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Enchanted: Dotties Story

Page 11

by Linda Gerald

  Today, Susan detested the woman who had everything she ever wanted. Now, Susan had all of that but still wasn’t happy. As long as Christine remained alive, there could be no happiness. Susan realized the threat that existed for her and her marriage to Jackson. What more could she do to rid herself of the beauty? Short of murder, it had seemed that things were handled as correctly as possible. At least, until she had witnessed Christine’s presence in New York. How had she survived? It seemed impossible.

  Tiredness ebbed through the frail body of the strawberry-blonde woman. If only she could sleep.

  “Susan, wake up. What is all of this?” Jackson shook her gently.

  When she sat up with confusion, he stood over her. In his hand was the document that she tried desperately to hide from him. He looked down at her with shock. She buried her face in her hands with horror.


  Early the next morning, Grover walked again to Elizabeth’s bed. She slept all night soundly, but he had not. He felt plagued with worry over her. Her skin remained hot and dry. He must get her to agree to contact a doctor today. They only reserved a brief time in London, until the second leg of their journey began. They could not miss those reservations. It would mean losing a dream for Elizabeth. Often, she pondered over Edwina’s photos and journals back at Enchanted. He could not replace the next adventure. Reservations were difficult to obtain.

  Gently, he shook her slim shoulder. Arousing her was difficult. Eventually, she looked at him and groaned.

  “Please, Elizabeth, you must arise. I am concerned that you aren’t eating or drinking anything.”

  “Harry, I can’t possibly eat. If I do, I will get sick in a disgusting way. I don’t want you to see me throw up or anything repulsive like that.”

  “Now, dear girl, you are behaving foolishly. Don’t you think that I have witnessed such behavior? Remember: I served in the Military. Such things are common. The important thing is that you recover quickly. We only have a short time in London. Then, I have an incredible surprise. Please allow me to bring you a glass of water. You must be thirsty.”

  Slowly, she rose in the bed, as she rested on the pillows. It was apparent that she felt very ill. Harry had purchased bottle water, in the hopes that she may drink it. He brought her a glass of spring water. Carefully, she managed a few sips.

  “I’m sorry to miss London. I don’t think that I have ever been here. This delay is a shame for me. Harry, I know that you are worried. It would break my heart to miss anything more of our trip. Let me rest this day. Tomorrow, if I’m not better, I’ll visit the doctor. Maybe I can eat a few bites tonight. Why don’t you go down for a lovely English breakfast? I insist.”

  Before completing her final phrase, she slipped back under the covers. He pulled the linens up around her neck and kissed her forehead. It remained hot. Harry hung the, “Do Not Disturb,” sign on the door and followed her advice. He felt guilty eating a proper breakfast when she was unable, but he was starving.

  Brown’s Hotel always pleased him. How many time had he and Edwina visited here? He stood quietly waiting to be seated in the legendary English Tea Room. The hotel recently was remodeled. All of the improvements were stunning. The carpets and colors were fresh and new. Stunning antiques blended into the luxury which is expressly the Brown’s. Beautiful mosaic floors, with stained glass in some areas, demanded attention. Harry noticed all of the changes and improvements. It saddened him that Elizabeth did not feel well enough to accompany him. He dreamed of pointing out the renovations and describing how they compared to the past. Celebrities, from ages ago, celebrated and dined in these storied rooms. What tales he could recite to his love. Harry missed her by his side.

  Edwina loved walking down the halls while writing interesting ideas of different rooms for their next visit. They knew which room Rudyard Kipling honeymooned with his wife one-hundred years before. Harry and his first wife were not able to catch the maid cleaning that room. He intended to take her there on the next wedding anniversary with a surprise reservation in the Kipling Suite. Her untimely death prevented it. Edwina was a huge Kipling fan. It would have meant a great deal seeing the room where he penned so much of his work. The hotel contained one hundred seventeen rooms and twenty-nine suites. They had their favorites but kept thinking that they may discover a better choice.

  Harry booked their favorite suite for Elizabeth, but she didn’t seem to appreciate the beauty of such intricate details. How could she not be impressed? Poor love, she must get well soon. What should he do? He couldn’t throw her into an ambulance without permission. If only they were married. He would not be so hesitant about taking charge of her health.

  He felt a gentle hand on his arm. Looking up, a lovely red-haired woman escorted him to his seat. The coffee was hot and superb! Just what he needed to clear the cobwebs from his mind. A proper English breakfast, like he enjoyed on the ship, made him long for his companion. He must insist that she get up. Surely, that would help her recover. With those thoughts in his mind, he practically ran back to the room.

  It remained dark as he entered. Still no movement on the bed where she laid. He nudged her gently. Her eyes opened slowly. She smiled.

  “Elizabeth, I insist that you get up and move. If not, I will call an ambulance. You are starting to frighten me.”

  A groan met his words. Still, she sat up slowly and tried to stand. Obviously, she was weak. He watched her attempt at walking to the shower. She was unable to walk straight. Her steps were slow and cumbersome. Her gait was unsteady with bumps into the furniture. He assisted her without rebuke. She must be very ill.

  “Please, let me make arrangements for a doctor. I am beside myself with worry. It makes me feel awful that I can’t care for you. I don’t know what to do.”

  He felt encouraged when she looked into his eyes.

  “Harry, let me shower. Maybe, I can drink a little coffee and walk around the hotel. I promise that if there is no improvement, I’ll consent to see a doctor tomorrow.” He kissed her.

  All ideas of modesty abandoned out of necessity. She needed him to keep her steady. Following her directions, he ran a hot bath and added some scented bath wash. Elizabeth allowed him to undress her. She was beautiful. A flash of desire swept over him, but he hastily pushed that into the back of his mind. Concentrating, on helping her over the high edge of the tub, he sat on a stool as she soaked silently in the water. He smiled at her innocence. Without memory, she was as a child.

  Soon she tired. Caressingly, he toweled her skin as a parent does a child. She instructed him which gown to pick. In no time, she was cozy back into bed.

  “Now, see here Elizabeth, when you wake, you are expected to eat.” She nodded agreement.

  For hours, he sat beside her bed. He would sleep and touch her head hoping that she would cool. That did not occur. She remained flushed. Finally, she sat up on the side of the bed.

  “I would enjoy a baked potato and a walk outside. Not very far, please, but a walk would be nice.” Those words inspired him to pick a dress for her. Again, he assisted her as she dressed. With care, he slipped flats onto her feet. They exited into the elegant halls.

  “Harry, this is such a beautiful hotel.” His love remained pale and unsteady in her gait.

  Slowly, she inched her way along. He recited all that he knew about the distinguished visitors to the prime location in Mayfair. Elizabeth listened to his Kipling story and about Teddy Roosevelt while on his honeymoon.

  “Maybe we will return here for ours?” They smiled at each other.

  Outside, the weather was rainy. They received a large umbrella by the hotel, so they remained dry. They walked around briefly. Elizabeth studied her surroundings with interest.

  “Look, Harry, there is an American restaurant. A baked potato would be pleasing.” He wanted to tell her about the dinner reservations for tonight; if she would eat anything, the location did not matter.

  Her spirits improved. Slowly, they walked back to t
he Brown’s. At least, she had eaten a few bites. As soon as they entered the room, she was back in her bed. Quickly, she fell asleep. He kissed her and covered her shoulders. Life wasn’t fun without her.

  All through the night, he arose to feel her skin. No change occurred.

  The next morning, Elizabeth awakened him.

  “If I’m to make the surprise tomorrow, I need help. Will you call the front desk for me? Honestly, I don’t think that I can sit for hours in a taxi and waiting room. Is there another option?”

  When Harry explained their plight to the front desk, a kind voice told him that they had a doctor on call for such events.

  “Doctor Brown will ride on his scooter at lunch time. Don’t leave your room.”

  “How can I possibly? She sleeps all of the time.” The phone went dead.

  For the first time in days, Grover felt sure that he handled things correctly. Exactly at noon, there was a knock at the door. A young doctor entered. He raised all of the blinds. Softly, he touched her face. Elizabeth looked confused.

  “I’m sorry, who are you?”

  Wasting no time, he did a quick check of her pulse and blood pressure. Her temperature was elevated.

  “Miss, you are terribly dehydrated. You need replacement fluids. I want you to eat crackers for the next few days. You will not want anything else, but the saltines should help. Drink plenty of fluids. The good news is that you are not going to die, but you may wish that you had. You will not feel like doing much. Hope you enjoy your trip.”

  He left, after giving Harry a list of items from the pharmacy down the street. Harry departed immediately. All through the night, he nursed her with the prescribed fluids and medicine. Early the next day, Grover heard the sound of the shower. Another reason that he would always treasure this beautiful and caring place. Yes, they must return here for their honeymoon.


  Harry assisted her into the waiting taxi. Her fragile state was apparent. He hoped that he packed everything. Packing was not something which he usually did, so he wasn’t sure.

  “Elizabeth, you look gorgeous. You tell me how someone goes from their ‘death bed’ to looking like this? No one will believe how sick you were.”

  “Harry, I’m not feeling well, but I’m glad that no one will know.”

  She stood before him dressed in a tea length black dress with heels. As weak as she appeared, he worried that she may fall. Her long hair, which she usually swept from her face during the day, fell in blue-black cascades around her head. Her illness accentuated her vulnerability. Even the taxi driver studied her with concern. He maneuvered the traffic brilliantly. They arrived at their destination.

  “Umm, Victoria Station? We can’t possibly be taking the Orient-Express, can we? Do you know how long I have pored over Edwina’s pictures and books dreaming of this? Why do I have to be sick? Can’t I even experience the best French chef’s delicacies in all of the world? I feel even more nauseous just knowing what I’m about to miss.” He wasn’t sure that he understood any of this, but it was better to leave it along.

  Exactly at 10:45 am, the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express pulled into London. It would arrive in Venice late afternoon tomorrow. There was no chaos here. The train always left Victoria Station on time. It crossed the Thames, then almost immediately passed the Art Deco chimneys of Battersea Power Station. One of the staff escorted them to their reserved seat. They ordered drinks, as they sped through the outskirts of London. Just as the digestive juices announced to everyone, except Elizabeth, the need for food, brunch was served. Elizabeth breathed deeply savoring the scents of homemade Bellinis. Fresh mango accompanied each dish. Rich, bold coffee reflected from gleaming, delicate, white, bone china cups. This brunch was a 3-course feast by the finest French chefs in all of Europe.

  An extraordinary staff was well-rehearsed with the schedule of the train. The first course was served, as the countryside opened before them. The train rushed through a chalk cutting in the North Downs. Then it continued through into the Weald of Kent. With ease, the train’s seasoned staff served three courses in fifty-five minutes. Such an unbelievable feat, as the railway vibrated over the tracks.

  The kindness of the staff consoled her at the loss of her appetite. The smells were divine. What an incredible treat: to ride on the Orient Express. To do so, with a loss of appetite, was pure torture!

  “Madame, we are sorry that you can’t eat. Here is your cracker, as you requested.” Nausea swept over her. Was it caused by the blasted virus or the realization that a great dream was unfolding without her participation? The best chefs in the world dazzled the wealthy and famous on this legendary train while Elizabeth ate saltines.

  Speeding across the Channel, she closed her eyes and pinched herself. Could all of this be happening to her? If only she knew who she was. What was her background? Maybe she had done this before? She did not think that to be true.

  The history of this illustrious train is long and complicated. It all began when the Pioneer was built in 1864. It was the first railway carriage designed for ultimate comfort by passengers. Many events delayed the actual completion of this dream railroad. European services suffered from shifting borders, wars, varying requirements for travelers, needs of colonists, the Russian Revolution, the Iron Curtain, and cheap air travel. None of these problems could prevent the eventual evolution of the luxury train.

  The Simplon-Orient-Express was inaugurated on 11 April 1919. This beauty routed from Paris to Constantinople. That journey took fifty-six hours. Today’s Simplon-Orient-Express arrives at Victoria Station in London. Sparkling brown and cream Pullman parlor cars carry a distinctive name on the side. Each is different with a separate history. Even though Pullman Car Company records were destroyed, during a bombing raid in 1944, their unique history was traced and life restored to a distinctive personality. The life of each car is varied. Many of the cars carried members of the royal family.

  Elizabeth, through Edwina’s journals, learned extensive information about the train. She could hardly wait to discover which compartment would be their home for this brief time. Harry and Elizabeth soon found their car was Ibis. Joyfully, they located their assigned seat, number ten. This historical car is the oldest carriage in either the British or continental rake. Elizabeth could not believe that the car, she once dreamed of seeing, was the very one assigned to her. Lovingly, she caressed its marquetry medallions of Greek dancing girls and pale blue upholstery. This lovely woman was aware that the Ibis possessed a vocal history. It made a unique noise when it rounded corners.

  “Harry, out of all the cars, this is my favorite! I am thrilled that this car will be esteemed in our memories forever. I have never told you about my fascination with the Ibis car. How did you arrange this?”

  Tiredness caused Harry a little aggravation. He did not care about the particular car in which they would ride. He was full and needed to nap.

  “Now, Elizabeth, you think about this. You just told me that you never discussed your ‘dream car’ with me. How could I possibly have been instrumental in the selection? I’m full and need a nap!” Elizabeth shook her head at his insolence.

  “Harry, get over it! We are on the Orient-Express. Please pinch me.” He did. She squealed loudly. They both laughed.

  They relaxed in their cabin. Their private car was beautiful. The smell of polish lingered in the air. It permeated the entire train, as the essence mixed with fresh flowers. The young woman promised herself that she would never forget the smell

  “Smells just like Jasper Cahn’s Rolls Royce,” Harry stated later in the day, as he tied the tie to his tuxedo for dinner. Elizabeth carefully held onto the banquette, as she slipped her feet into black heels which matched her gown.

  Soft lighting only added to the special feeling. Harry felt light-headed when he took in the essence of the woman he loved. His thoughts flashed back to her sitting in the tub of water. Desire again hijacked his mind. Moments like these made it difficult to remain
platonic. He knew that he must. Early on, he promised not to have an agenda. If his actions proved otherwise, she would accuse him of lying. He sighed loudly.

  “What is wrong? Why are you frowning? Is this not the most exciting night of your life, Harry?”

  “Dearest one, you know that I’ve done this many times.”

  A nod was the answer. Harry wished that he could take back his statement. Once again, he referred to his trips with Edwina. Elizabeth must tire of this constant walk, “Down memory lane.”

  They sped through the countryside. The blackness of the outdoors, with an occasional light, was haunting. Excitement filled the air, as fellow guests prepared for a 4-course dinner prepared by the French chef. Slowly, they walked to the dining car.

  Elizabeth gasped as they entered. A soft glow beckoned them. Slowly, they walked down the aisle to their table. Excitement overcame any other emotion for the beautiful young woman. Each couple strolled to their booth. The Grovers shared dinner with one other couple. A very handsome man and woman smiled, as Harry and Elizabeth sat. Pleasantries exchanged to the smells and sounds of dinner.

  “I’ll never forget this evening. Perhaps, I’m unable to enjoy the food. Still, it is the most romantic evening of my life.”

  They all looked at her while the Stewart brought her crackers. Harry explained her plight. The others sadly shook their heads, as they enjoyed a most delicious course-after-course. The young woman watched them enjoy what was meant for her as well. She ate her crackers with gusto. Harry felt encouragement for her recovery.


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