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Everlasting Hunger (The Hunger Mate Series)

Page 2

by Brandy Dorsch

  They step on to the elevator and head to the garage. Ellie takes a deep breath and wonders if she is making a mistake going out with Ian. Every fiber in her body is telling her that tonight is the first step in a new life. She isn’t sure that Ian is Mr. Right or that the night will even head anywhere. The only thing she is certain about is cutting loose and finding the life that Adam sucked out of her.

  I can’t believe that I’m actually in this amazingly beautiful car with Ian Lochlan. Ellie squirms in the front seat of the silver Aston Martin One-77, trying to pull the very short dress down over her thighs. She might not know cars but she knows that the vehicle she’s in is a man’s wet dream.

  “Stop doing that, Ellie. You have beautiful legs and I’m enjoying the view. Don’t disappoint me.”

  She giggles nervously. Now that she’s in the car and on the way to the club, she starts wondering why she agreed to go so easily. Normally, Ellie wouldn’t go out with a colleague, let alone someone in the management arena, but something about Ian just shot down all of her willpower. Those damn dreams weren’t helping either.

  “Having second thoughts about going out with me tonight?”

  “Yes,” she says honestly. “I’m not one of those office girls that seem to be looking to score with the boss and move up the ladder. I like my job and have no desire to be tomorrow’s gossip at the hospital.”

  Ian glances toward her. “I can understand and respect that. What we do and where we go is our business. I don’t want my personal life discussed and dissected in the hospital either. I promise you that what we do won’t become gossip fodder.”

  “As long as we both understand that, then I don’t think we’ll have a problem, sir.”



  “My name is Ian. Use it. If you continue to call me Sir, then I’ll begin to think you want to be dominated, and as tempting as that idea is, I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for.”

  “Oh, good gracious! I had no idea that’s what it sounded like,” Ellie sputters out.

  “No worries, my dear, just want to make sure we’re both on the same path.”

  Ellie’s silent as they pull into the valet area of the club. The club is simple in its outward appearance with a double door entrance and minimal outdoor décor. The line of people to get in is wrapped around the building.

  “Are we going to be able to get in or do you want to go somewhere else, Ian?” “Relax, you’re with me, and I never have a problem getting in wherever I want.”

  Ian steps out of the low-slung sports car and hands the keys to the young Hispanic valet that’s holding out his hand. “Thanks, Miguel. How’s the family doing?”

  “Wonderful, sir! My mama wants to make sure that you know she’s grateful for the reference and would love to have you come for dinner with the family soon.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Tell your mama to call my secretary Alice and schedule whatever day works for her.”

  “Gracias, sir! She will be so excited to know, and she told me to tell you that she will make your favorite enchiladas.”

  Ellie rolls up the window as she watches Ian walk around the car, and is suitably impressed by the exchange she just heard. Opening the door, Ian reaches in and assists Ellie out of the vehicle. “Did you really help the valet’s mom get a job?”

  “Yes, I do like to help when I can, Ellie. When you’ve been around as long as I have, you try to help as much and as often as possible. I see it as paying it forward.”

  “That’s very sweet of you,” she says as they head for the door. “Do you think we should get in line?”

  He laughs down at her and says, “There’s no need for that tonight.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Lochlan,” the bouncer says.

  “Good evening, Lorenzo. Is everything running smoothly?”

  “Yes, sir. Mr. Ingles is inside waiting for your arrival.”

  “Thank you, Lorenzo. This is Ellie Dawson. When you see her, she is to be given VIP treatment at my standards, understand?”

  “Yes, sir. Nice to meet you, Ms. Dawson.” He extends his hand toward Ellie. “Nice to meet you too, sir,” Ellie says accepting his handshake.

  “Just Lorenzo, Ms. Dawson.”

  She pulls her hand back and says with a grin, “I’m just Ellie, then.”

  “No!” Ian interrupts. “All of our VIP guests are treated with dignity and respect, Ellie. It would be inappropriate for Lorenzo to be so informal with you.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”

  “It’s okay, Ms. Dawson.” Lorenzo winks at her. “His bark is worse than his bite.”

  “That’s enough, Lorenzo,” snaps Ian.

  Lorenzo steps aside and Ian escorts Ellie to the entrance to Everlasting. As she steps across the threshold of the bar, Ellie is convinced that her life is no longer her own and she is entering into another world. Feeling a little bit out of her depth, she tightens her grip on Ian as the make their way into the darkened club.

  Ellie wasn’t sure what she was expecting when entering a vampire bar. Maybe she thought there would be vampires wearing black capes and their fangs exposed, or groupies in Goth makeup and covered in fake blood. So she was surprised to walk into Everlasting and see a very elegant retro bar from the twenties with old wood and red velvet. There was vibrancy in the building that washed over and embraced each person. A sensuality that was apparent in the cut of the furniture and fluidity of the music in the background. It was a place that she would have designed herself if she had those types of skills.

  “Do you like it?” Ian whispers in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “I love it. It’s beautiful and almost sings to my soul.”

  Ian grinned. “I knew that it would affect you like that.”

  Ellie glanced up quizzically since she didn’t understand what he was referring to, but Ian was watching a man heading their direction.

  “Good evening, Ian.”

  “Hello, Jasper. Ellie, this is my second in command, Jasper Ingles.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Ingles,” Ellie says as she extends her hand in greeting. “Second in command?” She raises an eyebrow at Ian.

  “An old term for describing the person that you trust the most, or your right hand man,” he says.

  “I know what it means, Ian. I just hadn’t heard the term since my history classes in school.”

  The trio walks over to a corner table that’s facing out toward the center of the bar. A prime location for a club like this usually belongs to an owner or a celebrity. Who am I with tonight, Ellie thinks.

  “Jasper, this is Ellie’s first night visiting Everlasting, and I think she’d like to see the menu and get an idea on the nights activities.”

  “Of course. We can arrange anything that Ellie would be interested in.”

  Ellie glances between the two men and notices them looking at her. She’d caught the statements Ian and Jasper had made and was busy running through the dozens of thoughts in her head.

  “Oh, my goodness! You own the club!”

  Jasper smirked. “Yes, I own the club. I own a lot of companies and clubs.”

  “Jasper, can you give us a few minutes while you get the menu? Thanks,” Ian says to his friend.

  Ellie stares at Ian a moment. A thought occurs to her and before she realizes it, she blurts out, “You’re a vampire, aren’t you?”

  Ian clears his throat and leans toward her. “Yes. Does that disgust you or attract you?”

  “I was attracted before you told me. Why would that change now that I know something new about you,” Ellie whispers.

  “You surprise me, Ellie. Even though the people in here know what they are in for when they come in or what I am, they are still hesitant and suspicious around my kind.”

  “That seems strange, when they know they’re coming to a vampire bar.”

  “Do you know what a vampire bar is?”

  I think so. “Of course. It’s a bar that v
ampires own and hang out in.”

  Ian bursts out laughing causing the patrons around them to glance curiously their way. When they see who it is they nod graceful and turn back to their tables.

  “What did I say that was so funny?” Ellie asks angrily. She starts to rise and Ian’s hand shoots out to stop her.

  “Sit down, little one, and allow me to explain. If you want to leave when I’m done, then I’ll have the car brought around.”

  Sitting down in a huff, Ellie crosses her arms and looks at him. “I’m waiting.”

  “I’m a vampire. That’s not something to take lightly. We’re a predatory species no matter what your newspapers and politicians say about us.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ellie says. “Am I in danger here?”

  “No, little one. No one will harm you in a vampire bar. That’s not what they are about. Let me continue,” he says in a soothing voice. Almost at the same time, Ellie starts to relax. “This is a very exclusive and sensual place. Vampire bars are not clubs in the sense that you are thinking of. They are considered a restaurant for vampires. The humans that come in here are on the menu for both blood and sex.”

  “What!” Ellie gets up and starts for the door, but Ian steps in front of her.

  “Sit down and let me finish my explanation, Ellie. Get up again and I’ll take you somewhere a lot more private for this discussion.”

  She walks around the table and sits down across from Ian. “I’m waiting.”

  “Patience is a virtue.”

  “Screw patience, you just said I was going to be eaten tonight.”

  “No, little one, that’s not what I said but if that’s what you want, I can arrange for you to be, um, eaten,” he says with a sexy smirk.

  Ellie blushes as a warmth spreads through her lower belly and stammers for him to continue with his story.

  “When we walked in tonight you may not have realized that there’s a room off to the left.”

  “I thought that was the cloak room.”

  “No, that’s what we call the kitchen. It’s where all the humans go when they come into the club. They have a sample of their blood drawn and it’s tested for any diseases, drugs, or alcohol. They then have their blood typed and they’re placed on the menu. There are sections for those who want sex with the bloodletting and those who do not. They are told exactly what will happen in the club and if they agree they continue the enrollment process and are brought out here. When a vampire selects a certain sex and blood type, the human is brought to the table for a drink.”

  “So, let me get this straight, we’re a beer for you. Is that what you’re saying? Why isn’t this common knowledge?”

  “Little one, it’s common knowledge amongst those who are intimate with the vampire world. For those who can’t handle the situation, their thoughts are muddled and they are sent home. They wake up with a hangover and a dull recollection of having a good time.”

  “Is that what you are going to do to me?” Ellie leans toward him with a shudder. “I don’t want to have my thoughts tampered with. That seems like such a violation of privacy.”

  “It’s not something you need to worry about. Have you ever been kissed by a vampire?”

  “I’ve been kissed before, Ian. I’m not some ugly, desperate girl who can’t get laid.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Are you hungry?”

  Who could eat after what she just learned. “Not really.”

  “Then come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Ian draws her up into the circle of his arms. Glancing over her shoulder, he shakes his head. Turning, Ellie sees he motioned to Jasper. “I’m going to show you something and I think we need a little bit of privacy. Do you trust me?”

  Ellie ponders for a moment about what she knows about Ian. “Will you hurt me, or kill me?”

  “I should be insulted by that question, little one, but I understand that it’s the unknown and the fear talking. Let me put your mind to rest. Come with me.”

  Taking a deep breath, Ellie places her hand in his and seals her fate.

  I’ve lost my mind. The most incredibly hot man I’ve ever known asks me out to a club, thinks I’m beautiful, and admits to being a vampire. If I had any sense, I would be running from this club as fast as I can. But I’m so tired of being alone though, and if I can have fun for one night, why shouldn’t I? Who is going to be hurt by what I do with Ian?

  Ellie follows Ian out a door near the exit sign that leads to a spacious sitting area. Glancing around, Ellie notices a glass wall. “Is that one way glass?”

  “Yes, that way we can see who and what is going on in the bar. Have a seat, Ellie. Drink?”

  “Yes, please,” she says softly. He pours two generous glasses of high-end scotch and walks toward her. “How come I wasn’t tested when I came in?”

  “Because, little one, you’re here with me. If you had come with your friends you would’ve had the testing done. So, where were we?”

  “You were asking me if I had ever been kissed before.”

  He smirks. “No, I asked if you had ever been kissed by a vampire before.”

  Ellie looks at him with a frown on her face. “I’m not sure that I understand the difference in what you’re saying, Ian.”

  “Come here and I’ll show you what I’m talking about.”

  She takes a drink from her glass and stands up to walk toward Ian.

  Ian wraps his arms around her waist, drawing her close. She can feel his hands on the bare skin of her back where the dress dips low. Feeling unusually sensual warmth invade her limbs, Ellie takes a deep breath and relaxes into his arms. “That’s right, little one, relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She snuggles a little closer and glances up. She stiffens when she realizes that his eyes, which are normally a brilliant blue, are now molten silver.

  “That’s what all vampire eyes look like when they are feeling a powerful emotion. Don’t be frightened; it’s just a sign of how desirable I think you are. We will do this slowly and you’ll tell me to stop if you become scared, or if it’s too much for you to handle. Do you understand?” Ellie nods her head. “I need you to say the words, Ellie.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good girl,” he whispers as his head descends toward hers.

  Ellie looks up and Ian brushes his lips across hers. Electricity shoots through her, and she is engulfed with one feeling, desire, and she wants more. She leans forward and wraps her arms around his neck, drawing him closer. “I want more of that feeling, Ian.”

  “Just wait, little one, it gets better than that.”

  Passion explodes when he crushes his lips to hers. Sliding his tongue along the seam of her lips, he thrusts forward as she opens on a gasp. Ellie moans and squirms closer to Ian. A warm feeling starts to burn low in her stomach and spreads as the tempo of their mouths increase. Ian places sensual kisses at the corner of her lips and works his way to nip the lobe of her ear between his teeth. He pulls her closer as one hand slides up to grasp her breast in the palm of his hand. Her nipples tighten with painful intensity at the feeling of being held and stroked by this sexy man. His fingers tweak the rock hard buds through the silk of her dress and Ellie groans aloud with the pleasure of it. Ian works the straps of her dress down to her elbows, freeing her breasts for his hungry eyes.

  “Beautiful,” he whispers as his mouth closes over one turgid peak. He draws it deep into the warm cavern of his mouth, and she squirms as moisture pools between her legs. Sharp nips and tugs to her breast cause her to gasp and edge ever closer to Ian encouraging him to continue pleasuring her.

  With her arms pinned to her sides by her dress and in his arms, she finds she is helpless to draw him closer.

  “Would you like more, Ellie? Do you know what you are doing and consenting to my touch?”

  “I don’t know why I feel so safe with you but I know what I’m doing, Ian.”

  “I doubt it, little one, but I’ll te
ach you as we go. Remember all you have to do is say stop. You’re always safe with me.”

  He slowly pushes away from Ellie and stands her up straight. As she does, the dress falls to the floor. Ellie has never been shy about her body, but standing in nothing but a lacy royal blue thong and three-inch heels in the back of a bar could really throw a girl for a loop.

  “You’re a vision of sensuality, little one.” He reaches out, runs his finger across her nipple, and watches it harden more. “Look at yourself, Ellie, how well you respond to me. Come closer, love, and let me teach you what a vampire kiss is all about.”

  She steps forward and he leans down, enclosing his mouth over one nipple while his fingers play with the other. Teasing nips of the tip causes Ellie to throw back her head and clasp Ian closer.

  Ian slowly lowers himself to the couch without letting go of Ellie. She swings her legs across his lap, straddles him, and is amazed that she is allowing herself this much freedom. She had joked about Mr. Right Now and a fling, but she didn’t think she would actually do it.

  “Ian, that feels so wonderful. I need more.”

  “I know what you need, little one,” he whispers as his fingers slide under the edge of her panties.

  She shudders as he glides one finger up the lips of her wet pussy and circles the little nub at the center point of her passion. She pushes closer and draws his head tighter toward the breast that he is nibbling on in a silent plea for more.

  “Please, Ian,” she begs, “it has been so long.”

  He pushes one finger into her silken flesh and she gasps aloud. He slowly starts working it in and out in a gentle imitation of sex. She pulls his head up and kisses him frantically, as he pushes two more fingers into her and starts to thrust harder and faster. He kisses his way to her throat as she starts to tighten around his fingers. “I’m so close, Ian, please don’t stop.”

  “I won’t, little one. Come for me. Let me see you explode with passion.”

  Ellie can feel her orgasm coming and feels the world start to fade as she begins to peak. Suddenly, there’s a brief pinch at her throat and her world erupts in color. She can feel a tugging at her neck, and it’s in harmony with the pulsing between her legs where Ian’s hand is still working. His fingers slow and he rolls the sensitive nub between his digits setting off a fresh orgasm. She cries out and collapses in his arms. She lies there against his chest and feels him lick her throat as he pull his fingers away from her body.


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