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The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1)

Page 18

by Alex Davis

  Sejurus nods to one of the silver-bound figures next to him, and the weapon in his hand and held level, aimed dispassionately at the back of Apius's temple.

  'Animexianism dies with you. I will stand no repeats of this development, no martyrs in this cause. You have already seen what happens.'

  The sound of the single gunshot crashes through the clearing, more emphatic that any shot before it, and Apius's prone body falls to the dirt unceremoniously. He will receive no ritual, no funeral – just a cold death at the hands of his deities.

  And his religion lies dead with him.


  Sejurus shows no remorse at the action, without hesitation gesturing for his warriors to fall back. 'This war ends here. And we will not stand for any more wars among you! We created you to be beings of intelligence, of thought, of great psychic potential. And now look at yourselves! Like common animals, lashing out with bare hands and grasping weapons! This is a disgrace to what you are. I may as well be looking at the simple animals of the forest that surround you.'

  Sejurus nods to the warriors, now stood at a distance of several feet.

  'And so today I make a proclamation. And it is one that will change your future forever.'

  The Emblae

  As a fascinated crowd watches, the twelve that attend to Sejurus slowly remove their helms. With a hiss of air, the faces are revealed, and a gasp emerges from all gathered.

  Their faces are exactly the same as their own – Noukari. Nothing but Noukari.

  'Look upon them, one and all. Born from the same source, but brought up so differently to yourselves. The Emblae.'

  The dozen step forward in unison, menacing, now flanking the Animex as he speaks. The resemblance to the Noukari themselves is striking, but on closer inspection the differences are there. The facial expressions vary, the mouth downturned slightly in a display of aggression, perhaps even hatred. The skin is more grey than white across the visage. And the body language is that of a predator, a master of its destiny in life and conflict. Their readiness says that they could easily make a mockery of the Noukari's primitive efforts at warfare. The fiery weapons in their hands could slice down any of their number before they could get close enough to inflict even the slightest damage.

  'The Emblae are are bred and built for war, for conflict. I shall be leaving two of my warriors here, a pair of my very finest. Uxurus and Leonis will be my representatives here, keeping watch over you as the Noukari move forward. They shall be defenders if they are ever needed, arbitrators should they be required. And their weapons shall remain with them. But, rest assured, they do not need them to dispense death. They are more than trained in other means of warfare.'

  Uxurus and Leonis step forward, their eyes not even shifting from a blank stare. They have no interest in all of the sights arrayed before them in the clearing.

  'So it is done. Now, there are two of your number I would speak with. Viarus and Ameri, I bid you to come forward.'


  Ameri hears her own name, and feels a sense of terror at having to step forward. She emerges from the crowd, conscious of the blood still on her finger nails, the shame that she has brought upon herself in losing herself to violence. She sees Viarus stepping forward with similar unease. The two of them stand before their creator nervously, and Ameri is surprised to feel Viarus slipping his hand into her own. She draws strength from the unexpected contact.

  'Ameri, I am the most disappointed in you. I have witnessed you from the earliest days of your life, and you could have been something special, something great. But there is some factor within you that has held you back. I know not what it is, but it has led you to this very point today. You may stand here before me, the very picture of a warrior-woman, but this action has come too late. You knew the truth all along – you held the truth in your hands – and yet you did nothing. You shared it with a few that you considered to be safe to you. You spent so much time talking, talking, considering what things might mean when the answers were so obvious! I had considered you one of my brightest prospects, but you have proven many times over that you are not ready for a position beyond that which you have now. Consider what you might have been as you look forward. You may return to your people now.'

  The words leave a hole in Ameri, shattering her sense of self. Unsteadily she lets go of Viarus's hand and returns to her place in the crowd.

  Sejurus nods down to Viarus, and Viarus is the first among the Noukari to meet his eyes steadily. The eyes there are serious, compassionate, thoughtful, but remain haunted with something else.

  'Viarus, I have considered your actions for a long time. I watched you at the heart of Animexianism, helping to begin that because of what you believed in. You had faith, and you pursued that faith. But what impressed me most is that you realised that you made a mistake. When you first tried to reach us, you saw the cost, and you stepped aside. You looked at what had happened, and you were rational. That is a sign of wisdom – something that has been sorely lacking in this farce. You were not too proud to admit what you had done, and you did what you thought was right to mend it.'

  'What are you trying to say, master?'

  The Animex looks down, almost stunned to be interrupted. No other has dared to speak in his presence. For the first time, he smiles.

  'You also have bravery, Viarus. This much I cannot deny. And that is another quality that is important in a leader. From hereon, Viarus, I am appointing you the ruler of this settlement. You have done much wrong, and you have worked to atone. This will serve you well in the future. And so I am appointing you as A'Nock, the true and single ruler of this civilisation. The choices you have made and the psychic potential that you have make you the perfect candidate for this.'

  'Thank you, master.'

  Viarus withdraws respectfully, stepping backwards with head bowed.

  'The remainder of you! I expect you all to abide by this proclamation. Civilisation must be built, and religion must be forgotten. I hope to never have to return again to ensure you are on the right path.'

  His piece said, the figure turns sharply and heads back to the metal vessel that he debarked from, ten silver shadows in tow.

  New Ways

  Within the space of a few sunups, Genem is almost unrecognisable, both in look and outlook. At the very edge of the village, where its most majestic building once stood, now is nothing but an empty clearing. It is a place that holds many scars – some literal, some mental. In keeping with the tradition that its A'Nock began, Genem has buried its dead beneath the soil. In this way they may give rise to some sort of new life.

  The temple itself has been torn down, one piece of wood at a time, by those who never gave their allegiance to Animexianism. The wounds are too raw in the exponents of the old religion, a way of life that their gods told them to forget.

  Except they are not gods, and they never were. They were just beings, beings of vast power, but nothing more. Those who refused to believe have been vindicated, while those who followed are forced to live with the shame of their mistakes. None gloat, none remind them, but it marks them deeply nonetheless.

  The materials from the temple, have been used to help build their civilisation. In the heart of Genem, a grand house has been built which from now on will be the abode of the A'Nock. Next to that, one on either side, are two more modest homes. Yet each of these small spaces causes a ripple of unease among the Noukari.

  For these are the home of Uxurus and Leonis, the Emblae. And they are truly a breed apart.


  Viarus looks around his luxurious home, not sure if he is deserving of the location or the title that hangs upon him. To be given such a role directly by the Animex themselves is a great responsibility. And what does it mean to be an A'Nock? Viarus wonders for a moment if Apius was swallowed by the same doubts as Re'Nuck, but he knows that the answer is no. Apius let the title go to his head, cloud his judgement, lead him to poor decisions. Viarus knows he c
annot do the same.

  He has turned the words of the Animex around many times, and he realises the importance of mistakes. He has made many of them, and so have the whole of the Noukari. Those who allowed themselves to be led – himself included – made a mistake in putting their faith in Apius. Those who stood against Apius made the mistake of letting it grow. Asha made the mistake of opposing Animexianism alone. Apius made the mistake of creating First Worship and the calling ceremony.

  So many mistakes, so much blame. Something they all must live with.

  But the mistakes they have made so far give them the chance to take stock, look at what they have, figure out a better way forward. He has already acknowledged his mistakes, and even more so forgiven himself. The errors of the past are already made. The actions of the future are yet to be decided.

  This will be what leads the new ways for their people. There is no absolute right and wrong, only good intentions and positive actions. Mistakes are inevitable, a part of life. Rectifying them and learning from them is what is important.

  The new A'Nock has yet to address his people, a conscious decision. Too many sermons, too many rousing speeches have been made in the short history of Genem. They have been nothing but agitators, precursors to the violence that exploded among them. As a leader, there is no need for him to address his people, if the people are doing well enough.

  That does not have to mean that he is inaccessible, however. He intends to be there when he is needed. When individuals need advice, when groups need help, when Hasban and wefi need to repair their relationships. A good leader does not make everything his business, but he can deal with everything when it is necessary.

  Perhaps that is where both Apius and Ameri made their greatest mistakes.

  With a sigh, he makes his first resolution. He moves through the large house, goes to the door, and swings it open. He will not lead from behind a closed door – if his help is wanted, anyone may come through the door and get it.

  The open door begs another question – there is one discussion that must be had before he can truly consider himself any kind of ruler. Stepping outside, he decides it is as well done now.


  In the house of the A'Nock, Viarus looks steadily at the two Emblae. He requested that they come to him without their armour, their silver second skin, so he may truly see them this time. He does not want to talk to a being that seems to have no face, no eyes, no mouth.

  'Welcome to Genem, brothers. It is a pleasure to meet you both, at least in more fortunate circumstances.'

  'Thank you, A'Nock. My name is Uxurus, and I have been designated as speaker for the Emblae.'

  'Very well. Then it is well that we should speak. Does this mean that... Leonis will not speak?'

  'Only in the most extreme of circumstances. The way of the Emblae is that leaders speak and their subjects simply do. It is the way of military discipline, a code for warriors. I doubt you would understand.'

  'I understand leaders must be wise, or else they will drive their followers from the cliff also.'

  'A'Nock, I am glad that you have summoned us that we may speak. But I am no philosopher. My thoughts and actions lie elsewhere.'

  'Then let us come to the point. I know nothing of your kind. I am pleased to see that you have a resemblance to us beneath your armour, although you are obviously superior physical specimens.'

  'That has come at a price of its own.'

  'What do you mean?'

  'Our masters told us of your powers, the psychic potential within you. Such a thing has been bred out of us – mental strength traded in for physical strength, perhaps.'

  'Interesting this should be the case.'

  'That makes us less brothers than you would think. Perhaps we are more cousins.'

  'If the greeting suits you better. Although I would prefer that our differences were played down.'

  'Such a thing would be a denial. At a glance it is obvious we are different.'

  'That is why I have summoned you here today. For three sun-ups you have lived among us. Creating homes for you – albeit simple ones – was made a priority. And in his time you have yet to speak to one of our people, or make any effort to help in repairing and rebuilding. Our world is shaken, our places and our people much damaged. Are you above assisting your brethren?'

  'We are above or below nothing. We have been created by the Animex with a role, sent here with a mission. This is what will be fulfilled, at the expense of everything else.'

  'And what purpose is this?'

  'Must you be reminded? We are here to ensure that peace is maintained, at whatever cost necessary. Your people have their task – to rebuild, to get your civilisation back on track. And we have ours.'

  'So what do you do in those homes that we built?'

  'We train. We ensure we are always ready for combat. We hone our skills with gun and blade. That is what we bring here that your people cannot.'

  'And you will shun our society in light of that?'

  The movement that Uxurus makes is too quick for Viarus to even follow. In seconds, he is gone from standing stock-still to holding the A'Nock by the throat and pressing the serrated edge of a blade into his neck.

  'Shun your society? You know not of which you speak, A'Nock. Myself and Leonis were designed for war, nothing else. While our brothers, the soldiers we trained with, go among the stars and take the fight to the enemies of the Animex, we are forced to stay here. Imagine it, Viarus. Everything you have been bred for – the only purpose you have ever had – taken away from you for this. A backwards society, a civilisation that can't even manage a decent war! Sitting in a hut all day, among the trees, with no challenge. Even the creatures that you fear are nothing but fodder for us. So we will not mix with you, or your society. Because you are nothing like us. We are here because it is the will of the Animex, nothing more. Rest assured, we crave to be elsewhere, anywhere else.'

  'Please, don't...'

  Uxurus shakes his head in disapproval, dropping Viarus in a heap upon the floor. A single drop of blood falls from the edge of the saw-like blade that the Emblae still wields.

  'Remember this moment, A'Nock. This is the simplest of things for us to do. We can wreak much greater destruction, wield far more force. We could have wiped out this entire settlement, but that was not what was wished of us. So do not expect camaraderie or friendship. We are here to do a duty. You stick to yours, and we will conduct ours.'

  'Is that how it will be, Uxurus? The same blood in our veins, yet so little between us?'

  'That is how it will be. We are here to be your warning, remember that. If there is any repeat of what happened in the clearing, then we are under strict instructions to kill all involved. There will be peace here. That is our only charge, our only commitment. Whether that threat comes from within or without, we are here and we will be ready for it.'

  'What do you mean, within or without?'

  Uxurus sighs, regretting his words immediately. 'Do you realise so little, Viarus? Do you think that the universe starts and ends with you? There are so many other creatures on this planet alone, let alone all of the other planets, the other stars that populate the universe! Your minds are so narrow that you cannot perceive beyond your simple homes and simple lives. There is a war raging out there, a conflict that you have never seen the likes of. Your petty squabble is nothing compared to the scale of what we have seen.'

  'Will... will this war come here?'

  'We do not know. But we have to be prepared if that day comes, because you cannot be. The Animex have bade it so. I have said too much already. Do not worry the rest of your people with this.'

  'How can I keep such a thing secret?'

  'You will keep such a thing secret or else I will have to dig deeper with my blade. Far deeper. And the same goes for any that you tell.'

  Viarus shudders at the thought, but tries to maintain his calm.

  'What can we do to help?'

/>   Uxurus lets out a heavy sigh, the meaning of which Viarus cannot gauge.

  'Nothing beyond what you know already. Do whatever you do. Build your civilisation. Live, thrive. That is all I can say.'

  'Very well. This has been illuminating, Uxurus. I hope we have the chance to meet again.'

  'The feeling is not mutual, A'Nock. Good fortune with all in Genem.'

  Uxurus leads his colleague out of the house, leaving Viarus alone with his thoughts.

  How much of what he needs to know was spoken, and how much was unspoken?


  Uxurus returns to his hut, where his suit of silvered armour stands empty. He reaches into the helm, and pulls a small circular device from the very rear of it. Setting the item down on the floor, he presses a few buttons on its surface. Then he takes a seat next to it and begins to speak.

  'Sejurus? Are you there?'

  'Yes, Uxurus.' The voice of the Animex comes through as clear as though he was in the room itself.

  'I have just met with Viarus, as you wished.'

  'How did the meeting go?'

  'I am not one for meetings, or discussion, my lord. I am a man of action, nothing more.'

  'Still, we must be clear that you are there to co-operate.'

  'We will co-operate as we see fit.'

  'They are gentle creatures, Uxurus. You would do well to remember that.'

  'This universe has no time for gentle creatures. They will harden up or they will die.'

  'Their role is not to fight. We have other things in mind for them, greater things.'

  'I see no greatness in them.'

  'Give them time. Make sure there is peace, and make sure nothing interrupts their progress.'

  'For that we count on you also. There is no threat here on Noukaria.'

  'Of course. And I shall not let you down in that respect. I shall be watching the stars.'


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