Book Read Free


Page 23

by Prudence MacLeod

  Finally Abby passed an envelope to Hazel. She was grinning with delight as she did so. “What’s this?”

  “This is my wedding gift to you my love,” smiled Abby as she lightly kissed Hazel’s forehead.

  “Abby, what is this?”

  “Open it and see silly,” giggled Abby.

  Hazel slowly opened the envelope and read the letter inside. “Abby, what is this all about?” asked a bemused Hazel as she looked at the contract attached to the letter.

  “Read it again sweetheart.”

  Hazel did and her jaw began to drop. “How?”

  “I took it upon myself to become your agent my love,” smiled Abby as she hugged Hazel gently. “I sent some of your work and a proposal to several publishing houses, and this one responded quite favorably. Starting next spring you have a book contract to hike the Great Northern Peninsula and photograph the rare and beautiful things you find there. The publisher will advance you the money to finance the trip. All you have to do is sign the contract and send it back to them.”

  “Abby,” sniffed Hazel, tears in her eyes, “this is so wonderful. I don’t know what to say to you.”

  “Are you pleased my love?”

  “Pleased beyond measure my darling,” replied Hazel softly as she gazed into Abby’s eyes.

  “Say it like you mean it,” breathed Abby.

  “I am pleased beyond measure Abby my love,” whispered Hazel as she pulled Abby close and kissed her deeply.

  “Aaaawwwwwwweeeeeeeeee,” sang several voices at once causing them to pull apart blushing furiously. “Ain’t that sweet?”

  “Now you must open our special gift to you Abby,” said Alice as she passed a small packet to Abby.

  “Special gift Alice?” asked Abby, a bit puzzled.

  “This one is special Abby.”

  Abby opened the packet and looked in amazement at her brand new green card. There was also an official apology for the error that cause her deportation and an assurance that she was welcome to return and work in the USA. “Harry, how?”

  “Hey, anything’s possible in America,” grinned Harry. “I have friends too you know, and as slow as it is, the system does work. You are now welcome to come home Abby. Your old job in San Francisco is waiting for you if you want it.”

  “Oh my sweet lord,” Abby breathed softly as she continued to stare at the card in her hand.

  “Hazel might enjoy California,” suggested Harry.

  Abby looked up at Hazel and found her trying desperately to remain impassive. Abby gazed into her eyes for a long moment before she reached out to return the card to Harry. “Harry, I can never thank you enough for all you have done for me, especially this last,” she said softly, never taking her eyes from Hazel’s. “I will take Hazel to San Francisco someday, but only for a visit. We will come to New York too, but we have a place out among the rocks and the wildflowers, and that is where we will make our home.” A tear of relief and joy leaked from Hazel’s eyes and Abby kissed it away.

  “Now it is time for you to open my gift to you Abby dear heart,” smiled Hazel as she passed a well wrapped box to Abby.

  “So this is what kept you from my side for so long my mysterious one,” mused Abby as she began to untie the ribbons. “At last your deepest secret will be revealed for all to see.”

  “And your curiosity will finally be satisfied,” laughed Hazel. “Come on, stop dragging it out.”

  “Anticipation is half the fun,” grinned Abby as she opened the box.

  “I’m glad you feel that way sweetheart,” grinned Hazel as Abby pulled another well wrapped package out of the first one.

  “Oh you absolute brat,” laughed Abby as she swiftly tore open the second package.

  Tears of wonder sprang to her eyes as she found the book inside the wrapping. Hazel had published another book of photographs. Abby loving stroked the cover with a tear in her eye. “Wildflowers of Jamaica Point, a photographic essay by Hazel MacKai.” There was a picture of Abby in her long flowing skirt, standing in a field of brilliantly colored wildflowers, hanging out her laundry. The breeze was blowing her golden hair back and Hubby was chasing something in the background. The flowers around her feet were bright reds, golds, yellows, and oranges and Abby looked completely at home in their midst.

  Abby opened the book and found the inscription inside. “To my favorite Wildflower, I will love you always and forever. Hazel MacKai.”

  “Hazel MacKai?” asked Walton as he peeked over Abby’s shoulder.

  “My name change came through a few weeks ago Dad.”

  “Hazel,” sniffed Abby as she raised her eyes from the book to Hazel.

  “Yes my sweet?”

  “This is the most awesome thing anyone has ever done for me ever.”

  “Are you pleased my love?”

  “Thrilled beyond belief,” replied Abby, tears of joy leaking from her eyes as she spoke.

  “Say it like you mean it,” grinned Hazel.

  Abby slipped her arms around Hazel’s neck and kissed her deeply. This time the cheering section was unable to cause her to let go. Abby held the kiss until Hazel had completely melted into her arms. “I am thrilled to pieces my love,” she breathed as their lips parted.

  “Oh dear gods Abby,” sighed Hazel, “it really fogs up my eyeballs when you do that.”

  “Really?” asked Abby, mischief clear in her voice. “Then I shall have to do it more often.”

  “Oh my,” breathed Hazel, “life is good to me.”

  * * * * *

  It was late evening and they were driving back to Jamaica Point from the airport. They had spent their wedding night and two more following in the Battery Hotel and Abby had seen to it that everywhere they went Hazel was treated royally. From there they had flown to Montreal where they shopped until Hazel was getting dizzy from spending all that money. She now had a wealth of new clothes and they were of a quality and cut she had only been able to dream of before. Finally they had packed it all up and headed for home. Hazel was shocked at what Abby had to pay in extra freight charges, but Abby didn’t seem to care. She said they were only ever going to have one honeymoon and the cost didn’t count.

  Starlight seemed to light up the world and dance on the water as they topped the hill and looked down onto their own house below. “My, that’s a beautiful sight,” sighed Abby as she looked down onto the house from her vantage point in the passenger’s seat. “I didn’t truly realize until Harry gave me that darned card, just how much of a hold Newfoundland had on me. I was suddenly terrified at the prospect of being uprooted again.”

  “It will never happen,” smiled Hazel as she patted Abby’s hand, “I won’t allow it. This is your natural home Abby my little wildflower, this is where you belong.”

  “Our home,” corrected Abby gently. “Where we belong; after all, every flower needs a gardener to tend her. Come on now Hazel my sweet, take me home.”

  “With undying pleasure my love,” smiled Hazel as she put the car back into gear and headed down the hill toward the house where the glowing lights were calling a welcome to wayward travelers.

  “Hello the house,” called Hazel as she stepped through the kitchen door. Hubby was bounding all around Abby trying to lick her face and get his belly scratched at the same time.

  “Greetings weary travelers,” sang Wanda as she rose from the table where she’d been working on a crossword puzzle, “want some help?”

  “Love some help,” laughed Abby as she hugged Wanda and Hazel hugged Hubby. Soon they had all the bags inside and Wanda was pouring tea while they took turns telling her about their shopping trip to Montreal.

  “Next time I go I’m taking you girls with me,” laughed Wanda. “You know all the great places to shop. Well, I’ll leave you to it ladies; I must away to home for I have left my own hubby on his own far too long.”

  “Oh yes my dear,” laughed Abby. “There is no telling what sort of mischief he has gotten into by now.”

�� grinned Wanda as she stepped through the door and into the crisp night air.

  “That air is nippy tonight,” sighed Abby as they carried their bags up the stairs to the bedroom. “I think another wool blanket is in order.”

  “Yes my love,” smiled Hazel as she put down her suitcase and took Abby in her arms, kissing her deeply. “We must stay warm.”

  “Oh yes, we must stay warm,” breathed Abby softly. “Honey, do you know what tonight is?”

  “The second week’s anniversary of our wedding?”

  “Besides that. Do you know what makes tonight so very special to me?”

  “No lover,” replied a puzzled Hazel, “tell me.”

  “I don’t ever have to take you back again,” replied Abby softly as she kissed Hazel again. “I truly get to keep you this time.”

  “Yes my golden goddess, this time I will stay. I will not leave you ever again.”


  “I promise sweetheart.”

  “Say it like you mean it.”

  “I promise,” repeated Hazel softly as she pulled Abby closer and kissed her passionately. Hazel’s strong hands began to explore Abby’s curves under her sweater and her thigh pushed between Abby’s.

  “Oh gods, I love it when you talk like that,” whispered Abby as their lips slowly parted. “Do it again.”

  “I can’t Abby,” sighed Hazel, “my knees are too weak and my eyeballs are all fogged up.”

  “Then I’ll do it for you,” breathed Abby. She slid her arms around Hazel’s neck and lifted her lips to Hazels. As they kissed, Abby let her delicate fingers slide down and grasp the zipper to Hazel’s dress, dragging it ever so slowly downward. As the dress fell to the floor Abby’s hands began to explore Hazel’s athletic curves. Suddenly Abby stepped out of Hazel’s arms and slipped swiftly out of her clothes. “I’ll be in here warming the sheets if you need me for anything,” she said with a saucy grin as she dove under the sheets.

  “Oh god be good to me,” sighed Hazel as she stripped off the rest of her clothes and followed Abby under the covers.

  Once again Hazel awakened to the soft sounds of Abby’s breathing and the warmth of Abby’s body in her arms. It was light outside, but the sun had not yet risen. Cuddling Abby closer, Hazel remarked on her great good fortune. “Penny,” whispered a sleepy voice from somewhere near Hazel’s breasts.

  “Was I thinking too loud?”

  “Yes love,” giggled Abby.

  Again Hazel marveled at how this woman always seemed to wake up in a good mood. “I was just remarking on my great good fortune sweetie,” she smiled as she lightly kissed the top of Abby’s head. “This time last year I had caught a few glimpses of you and was trying to discover if you were actually real or a figment of my imagination. Now here you are in my arms and all is perfect in my world.”

  “Awe, you sweet thing,” purred Abby as she kissed the hollow between Hazel’s breasts.

  Suddenly Hazel’s attention was caught by a large wriggling body near the bed. Hubby was doing the pee-pee dance and he was getting more and more agitated. “Oh dear, does the man need to do his morning rounds?” asked Hazel as she gracefully rose from the bed and swept up her robe. With a sharp bark the dog raced ahead of her down the stairs. Stepping into her slippers Hazel followed him down and threw open the door.

  Hubby raced away into the cold frosty air and disappeared around the side of the house. Hazel pulled her robe tighter and stood in the open doorway, drinking deeply of the crisp air. Suddenly loving arms encircled her waist from behind and hugged her. “Isn’t it just a perfect morning?” asked Abby with that thousand watt smile as Hazel turned in her arms to face her.

  “Yes it is my love,” replied Hazel softly as she gazed into Abby crystal blue eyes.

  “Say it like you mean it,” encouraged Abby as she lifted her lips to Hazel’s.

  “Oh god, life is good to me,” thought Hazel as she held Abby close and kissed her deeply. As the kiss ended gently they stood arm in arm and gazed out across the frost covered field to the ocean with its timeless assault on the shore, and each rejoiced in the sure knowledge that their love was as deep and timeless as the ocean that gently whispered of all the long loving years to come.


  About the author: I am a self styled Norse pagan, dog trainer, official Reiki Master and Interior designer, who has turned her hand to writing from time to time. I am also an avid chess player, not a great one, but an avid one.

  I have roamed far and wide for over sixty years in this realm, and I have seen much; some I wish I had not, and a great deal that I would love to see again. Some days I feel like Bilbo Baggins, for I have been there and come back again. No, I haven’t written a book about my wanderings, but much that I have experienced, observed, learned, surmised, or imagined, is woven into the tales I have written. I do hope you enjoy them.

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