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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 48

by Weston Parker

  "Are you worried?" Kendal tilted his head to the side a little, his gaze inquisitive.

  "No. I love him too much to think about a future without him. I don't think it's the situation with us, but I can't help but wonder."

  "That's natural. He loves you too. I can tell. Has he told you yet?"

  "That's none of your business."

  "I fell in love with a sophomore student of mine about six years ago, and nothing happened, but my life fell apart because of it. Her parents sued the school and me for inappropriate behavior. That's why I give my speech. I'm not interested in fucking up my life again. Love can kiss my ass for what it's worth."

  Bethany sat in silence as if she'd been slapped. Never in a million years had she expected Kendal to share his story. She, of course, wanted to know more, but there was no way she was pushing him. They were destined to have a friendship whether she felt like it was a good idea or not. From what she could tell, he was loyal to Damon, and she knew she was, so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

  "Damn." She glanced down at the papers in front of her as the image of Damon's expression when she mentioned loving him rolled across her vision. "I told him that I loved him, and he looked like he had seen a ghost."

  "He's got a lot of demons in his past. Give him time, Bethany. He's a really good man, but he'll force you to push past a load of bullshit before you get to see that guy."

  "I know. Defense mechanism, right?"

  "Yep. We all have them, and for a good reason."

  "He's letting me in slowly; I just have to stick to the course."

  "You'll be glad you did."


  She headed to the hospital after wrapping up her job assignments with Kendal. Damon texted that he would meet her there, but she told him to hold off. She needed time alone with Jake. Hopefully, Damon would understand that, but maybe not. The fact that Jake had been texting her, begging for help the night of the accident, left her raw and scarred.

  She should have been there for him, and yet she was getting laid on a couch, only concerned with her drive toward lusting Damon into loving her.

  "Let it go. Fuck," Bethany grumbled under her breath as she walked down the stark-white hospital corridor. Jake's room was on the left at the end of the hall, his name on the door making things easier. The loud beeping of machines could be heard as she approached, and she paused outside the door with her hand on it, letting out a long breath before walking in.

  Jake was sitting up in the bed, his skin pasty and pale, but he was alive.

  "Oh my God." She rushed toward the bed as a nurse held up her hand.

  "No touching him. He's not healed up just yet, and I'm not putting him through another thing. Boy’s been through enough!"

  Bethany stilled near the edge of the bed and reached out, taking his hand as tears filled her eyes. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me ..."

  His voice was weak, his smile barely lifting his mouth. "It's not your fault, Bethany. I'm just glad I was able to fight her off some."

  "I'm still in shock that any of this happened."

  "Me too." Jake squeezed her hand before laying back and closing his eyes. "This new guy... Is he good for you? He's a solid dude?"

  "Yes. He's a good man. He's got some hang-ups, but nothing any worse than one of us."

  Jake opened his eyes and tilted his head, the worry in his gaze so familiar it pushed her to move closer as her tears spilled onto her cheeks.

  "Be careful. I know we can't base everything on this situation with Krista, and I don't want us to, but be careful. It's hard to know someone if they don't want you to, or at least parts of them."

  She reached out and brushed his blond hair from his eyes. "Don't worry about me. Just rest. Damon has been here with me to visit you every day for the last week. I will be careful, but I'm learning more and more about him every day."

  "And you love him?"

  "Very much so."

  "Does he love you?" Jake winced as the nurse poked at him under the covers from the opposite side of the bed.

  "I think so. He's scared to say it though."

  "But he shows it? Words mean nothing without the backing of action and affirmation."

  "He does."

  "Good. Tell him if he hurts you that I'll kick his ass."

  Bethany laughed, not having the heart to tell Jake that there was no way he would take Damon in a fight. Her best friend was too beat up, too broken and scarred to do anything but lift him up.

  "I will tell him, and I wouldn't put it past you." She leaned over and kissed his forehead as he slipped into sleep, his breathing deep and peaceful.

  Chapter 39

  Bethany got home around four and decided on a quick nap before everyone was scheduled to arrive for dinner. She wasn't much in the mood for company after seeing Jake bruised and laid up in the hospital, but they had advertisements to review and final plans for the wedding trip to make. Lying in the comfort of her bed, she finally gave herself over to the need for rest and slipped into the welcoming arms of darkness.


  "Beth, baby ..." Damon's voice pulled at her. She tried to sit up, but he tightened his arms around her, the handsome thing lying behind her in the bed and spooning her. He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck and brushed his hand down her outer thigh. "You awake?"

  "Yeah. I didn't mean to fall asleep, or maybe I did. What time is it?" She curled up farther and snuggled back against him.

  "It's almost seven."

  "Seven? Shit." She pulled from him and slid off the side of the bed. "I need to get ready. I was hoping to take a shower."

  "There is no reason to hurry, baby. Just get ready and come out when you can. We're just putting out snacks to hold us over until dinner is ready."

  Bethany pulled her shirt over her head quickly and slipped out of her slacks, walking toward her closet as she spoke over her shoulder. "Is everyone already here?"

  Damon moved into the closet behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning down to kiss her shoulder. "Yeah, but they can wait."

  She swatted at him playfully. "You had me earlier today. Don't make us late and have this Erica chick thinking I have no respect for other people's time."

  "She's not going to think that. She's a bitch at the office, but when you get her alone, she's just like the rest of us."

  "Get her alone?" Bethany turned and slid her arms around his waist as her lip turned up in a smirk. "Have you had her alone a lot?"

  "That you're jealous is almost cute." He leaned down and brushed his lips past hers as he ran his hands down her back to cup her butt. "I want more of you. Let's fuck first and then join them later."

  She laughed and pushed him back softly. "Love how you avoided the getting Erica alone question."

  He popped her butt and walked out of the closet, messing with himself from what she could tell. It was nice to know that she could turn him on without even trying.

  "There is nothing to talk about. She's nothing but a business partner to me. She has a thing for Matt, which I think I mentioned."

  "A thing?" Bethany called out as she tugged a cream-colored blouse from a hanger and pulled it over her head. She slipped into a nicer pair of jeans and left her feet bare. Her mother must have been shopping on Kent's dime by the look of a few new things hanging in her closet.

  "Yeah. She's a creative-type person, remember? Matthew is too. I think she would move in quickly if he even remotely showed interest in her."

  "He's not interested?"

  "Nope. He's scared to death of her."

  "Why?" Bethany walked out as Damon bit his lip and shook his head.

  "Not sure. Ask him." He moved toward her and wrapped his arms back around her. "Fuck woman, you turn me on no matter what you're wearing."

  "That's because you know what's beneath my clothes and that it all belongs to you."

  "Damn straight." He slid his hand into her hair, his fingers pressing gently to the base of her head as he tilted her face tow
ard him. "I'm looking forward to this trip. It's been a long time since I've wanted to go somewhere. It's lonely going without someone to share it with."

  "I find it hard to believe someone as gorgeous as you would have to do anything alone."

  "It's not about looks, Beth. It's about trusting someone enough to let them into your world."

  "Are you letting me in?"

  "I'm not sure I have any other option but to."

  She lifted up and pressed her lips to his, tilting her head to the side and opening her mouth as his tongue slid against hers. She groaned and tightened her arms around him as she sucked at his offering, something deep inside of her waking up. She wanted to drop to her knees in front of him, to feel his hands tighten in her hair, to taste his pleasure on her tongue. She broke the kiss, breathing a little harder thanks to the depravity of her thoughts.

  His eyes sparkled with desire. It took her breath away.

  "What are you thinking, you bad girl?"

  "I was thinking how badly I want to lick your balls, suck your cock ... press my face against the most intimate parts of you and let the scent that belongs only to you etch across my senses." She leaned up and kissed him softly as he stared deadpan at her. "Just a desire that keeps haunting me."

  "We should explore this." He reached for her as she turned and ran to the door. A soft yelp left her as he charged after her. "Beth ... Now. Now!"


  Bethany slowed just before walking into the kitchen, heat burning her cheeks from her forward response. A smile lifted her lips, leaving her feeling fulfilled, happy. Her mother turned as she stood with Erica, Matt, and Kent.

  "There you are. We were starting to worry." Her mother smiled.

  Matt walked toward her and pulled her into a big bear hug as Damon rounded the corner and moved to open a bottle of wine. "There's Sleeping Beauty. Damon and Dad working you too hard at the office?"

  "They are slave drivers." Bethany laughed and walked toward the large platter of crudité. She picked up a carrot and dipped it in the creamy ranch sauce as Erica responded.

  "Man, I remember when I started working for these two years ago. I took more naps than I care to remember." She smiled, and Bethany returned the gesture. "I would honestly go home feeling like my brain was bruised."

  "That's because you're creative, and they aren't. Like trying to teach calculus to Michelangelo." Matt joined in and moved to take the bottle of wine from Damon. "Give me that. Check on the steaks."

  "Are you guys cooking tonight?" Bethany asked, looking at Damon.

  "We are. Be very scared. Dad gave everyone the night off. He does that from time to time. It's healthy for them and us." Damon nodded toward Kent, who had remained quiet until then.

  "Yeah ... That's great. Let's talk about the trip. The planner in me is crawling up the walls. I know we have the hotels and airlines booked, but are you guys wanting to have the ceremony at night on the beach or during the day in the hotel or what?"

  "Let's get the platter and wine and go out on the porch and talk. I'll turn on the fans and bring the booze. You guys get the food." Damon nodded toward them, winking at Bethany.

  She grabbed the veggie tray and followed behind him, her eyes moving across his back and rear. The dark blue shirt he wore looked good on him, and his slacks hugged the beautiful swell of his ass. He was beyond gorgeous. Why he would waste his time with someone like her was still a mystery. His response in the bedroom about wanting to trust someone left her lost in thought. He was letting her in, of that she was sure. He didn't have a choice from what he had said. Did that mean that he loved her too? Had to. Then why not tell her?

  "I called the hotel last week, and the ceremony is on Saturday afternoon at five or so. It's when the sun is setting, so they will set everything up and have us in the hotel about an hour before sunset. As it begins, they'll usher us out there," Matt spoke up, moving back to hold the door for everyone.

  "You're so good, Matt," Erica responded as she moved just behind Bethany.

  "I try." Matt walked toward Bethany and reached for the tray as everyone started to set up the table, his cheeks colored pink. "Give me that, Sis."

  "She's cute," Bethany whispered and motioned toward Erica.

  "She's scary as fuck." He laughed, his voice nothing more than a whisper as well.

  "You and I are talking more about this in Jamaica."

  "Yeah, well, Dad invited her to come with us."

  Bethany turned toward everyone, a little surprised by Matt's words. "Who all is going with us to Jamaica?"

  "All of us here." Kent smiled and pulled Bethany's mother in for a side hug, leaning down and kissing the top of her hair.

  "Oh, nice. Erica, you're coming with us? I wasn't sure Dad could convince you." Damon moved toward Bethany, stopping just beside her.

  "It was Matt who convinced me. You know, I've been after him to come and join me at the firm. We thought this would be a good time to go over his portfolio and for me to liquor him up enough to get him to say yes." Erica smiled, shifting her eyes toward Matt. Bethany glanced at her almost stepbrother as he shrugged bashfully.

  "I'll watch the steaks." He walked toward the grill as everyone chuckled. Matt was so different from Kent and Damon, and yet was every bit as handsome and attention grabbing. Bethany looked forward to getting him alone on the trip to find out more about the situation between him and Erica. The beginning of something was there, but what she didn't know.

  "Well, before we get further into the night ... I have an announcement to make." Damon spoke up, and everyone turned toward him. Butterflies began to move in Bethany's stomach at the authority in his voice. He glanced at her and winked, confusing her a bit, but she was too intrigued by him to be concerned with it.

  "I know this might not go over well, but I don't care. You guys know me, and the one thing I hate is secrets or lies." He paused, and everyone's expression softened. Bethany let her eyes move around the crowd as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  What was he doing?

  Damon moved toward Bethany, pulling her into a side hug and smiling down at her before looking toward his father and her mother. "I know the two of you have found something special in each other, and I'm thrilled. My father deserves a good woman, and I have no doubt that he's found the best one for him. We will be a family at the end of this weekend, but I need to be very transparent with both of you, and with you, Matt. Bethany and I have been seeing each other for the last little while, and I'm in love with her. I haven't ever been in love before, and I know this is a bit of an off situation, but I'm asking you, as my family, to accept it. If you're not willing to, then count me out of whatever the future holds."

  Damon looked down at Bethany as she choked on both fear and pride that he would step up in front of their family and claim her as his. "I'm not willing to choose a future that she's not my better half in."

  He turned back to look at his father. "Do you understand?"

  Chapter 40

  "We already knew," Bethany's mom responded softly. "We fully support what's happening between the two of you and have seen changes in each of you that leave us breathless. We can't speak for Matt, but we knew this moment was coming."

  Bethany tucked herself into Damon's side, some part of her wanting to disappear as tears began to streak down her face.

  "I love you both, and you know that. I figured something was up the night you treated me like the fucking pool boy and sent me to fetch shit left and right so you could make out while I was gone." Matt laughed loudly, everyone else joining in but Bethany.

  "Are you sure you're not disappointed?" Bethany spoke up, her voice broken with emotion.

  "No, baby. I couldn't be more proud of the woman you're becoming. Damon is family by marriage, and the way you two look at each other thrills me as your mom."

  Bethany moved away from Damon and walked to her mom, slipping into the warmth of her hug and letting herself cry a little. Kent patted her back and pulled her into a warm h
ug too.

  "We are going to have to change your title from intern though. The uprising has begun at work thanks to the lovely upgrade you got." Kent laughed, and Bethany joined him.

  "There has been an uprising since day one. Damon has every female in that place in fits, especially the interns." Bethany moved back to Damon's side, slipping back into his arms as Erica spoke up.

  "Yeah, but it doesn't matter who wants his attention. It's you who has it."

  "You're the only woman that has it, now and forever." He kissed the tip of her nose and looked back toward the crowd. "Okay ... Let's plan this trip out and get to looking at ads. I love all this sharing shit, but making money and drinking mai tais is a close second."


  "Did you mean what you said tonight?" Bethany moved through the water to stand in front of Damon, her fingers sliding across the silky skin of his chest. His eyes captivated her, the hunger and need, the lust and desire burning her.

  "Come here." He reached out and pulled her flush against him. "I know you've been through a lot lately, and I'm proud of you. At your age, I would have put my hand through a wall and given up on everything."

  "No, you wouldn't have." Bethany smiled, but the expression faded as Damon pinned her with truth.

  "I have a lot of healing to do because of what happened with my mother. I'll share all of it with you on the trip, when we're away from all these familiar things." He glanced back at the house. The strong muscles of his chest and neck flexed, the reminder of his strength sending tendrils of pleasure through the center of her. "I grew up in this house. I found her cheating on Dad here."

  "I know, baby." Bethany reached up and touched his cheek, turning him back toward her. "We can talk about it when you're ready. I'm here no matter how long it takes you to heal."

  He took her hand in his, turning to kiss her palm sensually. "I know you are. I can feel it for the first time in my life. Scares the shit out of me, but I'm ready."


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