Book Read Free


Page 22

by Prudence MacLeod

  “Yes love,” smiled Hazel as she kissed Abby gently. “Maybe sooner if all goes well. Now how about some breakfast and a walk on the beach with the man?”


  “Forgotten,” smiled Hazel as she kissed Abby gently once again.


  “Yes sweetheart?”

  “Can we always end our misunderstandings like this?”

  “Works for me, shall we make that a house rule?”

  “Deal, now what would you like for breakfast?”

  They were well down the beach and sitting on Abby’s favorite telephone rock while the automatic washer worked on yesterday’s laundry once again. The waves were lapping gently on the rocks and Hubby was playing a game of chase the gulls. Hazel sighed with contentment as she gazed out over the water. “Penny,” whispered Abby.

  “I was just thinking what a fool I am to have turned down your offer this morning,” sighed Hazel.

  “I can’t imagine what you are up to Hazel, but I get the impression it is quite important to you.”

  “It is sweetheart. Once the wedding is over I will never leave your side, ever for any reason. What I am attempting to do here is my way of trying to demonstrate the depths of my love and commitment. Abby, I really want to do this for you, for you and for me as well.”

  “Hazel, you’ve got me thoroughly intrigued and you are starting to drive me nuts with curiosity,” laughed Abby. “I will support you completely in this, but you have to stop torturing me with it.”

  “Ok, sorry,” laughed Hazel as she put her arm loving around Abby’s waist.

  Just then Abby’s cell phone rang. She held it so Hazel could hear the full conversation. “MacKai International, Abigail speaking.”

  “Good morning Abby, did I catch you on the beach again?”

  “Yes Harry, I’m sitting right here on my favourite rock,” laughed Abby. “What can I do for my favourite fella this morning?”

  “Abby, that last proposal was your best yet. I really think you should increase your fee schedule.”

  “Really? Harry, what are you up to?”

  “I have several new customers all lined up for you Abby,” he laughed. “I am just hoping you will save room on your schedule for me.”

  “More customers Harry?”

  “Enough to keep your nose to the grindstone until Christmas.”

  “Sorry Harry, no can do. I can do maybe one in the next two months and maybe another in early December, but that’s all I can do.”

  “Abigail MacKai, what is going on there?” he asked sternly. “Why in god’s name would any sane person refuse nearly a hundred thousand dollars worth of work?” Hazel gasped softly at that.

  “Because I don’t need it,” laughed Abby in reply, “and I don’t have the time. Harry I’m getting married on November eighteenth and I need time to prepare. After the wedding I will need plenty of time to spend with my sweetie. I fully intend to work, but my client list will be quite exclusive.”

  “Married?” he exclaimed. “Well, this is the first I have heard of this Abby and I must say I am both shocked and disappointed.”

  “Oh come on Harry,” laughed Abby, “you know you’ll always be my sugar daddy, besides, I had to find someone; you’re already married.” His laughter was full and rich, and it brought a smile of delight to Hazel’s face. It was quite plain to her that this man loved Abby like his own daughter.

  “Alright Abby you’ve got me there. So who is this young fellow anyway and when do I get to meet him?”

  “It’s not a young fella Harry,” replied Abby gently, “it’s a young lady. Remember that book I sent to you at Christmas? Well I finally met the author and we have fallen madly in love.” There was a moment of silence and Abby’s face began to fall. “Harry?”

  “Right here Abby,” he replied although he sounded a bit distant.

  “Harry are you going to be able to handle this?”

  “Huh? What? Oh for god’s sake Abigail, of course I can. Dear lord girl, if you love this woman then so will I. I was just searching through the book here looking for the picture of her. She is quite a striking young woman; so when do I get to meet her.”

  “Harry, you’re the best and you’re all class,” sighed Abby, the relief clear in her voice. “The next voice you hear will be my darling Hazel.”

  “Hello Mr. James, this is Hazel Fillmore,” said Hazel in her richest voice. It was time for her to make an impression on Abby’s family, or at least those she chose to call family.

  “That’s Harry to you Miss Fillmore. May I say how impressed I am with your photography?”

  “You may say all the complimentary things you wish Harry,” laughed Hazel, “and please call me Hazel. After all, I believe we are about to become family.”

  “Quite so Hazel, quite so. Listen, is there anything special you two would like for a wedding present?”

  “We’d like for you to be here with us,” replied Hazel, “nothing more do we require. Oh, wait, Abby has something in mind.”

  “Harry would you and Alice do me a huge favor?”

  “Name it Abby, and it’s yours.”

  “Come up and give me away?”

  “Abby, I’m honored,” he replied, obviously surprised by her request, “but isn’t that a task for your father?”

  “Yes it is Harry,” she replied, “and you’re the closest thing to a father I have known in far too many years. Please say yes, it would truly make it all perfect for me.”

  “I’d be honored,” the emotion was clear in his voice, “and I know Alice will be thrilled as well. We’ll come up a few days early so we will get a proper chance to meet Hazel. Can you book us in somewhere?”

  “I’ll call Edna this week and set you up Harry. Harry, thanks a million, this means a lot to me.”

  “It will truly be a pleasure Abby. So are you going to bring Hazel to New York for a honeymoon?”

  “Sorry dear friend,” Abby replied softly, “but I am not welcome in your country, remember?”

  “Shit, I’d almost forgotten about that Abby,” he said apologetically. “Maybe I can ...”

  “Just let it go Harry. It’s not worth the trouble it will cause you. Those bastards have the US, but I’ve got the rest of the world, so to hell with them. I will not let them ruin my day ever again. Beep! Shoot, I’m losing power captain, love you Harry...” Her phone had gone dead.

  “Got your phone with you sweetie?”

  “Sorry love,” smiled Hazel apologetically, “I left it in the apartment.”

  “Oh well, we’ll call him again as soon as I have the rooms booked for him,” sighed Abby.

  “He seems like a very nice man Abby. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “You’re going to love Harry, and Alice as well. She is the sweetest person I have ever known. Listen lover, this conversation with Harry has brought up something that we need to begin to address.”

  “And that is?” asked Hazel as she laid her head on Abby’s shoulder.

  “We have wedding plans to make, and there are a lot of things we need to discuss.”

  “Such as?”

  “Hazel, I just went ahead and assumed that it would be in St. John’s. I didn’t even ask you if you wanted to be married in Nova Scotia.”

  “No sweetie, I live in St. John’s now and it is close for you too so it works for me,” replied Hazel.

  “Honey, did you have anything in mind here? Please tell me, I want this to be perfect for you. Tell me what you’d like.”

  “Well, would it be possible to do it here at the house? Can we fit everybody in here or should we try for a hall in town.”

  “I’d love to be married in our house,” smiled Abby, “but I’m not so sure we can fit everybody in here. Perhaps we should go over the guest list then decide. In truth, I thought you might want a real church wedding.”

  “I’d love one Abby my dear heart, but there is the cost, and what church will marry two women anyway?”

�Plenty of them,” replied Abby. “I’ve been doing a bit of research and most of the mainstream churches are now Ok with same sex marriages.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. That would be so very cool.”

  “Then I will make that my mission this week,” said Abby firmly, “to find us a church.”

  “Ah, sweetie...”

  “Hazel my darling girl,” sighed Abby as she lovingly held Hazel’s face in both her hands, “you are not to mention the cost to me again. We will keep it fairly modest, but I will take care of the cost.”


  “No,” replied Abby as she kissed Hazel softly. “Please Hazel; let this be my wedding present to you.”

  Hazel gazed into those deep blue eyes for a long moment before responding. “All right my love,” she said at last, “but we keep it modest. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” replied Abby. “Come on.” She took Hazel by the hand and together they began to walk back toward the house.

  “So what kind of a budget do you want for your wedding dress?”

  “Actually, I want to wear my grandmother’s wedding dress. It was her mother’s, then hers, then my mom wore it, and now I’d like to. It will need a bit of work to make it fit me, but it shouldn’t be all that expensive. This way I can carry on the tradition, wear a great retro outfit, and you have more to spend on your own.”

  “Sweet thing,” smiled Abby as she squeezed Hazel’s fingers gently. “I too plan to go in retro gown. I want to wear Bride Murphy’s wedding gown and Wanda has already agreed to alter it for me.”

  “Oh Abby, that’s so wonderful,” sighed Hazel. “Any ideas on what flowers we should have?”


  “Abby MacKai, you sweet romantic you, but we are getting married in November, where are you going to get wild flowers in November?”

  “There’s a greenhouse in St. John’s that specializes in native species. I’ll call them this week and see if they can help us, if they can’t I’ll have the darn things flown in from California.”

  “Dat, dat, dat,” chided Hazel gently, “remember the budget. If we can’t get the real thing we’ll get their more domesticated cousins that are more readily available.”

  “Yes dear, it shall be as you say. Perhaps we should work on a guest list. You have a rather extensive family so we will need a ....”

  “No lover, just my parents and my brothers for family. We will send pictures to the rest.”

  “Are you sure sweetie?”

  “Absolutely. Now what about your family?”

  “Not invited,” replied Abby softly.

  “Oh Abby,”

  “No sweetheart,” said Abby firmly, “they are not invited. Mother is a drunk and who knows what she’d bring for a date, besides, she would surely cause a scene. Father is married and his wife doesn’t like me at all. I can only imagine the frostiness of her greeting you. No Hazel, I want our wedding to be a warm and loving event. I want everybody there to be on friendly terms. My family will receive pictures, end of discussion.”

  “Fair enough lover, let me know if you change your mind.”

  “I will sweetheart, I promise.”

  “What about a bar?”

  “I’d like your thoughts on that sweetie.”

  “I get the feeling that you are opposed.”

  “I asked for your thoughts,” laughed Abby.

  “Well, I would have a much better time if everybody stayed sober,” replied Hazel softly, “but there will be a lot of complaints. Let me run this past you. Tina is a whiz at making the most exotic drinks you have ever seen, and they’re all alcohol free.”


  “Really,” laughed Hazel. “Whenever you go to Tina’s, you always get a drink, but you never get any booze. How about we set up a bar and ask Tina to mix the drinks. She could make up a list of what she wants to do and that will be all she will serve.”

  “Hazel I love it,” laughed Abby, “do you think she will do it?”

  “I’ll ask her this week,” smiled Hazel as she squeezed Abby’s hand.

  “Hazel, any thoughts on a honeymoon?”

  “Sweetie, aren’t we starting to hit the budget a bit hard here?”

  “Not yet we’re not. So how about it?”

  “No idea at all.”

  “That’s a sinful fib for you Hazel Fillmore,” Abby chided gently as she pulled Hazel to a halt and faced her. “Tell me what you would like.”

  “It wouldn’t be a lot of fun for you Abby.”

  “Tell me,”

  “I’d like to take a trip up the Great Northern Peninsula next spring and see what kinds of flowers I can find there,” replied Hazel softly.

  “I love it,” laughed Abby.

  “You do?”

  “I do, I want to see the Viking Site at L’anse Aux Meadows. I am a Norse woman don’t you know. Those folk were my ancestors and I would love to learn more about their sojourn here. I’ll arrange it all my little pumpkin.”

  “Abby, that won’t really be what you’d like for a honeymoon is it?”

  “Not really, but I will enjoy it nonetheless.”

  “So what would you like to do?”

  “Pack you off to Montreal,” replied Abby, “show you my old neighbourhood, and do most of our Christmas shopping while we’re there. What do you say?”

  “Can we afford it?”

  “Yes my love, we can afford it,” replied Abby. “There may be a bit of flux in the Christmas shopping budget, but we can surely afford the trip. Want to go?”

  “A shopping trip to Montreal,” Hazel asked with a laugh, “oh my darling, take me away.”

  “Any particular preference in churches?” asked Abby as they neared the house again.

  “Any one that will have us will do for me,” Hazel smiled in reply, “how about you?”

  “There’s a beautiful old Anglican Church in the downtown area. I’ll start there and see what I can do.”

  “Wonderful, any thoughts on the photographs?”

  “I do actually,” replied Abby. “Listen to this Hazel my love. Since we are both going to be in retro gowns, how about we get all the pictures done in black and white.”

  “Oh god Abby, I love it,” enthused Hazel, “I’ve always wanted to...”

  “Forget it sweet sister,” Abby chided gently, “I know you would do an awesome job of it, but you are not going to be the photographer for your own wedding. I will hire someone else.”

  “Awe Abby,”

  “Since you are the best in town, I will see who is in second place and hire him,” said Abby firmly. “No arguments.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Hazel sighed elaborately as she gave in to Abby’s greater wisdom on the matter. The discussion went on throughout the rest of the day, Wanda and Keith were pulled into it over dinner then it went into the night as well. By the time Abby drove Hazel back to the city and her job, Abby had a full list of things to do and too little time to get it all done.

  Abby’s cheque from Harry for the last proposal she’s written caused her jaw to drop. “Please accept this as our wedding present Abby,” said the note. “Alice and I know only too well what a wedding can cost, and, as father of the bride, I insist on paying my share. Love Harry.”


  The summer passed away swiftly as Abby buried herself in the wedding preparations. Each time Hazel had days off she spent them at Jamaica Point and Abby often spent the night in town with Hazel. As summer gave way to autumn, Hazel became more and more mysterious about her wedding present for Abby, and, for her own part, Abby began to look pretty smug about something herself.

  October arrived and with it Tommy’s wedding. Abby grinned with delight as Hazel appeared as the best woman wearing a tux. Abby herself served as usherette dressed in her best Jackie O. outfit. At the reception she and Hazel danced away the night once again and this time Hazel took Abby home with her. Time was flying by and Abigail MacKai had never been so busy or happy.

ly, as the big day neared, the folk began to gather. Harry and Alice met Hazel and were introduced to the rest of their friends. The next day Hazel’s family arrived and filled Edna’s B&B to the brim. Walton and Harry put their heads together and decided that since they were both fathers of the bride they should split the cost of the wedding between them. Abby and Hazel tried to object, but the men would not hear of it.

  The wedding day arrived and Abby was in Hazel’s apartment getting dressed. Hazel was staying with Irene and she was getting into her gown as well. Even Hubby was at the groomers getting tidy. Somehow Abby had made a deal with a theatre group for costume rentals so the entire wedding party was in period dress. Harry had arranged for horse drawn carriages to pick up the girls and their entourages and it made quite a display as they arrived at the old church downtown. The photographer was busy trying to get everything in as they disembarked and entered the church. This was the first time either Hazel or Abby had seen the other in her wedding dress. They stood staring at each other in the lobby until Harry got them going.

  Wanda led the way with Hubby on his leash. He was carrying a basket with the rings in it. Abby had rehearsed him well and he seemed to enjoy the attention as he made his way down the aisle. Abby followed on Harry’s arm and she was stunning. Her radiant smile seemed to light up the whole building as she made eye contact with and acknowledged each and every person there as she walked down the aisle.

  Irene followed as soon as Abby had reached the altar; leading Walton with Hazel on his arm. If Abby was all sunshine and golden beauty, Hazel was absolutely regal, towering over her father in her heels. It all seemed a blur to them both from there. They joined hands, repeated the vows they’d written together, and signed the register then were introduced as Mrs. and Mrs. MacKai. Once again they danced away the night, but this time they made a point of dancing with everyone else.

  The next day found Edna’s poor living room overflowing with people and the two brides who were opening the gifts. Each and every gift was carefully acknowledged and Abby made a note of what it was and from whom. The thank you cards were ready to go at home in Jamaica Point, just waiting for the final touch.


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