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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

Page 21

by Guerra, Aaron

  “They’re back, Max.” Sarah said while feeling tired. She didn’t feel any better even after getting an hour of sleep. He was keeping a close eye on the window and his students that were currently asleep.

  “This is going to be a tricky way of escaping. The hallway that connects to the Main Hall is covered with those things. Our best option for us is to either stay here until help arrives or…just accept death,” Max said as he rubbed his chin. The officer had sat up with a confused look on her face.

  “There’s no way we can accept that, Max! These kids need to survive! They need to get home to their families. I know they’re waiting for them,” Sarah said to him.

  James had came to her mind when she thought of the students in the classroom.

  “My partner would’ve done anything to help them out, and so will I,” she said. Max just simply smiled at her with his brown eyes staring deeply into hers.

  “You show much respect for him, this partner of yours. That makes me happy to see in these dire times that we’re in,” he said. Sarah stood up tall to stretch out her arms and legs so that she could be ready for anything. His eyes had wondered over to see her bend over during her brief stretches. The sight of her bottom was so close to him which ended up making him feel more like a heated up horn dog. The moment he tried to touch her, she had turned to face him again. His hand quickly shot back to his lap as he just smiled to her.

  “What’re you planning Officer?” he asked her. The woman popped her neck first, then her back before smiling down to him.

  “I’m going to kill the things in the hallway so that we’ll have a better chance of escaping,” said Sarah. The man stood up quickly while shaking his head with his eyes showing fear.

  “NO! I mean no, Sarah! It’s just too dangerous!” he told her while he clenched his fists tightly to his sides.

  The woman had jumped back from his sudden outburst which had awoken the students from their sleep.

  “Hey teach? What’s going on?” Daniel asked as he brought his head up from the desk that he was resting on. The student noticed that the officer’s hand was resting near her gun. “Oh shit! Teach are you going to get shot or something?” he asked.

  Max looked down to see how responsive she was from his random outburst.

  “Please relax Sarah. I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just that I don’t want you to put your life at risk. Please wait until the sun comes up so that we can think of a better solution,” he calmly said to her. The woman slammed her hands against the large desk while glaring up at him.


  The teacher had jumped over the desk to grab her by the neck with his strong hands. She had tried to reach for her gun but his grip was too strong.

  “WE’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING RIGHT NOW YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH! I’M IN CONTROL! I LAY THE LAW HERE! YOU HAVE NO POWER!” Max had said while revealing his true colors. Sarah felt her body become cold as she blacked out from the lack of air. The man quickly released her from his grip as her body landed to the floor. Daniel and the other students got up quickly to look at him with fear climbing up their spines. The teacher walked over to her body to see that she was barely breathing.

  “S-She’s alive! It’s going to be okay!” Max said as his eyes shifted over to her chest, then to her lower waist. He slowly reached down to her before stopping himself midway. Max had removed her gun and handcuffs from her belt and holster. He grabbed hold of her legs to drag her over to the corner where the large TV was embedded up in the corner. He placed the cuffs on one wrist, then moved the chain over the metal bar that was connected to the wall. The clicking sound could be heard when he placed the second cuff on her other wrist. He took a step back to view her dangling from the TV with her arms up. Her head was hanging down with her feet resting on the floor. Her wrists were already bleeding slightly due to her weight that was trying to pull her down.

  “Students…” Max said while holding the gun firmly. He aimed it at them. “I’m still in charge of this class! Not her! Remember that! Now! Would you be so kindly as to go back to bed? After all, this is all just a nightmare…” he said to them.

  Daniel was staring at the woman that was dangling from the TV in the corner. He knew this was wrong, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. His Teacher had totally lost it.

  “Mr. Turner! I’ve got a question for you,” Daniel asked. The student had waved his hand up high to get the teacher’s attention.

  “Yes, Daniel? What is it?” Max replied. The teen had stood up tall before pointing over to the unconscious officer.

  “What’re we going to do with her man? I mean, c’mon! Look at that body. I know you’ve been staring at that rack!” Daniel said. The teacher sat up with his eyes shifting over to the woman again. Somehow the little punk caught his interest.

  “Come over here son,” the teacher said. The student had made his way over to the crazed man with the gun. He was getting nervous from the sight of the gun that was resting on the deranged man’s lap. “What do you think I should do to her?” Max asked as he stared at Sarah to see the blood sliding down her arms from her wrists where the metal cuff’s were digging into.

  “I’ve got an idea! How about, we take her into the closet and you know…use her like a sex toy,” Daniel suggested.

  The teacher quickly stood up after placing the gun onto the desk. His hands slid across the table with his face making a disturbing smile.

  “I really like the sound of that! Good thinking! I see we have some stuff in common, Daniel,” Max said with the disturbing smile still on his face. As the other students were forced to fall back into the deep slumber, the two quietly walked over to the unconscious officer. The student grabbed some scissors from the large desk to cut her white shirt open from the middle. The teacher’s eyes had lit up to see her bare stomach.

  “I knew Sarah had a beautiful body. Don’t you agree, Daniel?” Max asked him. The student nodded with the Scissors being held tightly in his left hand. The perverted teacher had planted his hands on the woman’s chest before fondling them while she was still out cold. “This-This is what I’ve been wanting to do to her ever since she came through the window!” he continued. The look on his face was disgusting. The teenager couldn’t take it anymore.

  Sarah awakened to see Max struggling in front of her with a pair of scissors that had been shoved through his neck. Daniel patted the woman’s pants until he found the key to her freedom.

  “Don’t worry officer! I‘ll get you down in a second,” Daniel said with a light smile. She noticed that her shirt was cut open and that her wrists were hurting badly. Daniel had finally unlocked one of the metal locks which brought the officer to her knees. Her hands landed in a puddle of Max’s warm blood. The teacher was already on the floor struggling to stay alive.

  Daniel ran back to his desk to retrieve a large jacket for her to put on.

  “I’m sorry lady, but this was the only way to put an end to his sick shit,” he said to her. Sarah gently placed a hand on the student’s to comfort him. The two looked down at the once sweet and caring Teacher. He had finally died from the amount of blood loss he suffered in just the few seconds. Daniel got up and grabbed the gun from the desk before handing it to her.

  “Lady, I just want to go home to see my grandma. I’m sure they feel the same about their families. If you can just get us home we would really appreciate it,” said Daniel. Sarah looked over to all of them. They were standing by the wall while holding in their tears from what they had just witnessed. “Officer, you can arrest me…but only after I see my grandmother. Just give me until then, okay?” he said to her. Sarah had pulled him down into a warm embrace, holding him very close.

  “Thank you for saving me,” said Sarah in tears.

  Kim and Susan were sitting in the living room in the house they were told to go in. The two girls were quiet, very quiet in
deed. They had already searched the house only to find it being empty. There was food in the fridge and cabinets for them to take though. The young woman had looked over to the redhead teen, sighing.

  “What do we do now? Do we just go?” Kim said softly. Susan had stood up with her eyes being puffy from all the crying she had done once they escaped from the horror outside.

  “We should’ve helped him…” Susan said in a whisper. Kim looked at her then back to her own slender hands.

  “He didn’t want us too, you know that. He wanted us to live…as long as we can. If we stayed behind with him we would‘ve died as well,” said Kim. The girl got up from the couch again and pointed down to Kim.

  “YOU’RE THE REASON HE’S DEAD! HE COULD’VE SURVIVED IF WE HAD JUST GONE BACK TO SAVE HIM! BUT YOU-YOU JUST DIDN’T HAVE THE GUTS TO DO ANYTHING BUT RUN!” Susan had let out in a brief outburst. Kim’s hands were trembling while her vision was getting glossy. Tears began to stream down her face as she had fell down to the floor. She was finally letting herself cry. Susan felt the rage subside from the sight of the girl in that state.

  “K-Kim…look I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out like that,” Susan said to her. She knelt down beside her before holding the trembling woman. They began to cry in the lonesome house as the pouring rain cancelled out their cries in the area.

  An hour had gone by as the storm continued to hovering over the town of Little Bow. Kim had pushed a heavy shelf in front of the living room window. The image of officer Jen being pulled through her own window gave her the shakes. She never wanted to see anyone else go through that again.

  “Susan, can you help me move the couch to the front door?” Kim had asked her. The teenager dropped the magazine she was reading to go help her out. The two began to push the furniture over towards the front door. Susan had grabbed the thick magazine from the floor before hopping onto the couch. She continued to read where she had left off. Kim walked past the teenager while brushing her fingers through her hair like an older sister. The redhead had slid her own fingers into her long hair to straighten it out.

  The woman wondered over to the kitchen to make sure that the backdoor was locked. It had three different types of locks on it which made her feel more relaxed.

  “No way they’re getting through that so easily,” said Kim. She had clapped her hands quietly so that Susan couldn’t hear her embarrassing show of victory. The place was secured for the night. When she had finished checking the kitchen out, she decided to make the two some sandwiches. It’s been awhile since they’ve snacked on anything.

  “Hey Susan? I’m going to be making us something to eat, what do you like on your sandwich?” Kim had asked the girl. The teenager walked into the small kitchen room with her face looking pale and dirty.

  “I’m not really hungry at the moment, but you can put whatever in it. I’m going to go upstairs to take a long needed shower. I bet I look like one of those things outside,” said Susan. Kim couldn’t help but smile from her remark. It was true, they both looked like quite a mess due to everything they’ve been through. Susan had walked off to the stairs and vanished from Kim’s sight. She decided to make four large sandwiches with pickles, lettuces, cheese, ham, turkey slices and wheat bread. Everything was there for this and that made Kim a very happy woman indeed.

  “Now, time to make us something that’ll give us some energy for tomorrow!” Kim said with a brief moment of cheer.

  Rebecca Lee, The Crazed Valerie and the Cynical Crystal were driving down the streets within the heavy rain fall. Valerie was in the backseat while enjoying the loving view out the window. She watched as helpless people were being pinned down and torn to pieces for food. Her eyes widened with joy to see so much death and destruction.

  “This feels just like Christmas! Crystal! Isn’t it a beautiful place?!” Valerie said with a bright smile. Crystal was sitting in the passenger seat as she smiled with her cold eyes staring out the window of the car.

  “Yes, Valerie. It’s a very beautiful time in our lives. Don’t waste any second of it, enjoy it all,” said Crystal. Rebecca’s eyes slightly narrowed when she remembered that she was traveling along with two crazy women. They have already lost their minds before all this started to happen.

  “So, how long have you two ladies been in this town?” Rebecca asked the two.

  Valerie’s eyes had trailed over to the back of the woman’s head. She held herself back from strangling her for interrupting the peaceful time she was having.

  “We just strolled in this morning! We had to come here for more gum and good times!” Valerie had replied first. Crystal started to laugh as her hands rubbed against each other just above her lap.

  “She speaks the truth. Good times was all we wanted, but we ran into trouble makers in the police station. We ended up tying them to chairs to get information out of them. One of them escaped and attacked me from behind. I was knocked out, but during that I believe one of them shot our friend Nicole. Isn’t that right, Valerie?” said Crystal. The girl in the backseat knew that it was Crystal whom pulled the trigger. She was trying to make a point to the guy that was there, and it was made very well. The crazed woman held in the frustration and tears so that she was able to just nod and smile.

  “T-That’s right! They shot my friend, our friend, while Crystal was bonked hard on the head,” Valerie said through her teeth. Rebecca looked in the rearview mirror to see the look in the girls eyes. She knew very well that the story they just told was bullshit.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your friend. With luck, we may run into the people that did that to her,” Rebecca said with a light smile at the end.

  Crystal lowered her head while licking her lips seductively.

  “No Luck. We will find them…and we will have our revenge,” Crystal said with her hands closing tightly. The woman driving the vehicle smiled with a simple nod as she continued to drive forward. A few of the corpses in their way tried to attack the moving machine but they were easily run over or pushed to the side. Valerie had quickly turned around to look out the back window again to see the fools fall onto the road as they drove away.

  “Daddy was right. No man in this world is good enough for his little princess,” Valerie said to herself. The girl had slid her hand down her pocket to pull out the pack of gum. She took one out and popped it into her mouth with a bright smile forming on her face.

  Roxanne Delarosa and Chris Reeve had barricaded the cafeteria doors after she explained what had happened. The Principal, Joe White tried to call if off as mass hysteria. The science teacher had did her best to explain where the other two survivors had gone off too, but the principal just believed that they had ran off without them.

  “Chris, do you think there’s a chance for us to escape through the back?” Roxanne asked him. The large man had turned to see the Principal walking back and forth near the students. A simple shrug was all he could do to answer her question. “We have to do something. It’s already 4:53am and I don’t think we can last here any longer,” she had added. The man shrugged again when he really didn’t understand what she was saying.

  “We have food here Roxanne, isn’t that enough? We can stay here for a couple of days to ride out this storm,” said Chris.

  The woman had poked his chest two times as her eyes narrowed from her point not being clear enough.

  “There are no restrooms in this part. What are we suppose to do? Squat in the corner like an animal?!” she had explained. The man’s face had flushed a dark red with his body now moving around.

  “Come to think of it, I’ve been holding it in for quite some time now,” Chris said with a hearty laugh. She had waved her hands in front of his face to try and get the image out of her head.

  “That’s quite enough Mr. Reeve! Now you understand what’s going on? We have to leave! What if Sarah and Luke were disposed of by those horrible reanimated football players?!” she said with a worried expression on her face. The man took a moment to think to himself.
Nothing really came to mind at all from what she said. He never was the smartest one in the family to be honest.

  “I’ll let you think of it Roxanne. I’m more of the physical type, not the thinking kind,” said Chris. She had pulled up a chair to sit on while feeling exhausted from just talking to him in the first place. The man pulled over another chair to sit beside her. He was wondering what she was thinking during the moment.

  Principal White looked over his shoulder when hearing the two teachers talk about the ones that had left the cafeteria building.

  “Do you see my students? Those two over there want you to leave. They want you to be killed by those monsters, so that they wouldn’t have to worry about you anymore. They want to worry about themselves, think about themselves. It’s just about them. Now me, your loving but strict Principal doesn’t think that way at all. Oh no he doesn’t. In fact, I came over here to make up a splendid plan to get rid of those two! Having me as your leader, and you, the proud Students of Little Bow High School as my warriors. We can have order and peace here in less than a few hours. Think of it! If nobody will come to save us, let us be the saviors!” Joe had preached to the young students. That’s when it happened. The students were hooked like fish so easily. The young men had got up to cheer as the girls clapped from the new hope they were given.

  “Now Now! I want all of you to keep this a secret. At 6am, we strike with our new plan for peace and order!” Joe White had told them as he clapped once.

  Roxanne had a chill run up her spine when she heard the students sounding so cheerful next to the principal. Even during all this chaos that has happened, that felt like a bad omen.

  “Chris, I think I want to leave and check the area out to see what’s going on. I could go to the back of the cafeteria and leave through there. I’m sure it’s just locked the from inside. If I do this, can I trust you to stay there and open it up if I knock four times in a row when I return?” she had asked him. The man had got up from the chair to shake his head.


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