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These Truths

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by Jill Lepore

as Republican leader, 536–37, 556–57, 572–73

  resignation of, 594, 644–45, 645

  as vice president, 571–72, 579–80, 586

  vice-presidential campaign of (1952), 561–63

  vice-presidential campaign of (1956), 571–72

  and Vietnam War, 632, 642

  War on Drugs, 699

  Watergate scandal, 641–42, 643–45, 688

  White House surveillance, 639–40

  “Nixonland,” 572

  Nock, Albert Jay, 447–48

  Non-Importation Act (1806), 171

  no-platform movement, 703

  Nordic race, 392

  Norfolk, Va., 299

  Norris, J. Frank, 390, 392


  antislavery societies in, 205

  Indians in, 212

  North, Lord, 91–92, 101

  North Africa, 11

  North America, English colonization of, see American colonies, British

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 699

  North Atlantic Treaty (1949), 539

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 539

  North Carolina, income tax in, 301

  North Carolina, University of, 497

  North Dakota:

  creation of, 332

  farm cooperatives in, 336

  Northern Democratic Party, 288

  Northern Pacific Railway, 335

  North Korea, 560

  North Star, 249

  North Vietnam, 399

  Northwestern University, 340

  Northwest Ordinance, 124–25

  Northwest Territory, 114, 124–25

  Norton, Louise, 440

  Norton, Malcolm, 440

  Norwegian Americans, 208

  Notes (Madison), 240–41, 256–57

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 161

  Nova Scotia, free blacks in, 107

  nuclear war, 522, 524–25, 531, 532, 538–39, 570, 571, 586, 587

  nuclear weapons, 680, 681–82, 683

  nuclear winter, 681–83

  Nueces Strip, 243

  nullification, 217–18, 239

  Nuremberg Laws, 466

  Nye, Gerald P., 445, 446

  Obama, Barack, 441, 519, 722, 725–26, 728, 748, 750–55, 751, 759–60, 763, 764, 765–66

  Obama, Hussein, 751

  Obama, Michelle Robinson, 752

  Obergefell, James, 769

  Obergefell v. Hodges, 768–69

  Oberlin College, 366

  “Objective Method for Determining Reader Interest in the Content of a Newspaper, An” (Gallup), 454–55

  Observation on the Inslaving, Importing and Purchasing of Negroes (Benezet), 76

  “Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, &c” (Franklin), 69

  “Observations on Reading History” (Franklin), xv Occupy movement, 726, 758–59

  Ochs, Adolph, 349

  Office of Facts and Figures, 488, 489–91

  Office of Naval Research, U.S., 545

  Office of Price Administration, 487

  Office of Scientific Research and Development, 488

  Office of War Information, 485, 491, 492, 515


  as free state, 176

  gun laws in, 445

  movement to, 221

  Ohio Country Republican Women’s Club, 550, 556

  Ohrduf, 512, 513, 513

  Oil and Gas Conservation Act, 572

  oil crisis (1970s), 657, 680

  oil industry, 572

  O.K. Corral, 445

  Oklahoma, gun laws in, 445

  Old-age Home Guard of the United States Army, 377

  old-age pensions, 377, 378

  Old Fashioned Revival Hour (radio show), 461

  Old-Time Gospel Hour (TV show), 663

  Olympics (1968), 628

  Omaha, Neb., 333

  “On Computable Numbers” (Turing), 523

  One Goh, 764–65

  101st Airborne Division, U.S., 586

  One World or None: A Report on the Full Meaning of the Atomic Bomb, 526

  One World (Willkie), 492

  “one world” vision, 538

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 284, 348

  OPEC oil embargo, 657, 680

  Operation Rescue, 702

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 516, 526

  Oregon, 242, 260, 324, 494

  blacks barred from, 280–81

  female ten-hour law in, 381

  women’s voting rights in, 386

  Oregon Territory, 235, 242

  Oregon Trail, 242

  originalism, 677, 678–79, 684, 685, 687–88

  origin stories, 6–7, 9

  Orion, 508

  O’Sullivan, John, 199, 243

  Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It (Brandeis), 388

  Otis, James, Jr., 80, 86, 88

  on women’s equality, 87

  Ottoman Empire, 390, 426

  Our Enemy, the State (Nock), 447

  “Our Invisible Poor” (Macdonald), 611–12

  Outer Banks, N.C., 28–29

  Out of Our Past (Degler), xviii

  Owen, Robert, 194

  Pacific Gas and Electric, 449

  Pacific Railway Act, 332–33

  Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, 450

  “Packaged Society,” 528

  Paine, Thomas, xvii, 34, 95–96, 110–11, 142

  French Revolution and, 142

  on right of revolution, 95–96

  Palin, Sarah, 755, 760

  Pan-American Congress, 399

  Pané, Ramón, 5–7, 13, 16, 24

  Panic of 1792, 140, 141–42, 335, 749

  Panic of 1809, 226

  Panic of 1819, 207

  Panic of 1837, 225–26, 225

  Panic of 1873, 335

  Panic of 1893, 347

  paper currency, 220–21, 333

  paper mills, 559

  Parent Teacher Association (PTA), 380

  Paris, Treaty of (1783), 107, 114, 123

  Paris Peace Conference, 398–400, 414

  Parker, Alton B., 376

  Parker, Theodore, 246–47

  Parker, William, 623

  Parks, Rosa, 582–84


  Coercive Acts passed by, 89, 90, 91

  divine right of kings challenged by, 39–40, 42

  English Civil War and, 48

  Franklin’s appearance before, 83–84

  popular sovereignty and, 49

  slave trade abolished by, 172

  and taxation of American colonies, 81, 82, 88–89, 91–92

  partisanship, see political polarization

  party caucuses, 159–60

  party system, 211

  Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 392, 408

  passports, 314–16

  Patent Office, U.S., 198

  Patman, Wright, 505

  Patriarcha (Filmer), 54

  Patriot Act (2001), 744, 748, 765

  Patterson, John, 605, 608

  Patton, George, 512

  Paul, Alice, 393, 394, 431

  “Paul Revere’s Ride” (Longfellow), 285

  PayPal, 735

  payroll taxes, 439, 532

  peace, democracy and, 395

  Peace Corps, 602

  peace dividend, 538

  peace movement, and Vietnam War, 628–29, 633

  peace societies, 207

  Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 484, 487, 494, 537

  Peck, Gregory, 688–89

  Penn, William, 51, 51


  abolition law in, 106

  constitution of, 112–13

  income tax in, 301

  slavery in, 123

  Pennsylvania, University of, 530

  Pennsylvania Abolition Society, 135

  Pennsylvania colony, Charter of, 51

  Pennsylvania Gazette, 61, 137

  Pennsylvania Society
for the Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 92, 114, 124

  Penobscots, 215, 216

  pensions, 377, 378

  Pentagon, 487, 720, 722

  Pentagon Papers, 640–41, 743

  People’s Party, 343–44, 346–47, 350, 364

  People’s Presidential Candidate, The, 227–28

  People v. Hall, 325

  Pequots, enslavement of, 45, 48

  Pequot War (1637), 45, 48

  Perkins, Frances, 436, 437

  Perle, Richard, 682

  Perlman, Nathan D., 408

  Permanent Indian Territory, 262–63

  Perot, Ross, 706

  Persian Gulf War, 707

  Peters, Frank, 136

  Peterson, Elly, 617

  Peurifoy, John, 550

  Philadelphia, Pa.:

  AME church opened in, 202

  British capture of, 101

  free blacks in, 106

  Great Migration to, 371

  religious riots in, 209

  Working Men’s Party formed in, 207

  Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road, 347

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 268

  Philadelphia Negro, The (Hose), 370

  Philippine-American War, 368–69


  missionaries in, 366

  in Spanish-American War, 367–68

  Philippine Sea, Battle of, 506

  Phillips, Carl, 469

  Phillips, Kevin, 632, 636

  Phillips, Wendell, 276, 321

  philosophes, 256

  Phoenix, 213

  photography, 248, 272–74, 460

  Pickering, Timothy, 159, 164

  Pierce, Walter, 459

  Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 192, 371

  Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 160, 164

  slaves of, 79

  Pinckney, Thomas, 158

  Pintard, John, 140–41

  Pitt, William, the Elder, 78

  Pittsburgh Courier, 501

  Plains, 337

  Planned Parenthood, 649, 686

  Plan of Campaign, 532, 547

  plantations, 202

  Plato, 50

  “Plea for Captain John Brown, A” (Thoreau), 284

  “Plea for Free Speech” (Douglass), 288–89, 291

  “Plea for the Temperance Ballot for Women, A,” speech (Lease), 339

  Pledge of Allegiance, 569

  Plessy, Homer, 358

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 358–60, 369, 381, 498, 576, 578, 579, 687

  Plouffe, David, 759

  Plymouth colony, 40

  Plymouth Company, 33

  Podesta, Tony, 760

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 252

  Poems on Slavery (Longfellow), 284–85

  Poland, 240, 400, 426, 427, 535

  German invasion of, 473, 474, 487

  polio vaccinations, 570

  political campaigning:

  election of 1800

  and, 159, 160, 160

  Jackson and, 182

  newspapers and, 160–61

  paraphernalia of, 183

  political consensus (1960s), 591–93, 633–34, 672–73

  political consulting, 448–52

  Democratic Party, 636–37

  and Nixon, 632, 636

  and Reagan, 625

  and social issues, 648

  political correctness, 703

  Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, 286–87

  political equality:

  Locke and, 34

  Paine on, 34

  as U.S. founding principle, xiv–xv

  Political Man (Lipset), 591

  political parties:

  ratification debate and, 129

  rise of, 62, 63

  Washington’s warning against, 146

  see also two-party system

  political polarization, 545–46

  and abortion, 647, 658, 667–68, 676

  and Clinton ethics investigations, 710–11

  and gun control debate, 647–48, 676, 679

  and identity politics, 701–2, 703

  and Internet, 648

  late 1960s increase in, 594, 636–39

  and media, 704, 707–8

  and 1970s economic malaise, 658

  1990s, 691–92

  and Nixon administration, 636, 637–39, 643

  and polling industry, 667

  and Reagan administration, 683

  and Schlafly, 658–59

  and southern strategy, 636, 656, 667

  and Supreme Court, 688–90

  and technology, 666, 668

  and Vietnam War, 643

  and women’s rights, 691–92

  see also culture wars

  political science, 348


  change in, 525–26

  debates in, 570–71

  domestic, 536

  issues in, 565–66, 570–71

  parties in, 545–46

  power in, 522, 576

  quantification of, 156

  “vital center” of, 553

  warfare and, 539

  Politics (Aristotle), 21

  Polk, James K.:

  desire for empire of, 242–43, 250

  in election of 1844, 237, 238, 243

  polling industry, 667, 705

  Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, 348, 376

  polls, opinion, 542–46, 557, 560, 565–66

  Pollsters: Public Opinion, Politics, and Democratic Leadership, The (Rogers), 543–44

  poll taxes, 542

  pollution, 680

  Polo, Marco, 13

  polygenists, 256

  Pontiac, 81

  Pool, Ithiel de Sola, 597–99, 603–4, 635

  Poor Richard’s Almanack, 66, 79, 81

  Pope, Alexander, 62

  popular sovereignty, 261

  in American colonies, 50

  as legal fiction, 48

  representation and, 49, 83, 122

  as U.S. founding principle, xiv–xv

  populism, 563

  Jackson and, 181

  populist movement, 330–32, 336–38, 364

  Coughlin’s radio show on, 461

  folded into Democratic Party, 364–65

  gradual income tax pushed by, 345, 346

  monopolies opposed by, 343

  Progressives vs., 364–65, 371

  racism of, 343–44

  secret ballot pushed by, 344

  state as bulwark against, 348–49

  TR’s pursuit of policies of, 375–76

  women in, 332, 339–40

  Porfirio Díaz, José de la, 409

  Portland Oregonian, 449


  in exploration of Africa, 11

  in slave trade, 11–12, 18, 38, 46

  territorial claims of, 15–16

  postmodernism, 636

  poststructuralism, 636


  and Johnson administration, 611, 611, 612, 618–19, 622–23, 629

  and Kennedy administration, 611–12

  and Reagan administration, 671

  Powell, Colin, 745

  Powell, Lewis, 685, 687

  Powell, Thomas, 403

  “power elites,” 566

  power looms, 193, 194

  Powhatan, 31–32, 31, 36–37, 54

  “Practicability of Equalizing Men and Women Before the Law, The” (Roosevelt), 343

  prayer meetings, 569

  Precision Journalism (Meyer), 667

  Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 297

  Presbyterianism, 51, 201, 569

  president, U.S.:

  duties of, 134

  elections of, 156–58

  presidential elections:

  and data science, 597–99

  debates, 705–7

  1960, 597–601, 601

  1964, 613–17, 621

  1968, 629–30, 631–33

  1972, 641–42

  1976, 659,
664–66, 705

  1980, 669, 676, 696, 705

  1984, 683, 696, 706

  1988, 706

  1992, 648, 693, 697, 698, 706

  2000, 715–18, 717

  see also elections, U.S.; specific presidents, politicians, and polictical parties

  press, freedom of the, 49–50, 59, 60, 137

  Alexander’s advocacy of, 61–62

  Franklin’s advocacy of, 61

  Stamp Act and, 82–83

  Zenger trial and, 62–63, 64

  see also media

  Prince of Wales, 483

  Princeton, USS, 232–33, 236, 238

  Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor), 382

  Pringle, Henry, 491

  printing press, invention of, 13

  privacy, right to, 650, 678, 685, 688

  Problem of Civilization Solved, The (Lease), 343–44

  Profits of Religion, The (Sinclair), 451

  progress, 192, 197–99, 229–30

  idea of, capitalism and, 156

  Progress and Freedom Foundation, 732

  Progress and Poverty (George), 341, 365

  Progressive Era, 363–64

  Progressive Party, 541

  Progressives, 362

  fundamentalists mocked by, 392–93

  Jim Crow ignored by, 364, 371–72, 38607

  progressivism, 348–49, 526

  in election of 1912, 385–87

  muckraking in, 373

  Populists vs., 364–65, 371

  reaction against, 403–4

  roots of, 364

  Prohibition, 397–98

  Prohibition Party, 339–40

  “Project X,” 557–59

  propaganda, 414, 434, 452, 456–57, 578

  in World War II, 488

  Propaganda (Bernays), 414


  Locke on, 53–54

  sovereignty and, 53–54

  voting rights and, 56, 112–13, 122, 182–83

  Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge among the British Plantations in America, A (Franklin), 66–67

  Proposition 4, 572

  Proposition 13 (California), 669

  Prospect before Us, The (Callender), 162

  Protestantism, 26, 365, 568–69

  Protestants, 50

  in riots, 209

  Ptolemy, Claudius, 11

  Public Credit Act, 334

  Publick Occurrences, 59

  public opinion, 457–59

  democracy vs., 452–57

  Public Opinion (Lippmann), 401–2, 414, 454

  “Public Opinion” (Madison), 144

  Public Proclamation 1, 494

  public relations, 402, 414

  public relations campaigns, 532–34, 546–48, 553–54, 557, 559, 560–61, 572

  public schools, 576, 579, 580–87

  public transportation, 582–84

  Public Works Administration, 437

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 349, 350, 352, 366, 367, 375

  Pumpkin Papers, 548–49

  Purchas, Samuel, 12–13, 59

  Puritans, 43, 45

  Purnell, Fred S., 408

  Pyle, Ernie, 493, 513

  Quakers, 50, 51, 113, 135, 205

  slavery banned by, 92

  slavery denounced by, 75–76



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