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Enchanted: Dotties Story

Page 18

by Linda Gerald

  Finally, she explained rather incoherently that her best friend, Susan, helped her to see how unhappy she had become. The two women switched plans of attending a sorority meeting in Las Vegas. Instead, they had gone to New York. Elizabeth failed to offer any specific details. Her story was vague.

  When she and Susan arrived in the city, Susan became aggressive. Anger consumed her. Instead of being supportive of her friend, she defended Jackson and his actions. After the women had too much to drink one evening, they confronted each other. Susan admitted that Christine was not a friend. Hatred raged inside of her for Jackson’s wife.

  “That is my name, Harry. My real name is Christine Barlow. At one point, on the day in New York with my supposed friend, I tossed my wedding ring on the street. The missing ring should have been on my finger, but I threw it away. My poor family must miss me. What was wrong with me? I deserted my husband and my children. Susan is a monster. She was never my friend. To the contrary, she was my worst enemy. My best friend wanted my husband. No wonder she encouraged me to leave him.”

  Elizabeth or Christine ended the story by saying that the two women planned to attend a gala at the Met. She dreamed of someday visiting there because she was an artist. Locally, she was well-known and respected for her work. It helped contribute to their finances. Jackson spent lots of money. Grover didn’t care about any of this. He needed to hear the end of the story. What about her family?

  Christine took a deep breath, as she completed her story. That night, she dressed in a gown purchased earlier in the day. He well-remembered the brown dress covered in gold. She had looked beautiful.

  “I had way too much wine. Anger overcame me when I realized that my dear friend was not my friend but my enemy. All the time, she planned to take my family away. Her encouragements for my freedom played perfectly into her game plan. When I thought of her betrayal, I walloped her.”

  Christine shook her head in disgust. “She slept peacefully on her bed until that. What sort of person hits a sleeping woman? It is embarrassing to repeat the rest of what transpired. I will because you deserve to know the truth about me. As I plummeted her, she rose to defend herself. Susan shoved me with so much force that I fell hard against the opposite wall. The strength of her push knocked me across the room. It resulted in a severe blow to my head. Most likely, I suffered a concussion or something worse. The same thing that happened today I guess. When I awakened, I was dressed in that lovely gown with a new purse which matched my shoes. I staggered from the room with no memory. Susan had left the hotel. I had no idea who I was, or where I lived, at least not until now.”

  Harry fell into her small arms. Kissing his tears, she sadly said, “Harry, I am sorry to involve you in my selfish life. You see, I am not a kind person. Instead, I connive and hit people. I desert my family. Tomorrow, I will leave. You should never have to face me again. Please forgive me.”

  The man clung to her with all of his might. Tears flooded his eyes. It seemed impossible to exist without her.


  Two damaged souls rode silently in the car. They were surrounded by broken dreams of love that they sampled briefly. No one spoke for the longest time, but that was their way. They never talked a great deal. Until the other night, their love had always been felt not discussed. It was in the air around them. Everyone in their presence felt it.

  After the murder, they held each other for hours. Time seemed to stand still. They realized that their time together was borrowed. Never, did it belong to them. Maybe in their hearts, they always knew this.

  That night, after Dottie returned to the main house from her interrogation, the three held each other and cried. They prayed for guidance. Finally, Dottie left. The emptiness of the house returned. Harry recalled his earlier life without Elizabeth.

  “I don’t believe it is over for us. I know my God. He would never do this to us subjecting us to such joy only to tear it from us. No, this is not over. We are not finished. There is plenty more to our story, Elizabeth.”

  She squeezed his hand tightly, “Christine.”

  He looked at her dazed. “What?”

  “My name is Christine, not Elizabeth. I need for you to say it. Say my real name for that, is my life. Jackson Barlow, Maddie, and Quincey are my actual life. Please, Harry, say it.”

  They faced each other with tears in their eyes.

  “Oh, Christine, it doesn’t matter what your name is or what you have done. I love you and want you to remain with me. Please don’t leave me. Don’t return to them. They have each other. I beg you not to go.”

  He held onto her so tightly that it hurt. She refused to say anything about the pain. Christine knew that she would live with pain for the rest of her life. It would reside in her heart which was broken. She felt no love for Jackson, but the children were a different matter. It was vital that she return to her children, or she could never find peace. Happiness, yes, she could be happy with Harry, but they would never experience peace.

  Long into the night, they sat on the sofa. Mostly, they touched each other’s hands or face. Sometimes they cried. Frequently, they kissed. The night seemed to move in slow motion. They wanted to remember every sound and taste.

  Harry had persuaded Christine to let him drive her home. Most of her memories had returned. There were a few items that seemed foggy or that she found impossible to retrieve. She remembered her address but not her phone number. Things like that echoed the fact that her mind was not whole.

  Now, they drove to her home in Cape San Blas, Florida. She remembered the house well. It was lovely. Nothing like Enchanted, it was just an ordinary house with four bedrooms. Proudly, it stood on the Bay side of the peninsula. Those blue waters, with seabirds actively following in perfect formations, provided a scenic view. Ocean smells, with vagrant breezes, gently kissed the faces of those fortunate to call this piece of paradise home.

  Christine said that at one point, she and Jackson were very happy. When they married, after graduating from college, they thought that they would always be joyful. That euphoria died over time. Her previous life waited for her like a dungeon of darkness, even though it stood by waters of life and light. She hated the thought of returning, but the children may need her. It was they who drew her back to the fold of Jackson Barlow. Unwillingly, she must leave the man whom she adored.

  Grover begged her to let him drive her. He reasoned, in his mind, that he could drag it into a two-day drive. Such action would increase their final moments together. He could not let her walk away onto a crowded plane. No, they would face this last challenge together. He must watch her walk away from him into the arms of this stranger. Then, he would drive home alone. He would survive. Thoughts, of the days after he lost Edwina, brought tears to his eyes which were swollen and red from so much emotion. One moment, he thought that he surely would die. The next, he reasoned how he had been through one death. Surely, he could survive another. That’s what this was to him: the death of Elizabeth and the birth of Christine. He wanted his beloved Elizabeth back.

  They drove toward Florida until early evening. Then stopped for the night. Neither was hungry or sleepy. Instead, they retired early for the final leg of the journey the next day. Rising the next morning was extremely hard. This day would be their last moments together.

  Again, they drove silently. The pain felt stifling. They found it strenuous to breathe. When they passed the Florida State Line, they both cried again. Harry hated that state. He despised everything about this day, except that she was still by his side but not for long.

  Much too quickly, they saw the signs for Tallahassee. It would not be long now. Christine’s hands trembled as did Harry’s. The closer they came, the more the fear descended on them. Port St. Joe passed quickly. It was a small town that reminded Grover of a postcard from the 1950s. He had to admit that it was charming. Maybe he could visit Christine someday, but he knew that he was in denial. They would never meet again.

  “Not much further, m
y love. How do we say, ‘Goodbye?’”

  “Elizabeth, this is not goodbye. I told you, God will not do this to us.”

  “Harry, my name is Christine. There is no one named Elizabeth. She never existed. You must turn here. My house is just over there. It is the large white one on the Bay.”

  They stopped in front of a beautiful home. Moments passed as they stared at the door. Once she entered, she would never return to Enchanted. Their long walks and travel were over. No more Dottie George and Tyler to keep her in place. Who was Christine? She wasn’t sure that she even remembered. Harry was correct. Her real name was Elizabeth.

  Harry hoped that Barlow would come outside. He wanted to see him, although he feared that he may confront him. Seconds ticked past. Neither could move. With unbearable pain, the woman with memory opened her door. She refused to bring any of Edwina’s clothes. With only a bag containing a beautiful brown gown covered in gold and a new shiny purse, she exited the car. Silently, without turning to look at him, she walked away from Harry and the life she loved. Her children needed her.

  Harry watched the bravest woman that he had ever known hold herself straight with decorum. Her steps were those of a queen. When she reached the front door, she paused. Without a turn or a wave, she opened the door and was gone from him forever.


  This day must be a dream, a terrible nightmare to haunt me.

  Standing in the hallway, Christine looked outside on the Bay. The beauty of the shimmering pale, blue waters against the backdrop of darker, blue sky took her breath away. Puffy, white cumulus clouds floated slowly past. A formation of pelicans moved silently. Maybe she once felt happy here. Nothing of her past was clear to her. This peninsula was a gorgeous place. She had forgotten the beauty of the waters and sky. Double sliders stood opened, so someone must be home. Deeply, she breathed the salty ocean air. The intoxicating fragrance was heavenly. A rush of energy charged into her body.

  Laughter, from the next room, got her attention. It was childish giggles. Maddie, it was she who laughed. Soon howls of laughter followed from Quincey. Still, Christine did not move. What did she do now? How should she continue? Then, a woman’s laughter caused the hair on her neck to stand. How dare she?

  Christine bolted into the room. Jackson and Susan sat on the sofa in an embrace. The children sat on the rug with a huge bowl of popcorn. The sun slowly faded behind them. It burned an orangish-red blaze in the sky. The fat clouds glowed with psychedelic colors.

  All eyes turned to the trespasser. Susan screamed. Jackson stood. The girls began to cry. Still, no one moved. Christine walked boldly into the room.

  “Susan? I don’t believe this.”

  She noticed the large diamond and wedding band. Disgustingly, she shook her head.

  “You didn’t waste any time.”

  Susan stood beside Jackson. Her eyes remained attuned to his face. Neither of the children moved.

  “Christine, where have you been? You have been gone for four years. No calls, not even a postcard. You return with indignation for us. What were we supposed to do? I thought that you were dead. We all did.”

  The girls stood. Then ran to the side of their mother with tears and hugs. The woman with memory bent to hug each. They were now young women, not children. There was an awkwardness.

  Susan turned from the girls to Jackson. “I should go, and give you time to discuss things with Christine.”

  The sound of a clock, down the hall, added to the moroseness of the moment. Lovingly, Jackson put his arms around Susan. He shook his head, No.

  “Christine, I’m not sure what you expected. We are a family; the four of us and our new dog, Cleo. We love this woman. I know all about the things that you told her many years ago. Your unhappiness was evident before you went away with Susan. What do you want from us?”

  Tears flooded the eyes of Christine. “I want to know that my girls are well and happy. It is important for me to know that they understand that I didn’t leave them. Susan is a liar. I don’t know what she told you. When we had a confrontation, I’m sure she relayed to you all that I said. I was confused and angry. The time that I hit her after drinking so much? Did she tell you that she shoved me so hard that I slammed against the wall? The fall resulted in a head injury. Most likely, I suffered a concussion. Maybe it was more, but I lost my memory.”

  Susan and Jackson looked at each other. Tenderly, he pulled her close. He stood behind Susan with his arms woven around her. It seemed that he protected her from this crazy monster. His eyes looked into Christine’s without emotion.

  “She told me. She told it all to me. Your mistakes, as well as hers. The difference is that she wants to be here. Gladly, she assumed your responsibilities. I know that she connived against you. Susan has been nothing but straight forward. Yes, there was a time when she tried to hide it all, but she realizes now that she can’t cover up the truth. When confronted, she did not run. You ran from us. Christine, you are not welcomed here. I am sorry. You are a traitor.”

  Joy filled her heart. It was as if she received a reprieve from execution. Naturally, she could not let the girls know this.

  “May I walk out by the water with the girls?” She looked at them. Maddie and Quincey walked to the door and waited.

  “Christine, we will never keep you from the girls. Of course, spend as long as you like.” Jackson again lovingly pulled the blonde into his chest.

  Maddie, Quincey, and Christine walked by the Bay. Night descended. The light from the moon shined on the three as they walked and talked. Both girls understood now that she had not abandoned them. Thoughts that their Mom deserted them resulted in tremendous pain. Now, they were freed from that erroneous belief. To the contrary, they had a Mother and Father who loved them. What about Susan?

  “Mom, we are so happy that you are well. It was horrible thinking that you deserted us. It must have been hard for you to return after so long. Surely, you had another life somewhere as well. Were you happy? We prayed for you each night. Maddie cried herself to sleep for the longest time.” Shining eyes glowed at her in the yellow moonlight.

  Now, it was time to broach the most important question. The one which kept burning in her mind, “What about Susan? How do you feel about her? I need for you to tell me the truth.”

  The two young ladies looked at each other. Then, they turned to face their Mom. “We love her. She is wonderful to us. Our family is happy. Each day is great. What should we do? We don’t want to be unkind to you. We love you, too. You are our real Mother. Tell us what you want us to do.”

  Looks of confusion faced her. Christine started to walk back toward the house. The girls hesitantly followed.

  ”Just be happy, continue to love Susan. None of us are at fault. We each played the part that we received at that moment. Do you understand? All that I ask is that you be happy. We can spend summers together and holidays. I live in New York. You will love it. It is called Enchanted. Will you come this summer for a visit? Stay as long as you want.”

  They hugged her with laughs of glee. This result was better than she could ever dream. Her girls were happy. That was the main thing. To think that everyone had a better life seemed impossible.

  The three entered the house. Susan and Jackson sat on the sofa. Pensively, they stood as Christine walked toward the other woman. Susan thought that maybe she might strike her. Instead, Christine held out her hand. Just as the other woman moved to accept it, she was enveloped inside Christine’s arms.

  “I understand how much you loved Jackson. You see, I have fallen in love with an incredible man. He waits for me because he believes that God will not separate us. It seems that he was correct. Any ideas how I might get home to him, at this time of the evening?”

  All of them climbed into Jackson’s car. He drove Christine to the nearest airport. It would be the last flight of the evening. A long wait would eventually lead her to the plane which would transport her back to the life of Elizabeth and the man
whom she adored.


  Harry had driven all night long. Like a madman, he continued in desperation. Enchanted called. Finally, he arrived back at his estate exhausted. Dottie waited for his return. She ordered him to bed.

  “You’s suffering from exhaustion. That’s all. Go upstairs.”

  He knew better than argue. He tossed and turned as he stared at the ceiling. The house was eerily quiet. HER voice did not echo down the long halls. He walked into Elizabeth’s room. Her vanilla fragrance lingered in the air. Taking a long breath, he smiled faintly. When he returned to bed, sleep arrived as a peaceful hug. Slowly, he fell into dreams of his beloved Elizabeth. They walked around the pond. Lovingly, she described birds or he stood in the pool cottage while she painted. He felt her touch his face. Her voice softly called to him. It was as if she kissed him gently. Tears of joy ran down his face. The fragrance of her vanilla perfume pulled at his senses. Then, he realized that it was only a dream. If he couldn’t have her, he must be content to dream of her. In that way, she remained by his side.

  Dottie worked sadly in the kitchen. Frequently, she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. How could one man bear such grief? To lose Edwina was heart-wrenching. Now, the loss of Elizabeth would surely undo him. There would be no more joy in this house with French-red walls.

  “Harry, wake up. I’m here beside you.” Again, he smiled. All of these things seemed real. He even smelled her face as she kissed him. His eyes widely opened. Could he be staring into familiar dark brown pools of chocolate? She looked tired but peaceful at last. Slowly, he sat up in the bed. Only to find her beside him. Such happiness filled his chest. They embraced. Could this be real? He thought that he dreamed of her.

  “Elizabeth Ah Christine, I don’t understand. How could you return?” He clutched her tightly. Never, would he let her go.


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