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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 24

by Weston Parker

  I reached down and felt his hard cock through his pants, and he hissed a breath through his teeth as I made contact. “I’ve missed you all day.”

  “Pretty soon we’ll have every day together.”

  “Mhm. And I want this every single day.” He cupped my mound over my yoga pants and pressed firmly.

  “It’s yours.” I captured his mouth, and we kissed as he found my waistband beneath my shirt and tugged down my pants, panties and all leaving me exposed and glistening like the twinkling Christmas tree.

  His mouth fell upon my soft mound, and he licked between my folds, parting me with his cool hand to flick my clit with his tongue.

  Then he slowly slipped two fingers inside of me and pumped his arm slowly, stroking my sopping wet channel that was so ripe and ready for his thick cock.

  “Mine,” he whispered.

  He worked me through two orgasms and by the time the second one subsided, leaving me aching for something to fill my walls, he reached down and slipped off his pants.

  “I need it so bad.” I writhed beneath him, my hormones going crazy with need and lust for him. He brought his mouth to my nipples as he centered his cock between my legs.

  He kissed me as his cock slowly parted me, spreading me so wide with his girth that I was stretched to my limits as always. He was a perfect fit, and we were made for each other. As the head of his cock hit my depths, I wrapped my legs around him, nudging him closer. “Mine,” I purred.

  “Fuck.” He slowly worked his hips against me, rolling and rutting, tilting my hips to grind on my tender spot until I came again, much wetter than before.

  “That’s right, baby. Come all over my dick.” He panted and moaned and kissed me hard before pulling me close to change positions.

  He rolled over, putting me on top. I straddled his hips, grinding down on him as he reached up and cupped my breasts, dragging a rough thumb across my sensitive tip.

  I leaned forward, licking around his nipple rings, my hands trailing up his tattoos on his side. I pinched a ring between my teeth and tugged, causing him to moan out so loud it echoed around the room. His hips responded with a hard, upward thrust and moments later, he was bucking them wildly, bouncing me in his lap.

  “I want to fuck those tits.” He got up on his knees, and I sat on my bottom, pressing my breasts together for him to slide his cock between. “Fuck yeah, baby. Open your mouth.”

  I opened my mouth, and his cock slipped inside my lips with each thrust, and before long, I let my breasts fall, licking my own nectar from his shaft as I worshipped it with my mouth. His veins rolled beneath my tongue, and before I knew it, he gathered my hair and began thrusting his hips to fuck my face.

  I moaned on his cock, and he held me down, pressing his cock so deep, his head locked behind my tonsils as his cock swelled and readied for his release. His thick hot streams shot into my throat, pumping in spurts until I gulped and gagged, swallowing them down.

  I pulled away with watery eyes and a big smile. I hadn’t felt that alive in months.

  “That was so hot, but we’ll never make a baby if I keep swallowing.”

  David belted a laugh. “Don’t worry, baby. There’s plenty more where that came from. I’m going to put the next one so deep in this pussy.” His fingers pressed deep inside me and stroked my walls.

  We lay there stroking and kissing one another, and after a moment, he whispered in my ear. “How do you want it, baby?”

  “Hard,” I said getting up on all fours and tilting my ass toward him.

  “That’s my girl. I want to make you come so good.” His hand snaked around beneath me and tugged me closer as his cock pressed against my ass.

  Then he slipped his cock into my tight, wet pussy and teased his finger around my other hole. “Fuck it, please.” I was desperate for him to fill me everywhere he could, and once again, he gave me just what I wanted. His finger pressed hard against my ass, and then he parted me, his finger sliding into the knuckle, stroking and fucking as his cock filled my pussy even deeper.

  I moaned and whimpered, letting the feeling of being consumed by his touch envelop me. My next release came a moment before he thrust deep and poured inside of me.

  He pulled away, and I rolled over, sitting a moment as I collected myself and caught my breath.

  He sat naked with me by the fire, and we stared at the lights. “So?”

  I smiled knowing exactly what was on his mind. I’d waited for it, and now the time had finally come. “Valentine’s Day?” I searched his eyes, and he nodded, tilting his head a bit. “Sierra and I came up with that. I thought it would be after the Super Bowl, all of your work would be done—

  “Why not New Year’s Eve? I want to start the year together. Greyson is taking over effective immediately, and we’ve already determined we don’t need a huge ceremony.” He closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder.

  “No, she’s got this whole red, pink and white thing planned. I don’t want to disappoint her. You know, originally she wanted to do it today.” I let loose a laugh, and he joined in.

  “She’s funny, but for the record, I would have made it happen.” I knew he’d always do whatever it took to give us what we wanted. “I’m just glad you finally set a date.”

  “She asked if I was mad at you. She’s been feeling the tension between us lately and asked if I was going to leave you like I did Doug.”

  His face scrunched with a look of pain. “Wow. You told her that would never happen, right?”

  “Of course, David. I let her help me choose a date because she was upset we hadn’t gotten married yet.”

  “Valentine’s will be great. Even I didn’t realize how important it all was to Sierra. I thought just being together would make the difference, but she needs us all together with the same name.”

  “I’ve wanted to be a DeVant my entire life. I used to scribble my married name in my diary. Mrs. Allison DeVant. It always sounded so much more sophisticated than Allison Beall.”

  “We can do it sooner, then. Christmas Day?” His eyes lit with his smile.

  I laughed over his shoulder and then turned my head up to kiss his mouth. “You’re as bad as your daughter, who has a play next week.”


  “I’m so excited you’re finally going to be with me again every day. We can take Sierra to school and come home and make love all day if we want to.”

  “I like that idea.” His hands slipped down and rubbed my flat tummy. “And with any luck at all, you’ll be a lot rounder with my son by then.”

  “A son, huh?”

  He gave me a sly grin and pulled me in for a languid kiss.



  On Wednesday, since Allison wasn’t feeling well, I had the honors of picking up our daughter from her last day of school.

  She ran to the car with a big smile, and her teacher came up behind her to open the door and buckle her into the seatbelt. “Daddy! I got a solo in the pageant!” She climbed up into the seat and tossed her bag into the floorboard.

  “We’ll see you at the pageant, Mr. DeVant. Happy Holidays.” She shut the door, and I waited for her to step away before I drove toward home.

  “Where’s Mama?” Sierra’s brow furrowed.

  “Mama is not feeling well. She thought I’d like picking you up for your last day.”

  She held up a piece of paper. “This is the schedule for the play, Daddy. I have to come to rehearsal all week.” I let loose a sigh and glanced at the paper. There were five performances total, and if Allison didn’t get any better, I’d have the honor of getting Sierra to each one all by myself.

  “Put that back in your bag, so you don’t lose it, and we’ll look at it when we get home.”

  “Christmas Eve is the biggest night. That’s the last performance and my teacher says that we get to host a charity event after. They’re going to have a big cake.”

  It was cute listening to her gush about the pageant, and I was proud of h
er for being involved and excited too. When I was a kid, I hadn’t wanted to do any type of singing or performing but remembered the time her mother had played a Christmas tree in the middle school play. She’d been so pretty, all draped in green and adorned with ornaments. Missy had helped with the costume. I realized I was starving and decided that I’d cook as soon as we got home. I stopped by the market and Sierra, and I went inside and gathered everything we needed for homemade chicken soup. I had a pretty good idea how to make it, but I called my sister to make sure I was right.

  Sierra pulled a stool up to the counter and helped me load up the food slicer. It was nice to finally have our kitchen back, and with any luck, the last of the construction on our laundry room would be done soon enough. I let her help where she could, which was mostly telling me how to do things. She did manage to fill a pot with water, and I shrugged at the amount and tossed in a few chicken breasts.

  “This is going to be the best chicken soup ever. I bet Mama feels better after one bite.”

  “I hope so, baby. I don’t like Mama being sick.” I hated seeing either of my girls under the weather and hoped that whatever this bug was, that Sierra and I didn’t get it.

  It was all Greyson’s fault with his sinus bullshit that had turned into a full-blown cold. He’d even missed two days of work for the first time in three years, and I had no doubt he’d infected the house the day I’d given him the business.

  Just when I thought the chicken was ready to debone, Sierra jumped down from her stool. “Someone’s here.”

  I watched her as she went around the counter to the front window. “It’s Uncle Blaine!” She jumped up and down with joy.

  “Let him in.” I walked over to the kitchen door and watched as Katrina stepped inside with Blaine on her heels.

  “What smells good?” Katrina unwrapped her scarf and took off her gloves, shoving them in her pocket.

  “Mama’s sick, and we’re making chicken soup.”

  “Oh no!” Katrina looked my way. “Is it a cold?”

  “I’m not sure. She’s had a little cough and sniffles, but she’s been nauseated and can’t keep anything down.”

  “Has she lost her appetite?”

  “No, which is why I’m making soup. I hope it’s just a cold.”

  She grinned and looked at Blaine who was obviously thinking whatever she was. “Are you sure she’s not—

  The rest of the question hung in the air as she glanced down at Sierra who was already heading back toward me and the kitchen. “You know, pregnant?” She whispered the word.

  “Wouldn’t she know?”

  “Well, not necessarily. I’m going up to talk to her.” She headed upstairs, but I shook my head. Allison would know if she was pregnant and it wouldn’t explain her runny nose and cough.

  My brother joined me in the kitchen, and Sierra went up to see her mom too. I decided it was time to find out just what was going on with my brother and Katrina Maxwell.

  “Are you two like a thing?”

  “Yes, we’re a thing.”

  “Relationships are a lot of work, man. Are you sure you know what you’re getting into? Katrina is Allison’s best friend, and she’s a bit protective.”

  “I know. I like that they have each other.”

  “What about Greyson, are you aware that Katrina’s been spending time with him as well?”

  “Well, not anymore, not like she was. I told her how I feel and she said she let him down easy. I didn’t want to make problems, but I’m at this point in life where I’m going for the things I want. I want a relationship and a family.”

  “And you want that with her?”

  “Why are you so surprised? Have you seen her? She’s gorgeous, and she’s outgoing and creative. We hit it off.”

  “I just don’t want this to end badly, and then things be messed up. I like Katrina, don’t get me wrong, but with her being so close to Alli, and you being my brother—

  “It’s going to be fine. If things keep going the way they are, I might be married before you.” He gave me a shit-eating grin, but I had news for him.

  “Not unless you’re planning to do it on Valentine’s Day, I’ve got you beat.” I gave him a wink and went back to my chicken, which was a sickly shade of white. I put it on the plate and pulled it off the bone with a fork.

  “I think you’re supposed to use your hands.”

  “I’m not touching that.”

  He belted a laugh. “I’m sure it’s okay. It’s the thought that counts.”

  “It’s going to be delicious.

  “Valentine’s Day, huh?” He scratched his chin. “Nope, I think that’s a bit too soon for me. But maybe by the summer.”

  “You’re really head over heels for her. Don’t rush it. Look how long it took me and Allison.”

  “I don’t have a lifetime.”

  “Sure, you do.”

  He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. “I really wanted you to be happy for me.”

  “Trust me, I am.”

  “Good.” He turned and leaned against the counter. “So, Greyson’s really taking over?”

  “Already has. I announced it on Monday.”

  “I’m officially out on the thirtieth, and then we’ll be in rush wedding mode.”

  “Valentine’s Day.” He shook his head. “You know, that will make it easier to remember your anniversary. Pretty smart thinking.”

  Katrina came down and stopped to smell the aroma of the soup. “You’re going to make a good wife, DeVant.”

  Blaine laughed. “I was just telling him how getting married on Valentine’s Day was going to help him remember their anniversary.”

  “Assuming you can remember when Valentine’s Day is.” She had a point. I sucked at remembering dates. “Allison’s excited. I heard all about it upstairs.”

  “And did you make a diagnosis?” I was eager to see if she still thought Alli was pregnant.

  She giggled. “Only one way to know for sure, but it might cost you twenty bucks.” Blaine and I exchanged a look, and she rolled her eyes. “Go buy a pregnancy test.”

  “Now that’s a solid idea.” I had a twenty to spare for peace of mind.

  “I told you she’s amazing.” Blaine kissed his girl as I tossed the chicken back into the pot. The vegetables were simmering and getting softer, and it was actually looking edible.

  A half hour later, after Blaine and Katrina left, the soup was done. I fed Sierra a bowl, and we ate together in our new breakfast nook as Alli finished her nap.

  I went up and knocked on the door, carrying a tray with some juice and a bowl of my soup, which wasn’t half bad.

  “What’s that?” She sat up in bed and pulled the covers around her waist.

  “Chicken soup. It’s got carrots, celery, noodles.”

  “From a can?”

  I proudly shook my head. “Nope. I made it from scratch.”

  “Have you tasted it?”

  “Yes, and Sierra too. We liked it. I did add a tad more salt, but I think I got it. Katrina and Blaine left.”

  “Yeah, I was a bit out of it when she came up. I told her about the wedding.”

  “Me too.” I placed the tray on her lap and sat next to her. “You need to eat and build your strength.”

  “I hate being sick. I’m going to miss Sierra’s pageant.” She rubbed her face and wiped a tear.

  “I’m going to take care of you and make sure you’re all better. Katrina thinks you’re pregnant.”

  “I’ve been pregnant; it feels different. Trust me, I wish.” She got a spoonful of soup and picked up a cracker. She gave it a taste and her eyes lit with surprise. “That’s good stuff.”

  She dropped her spoon back into the bowl.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just so sore; achy.”

  “I’ll feed you.”

  “You’re too good to me, David. I feel bad being sick with there so much going on. I have a wedding to plan.”

; “Hey, we have time. We have to get you well. Nothing else is more important. One thing at a time.” I didn’t want her to worry about a thing.



  I managed to be well enough to go to Sierra’s play on the last night. I’d hated missing all of the other performances, but David had told me about each one, and he beamed when talking about Sierra’s part.

  I couldn’t wait to see it for myself, and as she took the stage, lifting her little voice through the entire solo, David held my hand, squeezing it tight. When she was done, we both stood and clapped like idiots, and then he handed me a tissue for my tears.

  “We made an amazing child, didn’t we?” I’d been so super emotional, and though I was still a tad dizzy from being sick, I managed to not get sick through the entire play. But once it was over, and we’d shuffled through the crowd, the motion hit me, and I had to excuse myself.

  I finished up in the stall and stepped out to fix my makeup in the mirror and splash cool water on my face. I’d have to grab some medicine. Something that would stop the sinus pressure from making me so sick.

  I walked out, and David took my arm. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, but I need to stop by the pharmacy. My head’s stuffy.”

  Just then, Sierra came from changing out of her costume and held her teacher’s hand who led her through the crowd.

  “Hello, Mr. DeVant. Mrs. DeVant.” I made no move to correct her, and David gave me a knowing smile.

  “Ms. Caine. It’s good to see you again. It looks like things were a success.” David gave her a warm smile and handed Sierra a huge bouquet of roses for her performance.

  “Yes, thanks to you. That donation you made was more than enough to help with the event.” I had no idea he’d given a donation.

  “Glad I could help.”

  “Your husband is a very special man.” She gave him a pat on the back, and his smile widened then she excused herself and headed off into the crowd.


  “Yeah, they needed a few things for the production.”

  “You’re amazing. Thank you for taking care of us.” There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his girls or anyone in need, and it made me special to belong to such a great guy.


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