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Enchanted: Dotties Story

Page 12

by Linda Gerald

  After dinner, everyone but Elizabeth, enjoyed drinks in the bar car. Romance beckoned. The piano showered soft music upon them. She looked around the car. These were the most glamorous guests; she had ever witnessed. Everyone dressed in their finest. Elegant men from all over the world wore the latest tuxedos. Smiling women displayed exquisite gowns of famous designers. Many were retro. Some of the women dressed in fashions from the past, with bands around their heads, like in the nineteen-twenties. It was glorious.

  Soon, she tired. They excused themselves. Their cabin waited: transformed into a bedroom. As he lovingly helped her to bed, he thought about Venice and his plans. His hands trembled slightly. His actions there would be a gamble. Now, he groaned as he hoisted himself up the ladder into the top bunk for the night. Beds were made, with elegant sheets and blankets decorated with the VS-O-E logo.

  They were both extremely fatigued. Three nights without sleep, as he worried about her, had caused him to slow. This train, “Would not provide the best night’s sleep,” he proclaimed. Rapidly, she heard the sound of snores. Maybe not, but he had fallen quickly into peace. The gentle movement of the train lured her in and out of sleep. Harry’s tired snores awakened her often.

  Longingly, she wished that she could remain awake all night. This train was her dream. The glamor and intrigue were more than she pictured. Romance surrounded them. Her thoughts traveled to the man above her, as he slept soundly. How wonderful it would be to surprise him by crawling into his bed. His desire, as he undressed her the other night, was apparent. He could not know that the feelings he felt burned into her soul as well. Instead, she closed her eyes unable to resist the peace pulling her into a deep slumber.

  “Well, I didn’t sleep a wink.” Elizabeth shook her head in disgust to his comments early the next morning. Funny thing, she had not slept soundly due to his irritating, loud snores.

  “You certainly did sleep. I am witness to your insatiable snoring. The entire train probably heard you.” Harry grinned. She was well at last.

  Elizabeth used her toe to push the shade upward. What she witnessed, as they rushed through the Swiss Mountains, took her breath. Snow covered the tops with a pureness. Grayness surrounded the high peaks. The mountains and sky seemed to blend. The scene was breath-taking.

  Inside the speeding cabin, they felt toasty warm. The coldness outside was apparent with the dark skies. Condensation ran down the window of the storied train. The scene stimulated her senses. The cabin felt colder, as she gazed into the grayness. Shivering, she arose to dress. A slight pang of hunger alerted her that she had indeed survived the abyss of death from the horrible virus. As soon as she pushed her bed into place, Harry descended from his upper compartment with complaints that, “He was too old for this.” When he looked out the window, he gasped. That was the first time that she heard his excitement at the scenes outside the window.

  “No matter how many times I do this, I fall in love anew each time.” Standing by the window, he appeared unable to move for several moments.

  He sat heavily in the seat which was once her bed. They enjoyed breakfast in their cabin. The recuperating patient enjoyed a nice cup of hot coffee with her toast. At last, she gratefully could taste the exquisite boldness of the brown nectar in her cup.

  All dishes for lunch, dinner, and breakfast were prepared in the tiny galley of a train blazing on old railroad tracks. Such an achievement, by a spectacular staff, stunned the passengers. Neither, of the couple, spoke a word as they studied the breath-taking splendor of mountains and countryside.

  “I will never eat another saltine for as long as I live.” He understood. Much too soon, they crossed the Venetian Lagoon, as they pulled into Santa Lucia Station.

  “Welcome to Venice, my dearest love. I have the biggest surprise of all for you here.” What could surpass the Queen Mary 2 and Orient Express, she wondered?


  After enjoying a delightful tea, in their cabin, they received an announcement that it was time to leave. Everyone packed the night before. All luggage quietly was removed while they slept. Harry refused to give any details of the next part of their journey.

  “Elizabeth, this is important to me. That is all that you can drag from these lips.” He puckered at her as in a kiss.

  Orderly lines quietly followed while everyone waited to leave the train. It did not take long.

  Outside, the light was blinding. Blazing, natural light bounced off of the water. Unusual smells tickled their noses. A man appeared dressed in a striped shirt with a scarf around his neck. He carefully loaded their luggage into a water taxi.

  ”This is the most incredible place that I have ever seen. Please, can we stay forever? So, this is Venice? I think that I dreamed of it.” Harry felt saddened by the realization that she could not remember her life.

  “There are posh hotels here that rival anything in the world. I again chose one that Edwina loved. Please tell me that you don’t mind; I realize that I constantly do this. It makes planning for a trip easier if you know what to expect. You will not be disappointed. I promise. Soon, we will take you on a gondola ride. That will not disappoint either.” He smiled broadly.

  Elizabeth did have a fascination about a gondola. Another thing to anticipate, she turned to smile at Harry. God has blessed me with a wonderful life. Sometimes at night, thoughts turned to all of the blessings. She knew that she did not deserve any of this.

  The image of the angry woman, who seemed to hate her, surfaced in her mind. What had she done to cause so much hatred and anger? That face showed more often lately. Maybe, because Elizabeth experienced guilt over her charmed life. If someone felt such anger at her, she must have committed horrible actions at one time. There existed a possibility that she was not a virtuous person. Elizabeth would hate to get Harry involved with someone who was not kind and generous. He deserved perfection, as Edwina gave to him.

  “Are you listening, Elizabeth? I told you to be careful. You need to watch your steps. These vessels are very safe, but it is a boat. One should always pay attention.” The Captain smiled, as he held her hand.

  “Bella. Miss, Bella!” Elizabeth blushed.

  “Well, perhaps I need to pay attention. These Italian men fall in love with each woman they see. This one is handsome though. Don’t look at him Elizabeth.” They all laughed at the absurdity of his statement.

  “Take us to the Bauer,” He said to the boatman.

  Slowly, the long boat swayed over the top of the waves. “I love the convenience of this hotel. It is only a four-minute walk to the Piazza San Marco. That is the heart of this extraordinary place. Just six minutes will take us on a stroll of interest to the Bridge of Sighs. In fact, there is everything we could desire at our fingertips!” She had no clue what any of this meant but nodded with excitement while the boatman maneuvered the gentle waters.

  Sounds and smells, like no other city on earth, thrilled the young woman. These four days were different from any she would ever experience. Never, would she forget a single moment of this place. Something wonderful was about to happen. She felt sure that whatever it was she would never be the same.

  When they pulled in front of a large, Gothic-Byzantine style building, the woman, without memory, pledged that this place would change her life. A strong feeling overcame her. All of those old anxious feelings tried to tie her nerves in knots; she determined not to fall prey.

  “Elizabeth, look up. See that balcony?” He pointed to a very high structure which jutted out over the water.

  “That is the highest outdoor terrace in all of Venice. That happens to be our room on the seventh floor. Pure opulence will shock and delight you. It always does me.” Harry began to whistle.

  Suddenly, the joy she felt was replaced with feelings of inadequacy. No matter how determined she became to bury feelings of anxiety, they always won.Would the staff compare her to Edwina? They may comment on her plainness, instead of sophistication as Edwina possessed. Quietly, she followed
her love. Again, everyone seemed to know him. The stares that she received solidified her feelings of not being up to the status of Harry’s first wife. No one mentioned the missing partner. Still, Elizabeth could guess what they thought.

  “Welcome to our home, for the next three days, my love. Hope you enjoy walking because I am going to show you every nook and cranny of this ancient place. We will see Murano glass being hand-blown. Incredible bars and restaurants await us as do inspiring cathedrals. Unusual flowers will thrill you. Do you enjoy mussels?” His eyes fell, as he understood the frivolity of his statement.

  Why did he continue to ask her about memories? After all of this time together, he still managed to say the wrong thing. The dark-haired beauty seemed not to notice his transgression. She only smiled. Thank goodness, all of the tears seemed to have disappeared. Back at the beginning, when she cried so frequently, he consistently fought feelings of anger at himself. He felt that his thoughtlessness hurt her. Back then, she cried all during the day. Sometimes, she still appeared to fade away into her thoughts which often included looks of terror. Her attempts, at the dismissal of her fears, told him not to discuss what may be transpiring in her mind.

  “Harry, I’m a little tired. Can we rest before beginning this walk of three days?” He stood amazed at her bravado in the face of such weakness only two days ago.

  After a long rest, twilight beckoned them to dinner. He explained that they had no reservations for the next three days except for a ferry transport to the Murano glass factory.

  “Maybe you will want a small piece to take home?”

  “Harry, I don’t want anything but your love. Look at all we have together.” He kissed her gently on the forehead.

  They dressed quickly and walked into the street. They looked back at their hotel which glowed in the semi-darkness. He explained that it was two very different architectural styles. One was art-deco. The other was eighteenth-century brilliance. It had been remodeled several times throughout the illustrious history surrounding this 5-star legend.

  Harry continued to point out various landmarks. Harry’s Bar held significant memories for him. Anything that pleased him held interest for her. She loved everything about this city of surprises.

  They did not walk very far until she found “her” restaurant. She immediately ordered mussels and pasta with a large glass of Chianti. Harry glowed that she ordered for herself with such boldness. He held her hand always, as he recited all of the histories that he could recall about Venice.

  The next day, they traveled to the Murano glass factory by water-taxi. Hours were spent watching the skill of local artisans. This ancient craft was a lost art. Harry insisted on purchasing a small red bird for her. This red friend would remain significant and beloved by her. The fact that he realized how much she loved her birds pleased her immensely.

  When they returned to the city, they walked. The couple behaved as a young duo experiencing love for the first time. Seldom did they drop hands. They stood on bridges and kissed. He brought her a bouquet of brightly colored flowers; then, they kissed. They kissed in the street and under alcoves. Frequently, they stopped for coffee and a pastry of delicious concoctions. They tasted the divine flavors from each other’s lips. The entire day seemed like a dream. If only it would never end.

  Over the next few days, Harry showed her the sights that are only Venice. They walked by the Grand Canal several times each day. Visits to St Mark’s Square, the Basilica, the Doges’ Palace, and impressive art, at every turn, resulted in joy for them. Energetically, they climbed the Campanile of San Giorgio Maggiore. Elizabeth’s favorite walk waited each day. They walked away from the tourists and noise to quiet, secluded squares which beckoned only to the Enchanted couple.

  Food waited at every turn and bend. Exotic ranges of fresh fruit, vegetables, and seafood from the Lagoon and the Adriatic. Pasta in every size, shape, and color wowed the two. Creamy seafood risotto was Harry’s constant choice.

  When they returned to the hotel, Harry surprised her by announcing they would dine at the hotel later in the evening. He hated to eat in most hotels, so this was unusual. Later in the day, as they sauntered through the lobby, looks of curiosity were leveled at her. Elizabeth surmised the need to ignore such things, or else she would be miserable most of the time. Pulling deep inside, she found the strength to hold her head high. Maybe she wasn’t the “great Edwina Grover,” but Harry loved her. Surely, that was enough.

  Evening soon fell, they walked into the dining room, as heads turned to watch the striking couple. The tea-length dress of soft colors accentuated her pale skin and dark hair. Tonight, she wore it softly floating around her face. Harry felt such pride. Could she not know of her beauty?

  “Elizabeth, you are welcomed to the De Pisis. We can dine right here on the terrace as we face the Grand Canal with a view of the famous Chiesa di Santa Maria della Salute. See it over there, in the distance? The other choice is dining inside. Let me show you the splendid past of Venice.” Interested in seeing everything, she followed him into a brilliant room. Colored walls appeared to soak the light. Gentle lighting soothed weary travelers. They understood the importance of ambiance. The effect transported all back to the illustrious history of this place unlike any other on earth.

  Confidently, she expressed her desire to dine outside on the terrace. As lovely as the dining room appeared, how could they not sit on the canal as the night unfolded? Again, she became aware of cursory stares and whispers. The staff’s behavior seemed rude. The beauty decided that nothing would sadden this evening for her.

  Harry had previously arranged the entire night down to the choice of wine. All that she needed to do was enjoy. Lights shimmered from the surface of the dark waters. What secrets did they hold? Quietly, she studied the churning, dark waters.

  Suddenly, a violinist appeared by their table. All heads turned to the soft melody of a forgotten tune. Several of the staff, who seemed intent on making her feel unimportant, walked outside to watch. To her amazement, Harry rose and walked to her. He kneeled on one knee, as he lovingly took her hand.

  With such love, he looked deeply into her eyes. “Elizabeth, you came to me as a gift. Neither of us was looking for anything. Maybe you desired protection; it doesn’t matter. What we discovered together is irreplaceable. I would like to spend the rest of my time with you as my wife. Nothing matters to me, but that you love me. No other person, place, or thing is more important to me. I love you with memory or without. We will work through all that may arise, together. All that I can add is that I love you.”

  Gentle applause from fellow diners and the staff echoed the sentiments of those who observed this proclamation of devotion and love. Those staffers, whom she previously thought were comparing her to someone else, were there not to scorn her, but to witness what would occur at table seven. These lavish preparations had been in the works for weeks by Grover’s travel agent.

  Harry pulled from his pocket a red velvet box. Inside, shined a ring of exquisite beauty. It was a bright diamond surrounded with platinum.

  “Elizabeth, this was my mother’s ring. I’ll be honest; Edwina did not want it. For many years, it resided in a safe deposit box. Will you please me by accepting it? If you prefer, we can purchase the largest ring in the store tomorrow.”

  Everyone seemed amazed, as the young woman trembled from her shoulders to her feet. Tears profusely ran from her dark eyes. She took his hand. Her words were faint, meant only for him.

  “Whither thou goest, I will go. Your people will be my people, my love. Whither thou goest, I will go.” He understood those words from the book of Ruth of the Holy Bible. Where had they come from in this woman with no memory? The potency, of the depth of her love for him, was more than he could fathom.

  After dinner from a storybook, they retired back to their room and their twin beds but not as potential lovers. Now, they were connected with a bond so deep that fears could not choke hope from the fragile woman. All through the night, Har
ry studied the woman, who insisted that the drapes and windows remain opened so that they could see, “God’s lights.” The sounds, underneath the window, did not disturb them. Peace surrounded their bodies and hearts. Nothing else mattered.


  Now, that Elizabeth knew the depth of Harry’s love, she pledged to herself that the face of the angry woman would no longer create fear in her heart. It seemed impossible that her fears, of being a bad person, could be correct. With deep conviction, she promised herself not to let him down. His second wife would be the best person possible. Confidence radiated throughout her face and gestures. Harry witnessed a transformation in his love. Once nervous and distracted, almost fearful at times, Elizabeth now walked with confidence and assuredness that she would not be homeless or unloved. These changes pleased him.

  Time in Venice quickly passed. Daily walks in San Marco Square delighted the two. They visited museums, cathedrals, outdoor restaurants, and shops. Elizabeth fed the pigeons, as she pointed to various other birds. Long walks, by the rising waters, resulted in history lessons from Harry. Nothing uttered seemed unimportant from the other. Many times, the couple sat as they watched other lovers. They thrilled to the happiness others shared. Understanding the joy and purpose of true love impacted the depth of emotion they experienced.

  Departure day from the “Queen of the Adriatic” created tugs of sadness in their hearts. Never, would they find the sheer joy experienced in this City for Lovers. No other place on earth rivaled the attractions here.

  Once again, they found themselves driving in a car. What once felt normal now was awkward and strange.

  “Elizabeth, I hope that I don’t kill us. It seems like years since I drove. The Italian’s driving skills do not impress the rest of the world.” His broad smile did not match his statement. Elizabeth did not care. He loved her.

  “Now, you just sit back. You enjoy the beauty of Italy. We do not have reservations for many days. It is your choice where we stop, as well as our destination for each day. Here is a map. Sweetest one, you are the navigator.”


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