Book Read Free


Page 21

by Prudence MacLeod

  “No love,” replied a smiling Hazel as she gazed into those blue eyes, “I just got up. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You were sleeping so soundly, I hadn’t the heart,” replied Abby as she held Hazel’s face in both her hands. “I haven’t eaten either. Come on.”

  Hazel picked up the empty clothes basket and followed Abby back to the house. Hubby ran in circles around them, barking as they walked. “What’s the matter with the man?” asked Hazel as she tried unsuccessfully to catch hold of him.

  “He’s just full of beans because we didn’t go for our walk yet today.”

  “Waiting for me?”

  “Yes love, waiting for you,” smiled Abby as she held the door open for Hazel. “I want to take you up onto the north arm this morning. You can take your camera and I’ll carry the picnic basket. We’ll do it up properly and you can see if there is anything up there that interests you.”

  “Oh there will be,” purred Hazel giving Abby a long appreciative look, “you can count on that.”

  “Saucy thing,” laughed Abby, “you’re as bad as Hubby this morning. Come sit now while I get your breakfast.”

  “I want another hug and kiss first,” purred Hazel as she took Abby in her arms.

  “And you shall have all you wish,” sighed Abby as she slid her arms around Hazel’s neck and raised her lips for a kiss.

  Thrills ran through Hazel Fillmore as she held her golden mystery woman and kissed her lovingly. The world danced and sang along with her heart as their lips parted and those crystal blue eyes gazed sweetly into her own as Abby asked for more. There was more forthcoming. Finally they had to break it up as Hubby had managed to squirm between them and was trying to pry them apart. “Oh Hazel,” breathed Abby as they were forced apart, “I’m afraid something has come between us already.”

  “Yes he has,” laughed Hazel as she scooped the huge dog up in her strong arms and carried him to the dog bed by the old wood stove. “Listen buddy,” she admonished the dog as she deposited him on his bed, “I know how much you love Abby, but so do I, and you have to share.” Hubby’s tail thumped vigorously on the floor and he rolled onto his back to get his belly scratched.

  Suddenly Hazel heard a sniff behind her and turned to see Abby with tears in her eyes. Leaping to her feet, Hazel swept Abby into her arms and kissed away the tear. “Honey, what is it?”

  “Happy tears,” replied Abby as she hugged Hazel fiercely. “I was so afraid this day would never come and now you’re here and everything is so perfect and I am just so happy...”

  “Sweetie, is something burning?”

  “Shit, the toast,” exclaimed Abby as she leaped from Hazel’s arms, spinning toward the counter. Everything was fully under control and she turned back to see a grinning Hazel. “That’s going to cost you,” Abby said fiercely as she wagged a finger at Hazel. “Sit down and behave yourself while I get breakfast.”

  “Yes dear,” smiled Hazel as she sat to the table. This time it was Abby’s turn to kiss away Hazel’s happy tears. They ate in silence with plenty of loving glances back and forth then Abby made a picnic lunch while Hazel gathered her camera and a bag of film.

  The two women hiked along the beach hand in hand for a while to give Hubby a chance to play with the gulls, and then they turned up a small path that led to an abandoned road which soon turned into a narrow path again. The day wore on with one shriek of delight after another from Hazel as she discovered treasure after treasure and the film slowly disappeared. Hazel had taken fully as many pictures of Abby as she had of the flowers and Abby was gently teasing her about wasting the film.

  Hazel smiled and marveled at her golden angel. Abby was wearing a white cotton sweater and a long flowing skirt. The only concession she’d made to the terrain was the pair of sturdy hiking boots. “Abby MacKai, you are so incredibly beautiful,” sighed Hazel as she snapped the last of her film into the plastic case and packed the camera back into her pack, “film could never be wasted on you girl, no matter how many I took.”

  “Sweet thing,” blushed Abby softly.

  “We should be getting back now,” mused Hazel as she looked at the sky. She felt the sudden shift of the breeze and the new note of cool moisture in it.

  “I agree,” declared Abby as she stood and gathered up her writing materials and the basket she had carried. “We may get wet as it is.”

  “I sure hope not,” said Hazel as she shouldered her pack. “I really don’t want this camera getting wet.”

  “Take the path to the old road and stick to it,” said Abby firmly as she pointed the way. “That will take you out right behind the house.”

  “What are you talking about Abby?”

  “You’re a runner Hazel, you can easily make it to the house before the rain; I may not.”

  “I’m not leaving you Abby.”

  “Then we’ll both probably get wet,” replied Abby as she pointed to the dark bank of clouds that suddenly appeared on the horizon. “You go on ahead my love, save your camera. You can make the tea and have it ready for me when I get there.”


  “Go, you’re wasting time,” admonished Abby. “You can dry me off when I get there, now go.”

  Hazel kissed Abby deeply then swept up her pack and fled. Abby was astonished at the speed with which Hazel vanished from sight. Hiking her skirt up in one hand, Abby stretched out her own stride. Hubby soon returned to keep her company; he had run with Hazel for a while, but as soon as they lost sight of Abby he’d turned back. Abby’s strides were swift and sure as she’d been up on the north arm many times and she knew the way well, but in spite of her haste she knew she was in for a drenching. The storm was approaching swiftly and she could already feel a few heavy drops of rain. Her first thoughts were for the laundry that she was going to have to do over again. Ah well, it could not be helped.

  With long powerful strides Hazel made her way down off the arm. She ran easily, but carefully as she was unfamiliar with the path and did not want to slip and fall. As soon as she hit the old road, she stretched out her stride and poured on the speed. Her high school track coach would have been proud. Abby had been left far behind and the dog had turned back to stay with her. Hazel silently gave her approval as she raced toward the house. She arrived just as the rain began to fall.

  Hazel flew through the kitchen door and dropped her pack in a chair. She then scooped Abby’s car keys from the peg by the door and ran back out into the storm. It was already raining harder. “God bless all wheel traction,” she muttered as she started the car and turned the heater up on full blast as she headed out onto the old abandoned road.

  Abby shrieked as the skies opened up and the water poured forth. She was totally drenched in a heartbeat, but she had reached the old road. The walking would be much easier now and she quickened her strides even as she bent into the storm. Suddenly the glare of headlights appeared on the road ahead of her. A door flew open and then she was inside out of the rain and in Hazel’s arms. Hazel flicked open the back door for Hubby who jumped in and promptly shook himself all over them both causing shrieks of protest.

  “Hazel honey, thank you so much for coming for me,” gasped Abby as she swept her wet hair back from her face.

  “I realized my best chance to keep you dry was to get the car.”

  “I’ve never had the car out here before,” said Abby thoughtfully, “I don’t think there is any place to turn around.”

  “Oh my darling,” grinned Hazel as she backed the car off the road and turned it around, “that’s what the four wheel drive feature is for. It works as well in the muck as it does in the snow.”

  “Well I’ll be; the things a city girl doesn’t know.”

  “That’s what you have me for sweetie,” grinned Hazel, the delight clear in her voice.

  “Hazel my love, you present me with new and more wonderful things every day,” sighed Abby as Hazel drove carefully back to the house. They raced through the rain to the door and soon
were safely back inside out of the weather. The laundry was swiftly retrieved then Abby toweled off Hubby before she ran upstairs where Hazel had a warm shower waiting for her. “Coming in with me?”

  “I didn’t get that wet,” laughed Hazel, “you did. You need to warm up and this is just the place to do it.”

  “Yes dear I know,” grinned Abby as she allowed Hazel to help her out of her wet clothes, “but are you sure you wouldn’t like to join me?”

  The saucy look on Abby’s face made Hazel blush, but she easily shrugged out of her clothes. “Life is good to me,” she smiled as she helped Abby into the shower then joined her there. It got a lot better as a smiling Abby stepped into her arms and kissed her deeply. The shower began with love play and ended with mutual hair washing.

  They were soon back downstairs and having tea in the living room as they watched the storm through the window. Abby was once again in a long flowing skirt and a warm sweater. Hazel was in a warm wool blend dress, her latest thrift store find that she’d brought just to leave in the closet. She was now thankful that she had it to put on. “Abby honey,” she murmured softly, not wanting to break the peaceful spell that had fallen over them as they watched the rain.

  “Yes lover?”

  “I just wanted to say how much I love it that you always dress up a bit,” sighed Hazel, “even when we’re just hanging around the house.”

  “Thank you sweet pea,” smiled Abby. “I always dress up a bit because it makes me feel good. I must say that dress is fabulous on you.”

  “Thank you, thank you. You’re going to have to help me with the dress up thing a bit Abby.”

  “Anything at all sweetheart.”

  “It’s just that I like this a lot,” smiled Hazel as she turned to gaze into Abby’s eyes. “Most people will dress up to go out, for church, or to have company, but they let themselves go when they are completely at home. I like it that you want to look nice just for me and I want to do that for you too. I don’t ever want to get to where we take each other for granted, and I think this is a big part of it all.”


  “You are the most important person in my life Abby. I will always want to look my best for you and to please you. The extra little bit of time it takes for me to do this each day will be my time to reflect on how wonderful it is to be with you, and how empty my life was without you.”

  “You are so sweet,” smiled Abby, a tear in the corner of her eye. “How did I ever get so lucky?”

  “Oh my darling,” smiled Hazel as she set aside her cup and snuggled over closer to Abby, “Make no mistake, I am the lucky one here.” She snuggled down with her head on Abby’s lap and sighed with contentment as Abby ran her delicate fingers through Hazel’s dark hair. They stayed that way for a long time, just watching the storm and enjoying the closeness. At length Hazel spoke, breaking the spell. “Abby, I’m getting hungry,” she whispered softly.

  “Hazel Fillmore, where do you get the energy,” exclaimed Abby.

  “Abigail,” exclaimed Hazel as she sat up, blushing to her roots, and went nose to nose with Abby who started to giggle. “Oh you absolute brat,” she laughed. “You really got me good that time. Just for that you’re cooking supper.”

  “Yes my darling,” giggled Abby, “I shall go forth to the kitchen and atone.”

  “I’ll help,” smiled Hazel as she gracefully rose to her feet and helped Abby to stand. “Come my treasure; let us away to the kitchen.”

  The kitchen was warm and friendly and Abby’s habit of sneaking a light kiss or a hug as they worked soon had Hazel feeling on top of the world. “Abby, this is all so wonderful to me,” sighed Hazel as she stood stirring the huge vat of chili they had made.

  “Tell me,” said Abby warmly as she set the table for them.

  “Well, first to have found you at all,” Hazel murmured in a dreamy voice, “then for you to actually love me back is so amazing to me. Then there is this incredible house and the place where it sits. Even though we got caught out in the rain, I am still blown away by all the beauty here.” Abby beamed that thousand watt smile at her and Hazel went on. “Sweetie, being here with you is magic, but I have nothing to contribute here.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Well, this is your house and all,” sighed Hazel softly, “paid for in blood. I have only a few sticks of used furniture and the clothes on my back. It isn’t much of a dowry.”

  “I didn’t ask for a dowry Hazel,” said Abby softly as she stepped into Hazel’s arms. “I asked for my beautiful photographer who can dance like an angel. I asked for her love and companionship, and I will gladly share all that I have for the joy of her company. All that I am and all that I have is yours. Hazel I truly want you to feel like this is your home too. Now that I have found you, it all would be meaningless to me without you.”

  “Abby, I don’t know what to say to you. This is all so overwhelming to me.”

  “I know lover,” whispered Abby as she hugged Hazel tightly. “Just say that you love me and that you will stay with me forever. I ask nothing more.”

  “I love you Abigail MacKai,” whispered Hazel. “I will stay with you forever and love you more each day we are together. You shall have this and more my darling wildflower, this and as much more as I can give.” Abby raised her lips and gently kissed Hazel.

  Later that night as they lay in the bed, Hazel gently stroked a sleeping Abby’s hair. “Yes my darling,” she whispered as she kissed the top of Abby’s head causing her to purr in her sleep, “life is truly good to me.”

  At Home

  Once again Hazel awakened to the sunshine pouring through the window, but this time she was not alone. Masses of golden hair spilled over her breasts and onto her abdomen while soft sweet breath caressed her bare skin. With a deep sigh of contentment Hazel ever so gently stroked Abby’s hair. With a soft purring sound Abby snuggled deeper into Hazel’s embrace. They lay like that for a few moments longer then Abby stretched and sat up with a brilliant smile for Hazel. “Hi there,” she sang cheerfully.

  “Hello yourself,” replied Hazel with a bright smile of her own. “Have I told you what a pleasure it is to wake up to that bright smile of yours?”

  “You have now sweet thing,” replied Abby as she kissed Hazel lightly. “I’ll be right back, don’t go away.”

  “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

  “Oh darling, my Hubby needs me,” laughed Abby. True enough, the dog had begun to do the pee-pee dance by the bedroom door and was trying to encourage Abby to hurry. Abby could hear Hazel’s rich laughter as she raced down the stairs and threw open the door.

  “He’s used to me getting up and on the go much earlier,” said Abby somewhat apologetically as she returned to the bedroom.

  “Dear lord Abby, it’s barely eight a.m. This is sleeping in?”

  “Yes dear, it is for Hubby and me. We’re usually on the go by six or seven at the latest, but it was so deliciously warm and snugly in there with you that I didn’t want to get up and I guess I drifted off again.”

  “Well I’m glad you did,” sighed Hazel as she finished a full stretch and relaxed again. “It was so nice to wake up with you in my arms.”

  “It was nice to wake up in your arms Hazel,” laughed Abby as she pounced on Hazel and kissed her deeply.

  “Oh yeah?” breathed Hazel as their lips slowly parted, “how nice?”

  “So nice I want a lifetime of it,” sighed Abby as she melted into Hazel’s arms.

  “And you shall have it my love,” whispered Hazel as she hugged Abby tightly.

  “Starting right now.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I want you to quit your job and move out here right now,” declared Abby as she gazed deeply into Hazel’s eyes. “I still want the wedding and all, but I want you here with me now.”

  “Oh Abby,” sighed Hazel, a tear in her eye, “nothing in this world could please me more, but I can’t. I need to keep my job for a while longer. Please honey
, just a little while longer.”

  “Hazel if it’s a matter of money,” said Abby earnestly, “we have plenty and you shall have access to all of it. If it is a matter of debts I can pay them off for you, if it is an obligation to Tommy, we can keep up your share of....” She got no further as Hazel laid her finger against Abby’s lips to stop her.

  “Your generosity is not in question here my darling,” whispered Hazel softly. “I know you would gladly do these things and more for me, but...”

  “But what? I don’t understand. Is it a morality issue? What?”

  “Abby please, I just can’t right now. Please believe that I love you more than life itself, but I need to keep my job for a while yet. Please trust me on this.”

  “Of course Hazel,” said Abby as she lowered her eyes. The disappointment was clear in her voice as well as her posture. “Just promise me I can keep you after the wedding.”

  “Abby,” exclaimed Hazel.

  “Oh god Hazel, I’m so sorry,” cried Abby as she threw herself into Hazel’s arms. “Please don’t be angry with me Hazel, I don’t mean to be such a spoiled pouty baby about this.”

  “I’m not angry Abby my treasure,” whispered Hazel as she kissed Abby’s hair. “You know there is nothing in the world I want more than to be here with you always, but I have something in the works now and I will need every cent I can earn between now and the wedding.”


  “Abigail Aislin MacKai, I will not allow you to pay for your own wedding present,” admonished Hazel as she hugged Abby fiercely. “Abby I can deny you nothing, if you need me here now I will come and find another way.”

  “This is important to you isn’t it Hazel?”

  “This is the most awesome idea I have ever had,” replied Hazel, her voice full of excitement, “and I can’t wait to see your face when it’s ready.”

  “Hazel Fillmore, what are you up to?” asked Abby, smiling brightly again as Hazel’s excitement lifted her mood.

  “Not telling,” grinned Hazel.

  “Hazel, I’m so sorry for being such a baby just then,” said Abby contritely. “It shall be as you wish, but I get to keep you after the wedding.”


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