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Christmas Daddy Next Door

Page 56

by Tia Siren

  “Elle Marie?” I asked as emotion clogged my throat. He was wonderful, and a part of me did want to snatch him up and make him my husband. Ryan came back with silverware, plates, and a bottle of water shoved under his arm.

  “I know we didn’t officially decide on a name, but you’ve brought that one up a few times. I liked it, and the middle name comes from my favorite grandmother. I thought we could honor her since neither of our moms is too close to us.”

  “I think it’s beautiful,” I admitted as a tear slid down my cheek. I’d been thinking constantly about a name, and Elle was always the one in the lead. I looked at the outfit one more time, checking the size to see if it might be her coming home outfit. Which home, though?

  “So do I,” Ryan said as he sat down and slid a plate that was filled with my favorites over to me. He had filled his with twice as much, and I laughed as I looked at him. “So, it’s a keeper?”

  I chewed my bite and rubbed my belly. “Elle Marie Hall. It has a nice ring to it.” Surprise shot through his eyes as he tilted his head at me.

  “We’re going with Hall, are we?” he asked. I shrugged.

  “She’s an heir. She can decide what to do with the name later in life. Maybe she’ll marry and make him take her name.” The idea made me laugh as I thought about the little body inside me. She already seemed to dance to her own beat.

  “You don’t want to go with Hall-Taylor or vice versa?” Ryan checked, and I shook my head.

  “I know she’s my daughter, and I am not threatened by the idea of you taking her away. I’ve trusted you since the beginning for some reason.” I gave him a soft smile before I took another bite, happy to see him start eating his own food.

  “I’d never think of it. She’ll need her mom, and I picked a great woman for that. You’re something to be admired, and I hope she takes after you,” Ryan told me, making me blush. “I mean it. You have a lot of drive in you. You’re kind.”

  “I hope she takes after you,” I told him, meaning it in more ways than one. He was from a wealthy family that was clearly dysfunctional and cold, but he took excellent care of us. He was compassionate. The reason he so desperately wanted his inheritance was to help people.

  He wasn’t some guy who wanted to travel the world and just live it up, though I knew he’d spoil Elle. She would see the world, and the idea made me smile.

  Ryan was so good-looking that I hoped she would look like him, too. I was constantly wondering what she would look like. As I took another bite, I thought about the new 3D ultrasounds that gave a full view of the baby in the womb.

  We cleaned up after the meal, and I carefully tucked the onesie into my dresser along with the other items I’d slowly been buying. Lucy was going to have a huge baby shower for me in a few months, and I’d agreed to register for things I thought I’d need, but I enjoyed shopping for my baby myself. I didn’t have a ton of money since Stacy had moved out, but I had a little bit saved.

  I still had a few months before I had to start paying my school loans and had decided to do as much as I could for Elle. My mom was excited as well and had sent some care packages for me. I wouldn’t say we were closer or anything, but she was doing her part.

  As far as I knew, Ryan’s family had done nothing. We didn’t talk about it. I settled on the couch with Ryan to watch a movie, thinking about our future as I rested against his broad chest. Would this man grow bored with our arrangement once Elle was here? Would he move on to someone else? Maybe to finally get that male heir? I knew he’d always be here for Elle, but the idea of him just picking her up and dropping her off without spending any time with me broke my heart.



  I stood in front of the coffee shop with a smile on my face. I had made arrangements with Brea’s manager for a little vacation since Brea looked so tired. I knew she was uncomfortable in the later stages of pregnancy, and I grinned as I watched her walk out with a tired smile.

  She was thirty-two weeks along now. She looked beautiful with her baby belly, but she said she felt like a whale. Hardly. I think I got more turned on by her the further her pregnancy progressed.

  “Hi. I wasn’t expecting you,” Brea said as she walked up to the car and leaned her forehead against it.

  “I’m taking you away for the weekend, Brea. I think you deserve it. You’re growing our baby, and I want to see you relax. I have a bag, and I’m going to take you home so you can pack some stuff.” The shock in her eyes made me chuckle as she looked back at the coffee shop. “You’re off for five days. I’ve been plotting behind your back.”

  I opened the door for her and Brea slid inside as she giggled. “That’s why Stacy looked the way she did today. I think she might be thinking about dumping Jake for you,” Brea mused as I looked at her. I didn’t want anybody but Brea, but I hadn’t told her that. “So, where are we going?”

  “That is a surprise, but we’re driving,” I replied, and she groaned. We stopped by her place, where she packed some of the new maternity clothes Lucy had bought her. She’d outgrown her leggings and yoga pants, so she had been grateful for the gift.

  I waited in the living room as she showered, looking outside to make sure we’d arrive with some sunlight left. I was looking forward to getting away. The tension between my family and me was getting to me. That and my estrangement from Lewis didn’t help matters.

  They didn’t see their fault in anything, and I was sick of it. A change of scenery would be nice for both Brea and me.

  Brea came into the living room with a small bag and set it down. “Just the weekend? You’re not sweeping me away from all this?” She waved her hand around the small living room, and I appreciated the positive tone in her voice.

  Brea wasn’t the type to complain, and she always presented herself as handling everything with grace. I could see she was tired and a little stressed with the pregnancy, though.

  I just wanted to take her somewhere beautiful where she could find some peace, eat some incredible food, and be spoiled. I didn’t even want her working anymore, but I couldn’t tell her that since Brea was such an independent person.

  “Do you want me to?” I teased her, and she laughed again. We’d been flirting with phrases like this more and more lately, and it made me wonder what she really wanted.

  “I am a workaholic. I can’t deny it,” she admitted somberly as she tossed her braided hair over her shoulder. We went to my car and loaded her stuff before I stopped for drinks and snacks. It was only an hour away, but her appetite demanded substance.

  It was a perfect getaway. Brea sipped her smoothie and nibbled on her chips as she looked around the city.

  “I hope it’s a place on the water. I think the city gets to me sometimes, you know? I just want the sound of nature some days.”

  “I agree, and I live in Manhattan. Maybe I’ll buy a vacation home somewhere pretty for Elle’s birthday,” I said as I glanced at her.

  She was resting her hands on her stomach, and she smiled sweetly, probably not realizing how much I wanted her there as well. I wasn’t the kind of guy to spend so much time with a woman, but Brea was different. Everything about her drew me in. I wanted to be with her constantly.

  We were on the freeway now, and she leaned back with her eyes closed as I drove along. The poor girl was exhausted, and I thought about how much relaxation this trip could bring her. I listened to the soft music on the radio as I watched the scenery pass us by before getting off on the familiar exit with a grin.

  Greenwich was one of my favorite local places, and I had lined up a great weekend for Brea here. She shifted in her seat as I pulled up to the valet of the sprawling hotel. She blinked, looking around at the flowers and the beautiful grounds. I was lucky it was a good weekend. The weather was perfect. Brea looked at me with wide eyes.

  “Where are we?” she asked as I got out of the car and walked around to her side.

  “Greenwich,” I replied as she slid out and stretched with a sexy groan.

  “I’ve always wanted to come here,” Brea said excitedly as the young man assured us that our luggage would be brought inside for us. I led her by the hand into the massive lobby. It was decorated in a clean beach theme. We stepped up to the front desk.

  The girl smiled at me as I told her my name. She had me sign for the keys, and I sensed Brea’s jealousy beside me. I told them to send the luggage up before walking over to the elevators. Brea was looking all around as we stepped on. The glass walls of the elevator silenced the noise from the lobby, and Brea moved closer to me.

  “Scared?” I asked as she shivered a little. The view was amazing, and she peered over my shoulder to look at the blue water and sandy beaches.

  “Amazed,” Brea replied as we waited to get to our room on the seventh floor. It was a suite with two rooms and a huge Jacuzzi bathtub inside, and when we entered, Brea turned in a circle as she stared at the light blue walls. “Oh, God. This is gorgeous."

  She walked across the room to the French doors and stepped out onto a wraparound balcony that held a table and lounge chairs as well as some small tables outside both bedrooms.

  The view was of the same beach we saw from the elevator, and she pressed her hand to her mouth before turning to look at me. It was incredible, and I followed her out as soon as our stuff was situated in the room.

  “Like it?” I asked. She threw her arms around my neck.

  “I love it,” she whispered into my ear as my body reacted to her. Brea had been weary lately and not showing this much enthusiasm. As I held her close, my cock throbbed in my shorts. “Thank you, Ryan. I needed this.”

  She pulled away and kissed me, her lips moving hungrily against mine. I moaned as I slipped my hands down to grip her ass, wanting her right here and now. We moved closer as I turned her toward the open balcony door.

  Things had changed physically since she’d grown bigger, and Brea had discovered that she loved being on top and on her knees in the last few weeks. I eased her onto the light yellow couch piled with pillows, and her feet slid over my thighs as our tongues danced together. She was ready for me. I slipped my hands under her loose T-shirt to slide them over her bare skin.

  Brea groaned and moved her arms so I could lift it over her head. Her bra was straining with the new size of her breasts, and I unclipped it as I kissed her again. I played with her nipples and pinched them, drawing moans out of her as our lips met again and again.

  I slipped her out of her leggings and underwear and pressed her back against the pillows to taste her slick pussy, led by the sounds of pleasure that came from her throat.

  Uninhibited, Brea was one of the most amazing sights I’d ever seen. My name echoed through the room as her hands slid into my hair to pull me closer. I made her come by sucking on her clit as she jerked against me and yelped my name in relief. I pulled away and leaned in to kiss her.

  Brea slipped my shorts down my legs, pulled me closer to her by the ass, and took me into her mouth. She was warm and wet, and I moaned as I looked down to see myself sliding between her lips. It was the hottest sight I’d ever seen, and I remained still as her lips wrapped tightly around me, enjoying the feeling.

  My eyes drifted down to her hard nipples and stomach. I felt a sense of pride when I saw her bulging belly. Creating Elle had hardly been any work at all, and now this was just for fun, just for us. I knew it was more than that as she dragged her teeth gently against my skin, making me rock forward.

  I liked the hint of pain, and she knew that I’d start moving with her this way. I matched her movements easily and shot my release deep into her throat, which she swallowed, whimpering and moaning. I dropped to the couch when she pulled away and took a deep breath.

  “You feel so fucking good, Brea.” She dropped back and let her head rest for a moment as she sucked in the cool ocean air that was coming in through the open windows.

  “This is paradise,” she told me as she looked over at me with a sated look in her eyes. I loved that look.

  “It’s one of my favorite hotels in one of my favorite places,” I said. She smiled in agreement. We talked for a while until I was hard again, and then she slipped over my lap to take me into her sweet pussy. Fuck, she was tight around me.

  She moved over me, her stomach dragging against my skin as I got harder inside her. I couldn’t get enough of Brea, and I fucked her like that until she came for me before telling her to get on her knees.

  That was how I came, fucking her hard and fast as she cried out. I filled her with a hard orgasm, grunting her name as I gripped the cushions beside her. I slowed and leaned in to kiss her damp neck teasingly, making her shiver.

  We rose slowly, both of us weak from the sex. We got the luggage into the bigger bedroom. A part of me always felt like I should offer Brea her privacy, but she wanted to be with me.

  We unpacked and changed to go down to the beach before dinner, where we walked through the waves with our shoes in our hands. It was cold, but refreshing and a bit less crowded than it would be in the summer. I liked the solitude.

  I took Brea to dinner at the hotel restaurant. It offered an impressive selection of seafood, and the hostess led us to the table that overlooked the water and the sunset. I’d requested it in advance. Brea’s face softened as she looked out at the water.

  I could already see that she was relaxed. I smiled as I took the seat across from her. We ordered water from the waiter and Brea read the menu quickly, eager to return her eyes to the view. She ordered a fish plate and I chose the filet mignon as she looked over the water.

  “I love Brooklyn and the vibe there, but this seems so ideal for a family. It’s peaceful here, and there’s enough city to give that to her along with the ocean and nature all around it. It’s the best of both worlds.” I agreed with her completely and sipped my water as I looked at her. “I’m glad that it’s so close.”

  “I’ve been thinking about when the baby gets here,” I started, and she looked at me. “How are we going to do it?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked. My nerves rose.

  “I don’t want to live blocks away from each other once Elle is here. If something happens or you need anything, it takes a while to get across town. I know you have Lucy close by and she’s amazing, but she’s getting busier with her art career. You need someone closer who can help more often.”

  Our meals were placed in front of us as she looked thoughtfully at me.

  “Do you want me to move closer? Manhattan is expensive, but maybe when I get the money I could get a place,” Brea suggested, clearly fishing for more.

  “I was thinking you could move in with me. The penthouse is big enough for all of us, and I’ll feel like you're safe there. Your Brooklyn apartment is so accessible.” I let out the breath I’d been holding as she smiled. “I want to be able to see Elle whenever I want…and you.”

  “I’d love that,” Brea told me with a laugh. “I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately. She’s going to be here so soon, and I wasn’t sure where we’d go when we left the hospital.”

  “Are you okay with leaving Brooklyn? We could move anywhere we want, not just in New York,” I said. She looked out the window again with a dreamy expression on her face.

  “Let’s move here…eat like this every night and spend the days at the beach.” Then Brea shook her head and blinked. “Your place is great.”



  After dinner, neither of us were ready for bed. We walked along the beach one more time. I was tired when we made it back to our room. We opened the windows as we watched a movie in bed together, feeling so happy about our conversation.

  He wanted us to live together. Not necessarily as a couple, not yet, but we’d be there to parent together. People did that sort of thing all the time. When I woke up in the morning, Ryan told me he had set up a full spa day for me while he ran an errand. I was surprised and told him I couldn’t remember the last time I’d even gone to a hair salon.

nbsp; He ordered breakfast for us and we ate on the balcony. He told me to enjoy myself today. I sipped the fresh orange juice and ate the lemon crepes and perfect scrambled eggs with my attention focused on the water. It was stunning today, and I hoped for some more time at the beach later. I could never get enough of it.

  I tried to ask what Ryan was doing, but he gave me some vague answer about meeting up with a friend. I changed into a sundress after a long shower and slipped my feet into sandals to head down to the hotel spa. Ryan kissed me before I left, telling me to relax and not worry about a thing.

  I walked to the elevator and made my way down. I walked slowly through the lobby as I looked around at the beautiful hotel. If I could have stayed here forever, I would have been happy. Everything was gorgeous. When my eyes fell on the spa entrance, I walked over.

  They smiled when I told them my name and led me back into a dressing room. They gave me a robe and told me to get ready for a wonderful day of pampering. I closed the door and looked around the big room before taking off my clothes. I rubbed my stomach and then slipped the soft lavender robe over my skin.

  I left my clothes as instructed and walked back out. A gorgeous platinum blond woman led me to an area that served as the hair salon. She handed me off to a man who looked me over, smiling at my belly.

  “Is there anything you’ve been thinking about doing?” I never did my hair since money was always tight. I played with a brown strand as I looked at him.

  “I’ve been looking around a lot at the bright hair colors. Is that safe for the baby?”

  “How would you feel about some highlights and maybe some color streaks in your hair? Maybe a trim and some layers? It’s so long and healthy,” he told me as he ran a hand through it.

  “That sounds perfect,” I replied excitedly, and he clapped his hands. I already liked this guy, and I beamed at him. He led me to a chair and wrapped me in a cape before having me sit down. My hair was still wet from the shower, and he trimmed it first, working on the ends and then the layers as I watched my hair fall to the floor. Was it really that long?


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