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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

Page 20

by Guerra, Aaron

  “Tell me, what’s the sheriff’s full name?” Rebecca suddenly asked. The blond officer brought her hands up with some gum falling out of her mouth.

  “The Sheriff’s name?!” she said surprised. Rebecca aimed the gun up higher to the officer’s head. She was itching to pull the trigger when seeing the officer‘s sudden reaction.

  “You’re not from this department, are you?” Rebecca said in a cold threatening voice.

  The door in the back had swung open with a taller woman coming out. She was dressed in the same police uniform like the other one. The officer was holding the back of her head while her eyes narrowed from the sight of another woman in the building.

  “Well now, isn’t this town full of surprises? Where did you come from little girly?” The second officer asked. She tilted her head with a wicked smile spreading across her face. The officer with her hands up had slowly began to walk back to the other cop.

  “Crystal! She knows that we’re not the pigs from here!” said Valerie. The tall woman started to clap her hands as Rebecca aimed her weapon to her now.

  “Listen, I just wanted to know if you’ve seen anything strange lately?” Rebecca asked calmly. The woman hiding behind the tall female had suddenly poked her head out from the side.


  Rebecca gave a glare to Valerie before her attention shifted to Crystal.

  “I’m not talking about those mindless things outside. It’s something else, something that would make you churn on the inside from it’s sight. Something that‘ll make you piss yourself when you make eye contact with it. That kind of strange and unusual is what I‘m searching for,” Rebecca explained to them. The tall female in the officer’s uniform smiled as she licked her lips playfully.

  “That sounds like a fun thing to run into, wouldn’t you agree Valerie?” said Crystal. The woman behind her had nodded her head a few times which caused her police cap to slide off. It ended up landing on the floor beside her boot.

  “Yeah! Crystal wouldn’t be afraid of a little thing that can scare you so easily, you big dummy,” Valerie said as she patted Crystal’s shoulders. Rebecca lowered her weapon as a deep sigh escaped from her lips. She knew now that they were useless already from their brief chitchat just now.

  “You two are a waste of my time. I would say that it was nice meeting you, but it really wasn‘t,” Rebecca said as she turned away and started to walk towards the entrance. The officers soon followed after her once Rebecca‘s back was turned to them. The youngest one had tried to attack her from behind but the newcomer was too fast. Valerie was already on the floor after she received a strong swift kick from Rebecca in that instant. Crystal couldn’t help but smile from seeing her crazed friend cry out from the pain that was inflicted upon her stomach. Her eyes trailed back up to the woman as she calmly took a step closer.

  “You’re good,” Crystal calmly said to Rebecca.

  The woman with the gun had turned her head slightly. A smile formed for a brief moment as she moved her bangs away from her eyes.

  “Thanks, It was beaten into me throughout my entire life. Don‘t ever let your guard down when your back is turned,” said Rebecca. Crystal slowly walked over to the entrance to stand beside the woman as they watched the rain poor heavily down onto the buildings. Rebecca glanced at the woman to her left, then to the one on the floor still. “You know I could still use two girls such as yourselves. I’m not just looking for a creature that’s worth a lot of money. I’m also looking for a friend that might’ve came here. I believe this is his hometown,” she said to them. The one on the floor slowly got up while still holding her stomach from the pain.

  “Creature? Money?!” Valerie said. Crystal turned around to see Valerie walking to where they were currently standing.

  “Yes darling, would you like to help this strong beautiful woman in her search for her friend and this thing she speaks of?” Crystal asked her. Valerie glared at the woman like a mad dog, then to Crystal. Deep down she was plotting a way to kill Crystal off since she murdered her best friend. She decided that she would wait until the right moment to avenge Nicole would surface.

  “Y-Yes! I’ll help her!” said Valerie with a cheery grin. The leader to the crazy girl had turned to face the newcomer again with a sweet gentle smile on her face.

  “We’ll help you, if you help us in return,” said Crystal. Rebecca turned to face her with a sly smile forming from her lips.

  “What is it that you want in return for assisting me?” Rebecca had asked them. Crystal’s eyes had opened up with rage as she smashed her fist through one of the doors near her.

  “I WANT YOU TO HELP US TRACK DOWN THREE LITTLE FUCKERS THAT ESCAPED FROM US EARLIER!” Crystal yelled out in anger. Rebecca Lee smiled once more before holding out her hand to the angered woman. Crystal had took it in hers as she shook it firmly to agree on their alliance for now.

  “Alright then. I guess the three of us will be working together for a good while,” said Rebecca.

  The rain continued to shower the entire town in darkness. After escaping the psycho’s from the Police Station, the group was cautiously walking through the storm to find shelter. Kim was watching their backs every few seconds that passed. She didn‘t want anything sneaking up on them when they weren‘t looking. Susan was holding Tristan close as she helped him walk through the pain that he received from the fake officers. The man opened his eyes as much as he could, but his vision wasn‘t good enough to see still.

  “You two, just leave me here! I know that I’m slowing you both down,” said Tristan. The redhead teen had moved under his left arm slowly. Upon doing that, she was able to help him walk slightly better. However, her vision started to get blurry from all the rain that was hitting her face.

  “No! I won’t leave you! We‘re going to escape this town together, like we said we would!” Susan said to him. She started to feel weak in her legs, but the image of her family cheering her on kept her from giving up.

  Kim had no choice but to open fire on a few of the creatures that found them walking in the street. She missed a few times at first, but near the end of her clip she was able to hit each of them in the head. She couldn’t help but cheer when their bodies fell flat onto the wet road. Her eyes opened up wide when one of them started to twitch and shake violently.

  “Guys! We have to find a place right now! One of the bad things I shot in the head is still moving around! I‘ve never seen them act like this before!” Kim said to her friends. The last one she had put down started to wave it‘s arms around in the air like a crazy person. The white eyes soon turned red with black blood sliding out of it’s opened mouth. Kim walked towards it quickly before putting two more rounds into it’s brain. But it just wouldn’t give up. It kept on trying to get up, trying to find a way back to eating the living.

  The injured man tried his best to look through the rain to see a different neighborhood in their direction.

  “Susan!” Tristan suddenly said her name. The young girl turned to look up at him as he pointed to a house with the lights still on. She nodded once before trying to pick up more of his weight to carry. But he forced himself to stand up on his own with his wounded hand reaching down to his belt. Tristan retrieved the gun he was given after they had escaped the police station‘s hostile environment.

  “I want you two to go on ahead! I’ll buy you guys some time to get inside that house while I keep this thing busy,” he said demandingly.

  Kim and Susan moved closer to him, but he brought the gun up to them before they could even say a word.

  “Now! JUST GO!” he calmly said. Kim took the teenagers hand and forced her out of the street as she struggled to stay by his side. Susan tried to resist Kim’s hold but for some reason she didn’t have the strength to fight her off.


  Kim swiftly smacked the young girl hard across the face. She finally let out her serious side that was hidden throughout her entire life.

  “Let him do what he wants! He’s giving us a chance to escape! A chance to survive,” said Kim. Susan was holding her cheek as the stinging sensation pulsed throughout that part of her face. “I don’t like it anymore than you do, but this is what he wants,” she had added. The redhead tried to break free from her hold again but she soon gave up and followed her through the rain.

  Tristan turned around to face the ugly monster that was roaring throughout the night. His eyes were finally able to focus through the darkness. He was able to see more of them creeping out from the shadows as they slowly walked towards him.

  “So, I take it that all of you want some of this?! WELL COME ON! COME GET SOME!” he shouted to the dead. The one that was screaming it’s head off came charging at him like a mad man. It’s blood red eyes was all that he could really see through the rain. As soon as the thunder roared across the sky, Tristan unloaded the whole clip into the creature’s skull. The constant shooting caused a large portion of it’s head to shatter away before reaching where the human was standing. The body fell hard against the wet road with blood spilling out of it’s rotting neck. More of them came closer as he glared at the nearest one that was limping. The man had punched and kicked them away with all the strength he had left.

  Even though he was in pain, he was able to fend off a few of them before his body began to grow weak and tired.

  “Not now! Please god not now!” he said to himself. One of the ugly bastards had finally tackled him down against the cold wet road that they were struggling on. It’s jaw opened up wide with some of it’s disgusting stench leaking out onto him. Tristan felt more fucked up than he already did as his vision started to mess up once more from the rotting smell. “NO!” he shouted out. The man brought the gun up to it’s mouth before shoving it deep inside so that it couldn’t bite him. More of them started to come out of the shadows when they heard the constant groaning coming from the creature that was on top of the guy. The man was blacking out little by little with his hand holding the back of the creatures head by the hair. He was able to hear something yelling in the distance. It sounded like a human, yet it was too hard to tell during the moment. Tristan noticed that the weight of the creature on him had disappeared. He then felt his own body being lifted up off the road and over something with his back facing up to the dark cloudy sky.

  The injured guy opened his eyes to see legs down below. They were moving pretty fast through the tall grass that his hands were brushing against during that time. He knew that he was upside down and being carried by an unknown person or thing.

  “Who are you?” Tristan asked. The person holding him up didn’t say a word. They just kept running through the pouring rain and the tall wet grass. Many scenarios were floating around in his mind as he was being carried off by a total stranger. “TELL ME WHO YOU ARE ALREADY! DAMN IT! PUT ME DOWN!” he continued to ask. Tristan had enough of the silent treatment. His hands moved up to grab the back of the person’s pants. Tristan started to tug on them hard to make the person feel uncomfortable enough to stop. It worked. The man was thrown down into the wet muddy surface.

  Surprised from his successful plan, he turned around to look up through the darkness to see his rescuer, kidnapper, savior. It was a person dressed in a long dark coat with their face hidden behind a hood of some sort.

  “Alright, who the hell are you? Why did you save me from those monsters?” Tristan demanded to know. The person had reached into it’s long black coat to reveal a very sharp Machete weapon. Tristan quickly turned his body around before he started to crawl away as fast as he could. He could hear the person in the black coat keep up with him. The Machete had landed down beside the man’s face as his reflection could be seen from it’s clean surface. The person had grabbed Tristan by the back of his white muddy shirt. They turned him over to face the dark figure in the rain. The man’s eyes opened up when the other person had climbed on top of him before forcing a hand over his mouth, so that he couldn’t mutter a single word. Tristan knew what this person was trying to do at this point. Through the rain and thunder, he could hear the monsters screaming near by from where they were. They were using the tall grass to hide for now as a few of the rotting bodies had just walked passed them.

  A few moments went by as the unknown person was still laying on top of him. The pain was still pulsing throughout his body and it wasn’t helping to have this person’s weight on him. They finally removed their hand from his mouth slowly as it was brought up to where their face should be. The hood was moved back to reveal long blond hair that gently landed all over Tristan’s face. It was a woman, maybe around his age from what he could tell. She sure was a beauty. The woman looked around before gripping the front of his shirt tightly.

  “Stay very quiet! They hear you, if talk!” she said quietly. The way she spoke and the look in her eyes revealed that she was indeed a foreigner. Her accent made him believe that she was from either Russia or Germany. But where ever she came from her striking beauty was making his pain fade away. Until she attempted to get up and kneed him in the groin on accident. The man held in his cry as she stood up tall to look around to see if any of the creatures were still lurking around in the grass. “It safe now, we go!” she said.

  Tristan suddenly felt himself being lifted up from her strength alone.

  “Stand on own, I fight if need to.” the woman said. The wounded male had lowered himself to grab her weapon from the ground. He slowly handed the long blade to her with his eyes staring into hers. He began to pat his body all around in search for the gun he was using. But it was more than likely to still be in that things mouth.

  “My friends, they’re waiting for me in a house close to here. We have to go to them. I need to help them escape this town,” he said to her. The woman shook her head and pointed with her weapon towards the opposite direction.

  “No! Too dangerous! We go that way,” she said while waving her finger in front of his face. Tristan stepped away for a moment as he tried to push past the fatigue that was slowly consuming his strength.

  “I just can’t leave Susan and Kim behind! We were going to escape this town together! Only reason I let them go was because I thought I was going to die back there.” he said.

  The blonde woman had walked towards him with her machete being placed back into it’s dark black sheath.

  “Fine, stupid. We go help girlfriends you pig,” she said in disgust. His eyes opened up as he felt somehow hurt and confused on so many levels.

  “They’re not my girlfriends! They are my companions! I don’t even know your name for starters beautiful lady!” he said to her. Her clear blue eyes narrowed with a smile growing on her face. She had held out her hand which was covered with a dark leather glove.

  “I tell no name. You not worthy yet,” she said. Tristan shook her hand firmly while smiling back.

  “You should at least know mine. My name’s Tristan. It‘s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for saving me back there,” Tristan said with a smile on his face. The woman’s eyes had opened up more before she immediately yanked him away from where he was just standing.

  When he landed in the mud again the woman had launched her foot up quickly into the air. Through the darkness came forth the same kind of red eyed freak that attacked him on the street. But when it had leaped out from the tall grass, she was already waiting for him. It’s body had flew back from her powerful kick as she unsheathed her machete right after. She had walked over to it as the monster struggled to escape from the mud and grass.

  “Tristan! These!” The woman began to explain. She bashed her foot hard against it’s chest which fractured the bones that she made contact with. “Red Eye! They no die from gun. You smash head completely,” she said. Tristan forced himself up from the mud to wa
tch the thing struggle to get free from under her hold. He couldn’t help but blush from the sight of this angel that was holding the demon down so easily.

  “What do you mean by Red Eye?” he asked. The memory of the one he fought before his blackout came to mind. It took all of his and Kim’s bullets to do some actual damage to it. “So you’re saying the brain needs to be completely destroyed? A single shot or whack to the head won’t kill it like the others? Is that what you‘re saying?” he continued to ask. She nodded with the machete swiftly slicing it’s head clean off. The thing stopped moving with blood oozing out of it’s neck where it was sliced open.

  “Now you know. Better chance at surviving,” she said to him.

  The woman had wiped the blood off her weapon with her glove before sliding it back into it’s sheath once more.

  “We go your way first, then my way. Do you understand, pig?” she said to him. Tristan knew that she was going to be a big help in their escape from the town. Knowing this gave him more hope of surviving with the others.

  “Alright babe! Let’s go save my friends first, then we’ll go with you to your destination. By the way, are you with the military or some kind of special forces? I noticed the insignia on your sleeve. What is the OPC?” he asked her out of curiosity. The woman had took a step closer to smack him across the face after he asked that.

  “No babe! Not time to explain, we go now,” she said. Clearly she didn’t like that little name he called her, guess she understood the English language better than he thought.

  Sarah and Max were sitting at the Teacher’s desk. The students were sleeping on the floor near the small lockers in the back of the room. It was finally peaceful and quiet for the moment. That moment didn’t last long when the thing outside had returned with more of it’s friends. They were trying to climb up to get through the window. It was impossible without help from someone on the inside since the windows are high up.


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