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Christmas Daddy Next Door

Page 55

by Tia Siren

  I had kept Brea away from my parents and acted as the middleman between them. I spoke to Dad and bit my tongue when he spoke poorly about Brea and her life choices. He talked about the baby like it was business and nothing more. I knew fighting wasn’t going to do any good. I needed to keep things as calm as possible before I got the inheritance. That would set me free and I would never have to worry about his judgment ever again.

  I could start over. Brea and I would have the baby and I could focus on my life. I was certain my parents wouldn’t want to have a lot to do with the baby until I could throw it into the family business. We stalled as breakfast ended and Brea sipped her juice slowly.

  She’d already had the required liquids for the ultrasound, and I saw the discomfort in her eyes as she finally stood. “I have to pee,” Brea grumbled as she walked ahead of me to the car, fussing with her long T-shirt and leggings. I led her to the car and helped her inside, kissing her cheek before I walked around to the other side. I drove us to the hospital, and we both saw my father waiting at the entrance of the building, looking around impatiently.

  “Does he have to be here?” Brea whispered. I sighed. It was part of the deal, and while I’d prefer it to be just the two of us, I had agreed to Dad’s presence. We got out of the car and walked toward him. He only had eyes for Brea.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good,” she replied with a grimace. “Let’s go in.”

  “She drank a ton of water for this. Brea is a bit grumpy,” I explained to Dad even though he must have understood. He had been there for Mom during her pregnancy, hadn’t he?

  I checked us in and joined her in the corner where my father sat looking at his phone. Brea looked uncomfortable as she stared at the floor, waiting for her name to be called. We stood as we heard it, and I took Brea’s hand and walked to the door. She led the way, and I watched as they weighed her, much to her dismay.

  Dad watched everything with a shrewd gaze and walked behind me to the room where we would find out the gender. The technician told Brea to lift her shirt and lower her pants, revealing her stomach. Brea shifted as gel was spread over her skin, and the technician smiled at her.

  “Ready?” The woman went over the measurements and size, telling us that the due date was still January twenty-seventh and that everything looked good so far. I watched in awe as the baby moved around and gripped Brea’s hand, nearly forgetting that my father was even there. “Want to know what you’re having?” the blonde asked. We both nodded. She moved the wand over the torso and slowed as the baby turned around again.

  “See that?” Brea leaned in closer and stared as she held tightly to my hand. “You are going to have a sweet baby girl.”

  “God damn it! You can’t even do that right, can you?” Dad roared from the corner, making us all jump. “This is bullshit. A girl can’t run the company. You’d better think about trying for a son before you see a penny.” He turned and left as the technician watched him with narrowed eyes. She looked back at us in shock.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I leaned in to kiss Brea’s hair. I stood and walked out of the building, searching for Dad before I ran over to him. “What the hell was that?” I demanded as he turned to me with rage in his eyes.

  “A girl won’t do what you need. They don’t know how to run a business, Ryan. Your inheritance is on hold again. Try for a damn boy.” Dad turned, and I reached out to grab his arm.

  “You’re getting a granddaughter. You should be happy because she’s a blessing, Dad. She can be whatever she wants to be! Women do amazing things in business.” I looked back at the building, imagining what Brea must be feeling. “That was such an asshole move. Do you know how much we’ve been looking forward to today? God, I knew you’d fuck it up somehow.”

  I watched my father walk away from my words and my life. It didn’t matter to me that he might take it all away. I believed his threat was an empty one, given that I’d done what he wanted. It just wasn’t the image he was holding onto in his mind. What bothered me was how he had just tossed my family away in front of Brea.

  I was used to him and had expected it. I’d protected her from him because of the way my dad was, and now I was pissed off that I’d allowed him in there at all. That wasn’t a moment she would ever have again. It wasn’t one I’d think back to without my father being a part of it. It was gone. He had ruined it. I took a few breaths before turning to go back inside.

  I asked the woman at the desk to let me back in since there was no line. She told me to wait just a second until someone called me back, and I paced as I did. I focused on the fact that my baby was healthy and strode forward as my name was called. I made my way back to the room where I was greeted with a dirty look from the technician and a scared one from Brea. The technician was just telling her that everything looked great and the baby was growing right on schedule.

  “Everything looks good?” I asked, and she nodded politely, giving me the feeling that she wanted to go off on me. It wasn’t necessary since I already regretted my dad being there. I stepped forward and took Brea’s hand as she shifted and looked at the technician.

  “Where is the bathroom?”

  “Just through that door,” the blonde told her with a sympathetic smile. “I’ll print off some pictures for you.” Brea waddled away and the girl pushed some buttons before she watched a long strip of paper start to print out. She tore them carefully and gave me a long look before handing them to me.

  “You’re a lucky guy to have all of this. Take her home and fix it.” She waved her hand around as I nodded gratefully and stared at the images in my hands.

  Fuck Dad. I was going to enjoy this. I waited for Brea to come out of the bathroom, which she did with a happy look on her face. She hugged me tightly.

  “I’m getting my girl,” she whispered as I stroked her back.

  “Let’s celebrate by getting some of that hot chocolate you like and picking something out for her,” I suggested. She tightened her arms around my neck.

  “Perfect.” Brea pulled away and searched my face as I took her hand. “Did you get the pictures?” I nodded and handed them to her as we walked out. She was staring at them with a dreamy smile on her face, and I just kept walking with her.

  “Is everything okay with him?”

  “He left. I’m sorry for the way he acted, but he’ll come around.” I didn’t know what to say as we approached the car and I unlocked the door. I drove us to the mall after checking that she was up for it. I got her a drink at the cafe she loved. I had coffee and stared at her face as she gushed about the baby. I was checking for any pain my dad may have given her at one of the happiest moments of her life. She was putting on a brave face, but I knew she was upset.

  “Can we just go home? I’m tired.” I looked at Brea with concern. “I need a nap. This was a big day.”

  I nodded and walked to the car with her. I helped her inside and walked around to the driver’s seat. “Your place?” I asked, knowing Stacy was all moved out now.

  “Yeah. I need my bed.” I drove her across town to Brooklyn and walked her to her door.

  “Can I come in?” I asked, not wanting this day to end.

  “Yes. I’d like that.” Brea walked inside and let her shoulders relax as she rubbed her stomach. I locked the door, and we went back to her bed where she slipped off her pants and crawled under the covers. I shed my jeans and shirt to do the same.

  I had never enjoyed just sleeping with a woman before Brea. I pulled her against me as I silently admitted my growing feelings for her.

  “Is he going to take away your money?” she asked as I reached over her belly to stroke it.

  “He’ll come around, Brea.” I kept my voice positive as I spoke. “He’s wrong. Our daughter can do anything she wants to do, including run a bank. She’s going to be amazing.”

  “But the money? You’re depending on that to start your business and…” She let her voice trail off before the fear could overwhelm her.
  “I met his requirements. I don’t think he can just change his mind, and if he does, I’ll take care of us somehow.” I wanted her to relax and not be stressed out about this. She was carrying our baby. “I can take over the bank if I need to. I know what I’m doing.”

  “You don’t want that. Did my getting pregnant ruin things for you?” Brea asked. Anger rushed through my veins, and I pulled her gently against me.

  “No. You made my life better. I have things I never knew I wanted. I know how we started this arrangement, but things have changed.” I smiled. “I care more about this baby than I do anything else, including my inheritance.”

  “I’m glad. I’d hate to have you resent us later,” Brea said in a sleepy voice. I felt her relax against me. Being pregnant and dealing with my crazy family had exhausted her. I swore I’d keep her focused on the baby so stress wouldn’t become a factor. Once she was asleep, I got up and cleaned her apartment.

  I went grocery shopping for some of her favorite things to make her dinner later, including another bottle of sparkling cider. I wanted to make this day special since there was no doubt whatsoever that we were having a girl now.

  Brea woke up a few hours later after a long, hard nap and found me in the kitchen. “What are you doing?” she asked as she sat down and rubbed her eyes.

  “We’re celebrating,” I replied with a wide smile. I opened the cider and poured her a glass, sliding it over to her as she asked me where mine was. I got my own, and she grinned as she held up her glass.

  “To our beautiful girl.”



  I wiped down the counter as I took a deep breath, feeling the baby move inside me. She was particularly active today, and that was without any caffeine coursing through my veins.

  I was a big fan of juice drinks now.

  The pregnancy was no longer a secret. I was showing too much to try to hide it now, and besides, people saw me with Ryan and did the math. I played it off like we were dating, and it was a surprise to everyone except Lucy.

  Stacy was angry that I hadn’t told her before she’d moved out, but I reminded her how caught up she had been with her own boyfriend. I also tried to pretend that we hadn’t known for a while. She didn’t let a single thing go and asked me questions every day.

  When did I find out I was pregnant? I told her it was just before she moved out and I had been in so much shock that I hadn’t wanted to ruin her good mood. In my story, Ryan and I had been very careful and this was a complete surprise for both of us. It took some adjustment, but we were both eager to become parents.

  I didn’t add that we hadn’t been great friends to begin with.

  She asked if Ryan and I were considering marriage. I told her we were just dating for now, as we would have in any normal situation. I liked him and I knew he’d make a great father, but I wasn’t looking at him as husband material yet.

  So many lies.

  Was he going to ask me to move in with him, or were we going to split time with the baby? I told her that hadn’t even been discussed yet since it was true. I was a little worried about how it was going to work since the baby would need me so much at first, especially if I was able to nurse successfully. We spent so much time together that I was sure it wouldn’t be a problem. He’d just be at my place or I’d be at his.

  Stacy asked these questions mostly when we were alone since I reminded her we were working around other people, thank God. I was nervous about someone saying the wrong thing to the wrong people. Even though Mike was already not pleased that the baby was a girl, I didn’t want to rock the boat.

  Would it affect Ryan’s inheritance—even though he might not get it anymore? I still felt guilty about Ryan’s dad’s actions, but I knew it wasn’t my fault. There was nothing anyone could do about the baby’s gender. I heard you could control it with certain positions, but we had been hardly thinking about that at the time.

  I didn’t even know if I believed that myth anyway. I just knew Ryan had magic sperm and wondered if he’d want a boy once we had our daughter.

  Would he try for that money with me or possibly another woman? The thought hurt me. I liked him in my life. Stacy was working with me today, and we were in between shift changes.

  “So, you’re still sleeping together?” she asked. I looked around quickly and then nodded. “Is it just sex because you’re already pregnant? He could still have a disease.”

  There was no way I could go into that. “We’re careful. I don’t know his past, but he said he gets tests a lot. He’s fine.” I took a deep breath. “The pregnancy hormones make me so restless. He’s there and why not? I’m not the kind of girl to sleep around.”

  “I guess if I would sleep with someone, it would be Ryan,” Stacy murmured. I shook my head.

  Her boyfriend, Jake, was great, and I longed to be just a little bit like them. They knew they were in this for the long haul and were already living together. She was glowing from happiness. I knew I just looked stressed and tired. The experience at the ultrasound had really shaken me. I just couldn’t tell Stacy anything about it. The story had horrified Lucy when I’d told her.

  “Do you regret getting pregnant?” Stacy asked me after a long silence. I paused and straightened the cups for a moment.

  “It was a surprise, but no. I’m already attached to her and I know things will be fine. It doesn’t have to end up in a marriage to still be a good thing. Life happens for a reason,” I told her flippantly as I felt her gaze on me.

  “That phrase can be used to describe a lot of things, Brea. Getting pregnant accidentally isn’t one of them in my eyes. You have a fabulous guy who spends time with you and wants this baby, yet you’re keeping him at arm’s length. Why?” Stacy asked. I stared at her. “You could have what so many girls want.”

  “I should move in with Ryan and marry him because of the baby?” I asked, indicating my stomach. She shrugged. “I am seeing him. We’re friends and he’s going to be here for her. That’s enough for me.”

  “What if he wants to give you more than that? What if he wants the whole package?” Stacy asked. I licked my lips nervously. I didn’t want to have this conversation with her.

  We hadn’t talked about that. This was supposed to be something that would benefit both of us financially and allow us to pursue our dreams, just with a baby along for the ride. At times, I felt stupid for agreeing to this arrangement. Talking with Stacy was one of those times. I pushed that thought away and shook my head roughly.

  “I think you’re going to look back someday and realize what you lost, Brea. I’m not saying this because he’s a billionaire, but because he cares about you. I can see it when he looks at you, and he hasn’t been seen with any other women since he started seeing you. Hell, he hasn’t even been seen with you. Not like the others at least.”

  The media did get shots of us and speculate a lot, but everything was blurry and we said nothing to them. That was the deal.

  I’d already noticed how limited his social life had become. He was never at any celebrity parties anymore. I’d seen Lewis pictured here and there, but it made sense that Ryan wasn’t around. He still wasn’t speaking to Lewis, which was another thing that bothered me.

  “Maybe. Or we’ll just be great parents and friends. Nothing has to be decided today,” I shot back, feeling frustrated with Stacy. My hormones were all over the place and my sleep schedule was off. I felt like a hot mess right now.

  Pregnancy was not about being happy all the time.

  “Okay then.” Stacy held up her hands, and I sighed as I went to clock out. Rita wasn’t here yet, but we were slow and Stacy could handle things. Besides, Rita walked through the doors as I glanced up from the register. I grabbed my daily free drink and took it on the way out, shooting Stacy an apologetic look. She hadn’t deserved my outburst, but I’d apologize later. I smiled at Rita and walked outside, surprised to see Ryan leaning against his SUV. That explained the star-struck look on Rita’s face. />
  “Hi,” I said in surprise.

  “I thought I’d take you home,” he told me. I bit my lower lip. “How do you both feel today?”

  “Tired. She’s been going all day. Do you think she’s getting to the caffeine somehow?” I quipped, making him smile. He’d been wonderful the night before, cooking for me and rubbing my feet. The sex had been amazing as well.

  “Let’s hope not. You need some sleep,” Ryan said as he reached for the door. “May I?”

  “Sure,” I replied, sliding into the seat. I only lived a few blocks away, but today had taken a lot out of me. Maybe I could talk him into stopping for Thai food on the way home. “Are you hungry?” I asked hopefully, and he chuckled.

  “What do you want?”

  I mentioned the place close to my apartment. I’d had a snack at work, but I’d been dreaming about Thai food all day, or at least when I wasn’t busy dodging Stacy.

  He parked at my place and we walked over there and ordered a few of our favorite dishes. I offered him some money, but he paid with an easy smile, making me assume that his father hadn’t taken everything away yet.

  I led the way home and was surprised to see a box on my doorstep. I hadn’t ordered anything. Ryan offered to grab it for me if I held the bag of food. I watched as he leaned over. His ass looked so good, and I had to push my desire away.

  I unlocked the door and we went inside, getting the food and box to the table. The box wasn’t addressed to me, and I frowned as I looked it over.

  “Open it. I’ll plate the food for us and get something to drink.” Ryan sounded a little too eager, and I glanced at him and saw his smile.

  “What did you do?” I asked as he walked into the kitchen. I opened the box, which held a package wrapped in soft pink paper that I tore softly before uncovering a box boasting the name of one of the most popular baby boutiques in town. “Ryan?” I asked. I opened it to see a tiny outfit folded up.

  I took it out. It was a delicate pink onesie with a lacy tutu on the bottom, and my eyes filled with tears at the words on the front.


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