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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 49

by Weston Parker

  She moved closer, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his waist. "We'll take it slow."

  "No ... Let’s dive in deep. It's not our style to tiptoe into anything. Let's lay ourselves bare and trust without reservation. Jump off that cliff with me, and let's work together to hold each other above the waves as they come. I'll support you in anything you want to do, just don't ever lie to me. If you get tired of me or need something emotionally or sexually that I'm not giving you ... You come to me. I'm your man, and I want to know what you need. Promise me that you'll talk to me if something comes up."

  "Nothing is going to come up. You leave me feeling like my soul is on fire and my panties are a torrential waste." She laughed and pulled up, brushing her lips across his.

  "That's today, baby. I'm asking for forever. Ten years from now you might not feel that way. I want you to promise me here, tonight, that you'll speak up. I don't want to invest my whole heart and be left broken years from now." He touched the side of her face softly, the man staring at her revealing a new layer to her.

  "I promise you that I will always be straightforward and honest. If something comes up or I'm feeling lonely, angry, upset ... Whatever, I'll talk to you. I want us to work. I know that without a doubt. I need you in my life, Damon." She rolled her hips, the thick press of his erection sparking to life just how much she needed him. "I want you inside of me."

  "I need to be inside of you, baby." He pressed his lips to the side of her neck, his teeth digging in slightly as she groaned. Everyone had left or gone to bed, and it was just the two of them. The moonlight cast a blue shadow across the pool, making everything feel so much more dramatic.

  Damon tugged at her bottoms, forcing Bethany to move back a little until he pulled them off. He worked his shorts over his hips, letting them float to the surface behind him as he pulled her against him again. His fingers gripped tightly onto her ass, and he tugged her down, his body filling hers with a few hard thrusts.

  "Oh God," she groaned, her lips finding his as he pressed himself deeper inside of her warmth. He kissed and licked at her mouth as he rolled his hips, his rhythm slow and deep. She dug her fingers into the strong muscles of his back and lifted up to foster the delicious friction he worked into her. He broke the kiss and pulled her hair back a little with one hand as he forced her to look up at him.

  "I need you too. I want you more than I imagined possible. Tell me you'll be mine, Beth. Tell me forever sounds good to you, baby." He drove back into her, tightening his hand in her hair. The pleasure-pain forced her near the edge of exploding as she panted softly.

  "Forever. Anything less isn't enough."

  "Forever isn't enough for me." He licked her throat, sucking softly on the curve of her chin as he slid his hand from cupping her ass to press against the tightness of her opening. "I want to taste you and touch you everywhere. I want to take you to new heights mentally, emotionally, physically. I don't want there to be a place on you that isn't branded by me."

  "Yes ... Fuck yes, I need that, Damon." She pressed back, letting his finger slip into her as he began to fuck her faster. She screamed as the orgasm rolled through her, arching her back and taking in every sweet sensation he caused to pulse through her.

  "That's it, baby girl. Ride all of it. Fuck yourself against me. Anything you want, Beth. All yours, baby." He worked her fast and hard, his own orgasm lifting a loud, sexy sound off his lips as he pumped into her a few more times.

  "God, you're so good ... So fucking sexy." Bethany reached up and touched his face as he slid his finger out of her, but kept her locked around his waist, still buried deep inside of her.

  "You haven't seen anything yet." He winked and chuckled.

  "Keeping the goods hidden?"

  "Yep. Making sure you were the one." He leaned in and brushed his lips across hers, nipping at her mouth carefully.

  "I assume you've come to that conclusion?" She smiled and held onto the sexy man in front of her tightly.

  "I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't say it before. It scared me, and I'm not used to feeling so fucking exposed, but I won't deny you the words that I hope my actions scream. I love you, baby." He leaned in and kissed her with a fiery passion. She matched it, rolling her hips and bleeding into the kiss all of the worry and fear, the need and desire that he caused over the last few weeks. He pulled back. His soft panting was so far beyond hot that she moaned at the sound of it, tightening her body around his.

  "You want more, sexy girl?" He wagged his eyebrows and rolled his hips, pressing deeper into her.

  "Always ... I need more of you."

  "You love me?" he asked and squeezed her ass tightly before beginning his next assault.

  "Forever. Jamaica is going to be fun."

  “You think so, hmm?”

  “Will you be there?” She smiled and pulled him down for another kiss.

  There was no need to respond. He’d be wherever she was or so she hoped.

  His Needs, Book 2

  Billionaire Alpha Series

  Forever isn't nearly long enough.

  Bethany and Damon have finally come together and made their relationship known to their families. It's time for the wedding of their parents and excitement is in the air.

  A four-day trip to Jamaica is exactly what everyone needs.

  Erica Hall, Kent's Chief Advertising Officer, was invited to join the fun, and she has her eye on Matthew, Damon's timid younger brother. Come witness the start of their relationship and the igniting of a hot new romance.

  With a bit of turbulence on this trip to see their parents obtain their happily ever after, both Damon and Bethany must see if they have what it takes to remain together forever.

  She's his forever, but keeping up with his needs is starting to redefine 'forever.' The vacation in Jamaica is over and was exactly what everyone needed to catch their breath, but coming back to a government audit and possible takeover of Mackenzie and Bryant Accounting Firm was not expected.

  Between Bethany's master's program taking far more of her time than she thought possible and the drama with her closest friends, her work begins to suffer.

  Damon's caught up in the madness at work and needs more than anything a woman to come home to at night and make him forget anything but the feel of her skin against his. Sadly enough, he finds himself alone far too many nights.

  An alpha male can only hold back so long, and he's at his breaking point at work and home. Can love conquer all? Can it overcome stress, jealousy, and condemnation? Come find out...

  Chapter 1


  Bethany turned and looked around the tiny garage, boxes piled high on both sides of her. There was no way they were going to be able to get her mother's place fully loaded up by nightfall. Why in the hell the woman would want to was the question. She had gotten a wild hair that everything needed to be moved out of the old house and put into storage before the wedding three days away.

  Letting out a long sigh, Bethany pushed her chestnut hair back, the messy bun at the back of her head not doing its job at all. Her mother walked in from the front of the garage, a few cars having stopped to see if they were having a garage sale.

  "Go call Matt and Kent. Someone wants the washer and dryer."

  "Mom. We should just donate all of this stuff. There's no reason to sell it."

  "I am donating it. Go get them, sweet girl."

  Turning, Bethany checked her phone for the tenth time within the hour. Damon was at the office, holding down the fort so the rest of them could help pack. He was the only one she wanted to see, the idea of her mother getting married suddenly weighing heavily on her.

  Kent was a great guy, but her real father was too when they first got married. Her mother deserved the best. Bethany hoped this time that's what she was getting. Her new stepfather had been nothing but kind and giving, but everyone knew that even hell had recruiting days. Hopefully, things would be different this time.

  She opened the door to the small two
-bedroom house and stuck her head inside. "Hey, guys. Someone wants the washer and dryer. Come help us load it for them."

  Closing the door, she pulled her phone from her pocket and let out a groan. "Mom, I need to change and get up to the college. I have to get in a few hours with Dr. Tarrington today."

  "I thought you told him you were working yesterday instead."

  "I did, but school starts next week and the mess he gave me to work through yesterday didn't get entirely done. I don't want to leave him in a lurch. I need him on my side for the next year."

  "Then get going." Her mom walked toward her, a smile on her pretty face.

  The guys walked into the garage, Matt making caveman noises, as if they were the only reason the washer and dryer were able to get loaded. Bethany looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes playfully.

  "The men-folk are here now. Let's get something done." Matt smirked as Kent popped him in the chest.

  "Which car, baby?" Kent glanced at Bethany's mom, her cheeks turning a rose color.

  "The green truck with the open tailgate." She walked toward them. "We can help too."

  "Heck no, you're not. You get hurt and who will marry my dad? Stand down, Karen. We've got this." Matt kissed his biceps, one at a time, before moving toward the washer. Bethany leaned against the wall closest to her. Matt was so different than Damon, and yet they had a friendship that permeated the air around them every time she had seen them together. The longing for Damon to be there with her rolled over her again.

  The guys lifted the washing machine with ease and walked out toward the waiting truck as Bethany's mom moved to stand beside her. Glancing over, she realized her mom had tears in her eyes.

  "Hey, you okay?" Bethany wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her close.

  "Yes. I just don't deserve Kent. He's far better of a person than me, Bethany."

  "That's not true." Bethany pulled her mom into a hug, resting her cheek on the same shoulder that she had for the last twenty-two years. "He's a good man, but you're a great woman."

  "You're a little biased."

  "Damn straight I am." Bethany moved back and reached up, wiping at her mom's tears. How Damon would harbor hate against his own mom was understandable but so painful to think about. Bethany wouldn't have survived the trauma of all her birth father put them through if her mom hadn't been the rock she was. Damon's past hurts were different, but just as life-altering.

  "Watch your mouth." Her mom pulled back as a smile spread across her face. "I'm so excited about leaving tomorrow, but I'm scared too."

  "Of the flight? I'll be on the plane with you." Bethany reached up and tugged her hair down, working on redoing it.

  "No. Of not being who Kent needs me to be. He's got all his shit together, and I feel like the hot mess express on a good day." Her mom chuckled and wiped a few more tears, turning so her back was to the guys as they walked back in. Matt continued to tout their greatness as Bethany shook her head at him, enjoying the sound of his laughter.

  "Watch your language." She turned back to her mom, softly squeezing the older woman's shoulders. "Kent loves you just the way you are. He doesn't need you to be him. Just be yourself, and everything will work out, mom."

  "I love you, little girl."

  "I love you too. I need to get up to the college." Bethany released her mom and ran her hands over her shirt. "The college is closed right now, and I'm not even sure if Dr. Tarrington is up there. Does this look too bad to just drop by for an hour or so? Should I get dressed up?"

  Her mom reached out and brushed her hand down Bethany's back. "Change into a blouse instead of this t-shirt, and you should be good to go. Your jeans aren't dirty. Before you go, tell me how the situation with your friends is going."

  Bethany's best friend and roommate, Krista, had gone off the deep end a few days earlier, attacking their other best friend, Jake, and leaving him for dead. It was still a mystery as to what would lead Krista to react so violently to Jake turning her down. It had to be a combination of being off her medication combined with having her heart broken. It seemed to be the most likely reason.

  "Jake is going home on Monday. His parents are with him now. He's doing better, just shaken up. I haven't spoken to Krista in a few days. I'm not sure what I would say if I did. I went to see her a few days ago, but she just sat there, staring at me." Bethany shrugged. Sadness rolled over her, and the need to drown in Damon's affection washed over her again.

  "That's disturbing." Her mom shivered and patted her arm. "Get going, and we'll see you at Kent's tonight for dinner."

  Bethany walked into the house to get her keys. A single red rose sat in a tall glass vase with a small note attached to it just beside her purse. She picked it up and smiled. Kent had left it for her mother. It simply read, "Three days until my life is complete. Thank you for saying yes."

  Tears filled her eyes as she stood there. She and Damon were on the road to building their relationship, the lust having blossomed into love for both of them, but they had a long road to hoe. He wasn't trusting, and she was beyond fearful that he would find someone better, more worthy of his time.

  She laid the card back down and picked up her keys. Bethany patted her phone in her pocket and walked back out to say her goodbyes. Matt lifted her off the ground with his big bear hug just before she reached the car.

  "You excited?" He put her down and bounced on the balls of his feet. He was much too big of a guy to pull off goofy, but he was doing it somehow.

  "I sure am. We're still set for Saturday afternoon on the beach for the ceremony, right?"

  "Yep, but we should have time to explore and play around when we get there."

  "That sounds great." Bethany pulled her phone out as it buzzed.

  "I'm still not sure Erica going with us is a good idea." Matt's smile slid from his handsome face. His blond hair was a mess, but it was most days. "Just seems odd that she's going to be there. I think they have her rooming with you."

  "I'll beat her off of you. No reason to be worried." Bethany lifted the phone to her ear, lifting her finger to tell Matt to hold up a second. It was Damon. "Hey, baby. Work going okay?"

  "My father isn't answering his phone. Can you please tell him to fucking answer me?" His voice was tight. The fact that he hadn't greeted her at all was concerning, but something was off.

  "I'll just give him my phone. Hold on a second." Bethany walked back toward the house, half-expecting Damon to say something - anything to her. Nothing.

  She handed the phone to Kent as her heart contracted painfully. Forcing a tight smile, she moved back a little to give him a bit of privacy. "It's Damon. He's been trying to get a hold of you."

  Work in progress. Work in progress.

  "Oh. Thanks." Kent took the phone and smiled down at her. Bethany half-expected him to turn and walk away to keep the conversation private. They were soon to be a family, but most people needed a sense of privacy on the phone. Not Kent.

  "Hey. What's going on?"

  Bethany could hear Damon's mumbles, but she wasn't able to make them out. From the look on Kent's face, something wasn't right.

  "All right, well, we can take care of it when we get back next week." He paused. "No. You're coming with us in the morning, son. I don't want to do this without you."

  Bethany wrapped her arms around herself, her hopes of walking on the beach with him and making love with the windows open dying slowly. It was supposed to be a time for the two of them to learn each other better. Damon had promised he would open up on the trip. He just needed to get away from everything familiar so he could dive in deeper with her. They needed this getaway - almost more than her mom did.

  "All right. Do what you can and just get out there by Saturday afternoon. We won't start without you." Kent paused again, looking at the ground and running his fingers through his salt and pepper hair. "All right. We'll see you late tonight. Maybe we can figure something out to work through the situation faster. I know. All right."

/>   Kent handed the phone back to Bethany, a sad smile on his handsome face. "Looks like that damn Zarpeth audit we looked at in Seattle isn't as straight forward as we hoped."

  "That's not good." Bethany lifted the phone to her ear as she waved to them. "Hey."

  Nothing. He had already hung up. She let out a soft sigh as tears filled her eyes. Matt had gone into the house from what she could tell. She was grateful not to have to explain herself. She was being a tit-baby. Plain and simple. Getting in the car, she rolled down the windows and pulled out of the driveway, having effectively dodged her family.

  "You couldn't say two words to me?" she mumbled to the empty hot air in the car.

  Everything had changed and yet nothing had.

  Chapter 2


  She had gone through an array of emotions by the time she reached the campus. Parking the car, she rolled up the windows and sat in stony silence for a minute longer. She had promised Damon that she would give him time and space to work through some of the things that bothered her most about him, and she would. Forcing herself not to react was going to kill her, though. He was a different man at home than he was at the office, which made sense to some extent, but she belonged in both worlds with him. They would have to work through their differences of how they expected those worlds to look.

  Grumbling, she got out of the small Honda and slammed the door, the car groaning in protest. Damon was right about one thing, she needed to get a new car, but there were more important things nagging at her, like paying for her graduate program. The car hadn't fallen apart yet, and her plan was to pay Kent back with the money she was making at the firm and then start working to replace her dilapidated possessions.

  The campus was busier than she expected. It would seem that freshman orientation was going on that day. She tucked into the business building and took the stairs up to Kendal's office, half-expecting him to be out. The door was open at the end of the hall from what she could tell, which was good and bad. She needed to talk with him a minute about his desires for his week one notes for the students, but she looked like hell - sort of.


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