for the next girls’ night out. XOXO Sheila.

  “Oh man! I don’t want to go bar hopping by myself. I’ll just look like a desperate wannabe vampire groupie that can’t get a date.”

  Ellie balls the letter up, throws it on the floor, and stomps back to her office. Catching sight of the dress hanging on the door hanger, she knows she’s going to the bar even if it’s by herself. She walks over, unzips the dress bag, and smiles at the thought of slipping the soft fabric on.

  “Forget about appearances and what other people think. I want to wear this dress and have some fun for once.”

  She heads to the washroom and changes. Fussing with her hair and touching up her makeup, she applies a dash of perfume. Satisfied with her appearance, she heads out of the bathroom. As she goes out into the hallway, she hears a thump coming from the end of the corridor. Turning on her heels, she heads down the hallway to the president of the hospital’s office. Ian Lochlan is an enigma, and a sexy as hell one at that. At six foot two and a body that any straight man would envy, he’s enough to curl the toes of any woman, and leave her panting with his straight dark hair that brushes his collar, and eyes the color of the sea. He’s a wealthy philanthropist that donated a lot of money to the hospital and was given a seat on the board of trustees. When they realized his ideas could be the key to turning the hospital around, they made him president and put his name on the door. Lochlan Medical is one of the premier hospitals in the Midwest and is growing more and more each year. He has earned that seat and the name on the door in the opinion of most of the hospital staff. Ellie’s only run into him a few times at various charitable functions but he’s always been professional and cordial.

  “Hello?” Ellie calls out as she walks toward the office door.

  “You look like sin in that dress.” She hears and turns abruptly, tilting slightly on her heels. Coming out of the supply closet is none other than Ian Lochlan looking sexy and delicious in a custom made Tom Ford suit.

  Clearing her throat, Ellie struts toward him and offers her hand. “Good Evening, Mr. Lochlan. I heard some noises out here and wanted to see if anyone was still around. Can I assist you with finding something before I head out tonight?”

  “It’s Ms. Dawson, isn’t it?” he asks in that sexy come-hither voice.

  “Yes, sir. I’m heading out for the weekend, but I have a few minutes if you need me to help you take care of something.”

  He looks her up and down and slowly drawls, “Is there a new dress code that I’m unaware of?”

  Ellie blushes all the way to the roots of her dark brown hair. “No, sir. I’m actually on my way to a club in town. You may have heard of it. Everlasting?”

  “I had no idea you were a vampire groupie, Ms. Dawson.”

  Flushing at the thought that her boss thought that she was any type of groupie, she answers in a tight voice, “My friends wanted to experience something different and included me in the invite. I seriously doubt that makes me a groupie. If you don’t need anything from me, then I’ll be heading out.” She turns to walk away and is stopped suddenly when he grabs her arm.

  “Don’t ever turn your back on someone you don’t know. I was teasing you. There’s no reason to leave in a huff. I happen to know the owners of the club, so if you will give me a few moments, I’ll take you myself.”

  Ellie looks at him in shock. A date with the boss? Is he serious?

  “That’s as long as you don’t have any other plans, of course. I wouldn’t wan
t to interrupt a date and make you waste that very beautiful dress,” he says with a sexy smirk.

  “No interruption I assure you. There was a group of us from the office going but they all backed out at the last minute. I figure the whole vampire bar scene was throwing their caution flags up.” Tossing caution to the wind, she decides to take him up on his offer. With a grin, she says, “I would love it if you joined me at the bar tonight. I’ll wait in the lobby for you if you want to finish up.”

  “No, you can come into the office with me. I’d hate to start having to beat the guys off of you in that dress.”

  She goes into the office and is surprised by the lack of personalization and warmth. “Spartan, isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is. Is there a reason?” Ellie asks.

  “I’m honestly never in here. I spend most of my time working from home or meeting with potential donors in the conference room. It seems a waste to spend a lot of time and money on decorating.”

  Ian heads to the desk and finishes stacking the files he was working on and places them in his briefcase. He locks the desk drawer and turns off the lights. As he walks toward her, he reaches out and takes her hand. Wrapping an arm around her waist as they head for the door, he whispers, “I’ve wanted to take you out for a while now.”

  Startled, Ellie glances up at him and asks, “Really? I wasn’t aware that you knew who I was, sir.”

  “Ellie, you’re a beautiful woman and I’ve noticed you many times at some of the functions that we’ve attended. I just didn’t want to be charged with sexual harassment if you weren’t interested. Do you want dinner or just grab something at the bar? They have a great menu.”

  “I take it you’ve been there before?” she asks.

  “I told you that I knew the owners,” he said.

  “Then let’s just grab something at the bar,” Ellie says.


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