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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 25

by Weston Parker

  We got in the car, and he took my hand. “She called you Mrs. DeVant.” He gave me a wink. “I can’t wait to hear it all the time.”

  “Don’t forget to stop at the pharmacy.”

  “Are you still sick, Mama?” Sierra’s little voice was full of concern from the backseat where she was nearly invisible behind her roses. I glanced back and found her peeking around them at me.

  “Just feeling queasy, baby. Nothing to worry about.” We pulled up at the pharmacy, and I ran inside alone. I’d planned on just taking a moment, but when I read the back of the box, and it mentioned pregnancy, I wondered what I’d been putting in my body and panic washed over me. What if I’d taken something that could hurt a baby? Should I be concerned? Surely, I’d know. I suddenly felt sick again, but not in the same way. I looked all over the store and finally found the right aisle. I grabbed a test just to be sure and then went back to find a safer medication.

  “That took a bit long. Did you get sick again?”

  “No, just wanted to get the right stuff for my symptoms.” I didn’t want to let Sierra know about my suspicions, and I didn’t want his hopes up either, so I kept the purchase of the test to myself.

  When we got home, I tucked Sierra in, and while David went into full story-time mode, I slipped into the bathroom to read the instructions for the test. I opted for the cup option knowing I’d probably piss all over my hand. David came in as I paced the small room and waited the two minutes it needed.

  “Are you still sick?” His eyes widened as he glanced over and saw the test. “Holy shit. Is that what I think it is?” He looked into the cup. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want Sierra to overhear, and if I’m not, I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “We’ve only been trying for a few weeks.” Despite the fact that we’d never used protection, I’d only recently stopped taking the pill.

  The timer on my phone sounded. “It’s time.”

  He had the stick out and looked at it before I could finish my words. “What’s the pink line mean?”

  “It’s pink?” I grabbed the stick from him and looked at the indicator.

  “Yes, for the love of God, what does it mean?” He grabbed the instructions, and I fell against him.

  “It means it’s positive. We’re going to have a baby!” He lifted me off my feet and spun me around so fast, my arm hit the cup and spilled it into the sink.

  “That was a close one.” I turned on the faucet as he kissed my breasts.

  “I’m so fucking turned on, right now.” He met my eyes with a smoldering look.

  I felt it too. The level of our excitement and the fact that he hadn’t touched me in days for my being sick, had me craving him. He turned off the faucet and picked me up, carrying me to the bed as he made love to my mouth.

  “We did it, baby.” He ran his hands up my thighs and then finally rested it flat against my flat tummy.

  “Better enjoy this figure while you can.”

  “It’s already given me a daughter, and you couldn’t get any hotter, baby.” He dipped down between my legs and pressed his mouth against my panties.

  A moment later, his thumbs slipped in my elastic, and he pulled my panties down, so he could lick my slit. He nibbled and sucked on my clit and then rose up and met my eyes. “You know I’m going to be extra gentle with you, right? No more rough stuff.” He gave me an apologetic look.

  “I won’t break. And besides, I might not be so gentle with you.” He stood and pulled off his pants, freeing his thick erection which jutted proudly from his hips. He had a cocky grin too, and I knew he was feeling larger than life.

  “It’s not an argument, Allison.” He gave me a scolding look.

  “Then don’t argue.” I gripped his cock and pulled it hard toward me, and his breath hitched as I took it into my mouth.

  “Okay, maybe I’ll allow rough, gaggy head.”

  I pulled away and gave him a wicked grin. “I’m going to ride you rough too; I’m sure you won’t complain.”

  “As long as you’re in control and know your limits.” His head fell back as I took him deeper, swirling my tongue and licking his veiny shaft.

  “You want me in control?” I slapped his ass and then gripped it tightly as I took him back into my mouth.

  “Mm. It’s certainly tempting.”

  I stood, turning his back to the bed and resting my hand against his chest. My eyes bore into his, and I didn’t break a smile, not even when he did. Instead, I pushed him back, his ass hitting the bed as I climbed up on the bed and straddled his cock.

  I centered his tip at my entrance and lowered myself, hard and fast, and I cried out as his thick base stretched my pussy to its limits.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  “Mhm. You might think I will break, but I know what this body is capable of, and you’re going to give me just what I want and how I want it.” His eyes widened. He was a strong man and had never experienced me being assertive in the bedroom.

  “Yes, ma’am.” His eyes lit with a smile. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “Hard and fast. Don’t be gentle. At least not until I’m a little further along.”

  “Fine. But I’m asking the doctor about it.”

  “Go ahead; I know just what she’ll say.” It was going to be different with me experiencing things for the second time compared to his first.

  He gripped my ass and held me still as he pumped his hips up hard and fast, his thick cock hitting my sensitive spots and making me pulse around him.

  “You’re going to make me come,” I cried.

  “That’s the point, baby.” He rose up and captured my nipple in his teeth, and then he bit hard as I came, clasping his hand over my mouth to muffle the scream of ecstasy.

  He lifted me up and carried me over to the dresser, and thrust his hips steady, working me in a sensual rhythm that rocked everything on its surface. After my candleholder fell to the carpet, he brought me against the wall, my back hitting the surface harder than I think he’d intended. But I didn’t complain. He was giving me just what I wanted. He finally hitched me up against him and carried me back to the bathroom where he balanced me on the counter as he reached over and turned on the shower.

  “Don’t drop me.” I held on tight, and he put me on my feet.

  “I want your hands on the tile.” He slapped my ass as I stepped into the shower. “We’re going to see just how much you can take.” He stepped up behind me as I placed my hands on the tile and glanced over my shoulder.

  “Like this?” I tilted my ass upward, and he got on his knees to worship it, slipping a finger into my throbbing pussy while he rim-jobbed my tight star.

  “Just like that, baby.” He stood and pulled his fingers free, replacing them with his cock.

  “Now that we’ve made a baby, I can take that load anywhere you want to put it.”

  “You dirty girl. Where do you want it?” He pushed his cock deeper and continued to thrust.

  “I do love to taste you, Mr. DeVant.”

  “Then I’m going to feed you this hot, heavy load.” His voice was so sensual in my ear, and I came again on his cock, and he moaned. “That’s right, come all over it first.”

  He pumped his hips and rutted deep, then he pulled free and spun me around. I hit my knees hard, but it was worth the facial he gave me before I took the rest of his load in my throat.

  “Fuck.” He was breathless and collapsed to his knees with me, kissing my mouth and moaning. “You wear me out.”

  “If you think I’m going to wear you out, just wait until you’re busy taking care of an infant. Late nights, dirty diapers, endless crying.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Me too. You know what I was thinking?”

  “That you want round two?”

  “Well, that, and that I really liked it when the teacher called us Mr. and Mrs. DeVant.”

  “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, and I do
n’t think I want to wait until Valentine’s Day. Let’s get married next week; New Year’s Eve. We’re not having a huge wedding anyway, and honestly, I don’t feel like going through a whole production. We can still do pink and red for Sierra, but let’s just have something simple with our closest friends and family.”

  “Anything you want.” He kissed my cheek.

  I smiled and waggled my brows. “Let’s get dried off and go wake up Sierra. I can’t wait to tell her.”

  He laughed. “That’s not exactly what I thought you’d want. But I’ll give you that when we come back to bed.”


  He pulled me close and kissed me so hard that I pulled away breathless. “Promise.”

  The End

  Author Note: Hope you enjoyed that. As a holiday gift, my sister, Ali Parker has pulled her bestselling, Billionaire Alpha series from all stores and included it here for you as a thank you for picking up our book, Mister Big Stuff. Hope you enjoy it. It’s the top selling series she has from her extensive catalog. Merry Christmas from us to you.

  His Demands, Book 1

  Billionaire Alpha Series

  His Wants. His Needs. His Demands. Your Pleasure. You're Welcome.

  Bethany had one more year of school left, and once again, poverty strikes hard. The only option would be to encourage her mother to marry her new boyfriend Kent, a billionaire tycoon in the world of accounting.

  Mom is more than happy to move the wedding date up, and Bethany's soon-to-be father is willing to pay for her schooling - on one condition.

  She works for his firm as an intern throughout the next year.

  She agrees without hesitation, but little does she know that Kent's oldest son, Damon, is the CFO. Dark features and a stare that would melt panties, he's everything one might imagine of a billionaire's spoiled alpha son, her new boss.

  Her billionaire boss plays lots of games and though she hates herself for it, Bethany is more than yearning for the chance to fulfill his needs.


  Damn: 110. She needed a 70 to make the dean's list for her senior-level marketing class, but she'd pulled out a 110.

  A smile touched Bethany's lips, her eyes darting around the room to see if she could make out the various grades on her classmates’ papers. From what she could see, she must have gotten the highest grade. She sat back in her chair and listened as the classroom filled with either groans or soft whispers of gratitude for passing grades. She hadn't worried much about passing, but simply passing was never enough. She had to be at the top­—the best grade in the class.

  The elderly professor moved to the front of the room, dropping a small handful of remaining tests on his desk and turning to face the class. A quick adjustment to his glasses and he scanned the room, his eyebrow raising at the noise.

  "This was your final test for my class. I know some of you are graduating on Saturday, and I congratulate you. If you failed this test and subsequently this class and it's holding you back from graduating, that's your problem. You were given every opportunity to do well in here. If you failed, then you worked hard to do so."

  He shrugged as a lanky guy in the back row spoke up, Bethany turning to look over her shoulder as his drug-induced voice resounded. "Is there a make-up quiz for this test?"

  "No, Mr. Johnson. This is final, and you will be seeing me next semester, no doubt."

  Bethany turned and raised her hand, her long chestnut locks tickling her shoulders as she moved. "What was the top grade in the class?"

  "Yours." The professor smirked and moved from his reclined position. "Class is dismissed. Don't bother stopping by to talk with me. I have somewhere to be, so this is goodbye for this semester. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and don't have too much fun."

  Bethany leaned over and grabbed her backpack, a smile pressing her cheeks toward her eyes as she got up and walked from the room, her head held high and smugness sitting on her like a well-worn cloak. She was the smartest, the fastest—the best.


  A quick stop by the advisory office before heading to have lunch with her mother stole her thunder; her adviser’s news was depressing, a quick reminder of her financial reality.

  "Congratulations, Bethany. It looks like you'll be graduating in the top 3 percent of your accounting class." The middle-aged man looked up, his portly belly almost touching the chair between his opened legs.

  Bethany focused on the kindness in his gaze even though his appearance struck her with worry. She needed to get to the gym. The summer sessions were always so daunting and stole every waking moment she could find in order to simply keep up. It was over now, though.

  She sighed with relief and nodded toward the adviser.

  "That's great news. I've already been accepted into the MBA program, so I'll start in a month. I'm excited."

  The man mumbled something, turning to his computer and hitting a few keys. Bethany sat back, her eyes moving across the various pictures that hung on the walls. The photos were filled with smiling kids and a woman as portly as the man before her, their happiness apparent or well-rehearsed.

  A family had never been part of Bethany's thoughts. Racing up the corporate ladder and making a name for herself was her top priority. Making enough money never to have to worry where her next meal was coming from or if anyone would see her mother paying with food stamps was all she cared about. She would change her situation no matter what it took.

  College was a luxury that her grades from high school alone had afforded her, but the master's program was still up in the air. The hope was that grants would cover most of the cost, and she could pick up a small job or paid internship at an accounting firm.

  Time was the only restriction. She needed something flexible because her course load wouldn't allow for much more than studying and schoolwork. She reached up, tucking her hair behind her ears as she looked back at the adviser.

  "So, am I good to go?"

  "Hold on just a minute, kiddo. Looks like there’s an issue with your fees for next semester. I'm just trying to make sure you're all paid up." He glanced over at her before picking up his phone. He spoke for a few minutes to someone who she assumed was in the registrar's office. The conversation, from the parts she could hear, was only causing the knot in her stomach to grow. He thanked the lady on the phone and sighed, hanging up and looking over at Bethany.

  "Good news and bad news. What do you want first?"

  "The good news."

  "The good news is that the first third of your upcoming semester was picked up by a grant."

  "And the bad is that the last two-thirds weren't?"

  "That's right." He shrugged, sympathy covering his round face. "Is there a possibility of getting a small part-time job or internship in the city?"

  "I have no clue. Seems like more to do, but it is what it is." She sat back and sighed, the reality of her ever-present situation bleeding its way across her emotions. She was going to break down soon, and she'd rather it not be in front of him.

  She stood up and reached over, her hand extended. "I appreciate your help. I have a month to figure it out, I guess."

  "You have about six weeks before they require that second payment. Good luck. You’re smart; you'll figure this out."

  She shook his hand and walked from the small building, the sun pressing down on her in the smoldering Texas heat. There was nothing to figure out. The MBA program at UT Dallas was way out of her league in terms of financial funding, and her mother was forever broke. Thanks to a drug-dealing father and a life left in shambles, there wasn't much hope.

  She got in her car as the first tear fell. She'd have to ask her mom to do something that seemed far-fetched but was her only hope.

  "Mom, will you marry Kent?" She looked up in the small rearview mirror, realizing how selfish she was being as she worked through how to ask something so demanding of her mother. But Kent was a billionaire. It would work in her favor, and she knew without a doubt that her mother would be much ha
ppier with the stability and love Kent would provide. It was good for everyone. No. She couldn't do it.

  But what other choice did she have?

  Chapter 1

  "Mom, will you marry Kent?" Bethany let the question hang in the air as her mom reached for a fluffy white roll sitting in the basket between them.

  "What?" Her mom pulled her hand back like she'd been burned.

  The older woman was a perfect replica of Bethany. Long, silky chestnut hair, full lips, and green eyes. She looked completely innocent and well-kept, and yet she’d been through more hell than anyone could possibly imagine. She and Bethany both.

  "I know it's a lot to ask, but when you told me that he proposed a few weeks ago, you seemed really happy. I don’t know why you just didn’t say yes right then.”

  “It’s complicated, Bethany.”

  “I know, Mom. But I also know that you’re just holding back because you’re letting everything that happened with Dad scare you away from the one thing that could make you truly happy. You and Kent have been dating for six months, and he's crazy about you."

  "Why do you care if Kent and I get married right now?"

  "I had an appointment with my adviser today, and there isn't enough funding for me to get through the first year of my master’s program." She held up her hand as her mother started to protest. "I know you don't understand the need for a master’s, but I'm telling you that I need it. I want financial freedom, and ever since Daddy left all those years ago, we've had anything but that. I want a chance to be free from this, Mom."

  Her mom visibly flinched, reaching and taking the bread and then picking at it, her gaze filled with concern. They had been through far too much together over Bethany's twenty-two years not to be straightforward with one another. Her mom loved Kent, and Bethany knew they would get married eventually, so the request wasn't too far-fetched, just perhaps a little selfish in its timing.


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