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Til' Death and Deception

Page 13

by Kitty Parker

  "Can I talk to you about one more thing?"

  "Of course."

  "I think the girls are struggling because they have too much free time. One minute they're playing with a doll and the next they're crying. They need something to keep them occupied during the day, so they don't have as much time to think about how much they miss Maman and Papi."

  "What do you suggest?"

  "School." she answered simply.

  Jack let out a small laugh, "I understand your thought, but my sisters are German, they don't speak French. Not only would they not be able to understand, but I can't imagine they'd be treated very kindly by their classmates. You know the Germans are vilified here, even little girls would be tortured, I can't put them through that, even if it would help them forget their sadness. It would be trading one type of sadness for another, a worse type."

  "I know that Jack, I'd never suggest to put them in a French school."

  "Then, I think I'm confused by what you are suggesting."

  "I'll teach them."


  "That's what I was studying at University. All I need is a couple composition books, and a few children's books and I'll be able to help them with arithmetic and reading. I can also teach them a few things about cooking, and they can help me around the house. I think being productive will help."

  "But I don't want you to go through any trouble to keep them occupied."

  "It would be no trouble at all! I would love to do it! Jack, I want to be a teacher, that's why I spent four years in college. I adore children, and get so excited to watch them learn and grow because of my help. Please Jack, I think it would be a big help to us all."

  Jack sat silent for a moment, staring at Klara from across the table. "Do you have any idea how wonderful you are?" he asked.

  "Oh please, I'm just trying to help." she blushed.

  Jack stood, leaning over her he kissed her gently. She was pleasantly surprised, they hadn't shared a hug, or kiss since her outburst over his rejection. In an instant all of her anxiety melted away, the kiss pulling the tension of the day out through her lips. Despite having been pleasant to Jack since asking forgiveness for her behavior, she had missed their relationship before the fight. Their jokes and friendship had faltered, she had become self conscious around him, almost tiptoing around him. Suddenly she felt silly for doubting him.

  His lips left hers as gently as they found them, but he didn't pull back entirely, his face remained close, and she could feel his breath on her face. She looked into his eyes and saw truth in them, honesty and above all, affection, she couldn't believe she missed it before. They could have remained that close for the rest of the day, but soon, duty overcame her and she sat back in her chair. "Let's go wake the girls."

  Chapter 19

  Jack sat up, breathing heavily, clutching his blankets in his hands, then the pounding came again, harder this time. He threw himself out of bed, rushing to his dresser to pull out the unloaded pistol he kept there. The metal was cold against his hand, and he gripped it tightly while he found the bullets, which were hidden up in his closet. With the pistol loaded, he rushed into the hallway, carefully closing his door as quietly as he could. When he turned around, he found Klara, staring at him awkwardly.

  Her hair was disheveled, pushed up awkwardly at the top, tumbling around her shoulders, a ribbon holding onto a few strands uneffectively. Her oversized shirt hung loosely over her shoulder, revealing her pale, smooth skin, the only hint of what was hidden beneath the baggy attire. His mouth was dry as he looked her over, unable to remove his eyes from the lovely picture she made. Another harsh knock jolted them both out of their momentary fixation and Emmaline spilled from her bedroom, trembling.

  "Klara, take Emma to Ari's room and lock the door. Do not come out until I come get you." he said firmly in a sleep covered voice, tucking the pistol in the back of his pajama pants.

  Klara nodded and moved toward Emmaline, scooping her into her arms, carrying her to the end of the hall. She deposited her into Arabella's room, but did not go inside. Jack was turned to continue down the hall, when he heard careful footsteps following him. He turned toward her, determined to leave her in Arabella's room with the girls.

  "Please Klara, stay with the girls. I don't want anything to happen to you, any of you."

  Klara didn't answer, she just wrapped her arms around him, pressing her head into his chest. He held her tightly, laying his head down on top of hers, he could feel her dread. "Please, don't do anything heroic. We haven't had runners for two months, they can have nothing to suspect. Be careful, we will all be lost without you."

  He gave her another tight squeeze, knowing he could not promise not to be heroic, knowing he would do anything to keep her and his sisters safe. He kissed her forehead and was about to mumble the words he had been to afraid to say, when another crude knock pulled them from their comfort.

  "Go, now, keep the door locked, I'll be ok..." he watched her hurry down the hall and waited for the pronounced click of the door's lock. With a quick prayer he hurried down the stairs.

  * * *

  "What's wrong Klara?" Emmaline whimpered, curling into Klara's lap, still shaking.

  Klara ran her fingers through her blonde ringlets slowly, "Everything will be fine, Jack won't let anything happen. Why don't we crawl into bed with Ari."

  "I'm too frightened to sleep." she cried.

  "We don't have to sleep, but it's much warmer under the covers." Klara picked Emmaline up, her small arms wrapped tightly around her neck, not letting go until they were snuggled beneath the blankets. Klara held Emma, rubbing her back and humming a familiar tune while she strained to hear what was happening downstairs. She could hear hushed voices and murmurs, but couldn't make out any words. Suddenly, she heard the squeal of the basement door and fear gripped her. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, but she continued to hum, knowing that Emmaline was nearly asleep. It would be better for them all if the girls were sound asleep. If anything was wrong, it'd be much easier to keep them quiet if they were sleeping.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the door squealed again, followed by one set of footsteps coming up the stairs. Klara checked on the girls one more time, both were sound askeep, then rolled carefully out of bed. She had her hand on the lock, ready to unlatch it as soon as she heard Jack's voice. A soft knock pulsed through the oak, Klara resisted the urge to throw the door open, still afraid that Jack wasn't the one on the other side.

  "Klara, it's safe, open the door." he said softly.

  Klara thre open the door and fell into Jack's arms letting out a relieved cry. Jack held her tightly against his chest for a moment, Klara clung to him as if her life depended upon it. She pulled back, looking into his eyes, and knew that everything was alright. "I heard the basement door open and I thought for sure we were all dead."

  "I knew you would be nervous when I opened it." he smiled, wiping a relieved tear away from her face. "Are the girls ok?"

  "I got Emmaline to sleep and Ari never woke up... Who was at the door?"

  "My parents."

  "What?" Klara asked, shocked. "What's the matter, are they ok?"

  "The group my father has been working with has been found out by the Nazi's, they are running for the border. They've asked to stay until tomorrow night, Maman was too tired to continue tonight, I told them they could stay in the basement. I hope that's ok."

  "Of course! They are probably exhausted, and dirty, and hungry! Oh, the girls will be so excited to see them."

  "No Klara. Maman doesn't want it. She knows how hard it's been for the girls to be away, and she knows all you've done for them. She doesn't want them to be difficult for you again, and seeing as they're not sure how long it will be until they will be able to take them, she thinks it will be better this way. And I must say, I agree."

  "Very well, I won't speak a word of it to them tomorrow. Your parents know best, though I know a hug from them would do the girls a world of good. How long hav
e they been traveling?"

  "More than a week now, they look like paupers." Jack said quickly, opening the basement door for Klara.

  She rushed down the stairs, finding Maman and Papi huddled together on a bed. Maman stood and pulled Klara into a hug. Klara noticed that Maman wreaked, her clothes emitting smells of gutters and garbage. She could only imagine where they had been hiding throughout the night. Surely they had not been able to wash their clothes, or themselves for many days.

  "Jack, take your parents upstairs to the bathroom, be sure to get them towels and wash cloths from the linen closet. I'll get you both clean pajama's you can wear, then I'll fix you a sandwich, and we'll get your clothes washed before you have to leave tomorrow." Klara said quickly, pushing them all toward the stairs.

  "Oh dear, we are just happy to have a warm place to sleep, you don't have to go through any trouble."

  "I insist. You'll feel so much better once you're clean. And the girls are sound asleep, it's much easier to get you cleaned up now, rather than the morning."

  "It would feel good to be clean. I smell something awful, and so do you." she said, looking at her husband, who nodded in agreement. "But I'm really not hungry, I'm far too tired to eat."

  "Very well, let's start with the showers, and then maybe I'll get you both a cup of tea before bed." Klara insisted.

  They reached the upstairs landing, and tread quietly on the floorboards, making sure not to wake up the girls. Klara went into her bedroom and found a pair of oversized pajama's for Maman, then she dug through Grandpere's old things and found something for Papi, surely if they fit Jack, they would fit him. She folded them carefully, and left them outside the bathroom door. Jack was already downstairs when she got there, his parents filthy clothes in his arms.

  "Let me get the basin." Klara said quickly, rushing toward the closet. She poured washing powder in the bottom, then instructed Jack to warm water in the tea kettle before pouring it into the basin. While he was working on that, Klara pulled a few things from the refrigerator and made a tray of snacks for the Eiffels, just in case they were a little hungry. Jack was filling the basin with boiling water, and Klara added some water from the tap so it wouldn't scald her hands.

  "You don't have to wash their clothes now, it's after midnight." Jack offered as Klara pulled up her sleeves.

  "If I don't do it now, they won't be dry by tomorrow night. It's ok, I don't mind, I want to help your parents."

  "I know you do. Can I do anything else?"

  "You could put some more water on to boil for tea. Then take it downstairs for them, I think they are finished with their showers, they should be back down in a moment."

  "Alright." Jack smiled.

  Klara continued to wash the clothes, pumping her arms in and out of the sudsy water. She scrubbed the clothes with force, willing the stains to come out of the fabric. Jack came back, reporting that his parents were safely downstairs with the tray she had made for them, ready for sleep. Klara was still working on the shirt she had started on practically scrubbing a hole in it.

  "Klara, they don't have to be pristine, you're not going to get all of the stains out. I think they'll be happy as long as they don't smell."

  "I know, but I just want to do what I can."

  "They really appreciate everything you've done. Maman couldn't stop singing your praises. She thinks your wonderful."

  "Oh come on."

  "No really, before I left them downstairs, she told me that I had made a very wise choice in a wife. That I couldn't have found anyone more perfect than you." he crouched beside the basin, gently pulling her face toward his own.

  "Did she really?" she blushed. "Your real bride will certainly have a lot to live up to." If her hands hadn't been emersed in the laundry, she would have slapped a hand over her own mouth. She didn't know why she said it, for she certainly didn't mean it. The thought of Jack finding another woman sent chills down her spine. Truth was, she was beginning to dread the end of the war, knowing it would mean the end of their relationship. Somehow she couldn't allow herself to hope that anything would happen beyond their charade, even though, for her part, something already had.

  "I don't think anyone will ever compare." he said softly, avoiding her eyes.

  "That's very sweet of you." Klara answered, feeling the heat rise from her neck into her cheeks.

  Jack leaned in, he was inches from her face. Although they had kissed many times before, somehow this felt different. She was nervous, more nervous than she had been the day they were married. She began to scrub the pair of trousers in her hands fiercely, suds splashing onto her cheeks because of her force.

  "I don't think you need to scrub so hard..." he whispered.

  Klara dropped the trousers and turned toward him. Only an instant passed before his lips met hers. Her entire body fell limp to his, allowing him to take control of her. His kisses were enough to leave her breathless. She ran her hands through his thick hair, pulling at the small pieces near his neck. He pulled away all too soon, a smile on his face as he brushed a strand of her hair away from her face.

  "Would you like some company while you finish?"

  "Love some." Klara smiled.

  "How about tea?"

  "Yes please."

  Klara continued to wash the trousers, less harshly than she was before. Jack came back in with two cups filled with tea. He sat beside her, sipping his own tea, and occasionally holding hers to her lips so she could continue washing. They talked about their days, going over the same topics they usually ended each day with. After a half an hour of that, they fell into an entirely different category. Exhaustion must have overcome them, for their conversation took a ridiculous turn. Jack outlined all of his schemes as a child, inventions and concoctions that were always getting him into trouble, and Klara discussed the songs she had created in childhood, about flowers, friends and barrettes.

  After three cups of tea, with the clothes hanging in the kitchen, Jack ushered Klara up stairs. His hand comfortably around her waist, her head resting on his shoulder. She was nearly asleep even as they walked, exhausted from the day with the girls, and the evening. He opened the door to her bedroom, and walked her inside. She crawled into her bed, and he pulled the covers up around her chin.

  "Good night Klara, see you in the morning."

  "Good night." she mumbled, falling asleep before she heard him close the door.

  Chapter 20

  It was a beautiful Saturday, Spring having finally made it's mark on their tiny town. Jack had given Klara the day off, insisting that she enjoy the fresh air for some much needed alone time. Klara had been spending all of her time with the girls, teaching them to read and write in the morning, using their help to make lunch and dinner, and then reading to them before bed. Jack loved his sisters, but he knew that too much time with any child could make an adult weary, especially one who had been thrust suddenly into motherhood.

  Maman and Papi had left their house a month ago, and Klara seemed more determined than ever to take good care of the girls. She knew exactly the kind of danger they faced, especially with all of her experience with the runners. Even after a month, they had still not heard from his parents, he knew Klara was worried, and he hoped the fresh air and sunshine would do her some good.

  He was climbing the stairs with three sandwiches and three tall glasses of milk, and heard giggles coming from Arabella's bedroom. "Is anyone hungry?"

  "Starving!" Arabella squealed, jumping from the pillow she was sitting on. She was wearing an oversized dress, with a hat, pearls hanging from her neck.

  "Me too Jack." Emmaline said, less enthusiastically, dressed in the same style as her sister.

  "May I join you both?" he asked with a bow.

  "Of course sir, but you must be wearing a jacket, this is a reputable establishment." Arabella instructed.

  "Very well, I'll just be a moment, don't start without me." He set the tray on the floor and went to his room. He found an old dinner jacket of Grandpere'
s in his closet and slid into it before rejoining the girls in the bedroom.

  "You look very handsome sir, won't you join us for lunch?" Emmaline giggled.

  "Thank you very much Miss, you are looking quite beautiful yourself."

  The three of them enjoyed their simple sandwiches, pretending they were wealthy customers at a gourmet restaurant. The girls were giggling, and Jack was half doubled over with laughter. He had never had such a fun time with them, probably because he had never been able to spend quite so much time with them. The age gap had certainly hindered their relationship as brother and sisters.

  "Alright, let's get cleaned up." Jack smiled, after playing with the girls for hours.

  "But we're having so much fun!" Arabella whined.

  "I know girls, but don't you think it would be wonderful if we had all the laundry down, folded and put away before Klara gets home?"

  "Would she be very happy if we did that?" Emmaline asked, suddenly excited, her bright blue eyes shining.

  "I think she would be very happy to come home and have nothing to do."

  "Come on Ari, we can help fold the sheets!" Emmaline began throwing the clothes off of her, her hat and dress flying. She was just about to pull off a ring and throw it into the heap when Jack stopped her.

  "Where did you get this Emma?"

  "It was on the dresser." she said shyly. "I was going to put it back, I swear! We were just dressing up."

  "I know darling, you're not in trouble." Jack smiled taking the ring from her. "But how about we say, we don't play with the jewelry anymore, just the clothes. Do you think you can manage that?"

  "Yes Jack."

  Jack twirled the sapphire in his hand, it was clearly worth a lot, set in antique silver, the gem sparkling as it found rays of light. Thinking back on his early days with Grandmere and Klara, he remembered it always being on Grandmere's hand. Surely the ring held some significance. While he gazed at the beautiful piece of jewelry, an idea formed in his mind, an idea that twisted his stomach in ways it had never turned before, an idea that made him shake with the very anticipation of it. He could hardly stand the thought of waiting, but he would have to wait, at least until Klara got home.


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