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The Price of Love

Page 8

by Cassy Roop

  “It would be my pleasure, Mr. Price.”

  After dropping Kendall off at her office, I made a few quick phone calls to ensure that Cassie would be joining Kendall on location to all the properties to photograph for the magazine. A week from Monday could not come soon enough. Kendall would spend two weeks at the New York location and then would travel to London for the next opening. That meant she would be out of the country before Brett was released.

  My sources on the outside said that she has been spending time recently with Tristan Price. That fucking asshole! He thinks he can just try to sweep her out from under my nose? I don’t fucking think so. I marked Kendall’s body as mine long before he ever saw her.

  I think he is doing it on purpose. He has always been jealous of me. He always wanted what I had. Well, I will not let him have Kendall. He may be offering her a distraction to bide time until I get out this hell hole, but he will be sadly disappointed when she comes running back to me once she knows I am free. I will make her understand what I did for her so that we would be together.

  I don’t think Kendall even knows who he is. He is just a daddy’s boy who rode on the coattails of his father’s success. He has been rich and spoiled the whole time I have known him. That is why his mom will not have anything to do with him. He is just like his bastard father. Kendall will find out soon enough who the real Tristan Price is, and I will bask in the glory as she runs from his arms into mine. He tried to stop me from being with her once. I will not allow it to happen a second time.

  Chapter 8


  It had been nearly a week since my lunch date with Tristan. We have kept in touch through text and email, but it was mainly having to do with my upcoming stay at Luxe New York. I have to admit, I was very excited to stay at the hotel. I will get to experience all the amenities that the hotel had to offer from the spa to a helicopter ride over the city. Not to mention the famous indoor grotto that each location will have. It will be an indoor garden that surrounds the pool. I had heard that it puts the one Hugh Hefner had at the Playboy Mansion to shame.

  Cassie was more than ecstatic to find out that she will be joining me on this project. I think her boss was a little pissed off that it was her that was chosen by Tristan’s team instead him. Oh well. It did not hurt my feelings any. Now, I would have Cassie near me at all times. She would be there to keep me in check when I started to freak out like I did whenever I had big projects to write about.

  Cassie and I spent the entire weekend before the first hotel stay shopping and getting prepared for our stay. Since we would be leaving the Monday after the grand opening ball, we would not have much time to prepare for our trip to London for the next hotel visit. So in order for us to be prepared we got everything out of the way this weekend. I even invested in a new bikini that I hoped would grab Tristan’s attention. He keeps showing interest in me, but had yet to make a move on me. Maybe I would have to entice him to.

  I sighed as I thought about Tristan. I had never been attracted to a man like I was him. He did things to my head and body that I cannot explain. For the first time since Brett, I feel like I could allow myself to trust again. It was a scary, but exhilarating experience.

  Monday came faster than expected. Tristan had text me this morning and told me that he would have a car sent for Cassie and me to take us to Luxe. What I did not expect was the giant stretch limo that was waiting at the curb as Cassie and I left our apartment building.

  “Fuck Yeah!” Cassie said as she punched her fist in the air. “I think I am going to enjoy this Kendall. Remind me to thank your boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend, Cass. We barely know each other.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she said as she brushed me off.

  On the ride to the hotel, we were surprised with mimosas and strawberries in the limo. We really were going to get the star treatment. I knew Tristan had probably spared no expense when it comes to Luxe.

  We pulled up to Luxe New York at about eleven in the morning. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful garden and water fountain out front and. The building was also tall. It had to have at least twenty-five floors. There were gold gargoyle statues on the corners of the building going all the way to the top. The front doors had two uniformed men standing and waiting to grab our bags. As we entered the lobby, the beautiful ceiling caught my attention. It looked like one large, beautiful Oriental rug. The hotel, itself, had a classic yet modern feel. It was decorated with beautiful French impressionist art. There were garnet-draped chandeliers everywhere that added a romantic feel.

  Cassie and I reported to the concierge’s desk. After showing our credentials, we were informed that we had the penthouse suite on the twenty-fifth floor. Cassie squealed with delight, frightening the girl behind the counter a little.

  We followed two bell hops up to our floor. Cassie inserted the key card into the slot and pushed the door open.

  “Holy Shit,” Cassie said as she stopped, causing me to run into her.

  Holy shit was right. The suite was beyond gorgeous. The first thing you saw was the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that gave a beautiful view of Manhattan. Walking into the living room, we were met with a beautiful cut glass chandelier. The suite had a contemporary charm with rich, dark wood tones that accented the room.

  The bell hops placed our bags in our rooms. I followed behind quickly. After giving a tip, I made my way into the master suite. Tristan mentioned I should stay in it in order to get the whole “luxury” feel of being at the hotel. The massive bed had a beautiful silk canopy. The bed was covered in white crisp linen.

  After putting my suitcase up on the stand, I made my way to the en-suite bathroom. I gasped. If I never left this bathroom for the rest of my life, I would die a happy woman. It featured a raised deep round Jacuzzi tub that would easily sit four people in front of a window overlooking Manhattan. The countertops were a gorgeous golden marble. It had heated floors and towel bars. There were enough candles to fill a cathedral and a huge stash of pampering products that permeated a lovely citrus smell.

  I could faintly hear Cassie’s sharp gasps from her room across the suite. I started to make my way over to her room when a beautiful bouquet of flowers on a round marble table caught my eye. Next to the vase was an envelope addressed to me. I picked it up and opened the flap to pull out the paper inside.


  I hope everything is to your liking. I wish I could have met you when you arrived, but I am unfortunately stuck in meetings all afternoon. I do hope that you will join me for dinner downstairs this evening around 7. I will wait for you at the bar.



  I could not help but smile. I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately when it came to Tristan. I had this giddy, school-girl feeling whenever I thought of him.

  Cassie emerged out of her room and found me at the table with the flowers. She was smiling just as big as I was.

  “Kendall, all I have to say is that if you don’t want Tristan Price, send him my way. Hot damn, Kendall, this place is fucking awesome!”

  After getting our things settled, the hotel manager took Cassie and me on a tour of the hotel. Cassie brought along her camera so that she could seize any necessary photo opportunities for the story. We were lead through the lobby into gaming rooms as well as huge ballrooms. The hotel boasted a five star kitchen with a world famous chef. The spa was a woman’s wet dream. The manager informed us that there was a helicopter pad and a rooftop pool.

  It took nearly two hours for us to take the complete tour of the property, and that was without seeing rooms on any of the floors. The manager handed Cassie and I two vouchers and said the under “Mr. Price’s instruction”, we were supposed to go take full advantage of the spa. I thought Cassie was going to kiss the woman.

  At the spa we received the full package. Mani-Pedi’s, massages, facials, and a very soothing seaweed body wrap. Afterwards we were treated to hair and make-up. I chose to add a few cara
mel highlights to my chestnut hair while Cassie went more extreme by giving her normally blonde hair an ombre look. I don’t think I have felt more relaxed in my entire life.

  By the time we were finished at the spa, it was closing in on time for me to meet Tristan for dinner. We made our way back up to the penthouse so I could finish getting ready.

  Walking into my room, I found a garment bag with a white rose and a note.


  Please wear this dress to dinner tonight. Ask Cassie to join us. I have provided something for her as well.



  I unzipped the garment bag to find a beautiful red satin sheath dress with a square neckline. It was simple and elegant. I looked at the tag.


  I laid the outrageously expensive dress gently on the bed as I moved toward the bathroom to take a shower. I wanted to rinse off all the oils on my skin from today’s spa treatments. I took extra care to not let my hair or make-up get ruined as I shaved, buffed, and cleansed my body.

  When I emerged from the shower I saw Cassie seated on my bed playing with the rose Tristan gave me. She was dressed in a stunning black floral lace overlay cocktail dress with a shimmering satin teal underdress.

  “I found a note with this dress on my bed asking me to wear it tonight,” Cassie said with excitement.

  “Yes, Tristan wants you to join us for dinner tonight downstairs.”

  “Well sweetheart, he is not even going to know I am there when he sees you in that dress. Damn Kendall, you look hot!”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself darlin!” I said with my cute country twang.

  “You know, I kind of feel like a third wheel.”

  “Do not worry Cass, I think Tristan just wants to ask us how our day has been so far,” I offered.

  At five to seven, Cassie and I made our way down to meet Tristan at the bar. The first thing I saw when we walked in was Tristan and another man talking to several women who had gathered around them at the bar. I could not stop the pang of jealousy I felt when I saw them. A stick thin Barbie doll wanna-be had her hand placed on Tristan's forearm as she stood on her tip toes to try to whisper in his ear.

  I had known about his playboy reputation. Somehow watching him smile down at the blonde and laugh at what she had said made me feel less than adequate. I started to feel like approaching them was a bad idea. Cassie notice where my eyes were directed and spoke up.

  “Oh no you don’t, Kendall. Do not do that to yourself.”

  She knew me so well. Brett always made me feel like I was never good enough. He told me that the reason he cheated was because I couldn’t give him everything he needed. When you had someone constantly telling you that you were not good enough, you started to believe it.

  Cassie was right though. That was in the past. That Kendall was long gone and this one was in her place. So I lifted my chin and made my way over to Tristan.

  He did not notice Cassie and me as we approached, so I spoke to get his attention and the attention of the others in the group.

  “Come here often handsome?”

  His eyes snapped up and found mine. It almost felt like time had stopped a few moments when he looked at me. The other girls seemed to disappear as his eyes raked over me from head to toe.

  “Wow.” Were the only words Tristan said as he sat his drink down on the bar and brushed past the girls that surrounded him. I saw the disappointment in their eyes and were met with their angry glares when they noticed where his attention was focused.

  Tristan leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek and then whispered in my ear, “You look beautiful.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, Sparky.” I said with a shy smile.

  “Cassie, lovely as always.” He said as he kissed the back of her hand.

  “Tristan, these dresses rock. Thank you so much for all of this,” Cassie gestured to her dress as well as around the hotel.

  Just then the man that had been with Tristan, and the group of girls, walked up to his side. He was gorgeous, in that surfer boy kind of way. His sandy blond hair was short and styled in a messy kind of way. His blue eyes and strong jaw gave him a mysterious look. The suite he wore was a light grey. The white collared shirt he wore was left unbuttoned at the top giving him a relaxed look.

  “Tristan, only you would run off and find the two most gorgeous women in this bar to talk to.” The man said as he smiled slyly at Cassie and me.

  I saw Cassie’s eyes get as big as saucers as she took in the sight of the man next to Tristan.

  Oh yeah she is smitten.

  Tristan let out a laugh that made my toes want to curl. The man next to him was handsome, but he did not even compare when it came to Tristan.

  “You know me, Jax. I only go for the best.”

  Cassie and I both blushed.

  “Kendall, Cassie, this is Jackson Styles. He is the director of my security team and overall pain in my ass,” Tristan said as he introduced us to the man.

  “Ladies, lovely to meet you. Kendall, I have heard quite a bit about you from this man here,” Jackson said as he pointed his thumb over at Tristan.

  Really? Hmm.

  Tristan shot Jackson a look that said ‘shut up’.

  “Ignore this open mouthed ass.” Tristan chuckled. “He will be joining us for dinner if you ladies do not mind. That is if he can keep his mouth shut.”

  “No objections from me,” Cassie said.

  She definitely does not have to be the third wheel now.

  The four of us had a wonderful dinner full of interesting conversation. Apparently Jackson and Tristan attended college together, even sharing a dorm room together at one point. They laughed and carried on like they had known each other all their lives.

  There was no doubt that there was an attraction between Cassie and Jackson. They flirted shamelessly with each other throughout the entire meal. It was great to see my best friend having such a good time. Hell, I was having a good time. It felt like I could relax and let loose. I don’t remember the last time I felt like that.

  Every once in a while I could catch Tristan staring at me. He would just smile as I looked up at him. I could not help the feelings that were growing for this man. They both terrified and excited me at the same time.

  After dinner was finished and we had a few drinks, Tristan and Jackson suggested going to the club across the street. I was not ready for the night to end and I knew Cassie wasn’t either so we both said, “Why the hell not?”


  I knew Kendall had caught me staring at her one too many times tonight. I could not help myself. I knew the dress I picked out for her would look wonderful on her, but I had no clue how sexy it would make her. I was seriously having issues trying to keep my hands off of her. I was beyond thankful that Jackson suggested going to Club Dimension next door. Maybe I could convince Kendall to dance and I would have my excuse to touch her.

  I was seriously dying with a desire to have my hands on her. It felt as if her mere presence reached deep down inside me somewhere and twisted my soul from the inside out. I have stood from afar for the last eight years and watched this woman. Wanting her. Needing her. Maybe just for tonight I could let go and give in to some of that desire.

  The club was packed for a Monday night. No doubt thanks to Luxe opening. Jackson and I led the ladies to the VIP section upstairs that looked over the dance floor below. It was not as loud and we would still be able to talk without having to scream at each other.

  The ladies excused themselves to go to the restroom, and Jackson and I followed with our eyes as they made their way downstairs.

  “Dude, Cassie is seriously hot. Thank you for bringing me along man.” Jackson said as he took a drink of his beer. “That is a great bonus to the job.”

  “Yeah, well don’t let Cassie be so much of a distraction that you lose focus of the real reason you are here,” I demanded. “Kendall is being followed and I am not going to take any chances.”

  “Not to worry, Tristan. My guys are all over this place. If she is being followed, we will find out.”

  I nodded. I trusted Jax with my life. His security team was one of the most demanded in the city. He was good at his job and everyone knows it. That was what made him so successful.

  “So when are you finally going to make a move on Kendall man? If you stare at her anymore tonight, you are going to bore holes through her.” Jackson laughed.

  “You know very damn well why I can’t Jax. If she were to find out, she would never trust me again. I’m not willing to risk that.” I answered.

  “Tristan, come on man you know that you are not responsible for what Brett did to her. Stop beating yourself up over that.”

  I glared at my friend. He had been there and knew about my whole situation with Kendall. He had tried to get me to let go of the guilt for years now. He did not know how hard that was for me.

  “Yeah, well I didn’t do anything to stop it either.” I hissed.

  Kendall and Cassie made their way back to the table and saw the solemn looks on our faces.

  “Everything ok, boys?” Cassie asked.

  “Yeah doll, everything is fine. What do you say you and I head on our to the dance floor?” Jax said to Cassie.

  “You got it,” Cassie teased.

  They left to head down stairs leaving Kendall and I alone in the VIP room. I could tell Kendall knew my mood had changed. She looked at me with question in her eyes. I needed to distract her so I stood up and grabbed her hand.

  “Dance with me.”

  I said it as a demand more than a request. I was not about to give her the option of refusal. I followed Kendall down the stairs to the dance floor all the time watching her sensual hips as they swayed side to side with each step.


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