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Til' Death and Deception

Page 12

by Kitty Parker

  "How lady like Ari." Jack laughed, reaching over with a napkin to wipe her mouth.

  "When you go back home, I will be sure to leave the recipe with Maman. Now, let's get the two of you upstairs, we need to get you cleaned up, then it's a story, and off to bed." Klara smiled, pushing her chair back and tossing her napkin onto the table. "I'll get them to bed Jack, and don't worry about the dishes, just leave them for me, I'll do them when I'm finished. Come along then girls, let's get your bath ready."

  The two girls got out of their chairs obediently and moved to leave the kitchen. Emmaline stopped to give Jack a big hug before making her way upstairs. Klara ushered them up the stairs and toward the bathroom. Jack smiled as he listened to Klara and his sisters giggle through the floor boards. He heard the creak of the pipes as hot water flooded into the bathtub. When he heard the distinct squeak of the bathroom nob being turned, he began to fill the sink with water and suds, plunging the dirty pots and pans in to soak.

  While he was waiting, he put the kettle on, and set two mugs out on the table. He turned back to the sink and began to wash the few pots, pans and plates they had used for dinner. When he finished, he went to check on the girls, wondering if he would find them snuggled under the covers already. He walked slowly up the stairs and peeked into the bathroom first, finding small wet footprints and discarded clothes all over the floor. He continued toward the sound of Klara's gentle voice, and found the three of them in Grandmere's room.

  Ari was laying on top of the covers, playing with her fingers while Klara sat, combing through Emmaline's wet blonde hair. She parted it in the center and with nimble fingers began to braid one side. Jack leaned against the door frame and watched as Klara spoke quietly while she worked. "This used to be my Grandmere's room. I used to come here every summer as a girl, and stay with my Grandmere and Grandpere to keep them company, and because I loved them so very well. Grandmere used to let me come into her room and play with my dollies while she made the bed, or folded the laundry. I was never allowed in my parents bedroom at home, so I thought of Grandmere's room as a wonderland, filled with secrets and magic."

  "It is a magical room." Arabella said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper as her eyes roamed around the room.

  "Alright my darling, you're all finished." Klara announced, patting Emmaline on the bottom. "Now, I haven't had time to find the story books and things in the attic, so will a song due for tonight?"

  "Yes, please!" Arabella said excitedly.

  "Ok, under the covers then, both of you." she smiled, pulling them down for the girls to squirm under.

  Jack watched in awe as Klara spun her song, a gentle melody accented with repeated French words. He couldn't understand what she was saying at all, but was immediately calmed by her voice, and so were the girls. Before she reached the chorus a second time, Arabella's eyes had fluttered shut, and Emmaline was barely keeping time, her fingers dancing over the covers with the steady beat of the song. Eventually her finger grew still, and her eyes too were shut, slow breath coming from each girl. Despite both being sound asleep, Klara finished her song, then scooted elegantly off the bed in one fluid motion. It was then she noticed Jack in the doorway.

  "I didn't want to interrupt." he whispered.

  "Do you mind carrying Emmaline to her room?"

  "Not at all." he walked toward the bed and scooped up his younger sister, her head quickly finding it's way to his chest. He kissed the top of her head, which smelled of soap, then walked to her room. Klara walked into Emmalines room first and turned down her bed, making it easy for Jack to lay her down and tuck her in. He laid Emmaline down, kissed her again on the forehead, then pulled the covers up around her chin.

  He found Klara downstairs, the two mugs steaming on the table. "You did the dishes."

  "I didn't want you to have to, after putting the girls to bed. As I said when we were at my house, they usually don't go to bed so easily. I didn't want you to be kept busy with them, and then have dishes to do at midnight."

  "Thank you, that was very thoughtful." Klara took a sip of her tea, and stared into the depths of her mug while she spoke. "Jack, I just want you to know, that I really am sorry for the way I've been treating you these past few weeks..."

  "Not another word."

  "But, I really must apologize..."

  Jack reached across the table and took her hand in his. "Grief and despair bring out a great many emotions in us, all of us. I imagine I was not exactly easy to handle after the death of my mother. I wouldn't listen to anyone that wasn't her, which meant I didn't listen to anyone, for a good year or more."

  "So, we can go back to the way things were? We can be friends, and partners."

  Jack lowered his head, making sure Klara couldn't see the disappointment in his eyes. Friendship wasn't exactly what he was striving for, but he supposed it was better than nothing, something to build on at least. "Of course." he answered simply.

  "There's something else Jack."

  "Go ahead."

  "I don't think we should take any more runners, not with the girls here. I would never forgive myself if they got caught up in it, if we were ever found out. Surely if the Germans are willing to kill Jewish children, they'd be willing to kill the children of traitors. Let us be content with helping your family for now. Maman is entrusting us with their safety, so until your parents can take them home, we will focus our attention on appearing as normal as we possibly can." Klara said, determined.

  "And do you think Grandmere would approve?" he asked gently.

  "She wouldn't have it any other way, I am sure of it."

  * * *

  Klara woke with a start, a small shadow hanging over her body. Groggily she looked at the clock, three-thirty in the morning. "Klara, Klara, I heard funny noises. I think there is a monster in my room, can I sleep with you?" the small voice asked.

  "Emmaline?" Klara asked, still trying to gain her bearings.

  "Uh huh."

  "What are these strange noises?"

  "I don't know, they sound like growls. Papi and Maman let me sleep with them when I'm frightened." she whimpered.

  "Of course darling, climb right in." She helped pull Emmaline up into bed with her, and she immediately snuggled closely to Klara. Klara was nearly back asleep when she heard Emmaline murmur something. "What's the matter Emma?"

  "Where's my brother? Where's Jack?" she asked, in a thick voice coated with sleep.

  "Oh, he got up to get a glass of water right before you came in, but he should have been back by now. Will you be alright in here by yourself while I go find him?" Klara asked, thinking quickly. Emmaline gave a sleepy nod as Klara emerged from the warmth of her covers. She slipped her feet into her slippers, pulled on her robe, and snuck into the hallway. Without knocking, she rushed into Jacks bedroom, and shook him awake. He was groggy at first, but sat up, immediately alert.

  "What's happened? What is it! Is it the girls, are they ok?"

  "Shhh," Klara urged, "they're fine. Emmaline woke up, frightened, she's in my bedroom, I told her she could sleep with me, but she's wondering where you are. You have to get up and come sleep in my room. Come on, get yourself in there now, I'll go get a glass of water."

  "Why do you need a glass of water?" he asked, rubbing his eyes, still in bed.

  "I told her you had gotten up to get a drink of water, to explain where you were."

  "You thought of that at, almost four in the morning?" he asked, looking at his clock.

  "Yes, but that's really not important. Come on, she'll be wondering where we both are." Klara answered in a hurried tone, and rushed back out of the room. She filled a glass with cold water when she reached the kitchen, then hurried back upstairs, to find Jack in her bed, Emmaline's body snuggled close to her brother, her head on his chest, his arm around her protectively.

  Klara was too tired to admire the scene they made and got into bed carefully, not wanting to disturb either Eiffle beside her. She pulled up the blankets, and let out a
sigh, glad to be encompassed by the warmth of her covers again.

  "Goodnight Jack, I love you." Emmaline whispered.

  "I love you too, now go to sleep."

  "Goodnight Klara, I love you." Emmaline said again, grabbing Klara's hand under the covers.

  Klara's throat constricted as she heard the words, Emmaline loved her. It was comforting and confusing at the same time. Children were so easy with their affection, but she had gained Klara's with equal ease. "I love you too, goodnight."

  A minute or two passed, and then Emmaline began again. "Jack, now you have to tell Klara you love her, and Klara, you have to tell Jack you love him."

  Klara could feel Jack stiffen on the other side of the bed, and she let out a heavy breath. Not wanting to upset Emmaline, she was about to speak, when she heard Jack.

  "I love you Klara." he said quietly.

  "I love you too Jack, goodnight."

  If Klara didn't know for certain that Jack was repulsed by her touch, she would have sworn he was being sincere. Despite her ego still being a bit injured from that night a month ago, Klara knew that her feelings towards Jack had grown since he had come to stay with them. She couldn't help but be pulled in by his easy disposition and comforting conversation. And she knew that Grandmere dying wasn't the only reason she had come on to him that night. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, her mind weighed down with confusion, she finally fell asleep, and dreamed, much to her own surprise, of Jack.

  Chapter 18

  Days and weeks continued to pass as the girls grew accustom to their lives in France. They had been there for three weeks, and Klara had never found her mind more occupied than she did while the girls were there. Both girls were full of energy, skipping around the house, giggling as they played. Most days, Klara was pulled into their fun at least four times a day, joining their game of hide and seek or drawing pictures in the parlor. Klara preferred their boisterous laughter, the alternative being grumbles and cries over missed parents. Unfortunately today was a day of wet eyes and pulled mouths, slumped shoulders and heavy feet, every inch of them exuding sadness.

  "Girls, time for lunch!" Klara called from the kitchen, setting the grilled cheese sandwiches on their plates, and ladling a bit of cream of tomato soup into their bowls.

  Both girls came in, lacking excitement, dragging themselves to their chairs. Arabella hinted a smile at the sight of the food, as Klara expected, grilled cheese would be a welcomed comfort. Arabella took one bit of her sandwich, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, then just as quickly spit it back onto the plate.

  "Is something wrong?" Klara asked, about to bite into her own sandwich.

  "It tastes yucky!" The eight year old screamed, throwing the lightly toasted sandwich onto the plate.

  "What do you mean it tastes yucky?"

  "The cheese is yucky, it doesn't taste the way Maman makes it. I don't want it!" Arabella said in a huff, pushing the plate away from her.

  "I just used cheddar cheese, even if it doesn't taste the same, it certainly isn't yucky."

  "Yes it does! I'm not eating it!" Arabella screamed, her face almost purple with stubborn anger.

  "Ari, there is no reason to talk to me like that. If you don't want to eat it, that's fine, but you don't have to yell. Why don't you just eat your soup."

  Arabella continued to sit with a pout, and extended her arm slowly to pick up the spoon, which she then shoved into the soup filled bowl. She didn't pull out any soup, but her spoon was coated with the creamy red liquid. Arabella touched the spoon to her tongue, then twisted her face in a disgusted way. "I don't like that either, I'm not eating it."

  Klara sat for a moment, not believing the outburst of a girl who usually professed her admiration of Klara and everything she did. Arabella had always been full of energy, but she had never been so rude to Klara herself. Having never been a parent herself, Klara wasn't exactly sure what to do, but knew that she couldn't have Arabella disrespecting her in such a way. She had no idea how long the girls would be there, and she had to lay down some sort of ground rules while Jack wasn't home. Arabella was staring at Klara as if challenging her to do anything about her outburst. Klara took a quick breath, and stood up.

  "You may go up to your room without lunch, and stay there until I tell you to come out. You are not to talk to me that way, ever, for any reason. I realize that I am not your Maman, and that you miss her and Papi, but that is no excuse to be rude." Klara said, hands on her hips.

  Arabella's lip quivered, and Klara thought that she might cry, but her lip was not trembling in sadness, but in anger. "You are not my Maman! You can't punish me!" she screamed.

  "You are in my house, and I can punish you, now go upstairs, before I drag you upstairs."

  Arabella stood, staring Klara down, who didn't waver. Finally, she gave another small cry, then turned, running up the stairs, each footstep more forcefully than the next, ending with the definitive slam of her door. Klara sat back in her chair, breathing heavily, still not believing what just happened. She turned and smiled at Emmaline, "You don't have to eat your lunch, I'll make you something else if you don't like it."

  "That's ok."

  "Well I don't want you to go hungry darling, what else can I get you?"

  "I think it's yummy, Ari's right, it doesn't taste like Maman's but it's still yummy." she said quietly, taking a bite of her soup. Klara nodded gratefully and began to eat her own lunch.

  "Don't be upset Klara, she just misses Maman. She still loves you, I know it."

  Klara reached out and put her hand on top of Emmalines. "Thank you Emma." she smiled. "How is it that you're so wise at only six years old?"

  Emmaline giggled, "I'm seven now!"

  "Oh, well a year must make all the difference. Your Maman and Papi have quite a girl," she winked. They continued to eat quietly, Klara feeling better because of Emmaline's pep talk. She looked over and saw Emmaline's eyes glistening, and heard her sniffle softly. "Emma, are you alright?"

  Emmaline was unable to speak, obviously upset about something, she just shook her head, her curly blonde hair bouncing with the motion. "Here, come sit with me." Klara shoved her chair away from the table and opened her arms. Emmaline didn't hesitate, leaving her lunch to climb onto Klara's lap, burying her face into Klara's chest. It didn't take long before she heard the gentle choke of uncontrolled sobs coming from Emmaline, her sharp intakes of breath shaking them both.

  "I miss Maman and Papi." she sobbed after a while. All Klara could do was press her head onto Emmalines and whisper that it would all be alright, that they would all be together again. Before long, the sobs stopped, and were replaced by steady breathing, Emmaline was asleep. Klara stood, adjusting her grip on Emmaline and carried her upstairs to her room. After tucking her in, she went to check on Arabella, to tell her she could leave her room, but found her sound asleep as well. Klara sighed, giving her own neck a gentle rub while she descended the stairs. She walked into the parlor, and cleaned up the girls coloring books and crayons, she was going to go to the kitchen to clean up from lunch when she felt a strong pull to lay down. Just a second, I'll just lay down for a second.

  "Klara, wake up." Jack's voice was soft, and he was gently shaking her shoulder.

  "Oh! What time is it?" she asked, sitting up instantly.

  "It's about two."

  "Oh goodness, I've been asleep for an hour! Are the girls alright?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

  "They didn't come greet me when I got home from work, so I checked their rooms when I went to get changed, they're sound asleep."

  "Why are you home so early?"

  "Told them I had to go check out a few leads. What I didn't tell them was how little time it would take, so I just came home after." he smiled. "When did the girls go to sleep?"

  "After lunch, about one, maybe a little before." she yawned.

  "Then we should probably wake them up, or they will never go to sleep tonight." he sighed, pulling himself to h
is feet, then turning to give Klara a hand. She took it, and he tugged her upward, then turned to leave the parlor, but Klara kept her grasp on his hand, and prevented him from moving.

  "Could I talk to you first, maybe over some tea?"

  "Sure, of course, is something the matter?" he inspected her face with his eyes, and must have noticed the sadness that briefly floated across her face.

  "It was a rough day, a very rough day."

  He put one arm around her and pulled her in close, "Yes, let's have some tea, and you can tell me all about it." he kissed the top of her head, and they walked into the kitchen. He forced her to sit, and set about boiling water, and getting out the tea bags. He was leaning against the counter, waiting for the water to boil and encouraged her to start.

  Klara was stacking the dirty dishes and cold food that was still on the table from lunch, and began. "Both girls were a little down today, not as happy as they usually are. I knew they were in a bit of an odd mood, so I made them grilled cheese, and cream of tomato soup. Arabella came in and threw a tantrum over the sandwich, and then the soup, saying they were disgusting and that it didn't taste the way Maman made them. She was screaming and yelling at me, and was exceedingly rude. I tried my best to calm her, but when that failed, I punished her, sent her to her room with no lunch. She was so angry with me, but I couldn't let her treat me like that!" she paused. "Are you angry with me?"

  Jack laughed, pulling the kettle off the stove and bringing the cups to the table. "Not at all, I'm sorry I didn't mention how stubborn Arabella can be. It's all the fire in her! You did exactly the right thing. Truth be told Papi probably would have paddled her for her behavior. I know they miss Maman and Papi, but they can't treat you that way. There's absolutely no excuse. Do you want me to talk to her?" he asked, reaching across the table for her hand.

  "No, I think I had better do it, I don't want her to think I'm angry with her, but thank you for your support."

  "Shall we go wake them then?"


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