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We Both Can't Be Bae

Page 11

by Borderhouse Publishing

  “Don’t think it’s over yet,” Keith said as he got up and flipped Cameron onto her back. He didn’t waste any time diving into her pussy. He sucked and bit her clit so good that she came instantly. He came up for a brief second and grabbed some of the fruit dip. He put a little on her clit and sucked and bit it some more. Cameron grabbed his head and pushed him deeper. She tried to push his head back when she couldn’t take anymore but he wouldn’t stop. He just pulled her closer and continued devouring her. When he was done feasting, he was fully erect again and ready to fuck the hell out of her. He slid inside of her and went as deep as he could go on the first stroke. Cameron screamed out in pleasure and pain. She grabbed a pillow and covered her face. He continued stroking her and he pulled the pillow off her face and demanded that she look at him. He grabbed one of her legs and pushed it up to the headboard. She grabbed him around his waist and pulled him deeper into her. She was enjoying the fact that she could take all of him like a pro. “Damn bae you feel so good,” Cameron said before she started sucking on his neck. “I’m bout to cum,” he said.

  “Me too, oh shit!!” Cameron said and climaxed with him.

  Cameron played house with Keith all day until he had to go and make a run about three-thirty that evening. They showered together and got dressed. They almost didn’t make it out of the shower because they couldn’t get enough of each other.

  Keith walked her outside and they hugged and kissed each other until his phone rang breaking the silence. He told her he didn’t want to let her go but he really needed to head on out. She told him she understood and dreadfully got in her car after kissing him again. Cameron had turned her phone completely off, but she still decided to leave it in the car. She knew she would have several text messages and probably a few voicemails but she was not expecting twenty-five voicemails or sixty-three text messages. She clicked on Toya’s name first since she had texted her and hadn’t bothered to wait for her reply before turning her phone off.


  7:05 pm: Malcolm has been calling my phone but I haven’t answered. What happened with you guys now?

  7:47: I’m pretty sure you’re Keith. I hope y’all got some kinda plan together

  8:26 pm: He’s texting me now. What you want me to say?

  8:48 pm: HELLO


  10:59 pm: I’m going to bed!! I hope you know what the hell you’re doing


  7:45 am: I’m headed to work. I sure hope your night was worth what you’re gonna face whenever you decide to show your face. Be safe!!

  7:45 BYE

  7:46: Crazy ass!!!

  There were a couple text messages from her mom asking where she was and if she was alright and all of the rest were from Malcolm. Cameron just shook her head and sighed. She put her car in reverse and dreadfully headed home. Keith called because she was still sitting in the driveway after he left. She told him she was just checking her millions of voice and text messages but she had left a couple of minutes ago. There was no need to call Malcolm so she didn’t. Cameron headed home like it was a normal work day. She called Toya but she didn’t answer so she sent her a text and said told her that she was heading home.

  When she pulled up Malcolm was sitting outside dressed in all black. Cameron began thinking about his ass jumping out of the bushes in all black. “Here we go again,” she said to herself. She didn’t even have time to get out of the car before he made his way to her door. She tried to get out, but he pushed her back in and told her to crawl over to the passenger seat. She slapped him as hard as she could and he pushed her again and opened his jacket to display the gun that he had recently purchased. When the fuck did this psycho get a gun and who let him get one? She instantly crawled over and positioned herself in the passenger seat after seeing the gun. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to. I only want to talk to you, for right now,” Malcolm told her as he got into the driver seat and started backing out of the driveway. He had gone and purchased a gun a few hours ago but it wasn’t loaded yet. She wouldn’t find out that the bullets were in his jacket pocket until later.

  Malcolm drove in silence for the first hour of the ride. Complete silence…for one whole hour. Cameron was scared shitless. She had turned her phone on silent and texted her mom and Toya letting them know that she was somewhere on the Natchez Trace and Malcolm had a gun. She was scared for her life. She told them that she was scared to talk in front of him and that’s why she was texting. “I really did love you,” Malcolm finally said breaking his silence. Cameron’s eyes almost popped out of her head when it registered that he said “did”. “All I wanted was a woman who would stay at home and have a house full of babies for me. You didn’t even have to work. I went to your job today and they told me you had the day off. I guess you was laid up with that nigga all night because I didn’t see your car at Toya’s house. She said you had left but I know she was lying. Your car wasn’t there last night either. You think I’m so stupid, but I’m far from stupid. When I use to text you on my way home it wasn’t because I was being stupid. I was just giving you time to get yourself together so I wouldn’t have to kill you. I know you don’t wanna be with me but you’re mine. We are a family. I MADE Kingston be my son no matter what!! I made it happen because I really don’t want to kill you. I told you that I’m not gonna live without you and you damn sho not gonna live with some other nigga. I meant every word I said. Til death do us part sweetheart. I found the birth control pills you been taking so I guess you really won’t ever get pregnant again huh? Telling me you will have my baby when it happens. You tried to make it not happen. You WILL have more children because I threw those damn pills away and I dare you to get some more. It’s time for you to start acting like a wife. I hate hoes. Do you want me to hate you?”

  Cameron remained quiet as he continued to talk and drive deeper and deeper into the woods. She had no idea where they were because he had turned off on a back road from the Natchez Trace. She knew her life was about to end so she closed her eyes and said a short silent prayer to God. Dear God, I’m really not ready to die so I’m asking you to get me out of this mess. I know I’m not perfect but I try. Please forgive for all the wrong I have done. Please keep my baby safe and away from this fool if he kills me. Amen.

  “Open your eyes up. I’ve been hearing the talk about some married nigga that’s supposed to be your boyfriend. You want another nigga? I’ve learned exactly where to shoot a person to kill them now. The next person I shoot won’t live to tell it. You think if someone screamed out here anybody would hear them?” He asked while facing her for the first time. “How long you think it will take for your little punk ass boyfriend to come looking for you?” She was about to text Keith but Malcolm reached over and grabbed her phone. The screen was locked so she didn’t fight him or take any chances to make him any crazier. “Can’t NOBODY save you! LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!!” He screamed while reaching over and turning her head towards his. Cameron really didn’t know what to say or do. She knew she really didn’t want him anymore, especially after this, but she also didn’t want to die so she was once again going to have to swallow her pride. “Do you love me?” He asked her.

  “Yeah,” she replied dryly.

  “Are you gonna be a good wife from now on or do I have to kill you?” He asked.

  “Are you gonna be a good husband?” She said a little too sarcastically but he had hit a nerve. “I AM GOOD!!!” he screamed.

  Malcolm pulled over to the side of the road and broke down crying. I need to have this fool admitted; Hell I should have had him admitted when the doctor recommended it instead of listening to his bitch ass mama. Cameron wanted to say it out loud but held her peace so she could at least live a little while longer. “Let’s just get married again and start over
,” he continued to cry. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t even put the bullets in this gun. I don’t want to kill you. I’m sorry. I just love you so much and don’t want to lose you. Please don’t leave me. I’ll get some help. I’ll start back taking my medicine.” Cameron was furious but relieved that the gun wasn’t loaded. She thought that she was really about to die but she wasn’t out of the woods just yet. She wondered what the hell kind of medicine he was talking about and who had he shot before? I hate this crazy ass motherfucker, Cameron thought. She decided to play nice, get out of this situation, and do everything in her power not to be put in it again. She didn’t know what other choice she had. Telling him she hated him at that very moment would most likely cause more trouble than it would be worth. “We can start over. Let’s just go home,” she said while rolling her eyes as he cried in her lap. “Do you love me?” He asked. Cameron bit her lip and gritted her teeth and eventually mumbled yeah. “Say it,” he said.

  “I love you,” Cameron said dryly. I wish I could load the gun and kill his ass and leave him out here for the wild animals to have a feast. Stupid bastard, Cameron thought to herself.


  Chapter 19

  Monday morning at work Cameron was thinking about how she had been walking on egg shells over the weekend. She only had a three day work week ahead and then she would be off two days for Thanksgiving, then hopefully Malcolm would really be leaving going back to work. She figured if she played the “good wife” role like he wanted, and did everything in her power to keep the peace everything would be good. She only talked to Malcolm when he talked to her. He was walking around acting as if he hadn’t threatened her life on Friday.

  All day Saturday he tried to get her out of the house. He asked her if she wanted to go out to eat, to the movies, even shopping but she wouldn’t budge. She just wanted him to disappear…like really dis-a-fucking-pear. Forever. He even tried to make her feel guilty about not going to church on Sunday, but she just stared at him like the crazy fool he was. He wouldn’t go to church and take the chance of leaving her alone. To seal it all, Kingston had called them both some crazy fools on Sunday. He was repeating more and more of the things he heard day by day.

  Cameron sat in the house all day Saturday and Sunday feeling depressed. Phebe was at home with Keith for the weekend, and even though she couldn’t get to him that made her angry and jealous. In a perfect world she would be married to Keith with two kids and they would live happily ever after, but she wasn’t living in a perfect world. Nowhere near perfect. She was living in hell, pure hell on earth.

  When she was looking for her car keys earlier that morning Malcolm smiled and held them up in front of her to see. He told her that he would drop her off at work and pick her up. He even said that he would bring her lunch. Cameron retaliated for the first time since he had scared the shit out of her. She told him that she was perfectly capable of driving herself to work and didn’t need a damn chauffeur. Malcolm simply ignored her and told her to let him know when she was ready. Cameron felt so helpless. I’m not ready to die so what choice do I have but to do as he says for now? She thought to herself. She started getting mad all over when she thought about being dropped off at work. Just a few more days, she told herself while trying to relax.

  While Cameron was finishing up with a case her phone vibrated. She really hated to look at her phone fearing it was Malcolm, but she picked it up anyway. She opened the text and a picture of a newborn baby appeared. She looked at the number and it seemed familiar so she thought for a few seconds before it hit her. Nikki. “Why is this bitch sending me a picture of a newborn baby?” Cameron said while getting angry thinking about this dumb hoe. She was about to reply but another message from Nikki came through saying: Here’s a picture of Mackenzie, your step daughter. Cameron was speechless. She remembered hearing a rumor about Nikki being pregnant but she never looked into it to see if there was any truth to it and she NEVER even thought about her being pregnant by Malcolm. I knew there was a good damn reason for that bitch to call me, and this psycho ass motherfucker wanna blame me for everything when he will fuck anything that walks. At least I only have one person on the side.. Cameron forwarded the picture to Malcolm and said meet your daughter you lying son of a bitch!! Within seconds Malcolm was calling. Cameron got up and closed her office door before answering the phone. “You black bastard!! You doing all this threatening me and you got a baby by that trailer park trash bitch!” Cameron hissed into the phone. She was thankful that she remembered she was at work before answering. “That ain’t my baby. She lying, just calm down sweetheart,” Malcolm said.

  “I don’t wanna hear that bullshit and don’t call me sweetheart. How about you send a damn DNA truck on wheels to her house like you did me, you lying son a bitch!!” Cameron calmed herself down as Malcolm was babbling. Whether this baby was his or not, this was just the distraction she needed to get him off of her back. She never even had time to confront him about anything that she knew about him because she was trying to save her life; but now she knew that he would happily take his black ass on back to work. She smiled to herself and told Malcolm, “If that bastard baby is yours, you can pack your shit and go move in that house you had to rebuild. Goodbye.” Click.

  Cameron was happy to end the call with the upper hand, but what if the baby really was Malcolm’s? What would she do? What would his crazy ass do? She also wondered what he meant that day in the car when he said he made Kingston his son no matter what? Cameron had a million questions and no answers. She didn’t even bother replying to Nikki. She was sick of confronting these women over Malcolm’s black ass. She knew that she would do something else crazy so she decided she would focus on Malcolm. Since Cameron had no car and Sonya took off the whole week for the holidays, Cameron decided to order in from Bulldog Deli since they didn’t charge an arm and a leg for delivery. On her lunch, she started a conversation with her girls. She started the chat by sending the picture Nikki had sent her.

  Shay: Whose baby is that?

  Toya: Damn you done had a baby in the midst of all your drama?

  Cameron: HELL NAW!! Nikki sent this and said it’s my step daughter. She said her name is Mackenzie.

  Shay: OMG!!

  Toya: WTH??

  Shay: What did Malcolm say?

  Toya: I swear your life needs to be in a book or movie, hell both!!

  Sonya: Goodness. This is just too much!

  Cameron: I sent him the picture then he called. He said it ain’t his baby. Was telling me to calm down and shit

  Toya: I guess he’ll send a DNA truck to her house next

  Cameron: Not funny but I asked him the same thang. He embarrassed the fuck out of me so we will see what he does

  Cameron: Sonya I wish you was here. Malcolm dropped me off at work so I’m stuck.

  Toya: WTH? Dropped you off... lawd!! I just don’t know what to say anymore. How he acting all innocent?

  Cameron: EXACTLY

  Toya: Y’all both need help!!

  Shay: Y’all crazy!!!

  Toya: Beyond crazy lol

  Sonya: Why did he drop you off? What’s that supposed to do? I’m glad I’m not at work but I’ll be back next week chile.

  Toya: Right, like Keith hasn’t been to her job. Malcolm just dumb

  Cameron: Toya what time your dinner start next week? Malcolm should be gone and I can come in peace

  Toya: 7:30….6:30 for Shay and Sonya

  Sonya: I will be on time ma’am

  Shay: I will too thank you very much

  Toya: Hmph. Only time will tell

  Keith called Cameron so she stopped texting the group. Hey bae, she said while smiling from ear to ear. He changed her mood instantly. “Hey baby girl, are you out for lunch today?” He said. She sighed and told him about how her morning had gone. She was able to send him a few text messages over the weekend but this was her first time talking to him. She was smiling just to be able to hear his voice because at one point she thought she would neve
r be able to hear it again. “Ima come through and see you,” he said.

  “As much as I would love that, it might not be a good idea. He’s probably out there hiding in the bushes again and we don’t need any more drama,” Cameron said.

  “When you gonna leave that fool? I’m tired of this shit. I’m beginning to think you like living a double life, having two niggas and shit. You getting a thrill outta calling both of us bae,” Keith said. Cameron got sad and sighed then told him as soon as she comes up with a plan. She told him she wishes it was as easy as people seem to think it is. She hated having these kinda conversations with Keith. It broke her heart when he made it seem like she enjoyed the position she was in. They talked for the rest of her break and Cameron asked Keith if he would go with her Toya’s birthday dinner next weekend. He agreed without hesitation but before he hung up he told her that Phebe found the thong she left under the pillow. Cameron was speechless. She sure left it under Phebe’s pillow as payback for her approaching her in the parking lot that day. There was no need in her lying because Keith would have known she was lying so she didn’t say anything at all. “Don’t forget you the one with two bae’s. Don’t pull no mo shit like that. I got out of it so it’s all good,” Keith said before he hung up.

  Cameron’s next two work days were very busy. She was determined to complete all of her tasks before the holidays. She hated leaving work over the weekend and leaving any over a holiday was much worse. She spent lunch in the office again because Malcolm really dropped her off all three days. Sick bastard really kept her car keys like she still couldn’t do anything if she wanted to. There are ways around everything but she was just playing it safe until he left.


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