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His Lullaby Baby

Page 34

by Airicka Phoenix

“God, baby!” He urged her to go faster. “Like that. Show me how you want it.” His hand went to the button on her jeans. “Christ, I need to be inside you, Addy girl.”

  She was about to agree when he rose. He took her hand in one of his and his cane in the other and he dragged her from the room. In seconds, she found herself in the kitchen, shoved against the wall just inside the doorway. His cane was tossed to the ground. Then his hands were on her clothes, tugging and freeing her. Her jeans were torn open, exposing the cotton material of her panties. His mouth slanted over hers, vicious and cutting. Her hands were filled by broad shoulders as he pressed into her.

  His hands were warm, his fingers just the right amount of coarse to make her skin tingle as they scraped along the smooth plane of her abdomen and disappeared past the elastic of her panties.

  “Come for me, Addy,” he commanded gruffly against her lips. “I need to hear you before I leave.”

  There was no time wasted. He pried apart her lips and went straight for the wet opening of her sex. The lazy prod combined with having never been touched there willingly had her back arching and her core muscles clinching with two sensations, surprise and desire.

  “I can’t,” she gasped breathlessly. “I’ve never … I don’t think I can.”

  His head lifted, his lips abandoning their nibbling of her throat. His gaze devoured her.

  “Oh, you can come,” he purred. “Your pussy is already so wet. Your clit is so swollen. Your body is vibrating with the need to come apart for me. Feel that?”

  He stroked the hard nub at her center and she sobbed. Her head dropped back against the wall as her fingers tightened at his shoulders.


  “That’s how close you are.” He nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth. “Your cunt wants my cock. It wants me inside you.”

  One finger pushed past the tight ring. Then two, and Addy came for the first time in her life with a wail. Her hips went wild, rising and slamming down on the exquisite intruders taking over her body. The unfamiliar rush of raw ecstasy pounded into her until she was sure her heart was about to stop in her chest. Her knees dissolved and he caught her, pinning her between him, the wall and the fingers speared inside her. They moved languidly along her sensitive walls, milking every last shudder. Even then, he kept them there, thrusting and gliding, and rebuilding the fire. His heel rolled back and forth over her clit in slow rocks that had her hips writhing. Her muscles rippled. Hot liquid heat rushed from her body to trickle down his fingers. She had never been so wet.

  “One more?” he drawled sensually. “Or should we wait until I get home?”

  “More!” she panted into his shoulder. “Please … one more.”

  He turned her around without dislodging and kicked apart her feet. Her hands splayed against the wall as he pushed the rock hard length of his cock against the crack of her ass. His heart thundered against her shoulder blade. His body seemed to hum with his arousal. Yet his hand remained steady.

  “Take me.”

  The words blurted out of her without a single ounce of consideration or thought from her. They burst free and hung in the thick, sexual hue surrounding them like a blanket, and she didn’t regret them. She didn’t wish to pull them back. She needed this. She needed him, needed to feel him when every inch of her was still numb from her meeting with Jim. But beyond that, she needed to feel what a real man felt like. Needed to know what it felt like to have sex without pain, sex with someone she wanted inside her.

  Toby froze. “What?”

  Addy had to moisten her lips before she could brave herself into saying it again. “I want you inside me.”

  His breathing quickened against her ear. His heart rate escalated.

  “My dad…”

  “Hurry,” she whispered, feeling unusually bold and needy.

  As though to prove the level of her seriousness, she tugged at her pants, shoving the stiff material over her hips and down to her thighs.

  Behind her, Toby cursed wildly, but he didn’t hesitate.

  She heard his pants being undone. Heard the hiss of the zipper and the rustle of fabric as it was forced downward. She waited, body braced for the terror to overtake her, for the panic to swallow her whole. But all she felt when he grabbed her hips was greedy anticipation. The head of his thick cock slipped between her legs, smearing her juices and working all the way to the crown of her sex before receding. It nudged against her opening once. Then broke in with a single, powerful thrust.

  Addy choked on a gasp. Her body seized as the pressure ripped through her. She cried out and bowed into him, her channel gripping him with a force that brought tears to her eyes.


  His snarl burned into the side of her face. His arm banded around her middle, the one not planted on the wall next to her face. His hips drove up into her, increasing each time until sparks were exploding across her vision. Her sweater was torn off. It was pitched aside hastily. Then his hands were twisting in her bra straps. They were yanked down her arms and her breasts sprang free to his deft fingers. The thrill of his bare skin on one of the most sensitive parts of her body had her crying out in unadulterated rapture. The slivers of delight that rocketed through her with every roll of his thumb, every pinch had her meeting his hips with a desperate grind of her own.

  “Now that I’ve been inside you,” he hissed into her ear while he pounded into her. “I am going to fuck you every chance I get.”

  Addy had no coherent thought in her head to answer him. Her mind had become a wasteland of shimmering sparks and a deep, endless cliff that his every thrust kept propelling her closer to.


  Her whine must have meant something to him, because one hand dropped away from her breast and dipped between her thighs. Those clever fingers parted her dewy lips and flicked at the throbbing bundle tucked in between.

  “Come for me, Addy!”

  He flicked faster, thrust deeper. Addy came a second time with a near scream as her muscles seized around him with a severity that nearly knocked her out. The pure pressure strangled her lungs, suffocating her as she crushed him inside her. The world faded to the shriek between her ears and returned to his roar and the hot gush of his release deep in her body. His cock twitched and pulsed in time to the unsteady cracks of his heart. He slumped half on her, pressing her further into the wall as they both struggled to catch their breaths.

  “I have found my new home,” he panted at last. “I am never leaving.”

  Addy laughed, blissfully lax and so comfy. “I have never felt anything like that before.”

  His lips brushed the side of her face. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “So much better than okay.”

  He kissed her lightly and drew back. His deflated erection slipped free from her and the loss made her shiver. Hastily, she tugged her bra into place over her breasts and was reaching for her pants when his arms returned. They circled around her waist and locked over her abdomen. His chest settled against her back.

  “My dad is bound to walk in at any minute, otherwise, I’d take you to bed right now,” he murmured into the back of her head. “I’m not done with you, Addy. Not by a long shot. I plan on making this a regular thing.”

  Delighted by his words, Addy tilted her head back when the front door opened, announcing Cole’s return.

  Addy quickly returned her clothes to their normal state just as Cole walked into the room.

  “I’m sorry about that,” he said. “I really thought Jimmy could help.”

  Painfully aware of her disheveled state, and more excruciatingly, the smell of sex and sweat impregnating the air, Addy could only shake her head in response and pray to God he didn’t notice.

  “Is he gone?” Toby asked, looking frustratingly put together standing next to her.

  Cole nodded. “He said he’d touch base on Monday.”

  “And there’s still nothing he can do?”

  “Other than proceed with the divorce?
He says there isn’t.”

  Toby frowned. “That can’t be all.”

  “I’m afraid it is. We can’t really do anything until we go through with everything and see what happens.”

  “I don’t like being blind.”

  Cole nodded. “Me neither, but we’ll take it one day at a time.” He glanced at Addy. “It will all work out.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “I didn’t do anything, but you’re welcome.” He turned his attention to Toby. “We need to start heading out if we want to get to the campsite before nightfall.”

  “Okay, just going to say goodbye.”

  “See you on Monday, Addy,” Cole said before heading out of the kitchen once more.

  Mortified, Addy’s hands flew to her hot cheeks. “Do you think he knew?”

  Toby’s response was an unhelpful chuckle. “What are you and Hanna going to do while we men are gone?”

  Addy nodded. “We were invited to spend the weekend with the McClain family.”

  “Oh yeah?” He didn’t seem surprised. “That sounds like fun.”

  Addy nodded. “Your aunt invited us.”

  “Well, I’m glad. I hated the idea of you two out here alone.”

  “We’ve been here alone for three years, mister.”

  Toby hissed through his teeth. “Yes, but now you’re not.”

  “I do like that,” she confessed.

  “Good.” He kissed her, long and deep, taking with him all her senses and the feeling in her legs. “I’ll see you Sunday evening. Be good and have too much fun.”

  “Don’t you mean don’t have too much fun?”

  “Heck no, go crazy and then tell me all about it.”

  Laughing, she hugged him. “Be safe and please watch over Sean.”

  He squeezed her close. “I will.”

  She walked him to the door and stood watching from the porch as he climbed into the truck and pulled out of the driveway. He and Cole waved once before they disappeared down the road in a cloud of dust.

  She grabbed Hanna from daycare that evening fully aware of the tenderness between her legs when she sat down. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but the subtle throbbing reminded her of that afternoon and the feel of Toby breaking her in ways she had no problem being broken. The feel of him stretching her was a constant memory that made her squirm in her seat. It had her growing damp and swollen, which was distracting as hell when she was driving.

  Jennifer Moore greeted her at the doors when she arrived at the daycare. Other moms and dads stood around the spacious, single floor dwelling, watching the kids while they played the last few minutes before the end of day. Addy only recognized one face in the group.

  Willa waved at her and Addy made her way over.

  “Men gone?” Willa asked in the way of greeting.

  Willa nodded. “Yeah, Toby and Cole left a few hours earlier.”

  “How are you holding up?”

  Addy shrugged. “Good, actually.”

  Willa peeked at her, scrutinizing. “You sure?”

  Assuring her she was, she focused on the sea of tiny heads until she located the one that belonged to her. Hanna stood with Kari and two other little girls in a makeshift playhouse. She was washing toy plates in the pretend sink while Kari vacuumed around her feet. The other two seemed to be cooking, or randomly tossing things into a plastic bowl. But whatever they were doing, Hanna looked happy. She looked content.

  “Are you coming over this weekend?” Willa asked, also watching the girls.

  Addy nodded. “We were going to go straight there from here.” She glanced at the blonde. “Is that okay?”

  Willa chuckled. “Of course! We’re going there as well.”

  Despite the reassurance, Addy couldn’t help the anxiety that had her biting her lip. “Maybe I should feed Hanna before we go…”

  “Don’t you dare!” Willa gasped, actually wide eyed with panic. “Mom and Aunt Beth will have a fit! Trust me. They like feeding people.”

  Chuckling with uncertainty, Addy relented. “Okay.”

  The bell rang and the kids all scrambled to their feet in a flurry of noise and movement. They stampeded to their cubbies and began dragging on their things. Hanna and Kari ran over together.

  “I sneezed and farted!” Hanna declared with a delight that only a child could show with such a declaration.

  “Well…” Addy drew her closer to tug her hood on. “Good for you.”

  “It smelled like Doritos,” Kari supplied helpfully.

  “That is lovely,” Willa agreed, smothering her own laughter. “You girls ready for our sleepover?”

  Cheering loud enough to make Addy wince, the girls jumped up and down in enthusiasm.

  Laughing, Willa turned to Addy. “We’ll see you there?”

  Agreeing, the group walked out to the parking lot together and got into their own vehicles.

  “Mommy? If we’re going to Kari’s for a sleepover, how is Sean going to find us when he gets home?” Hanna asked as they followed Willa’s taillights out of town. “Can we go get him? I don’t want him to be alone. He’ll be sad.”

  Touched, Addy reached into the back without taking her eyes off the road and gently squeezed the girl’s kneecap. “Sean’s with Toby and they’re camping. He won’t be home until Sunday.”

  Hanna blinked. “Toby’s gone too?”

  The exasperation in the question made her laugh and pull her arm back.

  “We’ll see them soon.”

  They arrived just as Calla pulled into the driveway behind them and yet somehow managed to get to the porch before them.

  “Hey!” the blonde greeted as they joined her. “You made it!”

  She pushed open the door and breezed inside without knocking. She kicked out of her heels and disappeared into the living room.

  “I swear that woman is on speed,” Willa hissed just for Addy’s ears.

  “Addy!” Lily caught sight of them as they stomped into the foyer. The woman was sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other. Beth and Rachel sat with her, also holding goblets of wine. Calla was nowhere to be seen. “You made it. Wonderful.” She motioned them closer. “We are ordering pizza and gossiping. Take your shoes off and come join.”

  Addy helped Hanna out of her coat and shoes, removed her own and made her way forward.

  Kari and Hanna claimed the armchairs, practically sitting on top of each other, but seemingly comfortable. Rosie sat on the floor, surrounded by a mountain of Blue Ray DVDs and a miserable expression.

  “That is every video you own, Grandma!” she complained, glancing over her shoulder to where Beth was taking a sip of her drink.

  “Addy, would you like a drink?” Willa asked, already making her way to the kitchen.

  “We have red and white wine,” Lily chimed in.

  “Just red,” Calla corrected, stalking out of the kitchen, a glass of white wine in hand.

  Addy shook her head. “No, thank you. I don’t drink.”

  “How about a Coke then?” Willa offered. “I think we might have orange juice as well.”

  Addy shrugged. “Coke would be great.”

  “Can I have Coke?” Hanna chirped.

  Willa glanced at Addy, asking silently with raised eyebrows.

  “No, but you can have orange juice if there is any.”

  “Come help me.” Willa beckoned.

  Addy followed her into the kitchen, feeling a whole lot more uncomfortable than she normally did. But then normally, Toby was with her and she didn’t feel completely like an intruder.

  Willa set her glass down on the counter before reaching for the fridge door. She threw it open and peered inside.

  “Orange juice and Coke,” she announced, pulling out both. “Can you get the glasses? They’re in that cupboard there.”

  Addy knew where everything in the kitchen was by heart. She’d spent every weekend since being invited baking something for desert, which she thoroughly enjoyed

  “How are you?” Willa asked, never glancing up while she poured.

  “I’m all right.”

  “It’s always a bit strange when the boys go for the first time. I was a wreck.”

  Addy chuckled. “Sean was comforting me before he left.”

  Willa nodded. “Owen threatened to never leave his room if I didn’t stop calling.”

  They each grabbed a glass and made their way back into the living room.

  “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” Rosie announced, holding the video up for the rest of the room to see.

  “I’m not entirely sure that’s appropriate for a pair of four year olds,” Calla stated.

  “Then we might as well pick a cartoon,” Beth decided. “We can always put something a bit more adult on once the kids have gone to bed.”

  “Can we watch Tangled?” Kari asked. “Have you seen it?” she asked Hanna.

  Hanna nodded. “But I like it.”

  “Hey, didn’t you grab that new Tinkerbelle movie, Willa?” Lily cut in.

  “Yes!” The blonde hurried forward. She stepped over the videos and grabbed one off the top of the TV stand. “Here it is. I’d been meaning to put it on.”

  She handed it to Rosie who popped it open and shoved the disc into the player. Everyone scrambled to find a seat. Addy wedged herself in next to Willa.

  “Should we wait for the pizza?” Beth wondered as the credits played across the screen.

  “I think we’re okay,” Rachel assured her. “It’s for the kids anyway.”

  “Is this what you guys do when the guys go camping?” Addy asked Willa. “Watch movies all weekend?”

  Willa snorted. “No! Only on the first day. We’ll plan something out after the movie.”

  No one else spoke as the show started. Halfway through, pizza arrived. Steaming triangles of dough, cheese, sauce, and about a million toppings were passed around on plates. Addy offered to pay for half, but her money was shooed away by Beth. They watched two more movies after that one before it was time for bed. Kari and Hanna bunked together in one of the rooms upstairs. Rosie stayed up. But no one was in the mood for another movie.

  “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Willa asked. “Are we doing anything?”


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